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Thorn (The Brotherhood Book 1) by Wren McCabe (3)

Chapter Three


Weeks Later


“Dad, I’m going to go ask Mom.”

With a rare smile, Thorn shook his head. His daughter, Najha, was turning out to be a pain in his ass. The girl came from his loins and reminded him of who’d he’d been in his teen years, a wild pup.

When her mother had come to him, she’d understood she would have his child, but they weren’t mates. Thorn had been searching for hundreds of years for the light to his darkness. His dreams haunted him daily. He wanted to know if his angel was real. He highly doubted it, only because he hadn’t found her yet. If the darkness took him first, he would take his life first before he made one of his children kill him. “Najha, I’m tired.”

“That reminds me, Father. You continually take unnecessary risks. Why are you still fighting and killing evil ones? You could have died.”

“But I didn’t.” Thorn knew his words fell on deaf ears. The wounds he’d suffered weeks ago had finally convinced him he couldn’t live forever without a mate. It’d been too close this last time. With the weight of the world on his shoulders, Thorn knew his days as leader were numbered. The darkness had been harder to fight each time he killed another.

The Alpha spot would be determined by the strongest and most balanced Lycan. Then as the days turned to weeks and years, it grew harder for him. Eventually, another Lycan would figure it out and challenge him.

He missed his father, who now lived as an elder Lycan in the Ukraine. Thorn had fought and won the title of Alpha a long time ago. His father had asked him to accomplish the leadership because he’d wanted to retire and enjoy his mate without having to lead their people. It wasn’t the time to think of himself. He shook his long hair out and cleared his thoughts. “Najha, you need to be a pup a while longer. I don’t want you to do this.”

Najha pulled her long black hair away from her face, binding it up into a holder. Her physical strength apparent in the way her muscles worked as she moved. With a long sigh, she replied, “Dad, you put way too much into each request I ask. What’s the difference if I work in Shades Run or find a male who’s not my mate and have babies?”

Her offhanded remark pissed him off. He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her to him. When they were inches apart, he saw the respect she held for him in the widening of her eyes. He growled out, “Najha, that is not what I want. I won’t tolerate when you disrespect her.”

“Well, it’s true. How many baby mamas do you have?” She held up three fingers.

She drove her point straight through his heart. It reminded him of the only thing he was missing, a mate. He flinched but remained calm. “Your mother had you for me. That’s what a good female does for her pack.”

“She’s found her mate now, and she’s happy.” Najha smoothed her hair away from her face.

“I’m happy for her. Cade is a wonderful man and has proven to be a good pack member.” Myra had converted Cade Mills, a human. Since then they’d both become solid and strong pack members whom Thorn depended on to help keep the pack and his daughter safe.

The three females had come to him offering to produce his heirs to continue the strong bloodlines he alone could produce. All three children had proven their worth to the pack. He would forever be in their debt and would make sure each female was cared for and never wanted for anything.

Whenever a female found their true mate, the male had to go through a gauntlet of sorts. It’s a grueling challenge of feat, hunting, fighting and finally, taking charge and being a man to his female. Cade had taken care of business quickly and proven to the pack he could be a strong Lycan and Myra’s mate.

Until the other two women found their mates, he stayed obligated to protect and care for them even after his two sons were grown men and both on their own. He felt proud of Dante and Jonas when they’d turned into very powerful strong adults.

“Mom is happy, and I’m glad. I can’t be like her. I won’t have a child unless it’s with my mate. Let me do this for the pack instead. I’ve been training as a warrior since I was a pup.”

“Well, make up your mind. Either you’re going to be like your mom and have babies for a Lycan, or you want to be one of my men? What you said about,” he used his hands to air quote, “the three baby mommas, is true.”

“I’m not going to let a man touch me unless he is my mate. I just want to help you protect the pack.”

“But I don’t want you to get hurt out there. If you’re working and you find the right man, and he doesn’t want you to work, what are you going to do?” Thorn knew he was losing this battle.

“You know the answer. I’m done here. If you don’t want to talk about this like adults, then I’ll just go to Mom. Maybe she’ll be able to get somewhere with you.” Najha stomped her way across the driveway.

