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These Arms Of Mine by M.L Briers, A.B Lee (4)





“He’ll be your saviour as well…” The seer said.

Maxi let go of her hand just as suddenly as she had gripped it, and Morgana snatched it back and bit down on the need that she had to curse and tell the woman a few home truths about her people skills.

“Maxi…” She warned, breathing hard in annoyance…

“You’ll lose that which you hold dearest, but in ways that you don’t expect…”

Morgana pushed up to her feet and bit down on the anger that rushed through her.

“Damn it, Maxi. Stop!” Morgana bit out. “I came about the…”

“Disappearances.” Maxi tossed up a hand. “Sit.”

Morgana was at a disadvantage and she knew it. Maxi had tossed out the one bit of relevant information that she did want to know about, and she couldn’t walk away.

Morgana sat back down.

“Why do you always have to…?”

Morgana bit off the words and tried to stow her annoyance. It wouldn’t work in her favour, not with Maxine. But the woman always made it so damn hard to not want to kill her, or at least; play witch zap for a few hours…

Maxi smiled then. The woman looked less witch and more she-demon as she gave a small chuckle.

“I do like to mess with you, Morgana…” Maxi offered back.

“I get that you don’t like Nathaniel…”

“Hate.” Maxi corrected her. “With the power of a thousand white hot suns…”

“White hot?” Morgana shot back and Maxi shrugged her shoulders.

“It conveys my feelings about your friend.”

“Not a friend, Maxi…” Morgana offered back, and she felt a little rush of guilt inside her for Nathaniel.

“And yet, deep down inside of you, Morgana, you can’t help but like him.” Maxi said it like an accusation. Like she was reading her mind.

“He has his moments.”

“Like the moment when he ripped my brother’s heart clean out of his chest?” Maxi leaned forward and placed her palms down on the table to show the witch that she meant her no ill will.



“Not for the vampire. Kill or be killed was what I was told. Do we have to rehash this every time I come to you?” Morgana frowned.

“Every time you come to me with that aura around you it brings back the pain of losing my kin.”

“I am sorry.” Morgana sighed inwardly and pulled her upper body back a little.

“Which is why you are still allowed over the threshold,” Maxi offered back.

“The disappeared…”

“Are as good as dead.” Maxi shrugged her shoulders.

“It’s supernatural by design?” Morgana asked, hoping, and yet knowing that fate wouldn’t be so kind as to deliver her a relatively normal human psycho serial killer that she could dismiss, and the witch nodded. “Can you see what or who it is?”

He is surrounded by the darkness, Morgana. Dark magic is protecting him, and trust me when I say that it’s a magic that will burn your light.”

“Do you always have to be so damn cryptic, Maxi?” Morgana sighed outwardly this time.

“It’s how it comes to me. I’m sorry I can’t draw you a pretty picture wrapped up in a bright coloured bow.” Maxi grinned then.


“I don’t think he has the magic himself – I think he’s using a warlock or dark witch to achieve his ends. I can’t see through the darkness, Morgana, and I suggest you don’t try.” Maxi warned.


“I heard that screw you in your tone. Trust me, that his magic, and I use the term he loosely because I’m unsure – whoever he is, will destroy yours given half a chance.” She warned.

“You can’t point me in a general direction?”

“I can tell you to walk away from this now, before it’s too late, before you pop up on someone’s radar.” Maxi meant it, of that and that alone, Morgana was certain.

“Nathaniel was taken…”

“I won’t help him.” Maxi hissed back, and Morgana knew that conversation was over.

“If you come across anything more…?”

“I will call you.” She sounded like she meant it, and Morgana couldn’t ask for anything more than that.

“You gonna make me pay you for your time?” Morgana grinned as she pushed up to her feet.

“Not when that money comes from the vampire, no.” Maxi sat back against the chair. She had a sour look on her face at the very thought of Nathaniel.

Morgana nodded and turned to leave…

“I do this for you, Morgana, not for him. Make sure that he knows to stay off my radar.” Maxi bit out.

“Will do, Maxi.” Morgana called behind her before she let the door close and left Maxi alone.

“Damn fool,” Maxi pushed up to her feet and stalked towards the altar that was tucked away behind the drop of another curtain.

“Working for the vampire is making you soft…”

The witch rubbed her hands together over the top of the gold chalice. She’d touched Morgana and taken some of her essence, now she needed that to weave her spell…






Morgana stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around her body. She scuffed the soles of her feet against the fluffy mat on the floor so that she didn’t skid on the wood and stylishly head-butt the wall, and headed out of the doorway into her bedroom…

“Greetings and salutations,” Nathaniel offered from where he lay on her bed.

His head was resting on his upturned hand, and his eyes took a slow roll down her body. Then there was that smug smile on his lips that annoyed the hell out of her the most.