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Two Weeks of Sin: A Billionaire & Virgin Romance by Rye Hart (109)

Chapter One

Marie Stevens was a good woman in a bad situation. That was always her story. She’d grown up in a small Southern town, and had a certain charm about her. Men fell for her left and right but she’d always been the type of girl who believed in “the one”.

She lived on a small farm with her parents in the mountains of Tennessee. The farm was never meant to be a source of income but she loved taking care of the animals. Marie had a special place in her heart for animals. She almost liked them better than she liked people.

Marie was always a quiet, studious girl who was dedicated to her schooling. She wanted to leave the small town and become a veterinarian. She’d always dreamed of spending her life helping animals.

Her dreams were big and she knew that she could achieve them if she put her mind to it. She could move mountains if she believed she could. People told her that she was meant for great things and she believed them.

While all the girls in her school were busy with boys and prom, she was studying and keeping her GPA near perfect. People made fun of her and the boys she turned down would accuse her of being a lesbian or some other claim that made the blow to their manhood more palatable. It was a ridiculous game, in her opinion, and so she refused to play.

The boys were drawn to her ethereal beauty. All the boys wanted her and the girls wanted to be her, even if Marie didn’t know it. She had long, curly blonde hair that glistened in the light and always seemed to lay across her shoulders perfectly without any effort. Her eyes were as big and blue as the ocean and when she smiled they shined brighter than stars. Her pale skin was never marred with blemishes and her round face gave her an innocent charm that drew people in.

Despite her beauty, Marie’s focus was never pulled away from school. She stayed the course and managed to ignore the advances of potential boyfriends and the pressure to go to parties. Her parents couldn’t have been more proud of her, but that was all going to change her senior year.

Robert had been so damn charming when they first met. His eyes were almost a golden amber color. The closest thing she could compare them to was honey. They were deep and rich and seemed to look right into her soul. She fell for him the moment they met.

Marie enjoyed fairy tales growing up and so she’d bought into the idea of love at first sight. It was how she’d wanted to meet the love of her life. She wanted the storybook romance that she’d read about for so many years.

She was inherently feminine and had denied herself the things that girls looked forward to for her entire life. Marie never went to school dances and she never put herself into the dating pool. She’d focused on more practical things, and as a result she was hungry for the very things she’d avoided.

Robert paid attention to every one of those desires. He made Marie feel like a princess and it was intoxicating to her. It was enough to drag her away from her books and away from her goals. He promised that he would take care of her for the rest of her life. She’d never have to work a day in her life. She’d just stay at home and take care of their babies.

The first time he’d told her that, she’d questioned if it was what she really wanted. She’d had her heart set on being a veterinarian for so long that she couldn’t imagine anything else. Robert convinced her that it wasn’t something worth pursuing. He convinced her that the only way they could build a life together was if she depended on him completely.

Those red flags should have been enough to wake her up. Marie should have run away from that fate as fast as she could, but she was too caught up in her own fairy tale to listen to reason. She jumped right off the cliff, expecting Robert to catch her. She would realize later in her life just how stupid of a decision that was.

Marie gave Robert something that she’d been told was precious. Her virginity. It was another thing she would look back on and scoff at. Her virginity meant nothing. It was something that society had put on a pedestal to keep girls from exploring their own sexualities.

At the time, however, it was a big deal. The first time they laid together she was expecting something wonderful. She expected her world to be changed forever, but it was much duller than that. A few sloppy thrusts and grunts and he came, leaving her unsatisfied and confused. She wasn’t even sure if it felt good, to be honest. It had happened so fast.

All of their encounters following that were pretty much the same. She wouldn’t have her first orgasm until a friend bought her a vibrator as a joke. She had been embarrassed at first, but it became a staple in her and Robert’s relationship. She kept it by the bed for all of those disappointing sexual exploits.

Their intercourse wasn’t completely unproductive. Right after graduation she found out she was pregnant with her first and only child. There was pressure for her and Robert to marry thanks to the old world views of their small town.

That pressure was more than enough to convince them to get married. It was a quiet affair that was put together quickly. Her parents wanted to preserve her dignity and so it needed to be done before she started to show.

It was the first of many disappointments that she would experience in her marriage. Her pregnancy left her unable to go to school and so Robert got the housewife he'd always wanted.

Robert went to work every day and left Marie at home, pregnant and terrified. She hadn't planned on having children for years. Some part of her still wanted to get out of her small town and see the country, and maybe even the world.

She would have to come to terms with the fact that she was a mother and a wife now and that would define her for years to come.


Chapter Two


The birth of Richard was one of the happiest days of Marie's life, but it was promptly followed by weeks of soul crushing depression. No one ever talked about postpartum depression and so Marie didn't know to expect it.

Her husband was present for the birth of their son but that was where his involvement stopped. Men were expected to work and women were expected to care for the children. There was little cross over.

Thanks to this archaic view, Marie was left at home with a screaming infant and no one to look to for help. Her mother would shake her head in disappointment if Marie admitted to being terrified of the baby or unsure of what she should do.

The gruff, aging woman would tell her to follow her 'maternal instincts'. As a nineteen-year-old woman and new mother, she wasn't sure she had the instincts her mother was talking about.

She felt like a failure as a mother and a wife, not realizing that there were other women around her suffering from the same affliction. They wouldn't talk about it for the same reasons that Marie did not. They were all too afraid of being judged.

Those first few weeks were hell but Marie pulled through and gained confidence as a mother. She felt she was a good mother, though her husband would tell her otherwise on many occasions.

She did her best to cook and clean despite the fact that she hated every second of it. She went to every PTA meeting and every hockey practice. She decorated the house for every holiday and gave out plenty of hugs and kisses.

It wasn’t an act. Marie loved her son. She loved him more than anything on the planet and she was thankful for his happy face every day. He looked so much like his father. He had his golden eyes and Marie’s thick blonde hair. His nose turned up when he smiled and Marie took all the credit for that one. He was a beautiful boy and she adored him to no end.

Her husband, on the other hand, was a completely different story. She’d hoped for a fairy tale life but it didn’t seem like she was meant to live happily ever after. Her relationship with Robert fell apart soon after Richard was born.

The man was never around. He preferred the company of his coworkers at the bar to that of his wife and his son. No one batted an eye at it either. This was normal. There were few women in this small town who were in happy marriages. Everyone said they were happy but Marie knew it was a lie. She saw the same sad look in every woman’s eye that she had in her own. No one was happy, but you couldn’t admit it.

Divorce rates would have been through the roof if divorce had been acceptable. There were no legalities that kept women from divorcing their husbands, but sometimes social pressure held more power than law.

Like every other woman in town, Marie played with roll of the happy wife. She smiled at the other women in the grocery store and made small talk with them. She laughed at bad jokes and cleaned up after her drunken husband stumbled in from a long night at the bar.

Drinking wasn’t an uncommon hobby in these parts but Robert’s drinking habits got out of control, even by the lax standards of this small Tennessee town. He was soon known as the town drunk and their family was cast out from the social circles.

Richard went through high school without any friends, and the few women that Marie enjoyed talking to abandoned her. She was more alone than ever and so was her husband. Robert hadn’t ever been held accountable for his actions, so when he lost his job, his friends and the respect of everyone in the town, he took his anger out on his wife.

Robert would come home from his minimum wage job, raging and drunk from spending too much time at the bar again. Marie sent Richard to his room so that he wouldn’t bear the brunt of his father’s abuses. She was happy to take it for the both of them.