Thorn heard the echoing across the hard pavement as she accented each hit of the heel of her biker boot to prove her point. He couldn’t help the smile which transformed his face from a frown. He wondered where she headed to. “Hey, Najha, you do know you’re leaving your own house, right? So, if you’re done and won’t bug me about a job anymore, I think I’ll leave.”

She stopped walking but didn’t turn around. “Dad, I’m sorry.”

“And?” He crossed his large massive arms over his chest.

“Why do you go so easy on Dante and Jonas? They do whatever the hell they want. I know they’re always spying on me. Protectors.” She shrugged. “I don’t need or want them to do that. Besides, I have this.” She pulled her Samurai Sword out of the sheath that had always been with her, swiping the air with it. “I can kill someone in seconds, including a vampire.”

“You going to carry that on your back while you’re waiting hand and foot on humans?” Thorn raised his eyebrow.

“Ugh! Dad, you’re impossible. I like being around people. You and Mom have kept me sheltered. You finally let me go to public high school after I turned fifteen. Then on top of all that, you wouldn’t even let me go out with friends or on a date. Why let me go at all?”

Thorn knew she was right, but he wasn’t going to debate. Done with this subject, he spoke, his voice strong but calm, “Go ask your mother. If she says yes, then, by all means, do it.” He waved his hand and mumbled, “Can’t I get any respect from you, child?”

She giggled holding her hand over her mouth. “Dad, you’ll always have my respect, no matter what.”

“Uh huh. So, what is this?” He pointed to her motorcycle parked in front of her. He hated the thing and the fact she wanted to ride such a dangerous piece of machinery.

“Dad, I’m twenty years old for cripes sakes. I’m not a baby anymore that you need to protect. What happened to living in America and the freedom you fought so hard to obtain in what…the seventeen-hundreds? Geez, Dad, you’re really old.” Najha laughed loudly as she backed away from him.

The stormy look on his face would have scared any Lycan, but to Najha, it didn’t cause her to even blink in alarm, he knew this because she laughed as he marched toward her.

She whirled around and ran a few feet, then thought better of it and turned on him. His daughter stomped over to him, stood on her tiptoes and grabbed his cheeks with her hands, squeezing tight. “Dad, turn that pucker into a smucker and give me a kiss.” She pecked him on the mouth.

Thorn fought the twinge of his lips. He couldn’t show her the smile he tried hard to hide. He didn’t want anyone to know the soft spot he held for this tiny slip of a woman. Yep, he needed to face facts she’d grown into a beautiful, independent woman. For now, in private, he could be the softy she accused him of. To the outside world, she would always be a lowly omega pup in the pack.

With a stiff stance, he stared down at Najha. His gaze steady with hers until she turned her head slightly away from him, looked down at the ground and submitted.

She was so damn cute; he couldn’t help the laughter. “You’re done for now.” He raced to her and grabbed her by the waist.

Najha squealed as he swung her up in his arms and twirled her around as if she’s still a young child. “Stop, Daddy, I’m dizzy!”

He stopped spinning, kissed her cheek, and sat her feet back down.

She swayed slightly and giggled. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Thorn strode over to his black Street Glide™ and swung his leg over the bike to plant his ass firmly in the leather seat. He smiled, but gently scolded, “Najha, I’m going to say it again. I don’t want you to work. Especially, as a waitress serving humans or, heaven forbid, a vampire.”

“Dad, listen to you. One of your best friends is a vampire. Or did you forget about Lucien?”

“I never forget about Lucien.” Thorn had forged a deep respect and friendship with the leader of the Vampire hundreds of years ago. He appreciated the friendship, but he never forgot the fact, the vampire was a natural enemy to the Lycan. Out of respect for Lucian, the vampire leader, Thorn and the others stayed out of their territory. If a war ever broke out among them, it would be a bloody match. Thorn and his people came over from the Ukraine hundreds of years ago. He would never forget the fact that Lucien acquired safe passage for the Lycan.

“You told me once that we should all get along. I try my best not to cause any waves around Lucien or his people.”

“I know you do, Najha, he helped us many different times.”

“I know, you told us. I remember as a little kid, you told me he helped our people get safe passage from the Ukraine.”

“Yes, I told that story to all the children.” Thorn didn’t know where she might be going with this conversation.

“Dad, you have to remember, even though Lucien helped you reach America, you still lost six young children.”

