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Third Base by Author Stella (12)


Gage seemed to have become a permanent fixture at our house—when he wasn’t traveling. The team was typically on the road for at least five days at a time, but he was here so often I felt like we should rent him a room. He more than likely would’ve taken us up on the offer considering he’d already made himself right at home. I even noticed he’d put up two autographed pictures of himself in the guest bedroom he’d taken over. I was just waiting to find his jock strap in the bathroom and his jersey in my panty drawer.

“Do you not have a home?” It was nine in the morning, and there he sat with his feet propped up on the coffee table like he lived here.

“Go to your home. Don’t you like your home?” Coby’s impression of Adam Sandler trying to coax a golf ball into a hole left me giggling. It was too bad he couldn’t turn his ability to have an entire conversation comprised of movie dialogue into his next career…not that Happy Gilmore would earn him top dollar in any market.

“What is home?” Gage asked as though he were in deep thought.

“Now you’re a philosopher? It’s a place of residence you pay for,” I quipped. “Which, in case you’re still confused, isn’t here.” I didn’t really mind him being around, it was just fun to rile him up—spin him into a verbal frenzy.

“So is this your place of residence?”

I narrowed my gaze at him. “What kind of question is that?”

“Oh, I was just wondering because you said you have to pay to live in this mystical place called home. Did you start shelling out the Benjamins, or do you and Coby have some kind of bartering system where you trade room and board for wicky-wicky?” He slid his hand back and forth like a DJ scratching a record on a turntable, his brows dancing to the imaginary beat. If I were to guess, he had some seventies porn song in his head.

Before I could respond, Coby backhanded him across the chest. “Dude, too far.”

“In all seriousness, LeeLee, what do you have going on tonight?” Gage’s abrupt nickname caught me off guard.

“Am I a stripper?”

He looked me up and down with those bedroom eyes I’m sure had successfully convinced lots of women to strip naked, and then one side of his mouth tipped. “You definitely could be. But why are you asking me? Wouldn’t you know if you regularly did the naked tango?”

“Do you speak and then forget what you say? You called me LeeLee. Where the heck did that name come from? It sounds like a stripper’s name.”

“What should I call you?”

“Gee, I don’t know…how about Ellie?”

“Well, Kyler gets to call you E.T., and I didn’t figure you’d appreciate me calling you Gremlin. Not to mention, LeeLee is kinda like your name. But since you hate it, I guess I should keep calling you that. It suits you. Just roll around in some glitter and get a pair of those fancy shoes with the fishbowl in the heel, and you’ll be good to go.”

“Sure thing, Gay. I’ll get right on it.”

He gaped at me, unable to speak. I’d officially rendered Gage Nix speechless, which deserved a pat on the back. Or a trophy. “Gay? Did you just call me gay? I have nothing against two men loving each other, but I

“You really are dense.”

“Damn, you’re full of piss and vinegar today, aren’t you? Is it because you’re upset I’m leaving? Is that it? The thought of me going back on the road is too much to bear? I get it. You’ll miss me, sugar. Everyone does.”

I could only shake my head, refusing to keep this line of conversation going. Gage could literally run with anything I threw at him. Granted, by the end—even though there was never such thing when it came to him—he’d take me on half a million bunny trails, and somewhere along the way, we’d lose sight of the original topic.

“You’re coming to my going-away party, right?”

“Is that what you’re calling eviction now?”

“I thought an eviction is when you’re kicked out of where you’re living?”

“It is. You said you’re going away, so I…” I huffed and closed my eyes. “Never mind.”

“Well, don’t you worry your pretty little head, senorita. No one’s kicking me out. I’ll be back. But just knowing you’ll miss me this much makes me feel better.”

“Better about what?”

“That you won’t go falling in love while I’m gone.”

“Yeah…you really shouldn’t worry about that one.”

“Does that mean you’re coming to my party?”

“Depends…how long will you be away?”

“It’s a temporary stint. I’m sure you’ll be lost without me for ten days, but don’t worry, I stole your number from Coby’s phone so we can keep in touch. So how about it, sweet cheeks? Drinks and dancing in your living room around ten? Clothing’s optional.”

I watched the grin play on Coby’s lips, trying to discern whether he was annoyed or entertained by our exchange. It seemed the only time I really saw him alive these days was when Gage was around stirring the pot. It was no secret he missed the team, and somehow, Gage’s presence kept that alive for him.

“Probably not. Ten days isn’t worth celebrating. If you were going to be gone for ten years, then yeah. I’d hire a DJ for that.”