For a long time, it was just verbal. He’d scream at Marie while she cooked and even threw something occasionally, though it was never at her. He would break plates but he didn’t hit her for a long time, and the first slap was the last.

He came home in a particularly foul mood one day and started screaming at his now eighteen-year-old son. Richard had just graduated and was trying to figure out what he was going to do with his life. Robert had him cornered and was screaming at him about how he was wasting his life and Marie wasn’t about to let it continue.

She stepped in between them and before she could get a word out, she was slapped across the face. Her head snapped to the side and she could taste blood in her mouth. After a moment she wiped her lips and spit the blood onto the floor, rage boiling inside her.

Marie would never forget that feeling as long as she lived. It was soul crushing sadness mixed with an anger that made her want to wring his fat neck. The taste of blood made her all the angrier. Her breath was coming at a quickened pace and when she turned her head, he was already apologizing, eyes wide.

Apologies weren’t enough.

Richard had already run up the stairs and Marie told her husband that if he touched her again she would break his arms. Those were the last words she said to her husband that weren’t said through a lawyer or in a courtroom. She’d filed for divorce the very next day.


Chapter Three


While she was waiting for the divorce to go through, Marie had kicked her husband out of the house, forcing him to stay with his parents. He complied, hoping that this was a storm that would pass. He couldn’t have been more wrong.

As soon as the divorce was final, she packed up her things in a U-Haul and moved about four hours west to Nashville. She and Richard found a cozy little house in the suburbs that was being rented out and began their new life.

That had been two years ago.

Marie thought that leaving her drunken husband behind and getting out of that oppressive little town would solve all of her problems. She’d been severely mistaken. Moving to Nashville had been an easy choice but the life she was making there was far from perfect.

It was a struggle to keep her head above water and Richard didn’t make it any easier. Without any type of education beyond her high school diploma, it had been hard to find a decent job. She’d eventually started working at a local animal boarding facility. It was a large place with huge fields and a caring staff. She loved working there but wished it had paid a little more.

She’d started out as a handler but now worked as a manager over animal care. Her knowledge of how to train animals and her success rate made her an ideal employee. Marie liked her job at The Pet Palace but she wanted more.

Marie had begun taking classes at night in order to earn her Associate's Degree but it was slow moving and at thirty-nine, she thought being a vet might be too lofty a goal. She couldn’t give up without at least trying, though.

Richard wasn’t any help at all, either. He had inherited his father’s addictive personality but had chosen a much more damaging addiction. She never thought her bouncing baby boy would turn to drugs, but what parent did?

Heroine was Richard’s poison and when she found out, she’d kicked him out of the house until he got clean. He’d agreed to go to rehab and she’d helped fund the endeavor. His first stay lasted a whole forty-eight hours, and the last two times he’d managed to stay a collective month. Not near long enough to kick the habit.

With the threat of being homeless looming over his head, he’d returned to his mother and begged for her to let him back in. She was hesitant but couldn’t stand to see her son out in the cold. Now he was a bum living in her basement. He came out to get food and ask for money but that was all she saw of him. He spent most of his time in his room with one of his many girlfriends.

Her son's active sex life didn’t escape her notice. The thought of the type of girls he brought home disgusted her, but she’d given up on fighting him about it. He was going to do whatever he wanted and there was nothing she could do to stop him.

That wasn’t the only intimate matter that had gained her attention. She was getting older and her body was getting more demanding. She was surprised that her intimate desires only increased the closer she got to forty.

Marie’s life was busy enough with work, school, and caring for her addict son. She didn’t have time to date and she wasn’t really even interested in trying to find a new man. Her marriage had been so sour that the last thing she wanted was another one. Hell, she didn’t even want a boyfriend.

Now, casual sex sounded nice but she didn’t even know how to go about finding a ‘hook up’. She wasn’t a young girl who could just roam around bars and find men to take home. She had tried the internet dating thing and was put off with the type of men she found there.

She was still a beautiful woman, even if she was in her late thirties. Her full hair was still thick and lustrous and her eyes were starting to show her age but the only lines were smile lines. Her eyes were clear and big, and her lips still full without the aid of collagen or fillers. She’d protected her skin from sun damage and thanks to her adamant application of sunscreen, she had almost no wrinkles.

Because of her inherent beauty, plenty of men flocked to her profiles but what she found once she started talking to them was that they were all younger men, looking for something that they called a ‘cougar’ or a ‘MILF’. She did a quick Google search of the terms and was shocked at their meanings. She deleted all of her profiles immediately. She wasn’t interested in being someone’s fetish.

Her intimacy prospects were slim. Marie’s only options seemed to be men half her age that saw her as some weird sexual object or the man she worked with. She felt like she had settled for her husband and she wasn’t willing to do that again.

Marie sighed as she set her bags down inside the door and looked down at her phone as it buzzed. It was Rachel, one of her best friends. She’d met the woman through work. She was a teacher of human sexuality at one of the colleges in the area and sent her dog to the doggie daycare Marie’s work offered.

She was an amazing woman and Marie loved her dearly. She sat on the couch and opened the phone to read the text message Rachel had left for her.

‘You and me. Lunch tomorrow at the new soup and salad place downtown?’

Marie couldn’t refuse her friend and smiled, sending a quick reply.

‘Sounds like heaven. See you at noon.’


Chapter Four


She never had to ask what time she was supposed to be meeting her friend. Even though Rachel was a bit of a wild card, she had lunch at the same time every day. Marie may have been the reason for that.

They were best friends but they were complete opposites. Rachel thrived in what she called 'creative chaos' and Marie needed order. It had come from years of not having control over her own life. Now that she was a free woman she liked to be in charge of as much as possible.

There was one other constant with Rachel. She was chronically late. She was never later than five or ten minutes but Marie could always expect her friend to run over to her, panting and apologizing for her tardiness. Most of the time it had to do with the school.

Rachel worked in the psychology department of a prestigious school in the area. She wore big round glasses that magnified her pretty green eyes and had short red hair with short fringe bangs. She showed her age more than Marie due to her high stress job, but she was still a beautiful woman.

She was petite and barely reached five feet. She always complained about how she was going to shrink in her old age and Marie always laughed. The thought of Rachel getting any shorter was pretty laughable.

Like any other day, Rachel was late arriving to lunch. She sighed and flopped into the metal chair, looking at her friend and grinning. She didn't always tell Marie why she was late, knowing that the woman understood.

She ordered an Arnold Palmer and finally turned to Marie, grinning brightly.

"Aren't you as stunning as ever!" she hummed, flipping her menu open.

Marie rolled her eyes, "You don't have to flatter me. You aren't trying to woo me," she pointed out, closing her menu.

She liked consistency as much as she liked routine and so she ordered the same thing everywhere she went. A Cobb salad with ranch and extra avocado. Rachel cocked a brow when she ordered, "Aren't you ever going to try something different?"

"Why would I? I know I like this," she pointed out.

Rachel sighed and shook her head, changing the subject to something that was far more interesting to her.

"How is you man hunt going?" She meant her literal hunt for a man to sleep with.

"Terrible. I thought I found one prospect but he had pretty bad mommy issues."

"They all do."

"This one wanted to know if I was lactating," Marie said, crinkling her nose.

"Oh dear," Rachel said, blinking a little.

Marie nodded and sighed, handing her menu over to the waiter and glancing at her friend. "I don't think it's a lot to ask for a normal guy who wants to have normal sex."

"You'd be surprised how lofty a desire that is these days," Rachel countered.