“Yes, we lost six young pups from seasickness. Where’re you going with this?” Thorn tilted his head and stared at his daughter.

“No matter how hard we try, we all make mistakes. Look at that for instance, nobody knew they were dying from seasickness. They couldn’t keep fluids or food down, and they literally died from starvation,” Najha reminded him of those sad days.

“How is that compared to working in a restaurant?”

“Because, Dad, we all learn from our mistakes. Look what you’ve done since then. The Lycan have grown to hundreds over four hundred years. You only lost six young.” Najha loved to argue her point home.

He would admit she had a point. If he didn’t let her make her own mistakes, she would never learn to be a grown adult. “You’d be working for a Lycan?” Thorn asked.

“Yes, Ruby and Torment.”

His full-brother and Ruby his mate. Ruby had married his brother, Torment. Thorn would call his brother and tell him to talk to his wife and get them on board. “Only after I talk to Ruby and Torment.” Thorn had spent her entire life protecting her and keeping her hidden from the world. Now, it’s time to let her prove who she is among their pack.

Najha smiled and wiggled her way into his strong arms.

Thorn pulled her hard against him, hugging her as only a father could a daughter.

When she stepped back, she looked up at him. “Dad, look at it this way. I work as a human. Nobody, including Lucien, knows I’m your daughter. You’ve kept it a secret all these years, I don’t know why? But I’m sure not going to ask, again.” She stepped away from him, kissed his cheek, and turned to leave. “Thank you, Daddy. I won’t argue with the fact you need to talk to Uncle Torment and Aunt Ruby. Thank you.”

Thorn didn’t want her to grow up but had no choice in the matter. They’d had a special bond since her birth, now it was important to let her know the truth. “You never asked me the whys.”

“All I know is what Mom told me. You’re afraid someone will use your only daughter against you?”

Icy fear twisted his gut. People were cruel, the world even worse. They could and would use her to control him for their pleasure or gain. “I told everyone, pack or others, that you were the daughter of Myra.” He and Myra agreed to the deceit after she married Cade. Myra had come to him with a daughter out-of-wedlock, and Cade supposedly adopted her.

“Oh, I know.” Najha held up a finger. “Cade, by the way, has passed as a human for years now,” she added with a slight smile of defiance. “He is just as much Lycan as the rest of us.”

Thorn didn’t want to let her know she’d already convinced him to let her work in town. He was enjoying this too much. He leaned back against the seat, crossed his arms and let her continue babbling. He nodded and smiled. “And?”

“So, if I get this job as a waitress, I’m your spy, and I can keep an eye out for trouble, right?” She grinned.

He raised an eyebrow. “If you run across a turned vampire, what are you going to do?” Thorn loved to test his children. If she didn’t answer right, he would squash the idea completely, and Najha knew it by her careful answers.

“I’m reporting directly to you, Dad. So, I guess…” she gazed up at the sky, “…I’ll call you immediately and don’t engage. That way, no one would be the wiser.”

“Do you think you’ll be able to hold up this farce to Lucien or any other vampire?” Thorn doubted his best friend would be fooled for long.

“Yes, Dad, even Lucien. I learned all my spells.”

Thorn knew she did. She’d been taught by her mother and his mother. Both of the gypsy people. After his mother had married his father, he converted her to a Lycan which only made her one of the most powerful healers and a woman warrior. “I know you learned everything you need to protect yourself. But what on this earth could you do to mask your Lycan scent?”

“Watch and learn, Dad.” She smiled, lifted her hands, and weaved her spell.

Her lips moved in silence, but he knew she was chanting in her mind. His daughter was a powerful Lycan, and it scared the hell right out of him. Within seconds, he couldn’t smell her Lycan scent, even with his hyper-sensitive wolf nose. After he had inhaled deeper, all he could smell was the stink of the humans. “Amazing, that is incredible, I can’t smell Lycan at all.” He wrinkled his nose but felt impressed all the same with her skills. “Okay, before I allow this, I want you to meet me at Ruby’s for dinner?”

She nodded.

“Meet me there at 8 p.m. tonight. I’m meeting with Lucien, and if you can come in and sit down behind me without him knowing who or what you are, I’ll consider this.”

“Okay, thank you, Daddy! I love you.” She threw herself into his waiting arms.