“I’d never leave you for that long. You wouldn’t be able to handle it. Plus, we won’t need a DJ. I have all kinds of baby-making music on my playlist that’s sure to get you in the mood.”

“Does that playlist come with roofies? Because that’d be the only way you could get me in the mood.”

“We’ll see.”

Coby just shook his head and smiled.

Gage took my lack of commitment as an affirmative and winked in my direction. “See you at ten. Don’t be late. Oh, and it’s BYOB.”

“I live here. Why would I have to bring my own beer?”

“Beer? Who said anything about bringing beer?”

My eyes went wide, and I blinked dramatically—several times. I shouldn’t have been baffled by his stupidity anymore, yet I still found myself questioning how he’d made it this far in life. “You did. You just told me it was BYOB.”

“Oh, LeeLee…” He slowly shook his head with a wide smile stretched across his face. “The B doesn’t stand for beer.”

“Then what does it stand for?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

Again, I gaped at him, hesitating for a moment with the hope of understanding him—even though that was nothing more than a giant waste of time. “Yes…as a matter of fact, Gay, I would.”

“For real…why do you keep calling me gay?”

“Because you’re just so darn happy.” I offered an exaggerated grin. “Are you going to tell me what the B stands for now?”

Gage knitted his brows and shifted his attention between Coby and me a few times before saying, “I have no idea what you’re talking about, cookie.”

Throwing my hands into the air, I contemplated giving up. “The conversation we were literally just having.”

He dismissed me with a flippant wave. “I rarely hear what you say when you talk. I just like to watch your mouth move and envision the way your lips would look wrapped around—” A couch pillow slammed into his face, cutting off what I could only assume was an offensive statement mid-sentence. “Ow! What the fuck, Coby?”

My best friend just sat there and stared at Gage, a hard, stoic expression chiseled into his features. He didn’t respond, only blinked a few times, but it was enough to get his point across. Coby didn’t appear to be angry, more protective than anything, and it made me giggle under my breath.

There was never a dull moment in this house.

I rolled my eyes and trotted off down the hall, hoping to get some work done before the guys would drag me out for Gage’s self-proclaimed “going-away party.”

With the school year fast approaching, I’d spent the majority of the day holed up in my room while they watched reruns of Sports Center and yelled at the television like the players could somehow hear their remarks. Since St. Michael’s was a private school, their curriculum was different than the public school system’s, and I was behind the eight ball. I would be teaching classes on material I’d never read, so I was desperate to get through what I had to cover in the first semester and then hopefully be able to keep up with the remainder of the year once I got started.

My brain was fried by the time dinner rolled around, and neither of the Neanderthals in the living room had done anything toward making sure there was something to eat. I wandered out of my room, not thinking about the fact I wasn’t wearing a bra. It wasn’t until the catcall came from the couch that I realized I’d stood in the kitchen in nothing but a fitted tank top and the skimpy pair of shorts I lounged around in.

“Damn, if I’d had a teacher who looked like you, I might’ve failed more grades just to repeat your classes.”

“Considering you were probably driving yourself to middle school as it was, I doubt you could’ve been held back more than you already were. But I’m sure you made your mama proud—literally aging out of school is quite an accomplishment.”

Something flashed in his eyes, but as fast as it came on, it vanished. “Do you have panties on under those shorts, LeeLee?”

“The guys at the club prefer I take the pole without them.”

“I’ve got a pole you can dance on.”

“I need something with girth…entertaining on a toothpick gives me splinters.”

He stood up and stuck his hand down his pants. “Oh, I’ll show you gir

Coby had watched the playful exchange with a grin until the moment Gage reached for his junk. He chucked the remote at him, hitting him hard in the stomach and said, “Keep this shit up, and I’ll have nothing left to throw at you other than the coffee table.”

“She started it.” How he managed to say that with a straight face was beyond me. “I was just going to prove to her I’m not packing a hot dog…it’s a grade A kielbasa.”

“Good luck with that. Ellie’s not into sausage.”

“Wait…you like fish?” Gage’s eyebrows rose in excited question.

“Dumbass, she’s not a lesbian.”

“Who can say for sure? After three years with Poison, she might’ve switched teams.”

“Seriously, Coby? Does everyone call Ryan by boyband names?” I couldn’t help the laughter that fell from my lips. I wasn’t sure Coby even remembered Ryan’s name, but I would bet money Gage had no clue what it even was.

