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Too Far Gone: A Grey Justice Novel by Christy Reece (24)

Chapter Twenty-three

Valencia, Venezuela

Mendoza Estate

Stephan stood beside the window and peered down into the courtyard. “He’s just coming through the gates.”

“And everything is ready?”

“Yes. He’ll not want for anything.”

“Excellent. I want him leaving believing that everything is under control. He needs to see my commitment to our agreement hasn’t wavered. Our relationship has always been turbulent, but since Rudy’s imprisonment, it’s grown even worse. Our agreement was forged long ago, but I’ll admit that I delayed somewhat. Having my granddaughter mated to a serial killer isn’t exactly a grandfather’s dream.”

“What we dream and what is necessary are often in direct contrast. Your goal can’t be achieved without living up to your promise.”

Yes, he knew that better than anyone. No man dreamed of making the decisions he had made—many of them, he’d been forced to make. Maintaining a reputation, retaining power, growing and achieving one’s goals took sacrifices. Some great, some small. If others suffered, that was the way of the world.

Some might see this particular arrangement as selfishness on his part. He didn’t agree. Bianchi had what rightfully belonged to him. The bastard wouldn’t give it up without compensation. It was as simple as that.

“I’ll be in my quarters if you need me.”

While regrettable, having Stephan present when Bianchi was here was not advisable. The bad blood between the two would never be resolved. Years ago, Stephan had taught Rudolph’s grandson, Rudy, a much-deserved lesson in humility. The lesson was one that the young man would likely never forget. His grandfather certainly hadn’t.

The lesson had been harsh but necessary. Rudy had been given instructions, and instead of following them, he had improvised. Luis couldn’t say he hated what happened or the results. Two young people had learned valuable lessons. Gabriella had learned the consequences of defiance. Her rebellious streak had ended that day. And Rudy had discovered that not following orders was a punishable offense.

In truth, he thought the event had been his most successful method of child-rearing. Too bad he’d never had the chance to have a similar experience for Carlos. If he had, perhaps the young man might not have veered so far off course.

Shrugging away the regrets, Luis walked with Stephan down the hallway and into the large atrium of his home. Stephan gave a small salute and continued up the stairway to his quarters. He would stay there, unless Luis called for him, until Bianchi departed.

With a concession he made to few, Luis opened the front door and went down the steps to greet his old rival. The day would come when they were united by more than enmity. Again, not what any man would dream of, but as Stephan so eloquently put it, what a man dreamed and what was necessary were often completely different. They each had something the other wanted. Their bartering system might be a bit archaic, but—what was the saying?—needs must. He desperately needed something that Rudolph possessed. And once Gabriella was returned to him, he would ensure the bargain went through. If he could have had what he wanted without going through with his agreement, he would. Since that wasn’t possible, he would live up to his end of the bargain.

His best false smile in place, Luis held out his arms in welcome to the man he despised more than anyone he had ever known. 


Rudolph glided through the arched entryway of Luis Mendoza’s private museum, the hum of his wheelchair the only sound in the tomb-like mausoleum. He’d been inside the secret rooms only a few times. Each time he came, he left both impressed and disgusted. How many people knew that beneath the mansion was a collection of treasures that would rival that of many of the world’s most-famous museums? 

As a man grounded in practicality and reason, he found the objects pointless and somewhat vulgar. He also decided that many of Luis’s most priceless treasures were remarkably ugly. He gave a mental shrug. To each his own. Luis’s obsession was Rudolph’s good fortune. Without it, he would have no hope for what he wanted.

“I’ve added several new items since you were here last.” 

The energy and enthusiasm in Luis’s voice made the man sound like a teenager showing off a new sports car. Vanity and pride were etched on his face, while his eyes gleamed with avarice. Luis showing off his treasures with a childlike glee was in its own way amusing. The man really had no idea how ridiculous he appeared.

“This is an Egyptian vase from the eighth century. It once belonged to the Emperor of Japan. I purchased it two years ago last March for 60.2 million American dollars. My appraisers have assured me it’s worth almost twice that amount now.”