Najha was still tiny compared to him. He knew her strength, even with her size as small as she was. Considered a runt since the day she was born, she did have the courage and strength of Lycan male. To him, she’d always be his little princess. “Stop growing up!” he growled.

“Sure, Dad, I’ll just send that request to the gods.” She giggled as he set her back down onto the ground.

“Remember, I don’t want you to spy for me. I’m okay doing that myself. If this makes you happy, I’ll consider it. But you better remember if Lucien finds out you’re my daughter, the deal is off.”


“I don’t have to explain my reasons to you.” Growling, he reached up and cupped her chin. “Najha, don’t question everything.”

“But that’s not fair. You know I won’t betray you or anyone else. I just don’t understand all the secrecy around here?” Her bottom lip stuck out as she pouted, trying to get him to cave in and tell her something.

“When you were born, your mother and I decided to keep your identity a secret. We had many different reasons, but the main one was that we needed to find your mate. Many males have come to Myra asking her to let them touch or hold you. When she did at first when you were a babe, none prevailed. You are not a mate to a Lycan.”

She frowned. “Why can’t you leave that up to me? I can protect myself from the men and still have them know who I am. I know Aiden knows I’m your daughter.” Najha always gave him a solid debate.

Since her birth, a few of his men found out she was his. Especially Aiden, he’d always been able to keep that secret. “Because I trust the ones that know. I chose not to disclose it to others because you’re my daughter and they would use you against me.”

“What and why would they do that?”

“Because if a Lycan chooses rogue over death, they might come and kill you just to hurt me. Does that make sense to you?” Thorn questioned.

“Well, not really. I would never allow a Bolnav to get near me.” Her lip trembled, her eyes widening as she rubbed her arms. “I hate the thought of trying to kill one of our own, Dad. It’s actually creepy.”

“I don’t want you to be afraid, but you need to prepare yourself in case one does come after you.” He sounded harsh but she needed to realize the dangers out there lurking, and she would be unprepared for it.

“Seriously, you just didn’t say that to me, did you? I’m not afraid of anything. You’ve trained me yourself and know I can take on anything.” She put her hands on her hips and faced him.

“It’s okay, baby, we’ve never let a rogue get near you. I know you’re strong and can fight.”

She nodded her head. “Thank you. I have another question for you. Do you think Mom is happy?”

“She is, she has Cade now, and they’re mated.” Thorn suddenly felt weary, where the hell was Najha going with these questions?

“What about you, Dad…are you happy?” She crossed her arms and stood tall.

Thorn realized too late what his daughter, as everyone else had seen before her, he was losing his life to the dreaded evil darkness. The color blindness he’d suffered for a few years was also a sign. Then when he stopped caring for the people in his life, he knew his heart was no longer pure. The total deaths he had taken over the past few years had destroyed his kind soul. If he didn’t find his mate soon, he would choose death over rogue.

He’d held it together for so long, that he prayed it would be soon if he were going to find the woman who’d been his angel for a long time. He wasn’t sure, but it sure seemed as if she could be his. After hundreds of years of searching, it looked bleak. “Don’t you worry about me, child. I’m happy just having you and your brothers.”

“I know. But there has to be someone for everyone. Even though you haven’t found her yet, I have dreamt she’s there waiting for you.” Najha smiled. She only shared her gift if it were true.

“You’ve told me this before, child, but I’ve finally admitted I’ve missed my chance. What if she’s already come and gone from this world?”

“Believe what you will. I can’t convince such a stubborn man as yourself.” Najha frowned.

He knew she would tell him if she’d dreamt of his mate dying or worse, taken from him. He wanted to stop the conversation and leave, Thorn was tired of the same old arguments with his daughter. So instead, he directed her to her most dreaded argument…herself. “What about you? I want all my children to find their mates. How can you even begin looking for one when you’re working as a dishwasher?” Thorn let his sarcasm drip from each word.

“Whoever said I am going to do that?” She snickered.

“Well...” Thorn frowned.

“Stop worrying about my love life. I’m happy to become a warrior. I know you won’t ever allow a woman to join the MC,” she air quoted. “God forbid, a woman.” She chuckled. “I’m still a strong Lycan and can combat the war against evil.” Najha ended her tirade on evil as she always did.