Coby smirked, proud of the fact he’d avoided using my ex’s name almost entirely, although even more satisfied that Gage had just kept it alive. He winked at me instead of responding and turned back to the TV. My gaze lingered on him for a beat too long. Before I let myself sink too far into the trance I’d temporarily gotten lost in, my stomach growled, reminding me of why I’d gone to the fridge to begin with.

“There’s nothing in there to eat, E.T.,” Coby called across the room without taking his focus off the screen. “You were supposed to go to the store yesterday, remember?”

“Remind me again why that was my job?” Coby had gotten to the point he did nothing. He didn’t run errands, he didn’t leave the couch, and other than Gage and me, he didn’t socialize. He simply existed.

“He makes the bacon, you fry it up, honey.” Gage couldn’t help but insert his two cents.

“She doesn’t eat bacon.”

“What the hell? You don’t like sausage or bacon?”

“Bacon tastes good. Pork chops taste good.” Coby never stopped with the movie lines these days. It just proved how many hours he wasted in front of the TV—I only prayed it was temporary and would end once I started my job.

Without an ounce of thought, I played along, the words flowing past my lips like it was the most natural thing in the world. “Sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, except I’d never know because I wouldn’t ever eat the filthy motherfucker.”

Gage’s eyes went round. I wasn’t sure what shocked him more: to hear me continue Coby’s Pulp Fiction reenactment or the fact that I’d cussed.

“You like Quintin Tarantino flicks?” So, Gage was surprised I could quote the movie.

“Coby does. I’ve just endured years of bad movies…and, I don’t dig on swine.”

“Did you ever find out how Ry-Guy guessed you don’t eat pork?” Coby still hadn’t turned away from ESPN. These two were random as hell. I’d swear they both had ADD if I hadn’t known Coby my entire life. It was a complete mystery how I followed any of it.

“Nope. Guess it will remain a mystery.”

“You could text him,” Gage suggested. “Or even better, I could.”

“You don’t even know the guy, Gage.” I would no more hand over Ryan’s phone number to Gage than I would have given him my own if I’d had the opportunity to stop it.

“Yeah, but with my legendary status, no guy would turn down the chance to be my BFF.”

“I’m sure you’re the talk of locker rooms across the country.” I rolled my eyes, wondering where this guy’s ego came from. Although, I didn’t have to look far to see that every woman he encountered was after the chance to be next up to bat. “So…dinner?”

“I vote pizza.” Coby’s vote never changed.

“Supreme.” Gage looked at me as if he expected me to place the order.

“You both have cell phones; one of you order. But no sausage if you get supreme.”

“Wait, you’re serious about this whole pig thing?” Gage was flabbergasted. “I’d ask if you were Jewish, except I’m pretty sure most Mexicans are Catholic.” He refused to drop the joke that had gotten so old I no longer bothered to respond.

“Yeah, she doesn’t eat pork,” Coby absentmindedly answered for me. “She saw a pig get hit by a car when she was like three. It’s some traumatic reaction to that memory…according to her mom. PTSD—Pig in Traffic Stress Disorder.”

“It was our next-door neighbor’s pet, Coby! Elvira and I played together all the time.” My eyes watered thinking about her after all these years. “She was so little.”

“Poor babe,” Coby deadpanned. As insensitive as his joke was, he only meant to tease me in our naturally friendly manner. He studied me for a moment as if making some mental assessment, and then shook his head. “It’s obvious you’re an only child.”

“What does that mean?”

“Nothing, nips.” His honey-colored eyes dropped to my chest, reminding me once again of my state of undress, and I quickly placed my palms over my breasts. “No Elvira on the pizza. Got it. Anything else before you go put on a hoodie, Madonna?”

Gage turned his squinted stare my way. “She looks more like a Prudence to me…then again, Madonna was like a virgin.” He arched a brow and sang, “Touched for the very first time.”

Coby bit his lip, chuckling on the couch. I might not be as experienced as Gage Nix in the bedroom—or wherever he chose to contract germs—but I wasn’t uptight. I dropped my hands and pulled my shoulders back. If he wanted to stare at my breasts, he could have his fill.

“Ellie…” Coby drew out a warning, the humor in his tone from seconds ago completely gone.

“Coby…” I mocked him in reply.

“For the love of God, go put on a bra.”

“Or don’t,” Gage added. “I fully support a woman’s right to choose.”

Coby stared at me, almost daring me not to do what he wanted. I’d never seen this side of him, but prior to Gage, I’d also never hung out with him in the presence of anyone from his team. This was unchartered territory for us. Although Coby’s big-brother attitude had become a bit of a killjoy.