Marie nodded, tapping her fork on her glass as her mind spun. Rachel looked on, her lips pressed together. She finally sighed and started digging around in her purse.

"Listen. I've been holding off on this until I thought you were in dire need but I think that time is now," she said, pulling out a black business card.

Marie watched her friend closely, surprised when she pulled out the card and slid it across the table face down. Her brows furrowed and she picked it up and flipped it over. She was surprised to find that it was made of a thin metal that was flat black. There was no shine, gloss or color to the card, only raised letters that read ‘Mystique’ with an address beneath that but no phone number.

It seemed a little strange to Marie and perhaps a little sketchy. She pressed her lips together and looked the card over for a moment, “What is this, Rachel?”

“It’s a club that I’ve been going to for some time now.”

“Club? Aren’t we a little old to be going to clubs?”
“It’s a special kind of club that offers escort services,” Rachel said with a conspiratorial smile.

Marie set the card down and looked at her friend as if she were insane. “You’re trying to send me to a brothel?” she hissed.

Rachel rolled her eyes, “It’s a good place, okay? I’m not saying go in head first, I’m just saying you should check it out,” she said, picking the card up again and thrusting it toward Marie.

While she acted totally appalled, the idea wasn’t the worst one that had ever been presented to her. She looked took the card and tucked it away in her purse, not wanting to argue with her friend anymore.

She couldn’t help glancing at her purse, and more specifically, the pocket that held the strange business card. It seemed weird that there was no phone number. A brothel seemed like a place you would need to make appointments.

Her curiosity about the place played through her head the entire time they ate lunch. She was having a hard time focusing on her friend and Rachel seemed to notice. She also understood why Marie was having such a hard time. For a lot of people, the idea of paying for sex was taboo and Marie hadn’t really had a progressive childhood.

After a long silence, Rachel reached across the table and put her hand on Marie’s wrist, smiling. “Just go visit and see what it’s about. You’ll get a little eye candy out of the deal,” she said with a wink.

Marie rolled her eyes but smiled and nodded, “Alright, I’ll go see what it’s all about.”


Chapter Five


Marie didn’t know if she was actually going to go to the club. It seemed a little strange to her and when she went home to do some research, she wasn’t surprised to find out that they didn’t have a website. It would have been a poor decision for them, she supposed. If you owned a brothel, you probably didn’t want to advertise it.

Rachel had said she’d been going there for years and Marie couldn’t help but wonder how it had stayed under the radar for so long. Nashville was a big city, of course, but it was still in the Bible belt and people around here took sex and things of that nature almost as seriously as her small town had.

She had tossed her purse on the counter and it fell over, the contents spilling out. Marie hardly noticed. Her mind was running wild with the idea of visiting a brothel. It seemed so risqué and maybe even a little exciting. She wouldn’t have ever admitted that to anyone but she knew that she was excited by the prospect of visiting a place where she could pay for anonymous sex with attractive men.

It seemed like a better deal than paying for all these dating sites when all she really wanted was a hookup. Mystique seemed like her best option. At least if she went to this ‘club’ she’d actually get results for the money she was spending.

She sighed and put her hand to her temple, rubbing slow circles as she settled on her couch. Marie was a very high stress person and she knew that most of that was due to all of her responsibility and a lack of an outlet. She had no way to relieve the stress that had been building up in her system.

Marie sighed and pushed herself off the couch and did a quick sweep of the house to make sure she was alone. She didn’t know where Richard was but he wasn’t here. She never knew where he was anymore.

When she was sure she was alone she wandered into her bedroom and locked the door, just to be safe. Marie kneeled beside her bed and slowly pulled out a small box. She took the lid off and pulled out the only good sexual partner she’d ever had. A slim purple vibrator. The first one she’d received had died years ago and she’d had to replace them every so often.

This one was by far her favorite because she could take it into the bath. She wandered into her favorite room of the house and flipped on the lights. She ran a hot bath and went through the room, lighting the candles that she kept strewn about. This was her sanctuary. She waited until the tub was full, put on some calming music and settled in the water.

She leaned her head against the tile wall and closed her eyes, relaxing as the warm water loosened all the knots in her body. She sighed and turned her head to the side, a blush coming over her cheeks as she let her mind wander. What did her perfect man look like? He was definitely tall. Tall men had always been her thing. He’d be muscular, but not so much so that he looked like a meat head. She preferred men with a runner’s body. Slim and firm with toned legs.

Marie shivered at the mental image she was creating and bit her lip as her hand ran over her breasts. She let out a soft moan when her finger found the nub of her nipple. She whimpered and pinched it just a little, her mouth falling open as she gasped.

His hair would be long and dark, pulled back into a ponytail. He would have young, bright eyes and a charming smile that spoke to his good nature. He would be strong and firm with her, but never hurt her. Maybe he’d pull her hair a little.

She gasped and arched her back as her hand wandered further south. She gripped her vibrator in one hand, chewing on her lip as she dropped it between her legs and turned it on, resting it against her most intimate areas.

A familiar fire began to burn inside of her as she rocked her hips. She loved this feeling and Marie knew she’d love it even more if a man was providing the pleasure. She spread her legs wider for her imagined lover, her free hand still resting on her ample breasts.

She was so close to the edge of orgasm when she heard a moan that wasn’t her own. Her head snapped up and she turned to look at the bathroom door. There was someone else here. She frowned and stood up, drying off before slipping a robe over her shoulders. After she tucked her little friend away she wandered out to the living room and gasped.

Richard and one of his girlfriends were on the couch in varied stages of undress. They were giggling at nothing and reaching blindly for each other and were clearly out of their minds. She should have been used to seeing her son high but it never got any easier.


He looked up at her blinking as if to clear his vision. “Hey, ma!” he called, waving as his girlfriend started to get dressed.

Richard was never at a loss when it came to women. He had shoulder length blonde hair that was more often greasy than not. He had his father’s eyes and his mother’s delicate face. He made women weak in the knees and Marie couldn’t really blame them. He was a beautiful man.

But right now he was a damn nightmare. “Get dressed!” she snapped, throwing his shirt at him.

He seemed shocked by her reaction but rolled his eyes and started to dress himself. His girlfriend appeared to have some decency and was already clothed and standing near the edge of the couch. Her eyes were glassy and the smile on her face wasn’t directed at anything in particular. Marie recognized the faraway look of an addict.

Once he was dressed he threw his arm around the girl and made a noise at Marie that she supposed was annoyance. He wandered toward the door and stumbled out into the chilly autumn air with the girl in tow.

Marie was left feeling furious and at her wits end. She couldn’t keep doing this. She went to the kitchen to pour a glass of wine for herself when she spotted the tipped over bag. The first thing that she saw was the little black card.

She paused and picked it up, flipping it over in her hands a few times. She had always done everything for her family. Maybe it was about time she did something for herself. This could be the answer to her prayers.


Chapter Six


Marie hadn’t made the decision to go to Mystique overnight. She had considered it for a long time and considered the implications of what she was about to do. At the end of the day, what she was considering was illegal as hell and no matter how she tried to spin it, she was breaking the law.

She had stared at the little slate card for hours, considering her options. This seemed like the only one at the moment, if she was being quite honest. All of her attempts to find the type of man she wanted had ended in utter failure. That was the exact reason she finally decided to go.

After she punched the address into her GPS, she backed out of the driveway and started toward the downtown area. She still couldn’t fathom how the owner of this brothel got away with hiding it in plain sight. Downtown was more than busy and it seemed like it would be hard to hide an escort service from the cops. Wouldn’t someone blab eventually?

