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Trent (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) by Maia Starr (164)




I could not believe the words that were coming out of Kuvo's mouth. I never expected anyone to stand up to my father, especially not him. Not only was he standing up to my father, but he was doing it for me. He was standing up for me, telling my father the things that I should have told him long ago. Things that I had tried over and over again to tell him, but he would not listen. No matter what I said or what I did. Hearing him say that he would not give up a ransom for me stung more than anything. He was saying that I was worthless, and that money was more important to him. Even though there was no ransom, because that was not the case, my father did not know that. But here he was admitting that he would not take any action toward getting me back if there was an abduction with a ransom. It hurt.


But when Kuvo began to stick up to my father, my heart began to mend. Perhaps there was hope for us after all. Maybe I would be able to tell him that I was caring his offspring, my secret baby that I had kept to myself.


After he had stormed out of my father’s office, I said nothing to my father. There was nothing left to say. I walked out of the building hoping to catch up with Kuvo. But I could not find him anywhere in the embassy. I was scared that he had left. I went to my apartment and felt comfortable in my home surroundings. I took a deep breath of air and sunk into the couch. Then in the distance, I heard a familiar sound. It made my heart beat faster and put a smile on my face. I went out into the hallway and climbed the stairs all the way up to the roof. There I saw them, I saw the beautiful elephants that I thought I would never see again. It brought tears to my eyes and I could not control the crying. The floodgates opened and happiness of seeing the elephants mixed with the sadness of being pregnant was overwhelming.


"And you thought you would never see them again,” I heard Kuvo say behind me.


"Kuvo,” I said as I turned around and saw him standing there in dragon form.


"Andrene, I have to apologize to you,” he said as he came and sat next to me.


"Apologized to me? I am the one that needs to apologize over and over," I said to him.


"No, I have been cold and distant. It is not my real feelings. I had so much anger and I did not know how to deal with it.”


"No, Kuvo it is—”


"Let me finish. I have much to say,” he said to me.


"Okay,” I said.


"You asked me once why I left Mooreah if it was such a beautiful, stunning place. I did not tell you why then. But I will tell you now. I left because I could no longer handle life as a squadron leader. After many years, I had watched many of my brother warriors die in front of me. I did not want to see that any longer. When I went to rescue Winfrey and Simon, all I could think about was seeing you again. We were in fierce battles and I thought I was going to die. All I wanted to do was touch you again before that happened. I knew then that I loved you. I loved you dearly. Yet I was in deep conflict knowing that I could not trust you after what you had done.


“It was a very hard place to be in. You have made it very difficult for me, but I knew on the battlefield when a blaster shot me and I thought I was going to die that I loved you. Of course I realized I was only shot in the arm, but it was still a wake-up call. But then I lost two warriors in the battlefield and I blamed you for it. That I was going through it all over again, the entire reason I have left Mooreah in the first place. I blamed you because we would not have to rescue the crew had you not made those brash decisions to deal with a criminal like Rubla Von. That is why when we returned to Cerista, I was so cold to you. I was blaming you. But I was wrong. You are not to blame. I hope that you will forgive me. I should never have spoken to you in such a way or been so distant and cold,” he said to me.


Tears were rolling down my face and everything he said was what I wanted to hear, but it was also hard, because I was to blame. I would always blame myself for what happened; I was the one at fault and nothing could ever change that.


"Kuvo, I understand. Nothing can ever change what I did. I hope that one day you can trust me. I hope that we can move forward from this, because I have news."


"What is it, Andrene?” he said to me.


I put my hands over my belly and said, “Remember that night in the cave?”


His eyes moved to my hands and his eyes grew wide.


"I am pregnant,” I said to him.


He was silent for a long time and then he smiled. "That is unbelievable,” he said.


"Are you happy?” I asked him.


"I am very happy. I love you, Andrene,” he said.


"I love you too, Kuvo," I said to him as I threw my arms around his neck. He pressed his lips against mine in a deep and passionate kiss. I could feel his silver scales pressed against my body. I was going to have the baby of an alien weredragon Drackon. A Drackon that loved me and that had stood up to my father for me. He had rescued me in more ways than one. It was more than I could ever ask for.


"So what shall we do now, Andrene?” he asked me.


I laughed and said, “I guess after what you told my father, I can do anything,”


"Yes, perhaps I went a little overboard, but he really pissed me off. No one talks to my wife that way,” Kuvo said.


I smiled wide. His words did not escape my attention. “Do you mean it? Do you really want to marry me?” I asked him.


"Yes, I would not say it if I didn't. I have loved you from the moment I saw you, but it wasn't until now that I truly understood those feelings, your scent. It was all there letting me know that you were the one for me and I ignored it. But now you will be my wife and we will be a family and we can live anywhere in the world or the galaxy that you want to live,” he said to me.


"I am so happy. I am more happy than I have ever been,” I said to him as we watched the elephants in the fields of Africa.


“I am too,” he said.


After we watched for a little while longer, we moved downstairs to my apartment. Kuvo carried me inside. “Let me get you off your feet. You are carrying my child, after all,” he said.


I laughed at him and said, “It is still very early. I think I am fine to walk.”


“Oh, then let me carry you simply because I want you in my arms. It has been too long. I will not deny myself the pleasure of holding you anymore.”


His words made me feel good. I felt safe. I believed him. I felt like everything was finally going to good for me, for us. Kuvo laid me down on my bed and said, “Hold on right there. Don’t move.”


Then he moved to my washroom. I heard the water running and I knew that he was fixing a bath. I laughed to myself. Moments later he walked in and said, “I fixed us a hot bath. We deserve it. It has been a long journey.”


“I would love a bath with you, Kuvo,” I said to him.


“Good, because I was not going to take no for an answer,” he said. “Now what are we going to do about these pesky clothes.” He untied my suit and peeled it off of me. I was naked on the bed. He groaned as he looked at me. He took of his space suit and even in his normal form, he was still exciting and beautiful to me. He picked me up off the bed, scooping me into his arms, and carried me to the bath. I sunk in deep. I didn’t realize just how much I needed it until I felt the hot water hit my skin. Kuvo sat behind me and we relaxed together. When we were done with our bath, we made love in my apartment for two days straight.


A month later, everything had changed. I had stayed at the embassy before finishing and leaving my position as an ambassador. I had one last thing to do and that was to get to the bottom of the Partaba attack. It turned out that my father was behind some illegal and unfair negotiations concerning the lands that no one knew about. That was the reason for the attack. I sided with the Partaba and now that I was seen as a hero to my colleagues, they also sided with me. I was able to give the Partaba back their lands, which they only wanted to preserve for the wildlife and the traditional Partaba way of life. My father was not happy about this and he was transferred to New, New York by the Earth Council.


Kuvo and I got married in the savannah amongst the elephants. It was the best wedding I could ask for. It was private and Simon and Winfrey were there as our witnesses. We did not want a big affair; private was better. Private was romantic. But I knew that I did not want to live at the embassy and I did not want to be ambassador. It was what my father had chosen for me. I wanted to work with animals. But for now Kuvo and I were focusing on the birth of our child. We made our permanent home in the countryside of northern California amongst the giant redwoods were Kuvo could fly and be unseen. Where he could train our child to fly in private.


But I knew that no matter where we lived, my home was with my new Drackon husband, Kuvo Bane. After all that I had been through, and all the running that I did, I was really just searching for myself. I found myself in the arms of a Drackon warrior that changed my life, and that would risk his life for me if it came to that. I was home. I was finally home.


THE END (Flip the next page to read Book #6 “Kasian-Dracon Mates!)