So, I opted not to change.

That was a decision I regretted two slices of pizza and four shots of Jäger later. I’d perfected the art of quarters in college, primarily to keep from getting drunk at Ryan’s frat parties, yet it seemed that was one of those skills you lost when you didn’t use it. And I hadn’t used it since he’d graduated.

When the game started, I might have spoken a little too highly of my abilities. And when Coby went to the bathroom, Gage and I upped the ante.

“How confident are you, LeeLee?”


“Oh, yeah? So what are you willing to wager?”

“If I beat you, you’re never allowed to let that insipid nickname cross your lips again.”

“Deal. And if I win, you go out with me.”

Thinking I had this in the bag, I foolishly agreed. We were already slightly buzzed, but with nothing to do other than send Gage off with a bang, I figured this was my opportunity to shut him up. We’d managed two rounds before Coby returned, both of which had gone in my favor. But that all changed when my best friend came up behind me and caged me in against the table. A split second before I released the coin, he ran his finger up the back of my thigh, sending my quarter off the mark…and a tingle to a place Coby shouldn’t affect.

“No fair. Coby cheated!” I whined, dreading the fifth shot.

“Drink up, LeeLee.”

Two could play at this game. I took the shot and sauntered around the table, wedging myself between Gage and the top. My chest pressed against his, and when I looked up, I barely met his shoulder. My breath hit his neck, and there wasn’t enough room between the two of us to slide a piece of paper. He leaned his pelvis into me, illustrating why all the ladies were after him, and bounced the coin into the shot glass.

“That’s another one for you, Ellie.” Coby eyed me suspiciously, but he played into Gage’s corner.

I took the shot while Coby watched, never taking his eyes off my face. And then I continued what Gage had started, wiggling my behind on his crotch. When he gripped my hips, Coby’s nostrils flared, and as soon as I released the quarter, Gage slipped his hand between my legs, beyond Coby’s line of vision. My head fell back on his chest, and I realized—even in my drunken stupor—I might’ve bitten off more than I could chew.

When I leaned across the table to grab the shot glass Coby had filled, I could feel Gage’s length between my cheeks.

And then he was gone.

“Kyler, your turn. I’m going to use the can. I’ll be right back. LeeLee, don’t let him take this round.” He pointed at me just before he turned around.

As soon as he was out of earshot, Coby’s brow furrowed. “What was that?”

“What?” Playing coy wasn’t my strong suit. Although getting Coby to forgive me was.

At the time, it seemed harmless. I made my way to him, thinking my strut was sexy, although it was likely anything but. My arms slid around his waist, and I stared into his soft-brown eyes. With my breasts pressed firmly against his chest, I leaned up and kissed him right behind his jaw, just under his ear, and whispered, “Jealous, Kyler?”

His hands had naturally gone to my hips, but when I got closer, he slid his palms to my ass and cupped my cheeks. He squeezed just slightly before deciding to push me back. Embarrassed by the shameless flirting that wasn’t well received by my best friend, my face flushed and my stomach dipped.

Just after we separated, Gage came bounding back into the room.

“Did you hear that, Kyler?” Gage stood in front of the TV, pointing at the screen. “ESPN just showed a whole segment about your time on the mound. And Chuck Bridges hinted that ESPN is in negotiations with you. Congrats, man. Why didn’t you tell me you accepted the offer?”

Coby glanced at me before quickly averting his stare and waving Gage off. “Because I didn’t. I haven’t made a decision.”

“What are you talking about…? What offer?” I didn’t have a clue what they were referring to, but clearly, Coby was keeping something from me.

“Nothing, E.T. It’s not a big deal.” Coby’s refusal to make eye contact told me differently.

“Then why won’t you tell me about it?”

“There’s nothing to tell. We can talk about it later.” He gave me a sickeningly sweet smile that made me want to vomit. “Maybe when you sober up a bit.”

My feelings were hurt, and I’m sure the alcohol amplified the effects. Gage knew something about Coby that I hadn’t been privy to. We’d been together day in and day out for weeks with nothing to distract us, but somehow, he’d failed to mention a job offer from ESPN, and I couldn’t fathom why.

“Yeah, maybe you’re right. I think it’s time I call it a night.”

“You quitting on me, LeeLee?”

“Sorry, Gage. I need to get to bed. Have a safe trip tomorrow. I’m sure we’ll see you when you get back.”

I glanced over at Coby and saw the way his shoulders slumped, but I didn’t put him on the spot any further. For whatever reason, he’d chosen not to tell me what was going on. Just before I closed my door, I heard the two of them down the hall.