He knew every Lycan faced the same fate. Lycan females chose to learn how to keep house, defend her family, and live their life to the fullest. But only a chosen few would learn to be the warrior, Najha was one of them.

“Come, Father, I’m done with this subject. It’s either a yes or no.” Najha chewed on her bottom lip. She’d done that since she’d been a little kid while arguing with him.

“Stop.” He tugged her lip away from her teeth.

She twisted her head. “Dad, why do you do that?”

“I do it because it bothers you. To answer your questions, it’s not a simple yes or no. Yes, you can fight like a male warrior. No, I don’t want you working in town serving people. Yes, you need to find your mate. No, you can’t tell anyone you’re my daughter.” He fired each answer at her.

She held up her hand. “Stop! I get it. There’s one person who I don’t understand. Lucien. He’s your best friend, right?”

“Yes, he is. Lucien doesn’t need to know I have a daughter. He’s searching for the Lycan who killed his father, remember? If the evil takes over in his mind, he’ll use you to get to me. A turned vampire is a very dangerous one. Lucien is too near the darkness for me to trust him with that information.”

“Okay, well I think you’re not giving your friend enough credit. I know for a fact, he’s an honorable and kind man.”

“Najha, stay away from Lucien! I mean it!” Thorn knew he sounded irrational but dammit; he didn’t want her to get hurt.

“Chill, Dad. Geez, what has gotten into you? Nobody knows who I am. You and Mom kept me home schooled until I was fifteen. During high school, you allowed me to go to public school only if other children were with me on that damn school bus. No after school programs or sports, you didn’t even allow me to drive my car my senior year, remember? Why is that, Dad?” Her voice raised an octave.

Now Thorn knew he’d just pushed too far with his daughter. She was fast becoming argumentative and disrespectful to an Alpha. Grabbing her, he picked her up and put her down on the ground. He knelt over her, holding her by the throat with his hand, he gently but firmly held her tight. Leaning in, he growled, “Lose the attitude, Najha.”

His heated stare turned her head quickly to the side. He waited until she put her head down and relaxed her entire body. He let go quickly and stood, walking away. He couldn’t stand for anyone, especially his daughter, to disrespect him, ever.

She whispered, “Why, Dad, did you and Mom have to embarrass me that way? I hated growing up without my father in my life.”

Thorn spun around.

Najha stood, dusted off her jeans and looked up at him remembering to keep her eyes averted.

“We never meant to embarrass you. It was for your protection and nothing else. I’m sorry you can’t understand that.”

Najha stood up to her tallest five foot five moment and stared directly into his eyes.

He allowed it for only a moment; she might just be the only person in the world to ever get away it. “You never learned how to control your anger. You let it lead your heart not your mind as you’re doing right now.” Thorn needed to discipline her even though he didn’t want to. As pack leader, he had to.

Najha approached him, her head lowered in submission. She peeked at him out of the corner of her eye.

He liked the fact she waited for him to continue. Thorn repeated, “You have to remember to always respect me as your pack leader.” He lifted her chin to bring her eyes level with his then kissed her forehead. “Yes, I’m your father, but no, you must never challenge me unless you decide to go the full distance and fight me for the privilege. I hope you understand how life in a pack works?”

“Yes, I understand.” She lowered her eyes. “But I don’t get why I’m different than my brothers?”

Thorn held his breath, closed his eyes, and counted, five, four, three, two and one.

What are you doing, my love?’

Thorn started but didn’t show it in front of his daughter. He felt stunned she came to him while he was awake. In the past, she’d always came in his dreams. ‘Wow, where do you come from?’

She giggled, and he loved the tone, she asked, ‘Why, are you shocked?’

Because I have never spoken to you when I’m awake and having a general conversation with another.’ Thorn didn’t want to stray from his conversation with his daughter, but this woman he knew, was very important to him.

To answer your question, I’ve always come to you. Just chose to speak to you because you seemed anxious and impatient with this person you choose to argue with.’

Thorn chuckled lightly in his mind before he heard Najha. “Father, what are you doing? You left me for a moment.”

He opened his eyes and stared down at his daughter. The laughter in his mind, sweet as honey. His angel was amused he argued with Najha.

So, who is this person who speaks so disrespectful to you?’

