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Tobias: Shenandoah Brothers by Andi Grace (9)





Chapter 14



It had been a week since the barbeque and Grace had still not told Tobias her suspicions. Of course, they were no longer suspicions after a doctor’s appointment, a blood test and a fetal heart check. She was indeed pregnant with Tobias’s baby and due in seven months.

She had managed to keep everything a secret, that was until yesterday when she ran into Jackson at the pharmacy while she was picking up her prenatal vitamins. Well, Jackson saw them, put two and two together. Since then, he had been hovering around the new house like a jackal ready to pounce. Since she couldn’t kick Jackson out, she put him to work, at least that way he was too busy to spill the beans.

“All I am saying is that the sooner you tell him, the sooner the family can get involved. Everything will be okay Grace. I promise. They won’t let Tobias do anything stupid.”

“Jackson, it’s not the families place to take care of anything. Tobias is a grown man capable of taking care of his own issues. Are you are not to tell the family. I mean it Jackson. Mums the word.”

“Yeah, I get it. Don’t spill the beans, but are you sure we’re talking about the same man? I don’t remember a time when Tobias took anything serious enough that would make him take responsibility.” Jackson asked laughing a bit, which angered Grace.

“You see! Right there. It’s that condescending attitude that infuriates me. Why do you think Tobias is incapable of dealing with anything important?”

“You have met the man, right?”

Sighing, Grace was at her wit’s end. “I’m being serious, Jackson. Tobias is a brilliant man. He runs his own business and is raising a daughter all by himself.”

“Uh, hate to break it to you Grace, but you were hired as the nanny. It’s you are raising Elizabeth.”

“No, it’s not. Tobias is there right beside me every step of the way. Did you know he actually went to Daddy and Me classes in California with Elizabeth? He took her to parks, and would even come home early to have dinner with her. He is a wonderful father,” Grace said defending Tobias.

“Yeah? Well, who got up with her in the middle of the night?”

“That’s beside the point!” Grace shouted a little too loudly.

“No, it’s not, Grace. Look, I don’t want to make you upset, but the fact is, unless Elizabeth has money coming out of her diaper, Tobias doesn’t really care. I would bet my life savings that the only reason Tobias went to those classes was that there was a possible investor going too. Mark my words, unless it financially benefits Tobias, he won’t give a damn.”

“Then why do you want me to tell him so badly?”

“Because, I am hoping you are the one,” Jackson said seriously.

“The one, what?”

“The one who can break through his wall, and reveal the real man beneath.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I met the real Tobias, once. I was about seven or eight and it was summer vacation. I would spend part of my summer in California with Tobias and we would do fun stuff together. Well, this one summer as soon as I got there, I knew something was wrong. I knew Tobias wouldn’t tell me, but I overheard Seth saying that Blue Jacket Industries was going bankrupt. Tobias was about to lose everything he worked so hard for. I’d never seen him so beat down before. I was worried and considered calling my dad. Well, one night I heard something funny and went to go investigate. I found Tobias sitting on the couch crying. I’d never seen any of my uncles, brothers cry, and it made me nervous. Tobias saw me and told me to sit down. That night he explained to me what was happening and how worried and scared he was. He put everything he was into his company. It was his baby. His firstborn. He censured himself because he was dating this girl at the time and instead of paying attention to his company, he was with her.”

“So, he blamed her and focused on his company. Ignoring a part of himself, so his company would thrive.”

“Yes. And he has been doing that since that night on the couch. You see it isn’t that Tobias isn’t capable of truly loving someone, it’s he doesn’t know how to divide himself equally.”

“He needs to find balance.”


“But when I tell him the truth.”

“He is going to flip out and that’s where the family comes in. You see, we all know Tobias and we all know that you love him.”

“I do.”

“But most of all, we all know that you are the one for him, only he doesn’t know it yet. All he knows is that he can have what he wants without committing to anything serious.”

“I don’t know Jackson. The Tobias I know doesn’t sound at all like the man you described.”

“Tell him tonight after Elizabeth goes to bed. Watch how he reacts. I will tell Amelia to be expecting you because when you show up, that’s when the family will step in. Trust me.”

Grace didn’t say anything more. She couldn’t and when Jackson left for the evening, she wondered exactly how much he told her was true. She knew Jackson had no reason to lie to her and part of what he said did make sense. Yet, there was a concern in his voice her and that worried her. If she told Tobias the truth and he turned her away, she would be devastated. On the other hand, she could be right about him, and Tobias would finally tell her that he loved her and that everything was going to be okay. In the end, none of this was going to be resolved until she told Tobias the truth and she was going to need him by her side when the time came. One way or another, putting off telling Tobias that she was pregnant was no longer an option.

She was going to have to tell him, tonight.


Tobias walked into his house to find all the lights off, except for the kitchen. He was so damn tired. All he wanted to do was eat something, shower and curl up next to Grace. Work was a pain in the ass today, and he’d been looking forward to seeing Grace since lunch.

If it wasn’t one thing it was another. The new construction of the children education center was behind because of the electricians’ strike, which had to be dealt with immediately, and cost him more money than he wanted to spend. Then he found out that the couple who put an offer on the house in California wanted repairs done to it before they would close. His personal secretary gave her two weeks’ notice and his car had a hole in the gas tank, which was going to cost a small fortune to fix.

He was done. Thankful to be home and finally free of the day's drama, he put his briefcase down and walked into the kitchen to find Grace sitting at the small table, drinking a glass of water.

God, she was a welcome sight. He could always count on Gracie to be calm and relaxing. He really loved coming home to her knowing that she wouldn’t have a care in the world. Something about having Grace at home gave him a comfort he never knew he needed. She just seemed to make everything better.

“Hey, Gracie. Boy am I glad to see you, how was your day?” he asked reaching into the refrigerator for a beer. He had just taken the cap off to take a drink when he heard Grace say, “I’m pregnant.”

Tobias stopped dead in his tracks. Slowly lowering his beer, he dared not move, praying he had heard her incorrectly. “Excuse me?”

“I’m almost three months pregnant. The baby is due this winter.”

Tobias closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he turned to face her. “I’m sorry. Could you repeat that?”

“I am pregnant with your baby, Tobias. You are going to be a father again.”





Throwing his beer across the room, the bottle shattered at the same time Tobias shouted, “No God Damn it, NO!”

“Tobias, you’re scaring me,” Grace whispered moving away from the table. Tobias didn’t give a damn. He had a shitty day and now this. Stalking her, he cornered her against the wall.

“You’re scared! How the fuck could you do this?”

“I didn’t plan it.”

“I don’t want another baby. I already have one!” Tobias screamed viciously. Pacing the room, he continued to rant, “What the fuck am I going to do with another baby?”

This was too much. Grace wasn’t like Bridget. He thought Bridget was strong enough to take care of it all, but she wasn’t and died. Grace was gentle and timid, she would want his help. Want him to be a part of everything. He didn’t have the time to give her. He just moved his company across the United States, it was going to be a year or two before everything calmed down. He didn’t need any more chaos in his life right now, and having another baby was pure chaos. Hell, Elizabeth was finally sleeping through the night and now he was going to have to start all over again.

“Fuck!” Tobias shouted kicking one of the kitchen chairs out of his way. He didn’t bother to look at Grace who was now quietly crying against the far wall. He didn’t care. “Just when I thought my life was finally getting back on track, I had to go and screwed it up all because I wanted to get laid. Fuck! You know what, I don’t need this shit. I give up. I’m going to my office. Do what you want. I don’t care.”

And just like that, he was gone.