“I swear to God, Nix. I asked you to keep it to yourself.”

“I’m sorry, man. I thought if they were talking about it on national television, that meant you’d accepted the deal. And if you’d done that, I figured you had told her.”

I didn’t wait to hear more and finished closing my door. As the room swayed, so did my thoughts. I had no business getting this intoxicated, much less with two men. One of which was on a mission to date me, and the other… I didn’t finish that thought. My eyes closed, and I was out.

* * *

Unknown: LeeLee, when are we going out?

When Gage had told me he’d gotten my number out of Coby’s phone, I didn’t believe him, but this was evidence he had.

Me: Fourth of never

I added his name to my contacts.

Herp: Nope nope. We had a bet, and you lost.

Me: I didn’t lose. I quit.

Herp: Forfeit. Loss. Either way, it’s a win for me.

Me: You threw me a curveball.

Herp: I’m not a pitcher…not on the field, anyway.

Me: I’m not sure we’re talking about the same thing.

Herp: If you’re talking about you owing me a date, then yes. If not, then you should get your mind out of the gutter.

Me: Whatever. You’re the one who lives in the gutter.

Herp: So what did they offer him?

Me: Offer who? Do you have Tourette’s?

Herp: Coby. ESPN. And no…I’m STD free

Leave it to Gage to make me smile while bringing up such a sensitive topic.

Me: I don’t know. We haven’t talked about it.

Herp: Still? I thought you two were like thieves in molasses.

Me: I think you’re getting your metaphors mixed up. Either way, he hasn’t told me anything about it.

Herp: So ask him.

Me: Did you need something?

Herp: You. Wasn’t that how this whole conversation started?

Me: Goodnight, Nix.

Herp: I’ll be home in nine days. Be thinking of all the ways you can wow me on our date.

Me: You’re the “legend,” shouldn’t you wow me?

Herp: It’s about time you admit it.

Me: You may play third base, but you’re not getting there with me.

Herp: I like a girl who plays hard to get.

Me: <eye roll>

For days, the texts continued. Each one more of the same. But with each flurry of interaction, I began to like Gage more and more. He was fun, flirtatious. I appreciated that he didn’t take things seriously and just wanted to have a good time. I knew he had no interest in a relationship, so his playful banter was harmless.

With Gage, our third roomie, out of town, things had gone back to the way they normally were. Coby and I either spent our days by the pool while I consumed the mandatory, twelfth-grade English reading list or we sat together in front of the television. Today, he chose the Titans’ game to watch. It was hard not to notice the change in Coby’s demeanor when he saw his teammates on the screen. His eyes dimmed and he pushed his full lips out—not quite in a pucker, but something similar to duck lips…or the male version of them. I’d gotten lost in the nuances of his mouth when he waved his hand at me, trying to clear my cobwebs.


“Your phone is blowing up. Is that Nix?”

I smiled when I realized it was.

“Tell him to get his damn head in the game and off his phone. How the hell did he even get that thing in the dugout, anyhow? And why is he texting you now?”

I shrugged. I didn’t have answers to any of those questions.

Herp: What does L.E. stand for?

Me: It’s Ellie, ding dong. It doesn’t “stand” for anything.

Herp: L.E. = Lick ‘Em.

Me: What? My name doesn’t mean that. Shouldn’t you be focused on the game?

Herp: I didn’t say it did. <stares in confusion> I said L.E. stands for it. And I AM focused on the game. Just not the one on the field. I’m multitasking.

Me: Yeah? Well, if L.E. described you, it’d stand for Limited Education. Is your coach aware of what you’re doing?

Herp: Or Large Extremity. You know, because I have a big

Herp: Hand

Herp: And everyone’s aware of what I’m doing. My reputation supersedes me.

Me: You might have that confused with Little Erection

Herp: No, I’m fairly certain a little erection would mean a small… <lightbulb> Ah, I see what you did there. <mumbles beneath breath>

Me: Maybe “limited” was a bit of an exaggeration in regards to your education.

Herp: Batter up!

“Be careful with Nix, Ellie. He’s not the relationship type of guy.” Coby’s warning caught me off guard, pulling my attention away from my phone.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m not interested in being his girl. We’re just friends.”

“He always has an agenda with women. Just watch out, okay?”

Coby shut off the television and stood, extending his hand to me. “Wanna go out to the pool?”

“You’re not going to watch the rest of the game?”

“It’s a bloodbath. I don’t need to see the remaining innings to guess how it ends. Come on, there’s sunshine calling my name. I’ll get towels while you change.”