The warmth of her laughter actually helped guide and calm him. ‘Shush, I need to concentrate on this discussion. I’m a leader, and this woman has questioned me.’

You must be patient and kind, my love.’

How do you know for sure this is how I should treat her?’ Thorn wanted to find this woman. “Answer me one thing, are you real? Wait! Don’t leave me yet. How will I know where to find you?’

I’m not sure when. If we meet some day, I’m sure we’ll both know, don’t you think?’

The warmth she instilled in him was suddenly gone. He knew she’d already left his mind. He missed her terribly and wanted to search the earth for her.

“What happened?” Najha poked him in the chest.

He opened his eyes. “I’m sorry, Najha. I want to tell…” He frowned. How in the hell could he explain something so bizarre to his daughter? “Hey, I better head out now.”

“Okay? So, now you’re ready to end our conversation?” Najha placed her hands on her hips.

He’d actually totally forgot what they were arguing about now. He wanted to get on his motorcycle and feel the air move across his body. “Look, Najha, never mind about me. I’ll see you tonight.” He scrubbed his face with his hand.

“Hey, wait a minute, you’re not getting away with that. Where did you go?”

He decided to tell her the truth. “There’s this woman who comes to me only in my dreams. Just now she came to me and scolded me for arguing and not listening to you.”

Najha’s eyes widened. “How long has she been coming to you?”

“It seems forever. This time, it felt different. I’m confused and have no rational thought of the why or how, but I feel here.” He pounded his chest with his fist. “Like she’s real, I think she’s my mate?”

“What don’t you get? Dad, this has to be. She wouldn’t be this powerful to come to you otherwise. You must have weaved your souls together somehow.”

“I don’t recall doing something so special and final though?” Thorn didn’t believe he’d trapped this soul to his darkness. “I have always been able to comfort her from a distance. Now she must have moved closer because she’s with me more. She comes to me every time I’m stressed or wounded. Do you think…” He didn’t finish his question because he knew in his heart she wasn’t Lycan. If she were a human living nearby, he would have found her. A vampire was just unspeakable, and he would never want to find out.

Najha shook her head and smiled. “Why don’t you just ask her where she lives?”

“I have, she won’t tell me. It’s as if she doesn’t trust me.” Thorn had tried many times to figure out who and where she was.

“Do you feel any bond to her yet?” Najha sat down on her front steps.

“Yeah. A long time ago, your grandfather told me that when you meet your mate, it has to happen a certain way. I have to be able to touch, smell, and feel her as a real person. Talking to someone telepathically isn’t the same. I can feel her warmth and light to my darkness though.”

Najha frowned. “You need to find her.”

“I’ve tried. I guess I’ll have to wait and see. If she is nearby, then it’s a matter of time before I meet her in person.” Thorn believed it would happen if it were meant to be.

“Do you believe she is here in Shades Run?”

Thorn wasn’t sure if his angel was here. Najha was very talented in healing, seeing into the future, as well as dream hopping. Maybe his daughter could figure out who this woman was. “Najha, do you think you could help me find her?”

She nodded her head. “If we join together as we’ve done in the past, we can try to connect with her. If I recognize the voice or her thoughts, I might be able to.”

“That would totally be cheating, now wouldn’t it? Her privacy is important to me, especially if she’s my mate.” Thorn knew he couldn’t and wouldn’t want to ruin what little trust they had in each other. If he couldn’t see her memories and who she was, Najha probably wouldn’t be able to either.

“Well, I guess you need to wait to run into her someday.” Najha stood and put her hands in her back pockets. “Dad, did you ever believe you’d find your mate after all these years?”

“I’ve always kept the faith, I would one day meet the female that takes me down and shows me how it is to be a whole person again. When my soul fell into the darkness, I stopped living. I go from day to day, night to night, existing. I hope you can understand that. Being a warrior and a punisher of death, you’ll understand the evil that takes you under. If I’m honest with you and myself, I only have a short amount of time to find her before the darkness swallows me whole.” Thorn stood from the steps and walked over to his bike.

“Don’t talk that way. I have faith in you. There is a female for you somewhere.” Najha smiled.