She had a lot of questions about Mystique but since they didn’t have a phone, she couldn’t call and ask. She’d have to find out herself. Her conversations with Rachel hadn’t really given her any answers either. Any time she asked about the club, Rachel told her she couldn’t answer any of the questions and instructed her to take the card with her. It was her key through the door, apparently.

A place like that would have to have a pretty secure security system, she decided. Just letting anyone in would be a dumb move on their part. A place like Mystique would have to be secretive and mysterious like the name implied.

Marie was surprised when the GPS led her to a small cafe. It had wrought iron tables and chairs outside with colorful umbrellas shading customers from the sun. There were several well cared for plants scattered about. A few birds fluttered around the tables and took off again. It was such a serene sight.

This couldn’t be it. She’d expected some dark, shady building disguised as a massage parlor or something. This was absolutely beautiful. She looked up at the sign that hung above the door and was almost shocked that it read ‘Mystique’ in the same plain letters that had been embossed into the card that she’d tucked away in her back pocket.

She parked around back and locked her car, looking around to see if this was some sort of trick. Marie took a breath and went around to the front door, pausing to take in the intricate, primal artwork that decorated the outer frame. It was stunning.

When she pushed the door open a little bell rang, signaling her arrival. She was met immediately by a man in a flannel shirt and baker’s apron. The shirt was unbuttoned a bit and revealed his strong hairless chest.

She nearly ran into him, jumping when he appeared before her. “Welcome!” he sang, his eyes bright.

Marie’s head shot up, taking in this beautiful specimen of a man. He had olive skin and dark features. He looked Italian or Greek and had a bit of an accent. His black hair was trimmed short on the sides and the long hair up top was slicked back out of his face.

He had wrinkles around his eyes and lips and was clearly in his thirties. His full lips and long lashes, however, distracted from any imperfections that were noticeable on his face. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, revealing his strong hands and forearms that were dusted in a light powder that was most likely flour. He seemed to have been working on baked goods behind the counter before she’d arrived.

The inside of the shop was rich in color. The walls were a lovely burnt orange and purple, with yellow and gold accents mixed in. In the back of the cafe there was a little reading nook that had a huge couch strewn with various silk pillows. The cafe was still empty since morning rush hadn’t hit yet.

There were tables with books on them and no unnatural light. The huge windows in the front were enough to illuminate the small shop. There were lamps around the cafe but none had been lit yet. The morning sun radiated into the cafe and Marie’s eyes were drawn to the dessert case. Her eyes landed on some homemade caramels and she licked her lips without thinking.

The man who had surprised her before, grinned and went to the case, motioning for her to follow. She did so without even thinking, settling on one of the stools. She could read the man’s name tag now. It said ‘Marco’.

Marco offered her one of the caramels she’d been eyeing and smiled a kind smile, “You’ll enjoy this,” he whispered, his voice rough and more erotic than it should have been.

She took the candy and placed it in her mouth, almost moaning at the way it melted on her tongue. Marie brought a hand to her lips and was about to thank Marco when she heard a woman’s voice behind her. The voice had a distinct African accent that was thick, melodious and filled the cafe.

“Are you giving away my candies again, Marco?”


Chapter Seven


Marie spun around, her eyes wide. She gasped and shook her head, not wanting to get the beautiful man in trouble. “No, no! He wasn’t giving anything away! He was just letting me sample some before I bought them!” she explained, pulling her wallet out.

When she did, the slate business card hit the floor with a soft ‘thunk’. Marie frowned and slipped off the stool, bending to pick it up. When she stood upright again, the dark skinned woman was right in front of her. It startled her and she jumped back.

Now that the woman was close, she could make out her beautiful features. She had a delicate nose, thick lips and big, almond shaped brown eyes ringed in thick winged liner that gave her a cat-like appearance. Her skin was dark but almost had a golden hue to it, like she’d dusted gold powder all over her body before she left her house.

Her sensual lips were painted a brilliant red and her face was decorated with what looked like traditional African designs. She was utterly beautiful. Her face wasn’t her only saving grace, either. She had ample breasts that were covered by a twisted red linen fabric that acted like a bikini of sorts. Her skirt was floor length and tied around her waist with care. It was a mix of the same colors that the shop had been painted in. She was stunning.

The dark skinned woman’s eyes traveled to the slate card and she smiled, taking it from Marie. She started to argue but the woman held it up, speaking in that same thick accent that was so pleasing to Marie’s ears.
“Who sent you here, love?” she asked, waving the card around.

“Oh, just a friend,” she said softly, not sure she should tell them about Rachel.

“Oh come, love. Don’t jerk my leg. I don’t have time for that, I have cakes in the oven. We only give these cards out to clients. They’re used to refer people to us,” she explained.

Well, that seemed likely enough. Marie cleared her throat and ran a hand through her hair. This woman made her nervous, though she couldn’t place why exactly.

“Her name is Rachel.”

The woman’s face lit up “Ah, Rachel Patterson?” she asked excitedly, “Oh, she is one of our best clients. Such a lovely lady,” she mused, adjusting the beautiful, colored wrap on her head that hid her hair.

She looked at Marie and put a hand on her slim hip, her bare stomach flat and as golden as the rest of her. “I’m guessing she didn’t send you here for candies?” she asked, cocking a brow, a mischievous smile on her face.

Marie cleared her throat and shook her head slowly, “No. She sent me here for your other services,” she whispered, glancing around as if someone were watching.

The woman looked around the room as well. “Who are you looking for?”

“No one. I suppose I’m just nervous,” Marie admitted, wringing her hands.

The woman smiled and offered her hand, “No need to be nervous, love. My name is Madame Osei,” she said, finally offering her name.

Marie took the woman’s hand and shook it, glancing down to see if any of the gold dust had come off onto her own hand. Unfortunately, it had not.

“I’m Marie Stevens.”

“And why did Rachel send you to me?” she asked simply, crossing her arms over her chest, looking Marie up and down as if she were assessing her.

Marie swallowed thickly, surprised at how intimidated this young woman made her feel, “Well, my love life has been lacking.”

“For how long?”

“Thirty-nine years,” Marie said wryly.

Madame Osei ‘s eyes widened and she made a face, “Oh, I see. A bad marriage? Does your husband know that you have come for these services?”

“I’m divorced,” she said quickly.

To Marie’s surprise, Madame Osei smiled and nodded her head, “Good for you. This life is far too short for bad sex.”

Marie couldn’t help but laugh, nodding in agreement, “Well, that’s why I’m here, I suppose,” she said, looking around the room.

Madame Osei nodded and glanced at the door she had come through, “You understand the nature of this business?” she asked, watching Marie with a stern gaze.

Marie was impressed at how quickly this woman’s moods seemed to change. She nodded.

“Then you understand that there are rules that will be followed. I have to keep my employees and my own welfare protected,” she explained.

“Of course,” Marie said quickly.

Marie understood that there was a lot of risk that went into a business like this. No one was going to take that much of a leap without having safeguards in place. Marie couldn’t imagine what those might be, but she was sure that they were thorough.

Madame Osei nodded and stepped forward, putting a finger to Marie’s forehead, “If you break my trust, there will be a curse upon you, do you understand?”

The threat made Marie shiver even though she wasn’t very religious. Madame Osei seemed to believe in it and that was all it took to make Marie nervous. She nodded in response to the threat and her eyes darted to Marco as Madame Osei addressed him.

“I’m going to the back, Marco. Do you think you can handle things up here?”

“Of course, Ma’am.”