Less than five minutes later, we met out back. I hadn’t bothered to put anything on over my bikini, and Coby always just swam in whatever he had on under his shorts. But when he took off his shirt, every inch of skin he exposed—every ripple of taught muscle, every hair on his dark happy trail—called my name. My heart rate increased and I turned away quickly, focusing on ironing out every wrinkle in the towel I’d stretched out on the lounge chair.

“Is that a new swimsuit?”

I spun back around to find his mouth agape and his eyes wide. Nervously, I toyed with the decorative fabric on the front of the bikini bottoms. It had been on a sale rack the last time I’d been at the mall. The floral pattern reminded me of drapes from the fifties, and I loved the vintage feel and the burnt-orange color. When I’d tried it on, I was sold on how it accentuated my curves without over exaggerating them.

“Yeah, do you like it?” Coby never noticed anything I wore.

“It reminds me of my grandma’s dining room chairs.” He paused for just a second, appearing to consider what he’d say next. “Clearance item?”

“How’d you know?”

“Lucky guess.”

I threw the extra towel at him, and he laughed at my expense. As much as I wanted to be hurt by his insinuation, I loved seeing Coby be Coby. And the way his eyes lit up when he made fun of me melted my heart in a way that didn’t make sense. I chose to ignore whatever trick my brain was trying to play on me and picked up the latest in a montage of books I had to read in less than two weeks.

* * *

“Coby, where did you put my bag?” I hollered down the hall at seven in the morning.

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been up this early. But Coby had gotten up with me, made me coffee and breakfast, and was ready to send me off to my first day on the new job. Except, in his futile attempt to pick up the house last night, he’d moved my things, and now I couldn’t find them.

“I put it in your car so you wouldn’t lose it.” He appeared in the hallway without a shirt on, his jersey shorts slung low on his hips.

In the short amount of time since he’d quit playing ball, he had lost just a hint of the edge to his rigid muscles, but he looked more natural now. Anytime I saw this much of his skin, it started to send my thoughts in a direction a friend’s shouldn’t go. Clearly, it had been too long since I’d had any real male attention, and that of Gage Nix didn’t count. I’d managed to avoid him the last time he’d been in town, but only because his mom had shown up unexpectedly to pay him a visit, and he flew back out three days later.

Whatever I was feeling toward Coby, whatever attraction had started to ebb its way into my thoughts, needed to vanish. It wasn’t fair to put that into our relationship. We’d never been more than friends—and never would be. Twice we’d embarked on a physical encounter, and we’d managed to survive both without destroying us—but the last time was a close call. I wasn’t willing to risk twenty-two years of friendship for a little satisfaction…regardless of how turned on I’d become by the sight of his calves and forearms. And abs. And that sexy V

He handed me a to-go mug of coffee, and I tucked my reddish-brown hair behind my ear. “Little Ellie Teller, all grown up.”

I rolled my eyes at his mocking tone.

He kissed my cheek and said, “I’m really proud of you, E.T. I can’t wait to hear all about your first day.”

Before I could respond, my phone chirped with a text. Digging it out of my purse, I couldn’t imagine who would be texting me this early in the morning.

Herp: Knock ’em dead, LeeLee

Herp: I’ll be home the day after tomorrow. We have a date.

Me: Maybe your great aunt will show up and save the day.

Herp: My mom’s an only child

Me: On your dad’s side

Herp: Artificial insemination

Me: You were conceived in a petri dish?

Herp: Turkey baster.

Me: I don’t want to know.

“Are you two serious about each other?” A glimmer of jealousy flickered across his eyes before he gave me a shit-eating grin.

“There is nothing serious about Gage Nix. I gotta go. I’ll see you this afternoon. Try to do something other than watch ESPN.”

“I plan on working on my tan. Have a great day.”

* * *

Six classes, one planning period, and a lunch hour later, I dragged my nearly lifeless body out of St. Michael’s Catholic High School. The kids were great, the staff welcoming, but I was beat. Student teaching had been a different ballgame. The public school I’d done my last semester in had been a breeze in comparison to what I’d endured today. The college-preparatory school didn’t allow for days to ease into the curriculum—we were in full swing the minute the bell rang until it sounded again fifty minutes later.

I could only imagine what tomorrow would bring when I had homework to grade on top of the material I still had to read to plan the second semester. My first year would be brutal if today were any indication of how the next nine months would go. Thankfully, the semester started on a Wednesday, so I only had to make it through two more days before I had a weekend to recoup. And I was afraid that with Gage coming into town, two days wouldn’t be enough.