Rudolph grunted his acknowledgment. He could appreciate a bargain as much as the next man. If someone was insane enough to spend that kind of money for an ugly vase with a crack in it, that was their problem.

“And over here…” Luis pointed to a lighted alcove where a large painting hung of an old sheep farmer and a couple of goat-like creatures on a hillside. “This is an original Steinhardt. He painted it right after his wife died, and many think that—”

“Enough, Luis.” Rudolph’s weak lungs no longer allowed him to shout, but he could still put enough emphasis in his voice to let others know of his displeasure. 

“What’s wrong?”

“I haven’t the slightest amount of interest in your so-called treasures. So far, you have done nothing other than try to impress me with food too rich for my belly, wine too expensive for my taste, and a tour of your useless baubles. I came here for one reason only.”

Offense stamped an ugly meanness on Luis’s face. “You insult me with your words while you hold my treasure for ransom. How dare you?”

“I dare because I have what you want. If you would stop playing with your silly toys and find your granddaughter, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Now tell me what’s going on. Are you close to finding the girl or not?”

The gleam didn’t leave his eyes, but Luis answered with more civility than Rudolph had expected. “We have gotten close twice. Whoever has her knows what they’re doing. However, it’s only a matter of time before we find them. Next time, we won’t lose them.”

“I’ve told you before. You gave the girl too much freedom.”

“Her travels were important. As hostess for my parties, she was required to talk about a variety of things. She needed to be able to converse intelligently.”

“From the moment the girl was conceived, she only had one real purpose. You should’ve seen to that.”

“She was at the doctor’s office, getting the procedure, when she was taken. I fulfilled my part of the bargain.”

“Not yet you haven’t. The girl is still missing. You should’ve had her under lock and key until she did her duty.”

“If your grandson had not committed his crimes, this would not have been necessary. It could have been done and over with.”

“My grandson can’t help the way he is. His doctors have told me he’s a sick young man. None of this is his fault. Besides, if you really want to place blame, you should look in the mirror. You’re the one who brought this on yourself. Not me.”

“You old buzzard. You have what doesn’t belong to you. It belongs to me.”

“It was given to me in exchange for what you took from me. It’s rightfully mine, and you know it.”

Luis drew in a breath. They were bickering like two children fighting over a toy. If he didn’t get himself under control, he would pick up one of his priceless treasures and slam it into Rudolph’s head. One misery would cease, but the ache for what he wanted most would never end. 

“This argument is getting us nowhere. We each have what the other wants. If we work together, we can still make an exchange.”

“Fine. I’ll concede that without your cooperation I can’t have what I want, so I’ll agree to work with you up to a point. However, when the girl is found, she will come live with me in Rome. No more traveling or social engagements until I have what I want from her.

“And before you tell me no, old friend, listen well. The reason the girl is gone is because she initiated the entire thing. Your grandson was taken in exchange for giving the girl her freedom. Mark my words, she is behind this all.”

“Who told you that?”

“No one. If you would get your head out of your ass, or your mind off your silly artifacts, you would see that clearly. Somehow, somewhere, she was able to negotiate this entire event. Therefore, when she is found, she’s mine until I get my payment. Is that understood?”

This wasn’t the first time it had been mentioned to him that Gabriella had instigated her own abduction, along with Carlos’s arrest. The idea was so far-fetched and unrealistic, Luis had always ignored that theory. Rudolph’s words made him rethink his opinion. Was the girl bright enough to have done something like that behind his back? She had been watched like a hawk every moment of every day. Who did she know who would have helped her? She had no friends. With the exception of him and Rudolph, not one single person cared if she lived or died.

Luis shook off his disquiet. The idea was still ludicrous, but there was no point in arguing the point with Bianchi.

“Very well. Once she is found, she can stay with you until her promise is fulfilled. But once she’s delivered to you, that means I receive immediate payment.”


Triumph sparkled in Rudolph’s watery eyes, and Luis wondered if he hadn’t been too easy in his agreement. What was the old crone up to now?