At her sweet expression, his heart melted. “You have a way of making me feel better.” Thorn settled himself on the seat of his motorcycle. “As I told you and the other children, a long time ago, when our people were almost destroyed because someone believed there were werewolves out there. If a male doesn’t find his mate and succumbs to the evil by killing a human for the sport, it turns into a hated rogue. I must protect all of my people from that very thing happening to me.”

Najha walked over and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Dad, you make me very sad when you speak like you are right now. You’ll find this woman. I believe she is real and waiting for you. You need to hang on a little while longer.”

“I’ll try to hold on, I promise. I never thought I would tell my daughter to work as a human. If someone comes along and tries to betray our people, you need to stop them over everything else.”

“I won’t fail you or our people.”

“I know you won’t. Remember, always protect yourself first, then others.” Thorn pushed down the clutch until he knew the bike was in neutral.

“Yeah, I get it.” Najha waved to him.

When she turned to leave, he stopped her. “Don’t forget you know how to protect yourself, but you’ve never killed anyone before.”

“Yeah, I get it.”

“Until you’ve reached maturity, it can take you into the darkness quickly and violently. Even a female Lycan can succumb to that. Don’t take any chances unless you have to. I don’t want you to suffer anything that can be prevented.”

“Bah, I’m still a few years away from my first season. I have nothing to worry about.” She threw her hands up in the air and walked away from him.

She was as cute as the day she was born. Thorn couldn’t hold in the laughter that erupted. He doubled over with laughter until he felt spent. He wiped the tears then pushed in the clutch and started the bike.

Najha shook her head. “You’re awful.”

He nodded while smiling and yelled out, “I’m proud of you, Najha.”

Up until now, she’d proven herself to him. Definitely a leader, not a follower. She had Beta female written all over. With her strengths exceeding her weakness, the only fault he could find was controlling her anger. He spoke to her in his mind as his bike roared beneath him, ‘Najha, if I let you work in town, what are you going to tell the people?’

She looked at him, shaking her head then smiling. ‘I’ve got this, Dad. I went to high school for four years in Shades Run. My father is the town sheriff, and my mother helps out with the PTA. We are just that normal all-American family living the dream, debt and all. I need to help pay for my college.’

You do know we have a college fund set aside for you?’ Thorn and Myra were both rich and had enough money to pay for every child to go to college.

I know. Remember, Dad, this is just my story.’

By the way, have you thought about what you want to be when you grow up?’ Thorn now drove his motorcycle down the long highway at a fast pace.

I’ve always wanted to study medicine. I’m a healer and have worked with Layla and Taraji in the past, so I think a doctor would be pretty cool.’

He hadn’t realized his daughter had thought so deeply about what she was going to do once she left the pack. It saddened him she thought about leaving. ‘That sounds like a great plan. Have you applied to any colleges yet? You are a couple years out of high school already.’

I know, I’m just not ready yet to leave home.’

Okay, don’t wait too long or you’ll forget how to study and get good grades.’ He heard laughter in her mind.

I’m smart and know how to study. Hey, I’m going to go hunting then get some of my chores done. I love you, Dad. Stay safe out there.’ She quickly blocked him from her mind.

Thorn thought back to the entire conversation and realized his daughter had gotten her way with him once again. He smiled and shook his head. He’d always assumed Najha would stay here in Shades Run and help run the pack. Why hadn’t her mother said anything about this?

Thorn, you’ve never asked.’ Myra connected on their own mind path.

Oh, so now, you want to join this impossible conversation.’

I thought about how you’re letting our daughter get away with something you would kill over. Ask her how she is going to get away with her disguise around the vampire. Those spells won’t hold around Lucien for sure.’

You seriously believe that, Myra? I know for a fact our daughter is extremely powerful. She hid her scent from me.’

Thorn, I know all this, but when she loses her temper, she forgets to hold the spells. I don’t want anything to happen to our daughter!’

Her tone told him Myra was angry with him. ‘Dammit, Myra, why don’t you tell me these things?’ He’d been convinced she was onboard with the whole working thing with Najha.

Because you never ask me!’

I’m done fighting with females for a while. Talk to me later when you’re not pissed off.’

I love you, too, Thorn. Bye.’ Myra pushed him out of her mind.

Myra, his best friend, had always been a good mom to their daughter. Sometimes though, they fought over Najha and her ideas. He would have to figure out a way to prevent their daughter from working at the restaurant.