Madame Osei grinned at Marie and took a step back, “Follow me,” she said, her voice flowing back into the same sing-song tone she’d used before.


Chapter Eight


Marie was hesitant to follow Madame Osei but did so anyway. They walked through the back of the shop that led out to a separate building. She’d hardly noticed the abandoned looking warehouse next to the cafe.

This was what she’d expected when Rachel had first handed the card over to her; a shady warehouse where she was probably going to be murdered. She was seconds away from turning and bolting when the heavy monstrosity of a door seemed to open on its own.

Marie looked inside and was instantly impressed. The inside was nothing like the outside. Two handsome men were standing near the door, opening and closing it as needed.

The building that the true Mystique was housed in was a dingy warehouse with windows tinted so dark you couldn’t see inside. For those who did make it inside the doors, there was a wonderful surprise waiting for them.

The tall ceiling was decorated with various silks that hung down amongst intricate Middle Eastern and African tapestries. Despite the dark tint on the windows, sun flooded through and lit the room with natural light. The corners that the light couldn’t seem to reach were lit with candles that smelled of faraway lands and spices.

When they first entered the room they were greeted by a large fountain that trickled with the clearest water, Marie had ever seen. As they got closer she noticed that the water smelled like roses.

“One of my boys enjoys experimenting with oils and lotions. He puts oils in the water every day to make it smell so fragrant,” Madame explained with a smile.

Marie nodded and tucked hair behind her ear, trying to stay calm. This was the most beautiful place she’d ever seen. There were gold accents everywhere and women in sheer harem pants, no top and veils were cleaning and adjusting the many foreign trinkets that were scattered throughout the room.

The women were gorgeous and seemed to be every age from eighteen to fifty, and all of them had the confidence to run around naked. Marie envied them, honestly.

Just past the fountain were a few lounging areas that held comfy looking pads big enough to hold four or five full grown people. They had pillows all around and curtains that could be pulled closed for privacy.

“There are various ways to go about this. We don’t restrict our clients in what they can and cannot do. This is our common area where you can get to know the men and enjoy a meal with them. The food is on us, of course. You don’t pay for that. I have cooks, handmaids and other people willing to make your experience here one of a kind,” Madame explained, waving her hand as if to draw attention to the women.
Marie nodded, feeling a little numb as she looked around. There was so much to look at, she was having a hard time taking it all in. Just as she began to feel overwhelmed, Madame Osei spoke again, “You will often hear people refer to my business as a service. To me, you aren’t paying for a service. You are paying for time,” she explained, “All of my men have various skills that are not limited to the bedroom. I have one who gives excellent massages, one who sings, another who enjoys the gardens. They’re all unique and have their talents. They are also gifted lovers, as you’d expect.”

Marie blushed at the comment as she followed Madame Osei to a back room that was past the lounge areas. Madame Osei pulled back heavy curtains, allowing Marie to enter the long hallway. There was no natural lighting here. A strange, calming blue glow lit the completely black hall, indicating five doors on each side.

Madame Osei began to walk down the hall, toward an eleventh door at the very end of the corridor. “When you pay for their time, you are not limited in what you may do with them as long as it is within the guidelines of our facility,” she said, stepping through the door at the end of the hall.

“The guidelines?” Marie asked as they stepped into the room. This room was much brighter than the others. There were murals painted in a traditional African manner. The art was intricate and awe-inspiring. Marie couldn’t take her eyes off of it. There was a low table in the middle of the room with pillows spread out on either side.

Madame Osei sat on the far side of the table and put her hands flat on the smooth wood, watching Marie. Every time she got that look in her eyes it made Marie nervous. She couldn’t help but feel as if she were being judged.

“The guidelines will be explained to you before you leave today. That’s why we came back here,” she said, motioning to the room around her.

Marie nodded and cleared her throat as Madame Osei leaned back a little, “But before we go any further, I want to know more about you. At Mystique we try and craft an experience that is tailored to each client. Everyone is different and everyone has their own life experiences. You will be given choices through the whole process, of course, but knowing who you are helps us steer you in the right direction.”

Marie nodded and stared at her hands, trying to decide how much to tell Madame Osei. In the end, she told her everything. Madame Osei had a look that could kill and a stern voice, but Marie felt safe around her somehow. Marie told the woman everything about her life. Her upbringing, her divorce, her regrets, and her son. She didn’t sweep anything under the rug. If this experience was meant to be as therapeutic as Rachel led her to believe, then she needed Madame Osei to know everything.

When Marie finished her sad story, she saw something that looked like understanding in Madame Osei’s eyes. The dark skinned woman smiled a little and turned to pull out a folder from a stack of papers behind her. She wrote Marie’s name at the top of the manila folder and slid it across the table with a pen.

“Let’s get started.”


Chapter Nine


Marie looked down at the folder, unsure of how she felt about her name being on it. As if reading her mind, Madame Osei spoke up on the issue, “When and if you return, you’ll be given a code name that will go on all of your documents from here on out. What is in the folder is a non-disclosure agreement. You are legally agreeing that anything you see, hear or do doesn’t leave this building. If you fail to adhere to this agreement, you are liable to be taken to court and your contract with us will be terminated.”

The confused look on Marie’s face made Madame Osei laugh, “I know what you’re thinking. How can I take you to court if I’m running an illegal business?” she mused.

She’d guessed right. Marie was very confused as to why any of this was necessary in a business based on something highly illegal. Madame Osei leaned forward and smiled, “As far as the city knows, where an alternative therapy service, which isn’t entirely a lie,” she stated.

Marie nodded and let Madame Osei continue, “Anyway, Mystique is a registered business. It’s just a little different than what we have listed on our forms at the county office.”

Madame Osei flipped the folder open and pointed out the main points of the nondisclosure agreement. Marie signed where she was told to and Madame took the pen back, snapping the folder closed. “Very good. This also acts as our contract,” she said, pulling out a second folder.

This one was pure black and the pages inside were white with simple font. She pushed it across the table and opened it for Marie, taking out the first page, making sure that Marie could see it clearly.

“These are the guidelines we spoke about earlier.”

Marie picked it up and read through the list, though Madame Osei stopped her, “Read them out loud, love. I want to make sure you understand and read every sentence.”

After a moment, Marie’s eyes wandered back up to the top and she read out loud, “One. Silence. You will not speak of this place to anyone. You will be given three recommendation cards to use at your discretion. You may tell that person the nature of the business but nothing more.” That explained Rachel’s silence on the subject, “Two. Consent. All parties must consent to any and all activities. No one may touch you without your consent and you may not touch others without their consent. Your existence in this space does not mean you are consenting. Three. You may leave the premise to go on ‘dates’ but you are not allowed to take your escorts home or give them any of your personal contact information. Four. You may not pursue relationships with the escorts outside of this facility. Any contact made must be done within the facility and its owners. Five. Anyone who attempts to break these rules must be reported immediately, even if the accused is an escort or employee.” She finished reading the rules and set them down.

The serious look that made Marie so nervous came across Madame Osei’s face again, “Do you understand the rules?”

Marie nodded but Madame Osei shook her head again, “Say it.”

“I understand the rules.”

“Very good. Now, in that packet there is also a handbook that details each of my employee’s specialties, inside and outside the bedroom,” she said, putting her hand on a glossy book. “This is for your eyes only and may not be shared with anyone, including other clients of Mystique.

“I understand,” Marie confirmed again, starting to feel like Madame Osei wanted everything verbalized.