* * *

Gage hadn’t made it home that weekend, and it seemed life continued to intervene, preventing me from paying up on the date debt. But in the process of missed opportunities, we’d taken to talking and texting regularly. Somehow, Gage had managed to worm his way into a friendship with me, but I was still scratching my head about how that had come to fruition. At best, I tolerated the guy, but when I didn’t hear from him for a couple of days, I found myself wondering if he was okay. I knew how hard traveling could be on the players. But Gage didn’t lack for companionship—although, the media had been rather quiet about his escapades in recent weeks.

The last time he’d been in town, I had gone home for my mom’s birthday. I’d begged Coby to go with me, but since he hadn’t seen Gage either, he opted to stay home—which he did most days. Gage showing up was about the only thing that got him off the couch anymore, so I let it go and made the trip alone. When I finally lugged myself home late Sunday night, my only thought was collapsing in my bed.

I hadn’t even lingered in the living room long enough to offer Coby more than a hello and a hug. He needed a shower and appeared to have on the same clothes he’d been wearing when I left Friday. Too exhausted to bother getting an explanation, I let it go.

My bag hit the floor of my bedroom, and I collapsed onto my bed, thinking I’d be asleep by the time my head hit the pillow. That was, until I yawned. An exaggerated exhale led to a deep inhale, followed by the scent of Gage’s cologne. Rolling over with a groan, I sat up and pulled the pillowcase off and tossed it across the room to my hamper where it clung to the edge. But when I forced the pillow back to the mattress with a huff and laid my head down, I realized the smell had permeated the entire thing.

A frustrated whine escaped my lips, and I reached for my phone.

Me: Why did you douse my pillow in the essence of…you?

Herp: You recognized me in your bed.

Me: Please tell me you didn’t sleep in my room.

Herp: I dreamed there.

Me: Did you seriously spray my sheets with your cheap cologne?

Herp: Just wanted you to have a reminder of me when you got home…since you ditched me again.

Me: I didn’t ditch you.

Herp: We had a date.

Me: We do not have a date. I have an obligation to a debt. One that you only won on a technicality.

Herp: Still a win.

Me: Goodnight, Gage

Herp: Night, LeeLee

Me: <eye roll>

As noxious as the amount of cologne he had sprayed on my bed was, it made me smile that he cared enough to play this charade. If nothing else, Gage Nix was entertaining.

Or he was until I got out of the shower the next morning.

Standing in front of my dresser, wrapped in nothing but a towel, I pulled open my top dresser drawer only to find it empty. I closed it and yanked open the one beneath it. Nothing was missing from it or the two below it. Returning to the one I’d originally found empty, reopening it produced nothing.

“Coby,” I shrieked as I stomped my foot. Pouting wouldn’t get me anywhere, but it didn’t stop me from poking out my lip. When he didn’t respond, likely still asleep, I yelled louder. “Coby!”

He stumbled through my door, eyes wide and wild, ready to attack. “What? What’s wrong?”

“Where are all my panties?”

“How the hell would I know?” The panic in his expression turned to confusion.

“You and Gage were the only ones here this weekend. And when I left, there was a drawer full of them. Now…” I waved my hand over the empty space.

“Maybe he just moved them.” Coby rubbed his face and started picking up knick-knacks like my entire collection of lingerie would be hiding under a picture frame. He stopped as suddenly as he’d started. “What’s that smell?” His nose scrunched as if his nostrils were offended.

I grabbed the pillowcase, holding my towel with one hand and shoving the fabric over his nose like it was bathed in chloroform. “That would be your friend’s cologne…all over my linens.”

He pushed my arm away in disgust.

“Coby, I have to go to work. What am I supposed to do?” Like he had an answer to that question.

His shrug confirmed how little he understood the severity of the situation.

“Ugh. You’re super helpful. Just go. I have to get to work.” I pushed Coby out and closed the door behind him to get dressed…minus panties.

I didn’t even want to think about how uncomfortable the day would be going commando. I opted for a long skirt in hopes no one else would know. Gage Nix was going to die a gruesome death. The second I got in the car, I grabbed my phone to send him a text before driving to work.

Me: Payback is a bitch.

Herp: Little LeeLee…such language.

Me: Don’t you LeeLee me. Where are my panties, Nix? Please tell me you haven’t resorted to sniffing them in my absence.

Herp: Calm down, Teller. They’re in a box in your closet.

