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Together Again: A Second Chance Romance by Aria Ford (52)




The next morning, I woke up with a sense of urgency I hadn’t felt before. My loins were aching already, and I had only been thinking about her for five minutes after I woke up.

Kelly! I shook my head, grinning as I thought of her. She was going to drive me crazy! I had never met a girl who I wanted so instantly, so bad. I sat up and slipped out of bed, heading for the shower.

That soft, stunning body, that red hair…her wicked smile.

While I was in there I recalled the memories of our special encounter. My body hardened just thinking about her and that stunning, molded form under those clothes. She was spectacular. I imagined what it would be like to have her lying on her front below me, those sweet rounded butt cheeks pointed at the ceiling as I plowed her.

I finished showering and headed through to the kitchen to make coffee and have breakfast. As I sat at the low table, my mind kept wondering to the occupants of the house next door.

I wonder what she’s doing this morning.

My curiosity was not going to go away unless I satisfied it, I knew. So, washing up and putting my cup back on the countertop I made my plans for the day. I wanted to go over the whole farm, looking for the best field to start my crops—the previous owner had warned me that some of the fields needed to rest for a year or two. I set it on hold for the morning and instead dressed to make a visit.

I surprised myself by turning to look in the mirror before I went out, checking myself. My hair was combed neatly and I had to admit that the crisp white of my cleanest T-shirt suited me. Paired with my best jeans—the ones with the least rips, though these still showed some—I looked quite presentable, I thought.

What is up with you, man?

I wondered what my men would think if they saw me being so conscious of my appearance and chuckled.

Well, they must try it. She is stunning.

I sauntered out to the pickup and headed next door.

I waited behind the steering wheel. What to ask? Inspiration struck. I knocked at the door.


Kelly answered it. Her eyes widened then she frowned. “Hello.”

I bit back a grin. She looked so sexy with her one brow raised, the other lowered, her sweet red lips pursed up like that. I felt myself stiffen.

“Hey. Um, sorry to disturb. I just…do you have any coffee?”

She stared at me. “Coffee? Sure, we have coffee…you need it for something?”

“Yeah. Making coffee.”

She glared at me. “Yeah. Fine. Whatever. Yes, we have coffee. Grandpa?”

“Who is it?” an older voice called from the kitchen behind her.

“A guy who wants to borrow our coffee,” she called back.

I grinned. “Reese. Reese Bradford, actually.” I held out my hand and she glared at me again.

“Yes. I know. But you’re here to borrow coffee. Yeah?”

“Yeah,” I said. Well, I had to, didn’t I? Couldn’t exactly admit that I was only there to see her!

“How much coffee, Kelly?” the second voice inquired.

“Um…” she frowned up at me.

I shrugged. “Just enough for two or three cups. That okay? I don’t want to use up yours too.” I was having trouble concentrating…with her this close all I wanted to do was hold her against me and kiss those soft lips.

“Give him four tablespoons,” she shouted back, startling me. “That’ll do it, right?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “That’s nice.”

She gave a look you could have stewed prunes in. I grinned back. Inside, my mind was racing.

How do I get her out of here and on her own for a bit?

“Here we go,” the voice said and my neighbor appeared briefly at her side. “Hi there, son.”

“Hi,” I said politely. He smiled and nodded and went off somewhere. Leaving me alone with her. I tried to direct my focus away from the soft skin that showed at the neck of her vest top, but it was hard. I looked down at her hand where she held out the supplies I’d asked for.

“So,” I said as I took the coffee from her tapered fingertips. It was in a Ziploc bag and looked like enough to provide coffee for a legion. I raised a brow and she smiled.

“Grandpa’s a generous soul.”

“Mm.” I nodded and tucked the bag into my pocket, praying it wouldn’t split. It didn’t. “Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it,” she said stonily.

I grinned. “While I’m here,” I said hesitantly, “I was thinking…um…did you notice something wrong with the gate when we came up here yesterday?”

“The gate?” she frowned at me. “Didn’t see it.”

“Well, the gate at the start of this drive,” I said, stepping back and indicating the drive that led from the farm road. “I thought it was hanging loose.”

“Oh?” she frowned. I tensed, wondering if she was going to believe me or if she would leave it.

“I don’t know if it’s supposed to look like that,” I said hopefully. She nodded.

“I should have a look,” she said. “Last thing I need is someone driving up here land riding the damn thing off.”

I chuckled. “Indeed.”

She gave me another of her special looks and my blood fizzed with need. Then she pushed through the door and headed out along the drive.

“Show me?” she said.

I nodded. “My pleasure.”

I saw her back tense as I walked to catch up with her, watching her sweet buttocks lift and fall ahead of me. I needed her so much. My whole body was aching with it.

“You know,” she said, giving me a slit-eyed glance as I arrived.

“No. What?”

“Never mind,” she huffed. “Show me where this gate is.”

I opened the door to the pickup and we got in—the road from the main road to the farmhouse was perhaps five hundred meters, and it would take more time than we had to get there.

“So,” I asked as she sat tensely down. “How is the farm?”

“It’s fine,” she said.

We drove to the gate and we got out.

“What’s wrong with it?” she said, staring at the gate. Of course, nothing, but I wasn’t going to say that. I put on a pantomime of walking back, cocking my head, looking at it and returning to her again.

“Oh. I guess it’s okay,” I said, carefully. “I must have just been seeing things.”

She gave me a funny look. “You’re fooling around, aren’t you?”

I made an innocent face. “Would I do that?”

“Yes,” she said. I laughed. Then I decided to just be honest. I went to her and put my hands on her shoulders.

“I want you, baby,” I said, looking into her eyes. I pressed lightly on her collarbones and my mouth lowered to hers.