Madame Osei nodded again and stood, heading toward the door, she swept her arm out to open the door and lead Marie back out into the main area with the girls who had been cleaning were now lazing around on the many pillows.

They came to the main doors of the warehouse and Marie had the folder tucked under her arm safely. She wasn’t going to lose it before she even got out of the facility. Madame Osei put a hand on her shoulder.

“I have done everything that I can do. The rest is on you. Take that packet home and review it. You will meet all of the escorts when you come back and receive your codename,” she said with a soft smile, “I know that you came here seeking something, Marie, and I promise you will find it. We all grow in different ways and at different paces. This is just another step in your journey.” She cupped Marie’s cheeks and kissed her forehead gently before two large, beautiful men in charge of the heavy door opened the door and closed it behind her once she exited.

There was a fluttering in her chest as she held the folder close. She was unsure if it was due to excitement or nervousness. She knew she wanted to return as soon as possible but she also knew that she needed to take some time to let all the information sink in. This was a big deal.


Chapter Ten


Marie was grinning from ear to ear as she walked through the cafe. Her mind was spinning pleasantly and she was already excited to come back and meet the escorts. There weren’t any pictures of them in the pamphlet and they were described like menu items. They book used words like ‘spicy’ and ‘exotic’ and it painted a better picture in her mind that she would have ever guessed.

She moved through the cafe and noticed that Marco was still behind the counter, rolling dough out onto a chilled slab. He slammed it onto the counter with a strength that made her giddy. Marie felt like a high school girl again and as much as it felt silly, she felt good about it. She didn’t feel guilty for wanting this anymore. Madame Osei had somehow alleviated all of her worries and now all she felt was excitement.

Marco noticed her watching him and smiled at her from behind the counter. He moved to one of the many cases and started to pull out the plate of caramels again. He offered her another piece, though she looked at it cautiously. He laughed, knowing why she was so hesitant, “Don’t worry about Madame. She just acts strict. She’s a huge sweetheart. But don’t tell her I said that,” he said with a serious look on his face.

Marie smiled but stepped forward and took the candy from him, settling it on her tongue with a sigh. It was the strangest mix of sweet and salty and it drove her wild. If her men were half as good as her caramels, Marie was in for a treat.

Marco smiled and watched her curiously, resting his chin in his hands, “I’m guessing it went well then? You seem much more relaxed than when you first came here,” he mused.

She smiled and nodded, licking what was left of the candy off her fingers. “Oh yes. I feel so much better. I guess I just didn’t know what to expect,” she said, pulling out some money to hand it over to him, motioning toward the caramels, “Can I have some to go?”

“Of course.”

He pushed off the counter and started packing the candies up, wrapping them in pretty wax paper and handing them over to her. “Most people are like that,” he admitted with a smile. “When you explain the nature of our business, no one knows what to expect. The idea is so foreign to people. Especially since it’s all about the women.”

Marie nodded and scoffed, “Yeah. Female sexuality wasn’t really encouraged where I was from,” she said with a sigh.

“It isn’t most places. Madame Osei knows that better than most people,” his voice sounded almost sad and she was about to ask when he changed the subject, smiling brightly, “But that’s why you’re here! To discover yourself all over again. The women who come here always seem to change for the better. That’s why we give out so few of the recommendation cards. She only wants the people who need to be here to come here.”

“Who are the people who need to be here?”

“People like you. People who need guidance to find themselves,” he said with a gentle smile that made her heart flutter.

She blushed and nodded, smiling as she took the candies, “Thank you, Marco. I’ll see you again,” she said, heading toward the door. He waved at her, his bright eyes crinkling in the corners when he gave her that boyish smile.

Marie settled into her car and leaned back against the seat, closing her eyes and trying to calm her racing heart. This was incredible. It was probably better that clients weren’t allowed to talk about this place. Even if Rachel had told her about the wondrous place, she wouldn’t have believed her. How could she? She’d never seen anything like this before.

Her eyes opened slowly and she couldn’t help but to think back to all the people who had told her she wasn’t going to amount to anything. They’d all told her she would be stuck in that tiny town and no one but her husband would love her.

All the cruel words that had stung so badly we're rolling off her like water now. She hadn’t even been there more than an hour and she was already feeling stronger. She tossed her head back and let out a laugh that had been bubbling up within her since she’d left the warehouse. She couldn’t explain why but she was happy for the first time in a long time.

All of the pain she’d suffered at her husband’s hands was draining out of her body. She sank against the seat of her car, relief washing over her. She stared out her window, trying to figure out if this was really real. Was this actually happening? Or was she going to wake up and find herself miserable and alone in her own bed? She didn’t want to wake up. She wanted this to be real and so she finally decided to stop questioning it. The universe had brought her hear for a reason and she needed to be happy about it.

Now all she needed to figure out was when she could go back and start her ‘journey’.



Chapter Eleven


Marie sighed as she settled in for the night. It had been a busy day, but she was more than a little eager to go back to Mystique. Richard was still gone, though she couldn’t say that she was too upset about that. This wasn’t abnormal for him. He would often disappear for days at a time when they had a fight. He would go hole up with his friends and ignore her until his friends kicked him out or he needed money. It was the same story every time, and somehow she always fell for it.

She knew she let him get away with things that she shouldn’t have and she let him take advantage of her, but she couldn’t help it. She didn’t enjoy it, but at the end of the day, he was her baby boy and she loved him dearly. What did any parent in her situation do? How could any parent just turn their child away even if they were a drug addict with no redeeming qualities? No parent wanted to admit that their child was a lost cause, but sometimes in the lonely nights when there was nothing to distract her, Marie felt those very things and it broke her heart.

Her hand shook a little as she wiped away the tears that were starting to pool in the corners of her eyes. She’d been in such a good mood after leaving Mystique and now here she was crying again. She took a deep breath and shook her head, laying down for the night. She wanted to fall asleep with good thoughts, not thoughts of how she might be a failure as a parent.

The silk sheets settled over her pale, nude skin and she sighed at the feeling. She’d always enjoyed sleeping naked, but when she and Robert started living together she’d stopped since he took her nudity as a sign of arousal, which was far from the truth. It had been nice to return to her old self over the last few years, even if it was something as stupid as being able to sleep naked.

As she drifted off to sleep she thought about the beautiful men that had been strewn about on the pillows at Mystique, and she thought about the woman who she’d sworn had a tiger’s tail. Her cat-like eyes burned into her and it made Marie more and more curious. There was something strange about that place and something strange about Madame Osei. The woman was interesting to say the least, but when she really started thinking about it, there were things that she couldn’t place. Things that seemed almost inhuman.

The thoughts were far too heavy for this time of night and so she eventually just let them go and began thinking about easier things. She began thinking about the beauty of the men and how badly she wanted to run her fingers down their smooth muscular chests.

Darkness took over as these thoughts ran through her mind and she finally drifted off into sleep. When her eyes fluttered open again she noticed that she was no longer on her bed. She was lounging in a deep pool of sweet, scented water. The room around her was decorated with a familiar Middle Eastern flair. Her hair was wet and pulled back out of her face, lovely flowers braided into her curls.

She looked down and ran her hands along her body, noting the sheer material that clung to her skin. It fell over the swell of her breasts, brushing her nipples in just the right way to make her gasp softly. She felt so sexy. It was a strange feeling that she hadn’t experienced in a long time.

Marie looked around the room, trying to see if she was alone. There was a set of golden doors on one side of the room and they looked very familiar to Marie. She cocked a brow as they started to open and her jaw nearly dropped at the sight that emerged.