I hadn’t pulled out of the driveway yet and glanced at the clock. Gambling on time, I put the car in park and ran back inside. The race for panties had begun. Throwing open the door to my closet, I wasn’t sure how I’d missed the black box sitting on the floor. When I yanked off the top, I found a pile of panties…there was just one problem. None of them were mine. Pair after pair looked exactly like the ones before. I rolled my eyes, realizing my options were to either risk the breeze up my skirt all day or wear the white bikini briefs with red stitching made to look like that of a baseball. Which wouldn’t have been so bad if they didn’t have Gage’s jersey number for the Titans printed on the rear end in the same offensive crimson color and the words “Gage’s girl” embroidered on the front in black. With no other choice, I stepped into the underwear, refusing to admit how soft they were, and stormed back out the door.

Me: I hate you.

Herp: But thoughts of me are exactly where they should be.

Without responding, I drove to school, unable to think of anything other than Gage under my skirt, his name branding me the way ranchers marked their cattle. If I didn’t love steak so much, I would’ve felt sorry for cows and added beef to my list of banned meats. Once I got into class, the morning was left behind, and I forgot about the missing lingerie or what he’d left in its place. I hadn’t thought about it again until I was back in my car on my way home and his name flashed on my caller ID.

“I’m installing a deadbolt on my door tonight.” I hadn’t bothered to answer with a greeting.

“I’ve always wanted to learn to pick a lock.”

“You’re insufferable.” Feigning mad was far more entertaining than actually being angry.

“As much as I’d love to chitchat about our love affair, I actually called to talk about something other than the panty snatching that may or may not have occurred in your absence.”

“You admitted doing it.” My voice rose an octave in mock chastising.

“I admitted nothing.” The way he chuckled on the other end of the call brought a smile to my lips. He irritated the snot out of me in the best of ways. It was like having another Coby around, except…he wasn’t Coby. “Have you talked to your boy recently?”

“I live with him. I talk to him every day. Is there something in particular I should be chatting him up about?”

His silence sent me from kidding to concerned quickly. “Is he doing more than he’s letting on?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean he’s become a hermit who never leaves the house…and his personal hygiene leaves a lot to be desired. If the guy has millions, why does he wear the same sweatpants day in and day out?”

I hadn’t wanted to make an issue out of it, but I’d noticed the same things. Coby was retreating from life, but I’d hoped it was just his way of taking his time to figure out his next move. As the days turned into weeks and weeks were turning into months, I’d grown concerned that the loss of the Titans had become exactly what I’d feared…the loss of Coby. I’d been able to ignore it and push my feelings aside until Gage acknowledged them.

“I’m out of ideas to help him, Gage. I keep thinking he’ll snap out of it and start moving on.”

“Did you guys ever talk about the offer he got from ESPN?”

That was a sore subject in my book. Not only had Coby kept it from me when he got the call, but he’d also blown me off when Gage spilled the beans that night we all got drunk. Coby had promised we’d talk about it later, but later had never come.


“Why not?”

“He didn’t tell me for a reason, Gage. It wasn’t like it had slipped his mind and he’d simply forgotten to mention it—he went out of his way to make sure I didn’t find out.” As much as I wanted Coby to tell me every nuance of his life, I had never expected or demanded him to. But it’d be a lie if I said that hadn’t cut me so deep I still felt the ache in my chest. “I’ve tried to respect his privacy. But at this point, I have no idea what he was offered.”

“An MLB commentator spot.”

“On ESPN?” My mouth hung open like a fool. Thankfully, no one was in the car to witness my reaction. Or the sting of rejection I was sure marred my face. My best friend was distancing himself from me in a way I’d never thought possible. We shared everything, but somehow, Gage now had the insight, and I’d been benched as an active player in Coby’s life.

“Yeah. I don’t know the details or anything, just that the offer was made. “And he turned it down.”

“He did what?” I had to have heard him wrong. “Why?”

“I have no idea. They just announced the new commentator for the MLB season, and it wasn’t him. When I tried to ask him about it, he stopped responding to my texts and ignored my calls. At the risk of sounding like I need a box of tampons, I’m worried about him, Ellie. He’s alone all the time and isn’t interested in doing anything other than watching movies or sports channels. The fact that he’s not talking to you freaks me out even more.”

It bothered me, too, but I was lost as to what I could do about it. I’d never pushed Coby because I’d never had to. I’d also never risked losing my best friend. The more Gage talked, the more my blood boiled. I refused to let him go down without a fight…even if that meant an intervention.

Coby Kyler was done moping around.




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