She tensed and glared at me. “So you say.”

“I do,” I whispered. My mouth moved onto hers and she stiffened, resisting, then relaxed on my chest as my tongue gently pushed into that sweet warm cave. I closed my eyes, savoring the sweet taste of her and the sensation of her warmth in my arms.

My hands stroked down her back and my lips stroked hers, tongue thrusting deep into the wetness of her mouth. I was impossibly hard now, my entire body trembling with the need to take her.

“Come back with me,” I whispered.

She looked up into my eyes. “Okay.”

I stared. “That was easy.”

“I have to tell Grandpa,” she said. “I don’t want him thinking that anything happened to me.”

“Good,” I said. “Let me take you back.”

I drove her to the farmhouse and she alighted from the pickup and headed to the farmhouse. I waited while she gave her explanation and then when she walked back I almost felt I couldn’t wait more. I watched the way she walked, her hips swaying slowly as she crossed the path toward me, and I felt my body ache with my wanting her.

“Let’s go,” I growled.

She nodded and we blazed off to my house.

Inside, I couldn’t wait anymore. I pressed my body against her and my mouth tasted hers, my tongue thrusting into it hard, my arms holding her against my chest. She tensed and relaxed and I bent to try and lift her off her feet.

She laughed. “Don’t even try it,” she whispered. Her hands stroked my body and I felt myself melt under her touch. I wanted her so badly!

“Come on then.”

I led her to my room. I drew her into my arms and kissed her again, then pushed her back onto the bed. I lost control, then, my hands clutching at her clothes, tearing them from her.

When she was in her underwear, I undressed myself and joined her on the bed. My hands stroked down her body, drifting over the silky bra and down to her lacy panties. My body was throbbing with need just looking at her. She was so pretty.

Pushing her back onto the bed, I kissed her, my mouth clamped to hers as my body pressed on hers, my poor cock fiery with longing. I tore the bra away and took a firm nipple in my mouth, my other hand playing with the soft skin.

“Oh!” she gasped. The sound lanced me like a missile and I moved lower, smelling her sweet scent and wanting to be inside her so much. Pulling the panties down, I played my fingers between her thighs and she gasped.

“I want you,” I murmured as I moved down to kneel between her thighs. I wanted her so much!

“Mm,” she said, an incoherent sound that set my dick pulsating.

I pushed into her and moved back. She was tight and firm and I loved how it felt inside her, how warm and cozy my dick felt buried there. I pulled out and pushed back, pulled out and pushed back. She was groaning and crying out below me and I could feel myself so close to climax.

“Oh!” she gasped. I could see she had come, and now I released all restraint.

“Oh. Oh. Oh.” My own come washed through me like a whirlpool as I penetrated her again, my body shuddering, and my back aching as I collapsed on top, exhausted.

Later, as my mind returned from the distant place where it had been, I rolled off her, and we lay side by side in bed.

“Kelly,” I whispered. My hand stroked her body, and I inhaled the scent of her hair.


“You don’t mind that I…” I paused. “You like it too, right?”

She opened her eyes and gave me a weird look. The sort of look you might give a child who was asking the same question for the fiftieth time, just to annoy you. Exasperation.

“Yes, I do.” She sighed. “Does that satisfy you?”

I chuckled. “Should I answer that?”

She rolled over and looked at my face. I was grinning. I was teasing her.

“No,” she said. “Probably not.”

We lay together for a long time. My hand explored her body, stroking down the curves and across her thighs and in between.

She tensed and moaned as I touched her and we were kissing again, both aroused once more.

I pushed into her again, unable to resist it. The way she moved below me, the sweet feel of her on my body, was too much.

It was afternoon by the time we finally decided to shower.

“Kelly?” I called from the bathroom.


I came out, drying myself. She perused me and I liked the way it felt to have her appraising, admiring eye on my body. I dropped the towel, aware I was showing off and loving it.

“I just wanted to ask if you wanted to stay for lunch?”

She stretched and sat up. She was still staring at me and I smiled. “No,” she said. She stood and came over, putting her hand on my biceps. “I should go check on my grandfather.”

“Oh,” I nodded. “Okay. Well, you have a shower. I’ll drive you back.”

“Thanks. I will.”

She went in and I heard the water go on and a slight yelp as the cold came out first, as it did. My shower took a while to warm up. I grinned.

I thought about her a lot while she was in there, imagining the water on the curves of her body; what it would feel like damp. I was smiling when she came out, a towel on her hair, otherwise naked. I stared at her.

“What?” she said. She was smiling. I got the sense she liked my perusing glance as I’d liked hers. She blushed.


We drove back to the farmhouse. It felt weird, opening the door and letting her get out at the end of the long drive from the main street. I didn’t want her to go. Strange.

“Bye,” she whispered.


We kissed. I watched her walk back, hips swaying. My heart felt oddly empty, after she disappeared inside.

Damn it, Reese, I thought to myself as I swung the truck onto the road and headed back to my house. You shouldn’t feel so much.

Feeling was the problem. If I didn’t feel, I wouldn’t be in such pain about the guys. If I didn’t feel, maybe I wouldn’t have made such bad decisions. I wished I could go numb.

I would be a better man if I was numb.

The months on the farm, in my reclusive existence, had taught me how to stop feeling. How to just approach every day with a flat indifference. And now she was here, tearing down the walls and letting in the sunlight. Like a ground-to-air missile, she had blasted through my defenses and I was being made to feel again.

I wasn’t sure if I liked that or not.

All I knew was that right now I couldn’t help it. My body needed her and I liked her. A lot. And, like it or not, I was starting to feel again.