A tall man with tanned skin and golden hair walked through the archway. He was completely nude except for a golden ring about his waist with cloth looped over it to cover what Marie really wanted to see. He smiled and approached the pool, his long golden hair sweeping back and forth as he sank into the water. His skin was decorated with tribal looking tattoos that wound down his arm and licked at his chest. The sight took her breath away and for a long moment she couldn’t find words.

“Hello, beautiful.”

“H-Hi,” she stuttered, stumbling over even the most basic greeting.

He chuckled and reached out, strong fingers tracing the line of her jaw. His eyes were the color of honey and his skin was warm. He had to be at least 6’5” and his arms were strong and rippling with muscle. He wasn’t the type of man she would have immediately thought of for herself, but now that he was here, touching her and gazing into her eyes so intensely, she couldn’t help but want him.

“What’s your name?” she finally managed to get out.

“Toby,” he said, licking his full lips.

Man. Going to Mystique really got her imagination running wild. Her voice was hoarse and a bit rough as her eyes started to slip closed with desire. She could feel a heat building in her belly and her lips parted as he ran a hand over her thigh very slowly, strong fingers digging into the sensitive flesh. Her eyes fluttered and she whimpered.

“Oh,” she sighed.

“You are Marie, aren’t you?” he asked, his voice rough as he moved closer, dipping his head down to whisper in her ear. “They told me about you.”

Her eyes fluttered and her back arched, wanting to touch as much of him as possible. She had a moment of clarity where she considered asking him who told him about her, but she was afraid she’d break the spell and wake up alone in her bed. She didn’t have to think about what real life Marie would have done. She just let herself float in the dream, enjoying the way his firm body felt against hers.

“Yes, my name is Marie,” she murmured softly, looking up at him, her lips parted and her eyes hooded.

He smiled and leaned in, exhaling softly against the lobe of her ear. It made her shudder and she whimpered again, reaching out and putting her hands on his shoulders to stabilize herself. He was driving her wild and he hadn’t even really done anything yet. Toby chuckled and ran his lips along her neck, pausing to press a tender kiss there as the hand on her thigh wandered further and further north. She spread her legs to give him access and just as he started to pull back she could feel his fingers teasing her delicate, feminine folds.

“Choose me,” he whispered, his voice sounding far away.

Marie’s eyes snapped open and she found herself lying in her bed, panting hard, a hand between her legs as sun poured in from the nearby window. Her body was covered in a thin sheen of sweat and she was a bit dizzy from the experience.

Had that really just happened? She groaned softly and pushed herself up from the bed, picking up her phone to glance at the time. She had about fifteen minutes before she had to get up for work so she flopped back onto the bed and grunted a little, running her hand through her curls. Everything had seemed so vivid. Was it really a dream? Maybe she was just that desperate to be touched. God, that was sad.


Chapter Twelve


Marie put in her hours at work. She liked her job, but every day that passed was another day that she wasn’t making enough money. It was starting to put her on edge. It was becoming difficult to even afford rent. How was she going to justify paying for Madame Osei’s ‘services’? Actually, now that she was thinking about it, Marie realized that the woman never really told her how much it was going to cost. She made a mental note to ask Rachel that evening.

She wrapped up at work and went straight to Rachel’s. She loved Rachel’s condo, and in some ways she envied her friend’s success. Rachel had never been tied down like Marie and so she’d been free to follow her dreams without hindrance, and Marie often wished she’d been allowed to do that.

Marie knocked on Rachel’s door and when Rachel answered, she already had a glass of wine in hand, ready to offer it to Marie.

“Thanks,” Marie said, taking the glass and sipping from it. God that was good.

She wandered into the condo and set her things down, falling into the couch and sighing happily. Rachel chuckled and sat in an armchair across from Marie, putting her chin in her hand.

“Sooo? How did it go?”

“Oh my God, it was so weird Rachel!” she said, sitting back up.

Rachel chuckled and nodded. “It is a bit strange,” she mused, nodding as she sipped at her wine.

Marie looked at her seriously for a moment. “Can we talk about it? Now that we’ve both been there?” she asked, remembering the contract that had seemed so serious.

“I suppose so. I won’t tell if you won’t,” she hummed, grinning brightly.

Marie laughed and leaned back, closing her eyes for a moment. “I honestly thought I was in the wrong place at first. Either that or I thought you were lying to me,” she admitted, taking a deep drink of her wine. “Then that lady-”

“Madame Osei?”

“Yes! Her! She took me back to that warehouse building,” she said, waving her hand almost dismissively.

“She took you back to where all the magic happens,” Rachel said, waggling her eye brows playfully.”

Marie nodded and smiled. “Everyone in there was so beautiful and it was more than I ever expected. I thought it was just going to be a hotel or something!”

Rachel smiled knowingly. “It is a little bit of a shock when you first walk in.”

“More than a shock.”

“Have you gone through the book yet?”

Marie offered her a confused look and Rachel just chuckled. “The catalogue of all the people who work for her. The escorts.”

“Oh. No. Not yet. I figured the prices would be in there and I’m not sure I can take that hit yet,” she admitted.

Rachel just smiled. “It’s not priced per person. It’s basically a membership fee and I’ve already paid yours for the year.”

She gasped, her eyes widening at the news. She could hardly believe what she was hearing. “You mean, I can go there as much as I want for the next year and I don’t have to pay anything?”

“Not a penny.”

Marie felt a lump in her throat that she forced down, swallowing thickly. “Rachel, you shouldn’t have done that.”

“Listen, Marie, don’t start pulling that shit. You’re my best friend and you deserve this. I don’t have kids; I’m not married so I like spoiling you. You’re going to have to deal with that if we’re going to keep this up,” she said, motioning between the two of them.

Marie laughed and shook her head standing to throw her arms around her friend. She held the woman tight and kissed her cheeks. “Thank you, Rachel. You’re more than I deserve.”

“Ahhh I know I’m great but you’re pretty amazing too, lady. I couldn’t have patience with that boy you call your son.”

Marie sighed and rubbed her temple. “Sometimes I wonder how I even handle him,” she murmured.

“Well, don’t worry about it too much anymore. At least now you have a place to get away from it for at least a little while.”

Marie nodded and sighed, staring at her wine. Luckily, Rachel had learned to read her friend like a book and changed the subject quickly. “Do you think you’ll go home and take a look at the book now?” she asked with a little grin.

“Maybe. I’m not sure. Who’s your favorite?” Marie asked, cocking her head to the side.

Rachel smirked behind her wine lass just a little, her tongue darting out to lick her lips clean of the red wine.


“Stella,” Marie repeated, blinking a little. “That sounds like a girl’s name.”

“It is.”


Rachel laughed, covering her mouth. “What? Mystique is all about exploring your sexuality! Stella and Zeus are my personal favorites.”

Marie shook her head, a smile on her lips. “You’re crazy.”

“I know. Keeps things interesting,” Rachel added with a wink.

She laughed, suddenly feeling extremely relaxed. Marie was happy that she didn’t have to worry about paying for Madame Osei’s services, but at the same time she almost felt like it was too much. Could she really accept this gift from Rachel? At the end of the day, Marie decided to take it graciously and thank her lucky stars that she had people like Rachel in her life. People who would take care of her and love her. People had been taking advantage of Marie for so long that she’d gotten used to it.

But that was about to change and it was going to start today.


Chapter Thirteen


Marie ended up staying the night at Rachel’s since she was a bit too tipsy to drive. Not to mention, it wasn’t like she had anything to go home to. Richard was gone off God only knew where and even if he did come back, Marie wasn’t in a mood to fight. She crashed on Marie’s couch, sleeping well into the morning. She had the next three days off and she was planning on using them to her full advantage.

