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Trent (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) by Maia Starr (84)





I had to go. I didn't have a choice; my entire planet depended on it. Sure, it was a very small planet, but there were over 500 Corillion warriors living on it, and they all depended on me: the leader of the planet.


So when Cultan contacted me from Earth to let me know that he needed my help and in return would grant me 25 human females, I couldn't refuse. Cultan was stuck on Earth. He had captured 50 breeding human females to take back to his planet Krillis. But his aircraft had suffered irreparable damage, and he was stuck, hiding from the enemy of Earth. We were at war with Earth, if they found him, they would kill him and his warriors, and the 50 human female captives would be a loss.


I was in my 21-year cycle, and if I did not find a human female to breed with soon, then I would be dying in a few months, so his offer to give my tribe of Glomerorum 25 human females was too much of a good offer to pass up. So I made a very bold choice: I would go to Earth with a cargo ship that could carry Cultan, his warriors, and the 50 human females.


We were one of the few Corillion tribes that had such an advanced aircraft. Even though it was a massive cargo ship with great speed, it had a protective shield that made it look invisible in the Earth’s sky. It was the perfect ship for the job. So I took the opportunity and left Glomer with a copilot to Earth.


But then it all went wrong. The battle was short. The Earthlings caught us as soon as we entered the atmosphere. It was almost as if they were expecting us. My ship went down into a vast ocean the humans called the Atlantic. My copilot and I ejected from the ship only to be taken prisoner by the Earthlings. It was a disaster.


That was how I found myself in this terrible prison. It was unlike any prison cell that I had ever seen in the world of the Corillion. I had spent three months in captivity, strapped to a table. There was a team of torturers that did experiments on me. When I refused to cooperate or to answer their questions, they would give me a bolt of electricity that was extremely painful. It was the worst torture that I had ever experienced. The humans were cruel. I should have fought to the death in the battle instead of allowing myself to be captured. It was a mistake that I had been paying for over the last three months.


The prison did not have windows, as can be expected. But there was something that I did not expect; there were all kinds of gadgets, electrical devices, and surgical tools. I knew that I was not in any ordinary prison on Earth. I had been put into a prison where the humans were studying the Corillion race.


"Tell us more about this 22-year cycle,” the man that the others referred to as Dr. Maxwell asked me while he held a tablet in his hand.



He looked at me and narrowed his eyes, dark blue eyes. He had brown hair, and he was very tall for a human, almost 6 feet and 5 inches. He was very thin and willowy and always wore a white coat. He wiped the spit off him. He looked at another man and nodded his head. I knew exactly what that meant.


"Agh!" I shouted as a large volt of electricity rocked through my body. I shook and convulsed on the table that I was strapped to. Finally, the shock subsided.


"Now will you answer the question? Tell me more about this 22-year cycle. Is it true that a Corillion warrior will die off if he does not mate with a human female?"


I glared at him, but said nothing. They were going to kill me anyway. Why should I answer any of the questions? I would die before I betrayed the Corillion warriors by giving these humans any information they could use against us in the war. Loyalty was everything to the Corillion, and I would not be disloyal.


"Where in the Corillion galaxy are you from, Jedrian? Why did you come to Earth?” the human asked.


"I came to Earth to find you and kill you,” I said to him angrily. It was a lie of course, but it made me feel good to see the fear in his eyes.


"That is all for now,” he finally said to the other man. Put him under. We will begin surgical testing in 45 minutes,” he said.


"Surgical? You better not cut me open! I will kill you!” I shouted as I struggled to get free on the table. But it was no use. A clear mask was put over my face; it was the last thing that I remembered before going to sleep.


When I woke up, there was a large gauze wrapping on my right shoulder. The fuckers. They had sliced open my shoulder and removed a few of my scales. I could feel it. I moaned in anger, but also at the loss of my scales that meant so much to us Corillion warriors. It was our identity. It was everything to us. They had stolen that from me, and I could never forgive them for that. I would have my vengeance. I did not know how it would happen, but I knew that it was coming. I could feel it in the air.


Cultan was nearby. He was still hidden at the secret Corillion hideout deep in these mountains. I and my copilot had been captured before we reached Cultan, so their identities and whereabouts were still safe. My copilot had been killed in front of my eyes when he resisted capture; now it was only me. All I had to do was somehow escape from this prison. Then I could make my way to the secret Corillion hide out. I had memorized its location before leaving Glomer.


I had watched every day and was taking notes with my eyes. I learned to tell the hour of the day and night by the device the humans called a clock that was hung on a wall outside of the glass that I was being kept in. The human known as Dr. Maxwell came three times a day to torture me, always at the same time. Then the second human, who was obviously a submissive to Dr. Maxwell, came twice throughout the day.


When they were not with me I was left alone. It was these crucial times of being alone that I would have to use to escape. But I could not do it without all the information that I needed. The prison seemed to be well guarded, with a lot of humans around. This meant that I could not fight my way out in a big show of a battle. No, I would have to do it quietly. I noticed that the humans used a card in order to open the doors. I would have to steal one of these cards from the humans that came into my prison cell, and I would have to do it when they leaned over my body to apply various wires to my skin. I would have to do it with such stealth that they did not feel it. I had to make sure that person was not alone, that way the other person could open the door for them. This would make that human think they lost their card long before they came into my prison cell. That was crucial to my plan.


There were times when I was left alone for 9 to 10 hours straight; I could only assume that this was night time, since I could not see the outdoors with no windows. But the entire prison seemed to quiet down. There was no noise outside of the usual loud humming coming and going that I would hear. There were no footsteps during this time. It was quiet. So it would be during that time that I would need to make my escape. Only a few soldiers would be awake during that time keeping guard. I would have to take them out one by one quietly by knocking them out before they even saw me. I was compiling all of this information in my head and order to make a smooth escape. It was like gathering pieces to a puzzle.


But I still did not feel confident in my plan. I needed to know what was outside the prison. Were there tall prison walls? Were there ships that I could run to and fly away? I knew nothing. I needed more information. I knew that I was not going to get it from Dr. Maxwell, or his submissive human. I needed another source of information. I would need to hack into a computer system, but the only chance I had for that was during my escape, and there would not be time for it. I needed the help of a human: that seemed to be key. And that seemed to be hopeless, until one day that key walked in.


It was two weeks after Dr. Maxwell had cut a few of my scales off and I was healing quickly. I was strapped to the table when the door opened. A young, petite human female that I had not seen before walked in. She was not wearing the white coat like the others. She looked around in bewilderment as she stepped in. It looked like she was lost as she timidly entered. She had not noticed me yet. Her long brown hair was in a high ponytail, and her stark blue eyes were full of wonder. Her tight jeans left nothing to the imagination, with her curvy bottom and curvy hips. Her pink sweater hugged her perky breasts that jiggled when she walked. I found it odd that even though I was strapped to a table, wounded, exhausted, and a prisoner, I was very attracted and turned on by her presence.


I knew before she even saw me, that she was the one. She was my key to escape. All I would have to do was gain her trust and manipulate her. From what I knew about the human females, this would not be hard. I grinned to myself in triumph.


Then it happened. She finally saw me. She stopped in front of the glass that held me in. I could not hear the gasp that escaped her mouth, but her reaction was evident. She was in shock. She did not expect to see me. She did not know that I was in the room.


I wondered if she had ever seen a Corillion warrior at all. She just stared at me with wide blue eyes. Her mouth was open, with pink, quivering lips. She took a few steps back slowly moving away from the glass. Then I watched as her eyes moved over my body, my naked body. Her eyes moved across my shoulders, and she stared for a long time at my blue scales. Then they went further down over my stomach, down, down until her eyes rested on my cock. I noticed her chest breathing up and down faster and faster. Then she put her hand over her mouth. It was an unusual action. Then her eyes moved back up to my face and locked with my eyes. After a few seconds, she turned and ran, leaving the way she came in.