As she got ready to leave, Rachel hugged her tightly and told her to go back to Mystique soon. They would give her the medicine she so desperately needed. Marie knew it too. She knew that she needed affection and physical love. She wasn’t planning on getting married again any time soon, but she missed being held so badly. She missed having the weight of another person’s body over her and she missed the way the goosebumps rose on her skin when someone kissed her.

As Marie left, she sighed and looked over at the pamphlet in the car that listed the skills and expertise of the escorts at Mystique. She sat in her car a long moment, chewing on her lip. She wanted to choose her first date on instinct. It was hard, but she picked the pamphlet up and shoved it in the glove compartment of her car, managing to ignore it completely.

She made her way home, her stomach fluttering with excitement. She was going to go home, treat herself to a nice long bath, get pretty and head over to Mystique for her first real visit. When she pulled into the driveway she sighed softly, her heart dropping into her stomach at the sight of her son’s car. She wasn’t entirely sure if she had it in her to deal with him today.

Marie locked her car up and made it up her front porch stairs, unlocking the door and wandering in the house. She was shocked to find the furniture overturned and figurines broken. He son had clearly been going through her house looking for something and she already knew what; he was jonesing and needed money for drugs.

She walked through the house until she came to her bedroom where Richard was pulling things out of drawers and throwing them to the floor, his eyes wide and his hands shaking erratically. He was high out of his mind and the sight of it brought tears to her eyes. For a long moment she just stood there, watching him with a hand over her mouth.

Her son, the boy that she’d raised so tenderly and so lovingly was trying to steal from her. He was trying to steal money he knew she didn’t even have. She wanted to be angry and she wanted to scream, but his name fell from her lips weakly. She just sounded heartbroken.


His head snapped up and he stared at her. “I was just looking for food money,” he murmured, his teeth chattering from the drugs.

She pressed her lips in a thin line and swallowed thickly, shaking her head. “No you weren’t. Don’t lie to me, Richard.”

“I just need some cash, mom. I’m coming down hard. It hurts, you know?” he whimpered, putting on those puppy-dog eyes that always won her over.

It wasn’t going to work this time.

“Get out.”

“What?” Richard asked, looking at her in disbelief.

“Give me your key and get out,” she whispered, her lips trembling with emotion. “I can’t handle this anymore. I can’t handle you!” she snapped.

“You’re going to kick me out?” he whispered, sounding like he barely believed it, and almost like he might laugh.

“Yes! I’m kicking you out like I kicked your dad out! Now give me the damn key! You’re not welcome in this house until you get your act together!” she snapped.

“You can’t. You can’t do that. I’m your son!”

“You may have been my son once but I didn’t raise you to be like this! Whoever you are now is not my son!” she screamed.

He started to back toward the door, his eyebrows furrowed in anger. “I should have known this was coming. You’ve always been an uptight bitch,” he snapped, grabbing his keys and throwing them at her.

The keys it her in the chest and then fell to the floor. It didn’t faze her. She just stared at him, keeping her stance strong and steady. She could break once he was gone.

“This is your fault,” he whispered. “You never stood up to that dick until he hit you! You let him abuse us for years! I’m fucked up, and it’s your fault!” he snapped, turning toward the door.

He slammed it behind him and Marie heard the squeal of his tires as he sped off down the street. Her legs quivered and finally gave out as she sunk into her bed, whimpering softly as she brought here shaking hands to cover her face. Why did it have to be like this? Why couldn’t she just have a normal marriage and a normal family?

She drew in a deep breath and sat up, eyes focused straight ahead. There was no point in wondering why things happened the way they did. If she wasn’t happy with it then she needed to change it. She collected herself and stood up, going to the bathroom to take a long hot shower. She didn’t even bother picking the keys her son had thrown at her off the floor. They could stay there.

She took her time in the shower, allowing herself to come down from the fight. She didn’t want to be a mess when she went back to Mystique. She wanted to come off as strong and confident as the women she’d seen running around in sheer clothing.

After she got herself dolled up in a short black dress and bright lips, she took a breath and walked out her front door, making as silent promise to herself that her life from here on out would be about her. She wasn’t going to be unhappy for anyone else anymore.

This was her time to be happy and she wasn’t going to compromise it for anyone.


Chapter Fourteen


The drive to Mystique was longer than Marie would have liked it to be. Her hands shook and she fought back tears most of the way. Despite the fact that she’d made a promise to herself regarding her own happiness, she was struggling to actually enact that attitude. It was a lot easier said than done.

When she finally arrived, she was comforted by the sight of Marco, working on a batch of something she didn’t quite recognize, though she knew would be delicious. Marco seemed incapable of making anything that wasn’t delicious.

She stepped out of the car and glanced at the path that led around the bakery and to the massive warehouse. Marie decided against going straight back to the main building and instead, opted to walk inside the bakery, smiling at Marco.

Marie tucked some of her hair behind her ear and smiled at the tan man. He offered a smile in return and walked over to where she stood, putting his strong hands on the counter.

“How can I help you today?”

She smiled and chewed on her bottom lip, clearing her throat. “I’m having a bit of a rough day. What would you suggest?”

“A rough day, huh? Looking for some comfort food?” he asked with a smile as he ducked behind the counter.

Marie watched him to see when he was retrieving. When he stood back up he was holding a thick, heavy butter cake. Her mouth started watering just at the sight of it. It looked dense and sweet. It was everything she wanted right now. In fact, it looked like the cakes she used to make with her grandmother.

She reached out and took the cake, starting to fish some money from her wallet, but he just shook his head. “No. You enjoy it,” he said with a firm nod. “If you don’t tell, I won’t,” he said with a grin, echoing Rachel’s words.

She blushed, nodded, and took the piece of cake and the fork her offered. As she settled into the chair at one of the small, round tables, she dug in and sighed softly. It was so damn good. A soft groan left her lips and Marco came around and set a cup of coffee down beside her.

“Is it good?” he asked with a smile.

“So good. I can’t even begin to describe it,” she murmured, taking another bite of the cake.

It was heavy on her tongue and fell apart almost immediately. It was absolutely perfect. She glanced over her shoulder as Marco returned to the counter. She set her fork down a moment and cleared her throat. “I’m curious,” she murmured.

“About what?” he asked casually, leaning over the counter again.

“Do you make this stuff yourself?”

He nodded and ran his fingers through his thick, black hair. “Yes. Some of the recipes are Madame’s, but I do all the cooking.”

“How are you so good at this?”

He chuckled and popped a candy into his mouth before speaking. “I’m Italian. Italian families are ruled by food. I always cooked with my mother and so I picked up a few things.”

“But your specialty is baking?”

“I don’t really have a specialty. I help prepare most of the food that is served in the main house as well.”

“That’s a lot to do.”

“We manage well enough. We have our ways.” As he said those words his eyes flashed and when he spread his lips in a full grin she swore she saw a set of razor sharp teeth.

Marie blinked a few times until Marco’s gaze and smile returned to normal. This wasn’t the first time she’d seen something like this, but it still made her clear her throat and look away. The sight should have scared her, though it didn’t. She should have been far more shocked, but she just let it go. This was the only decent thing she had going on in her life right now. She wanted to enjoy it.

She finished the cake and brought the plate back up to Marco. “Thank you again. It was absolutely wonderful,” she said with a smile, brushing a stray curl out of her face.

Marco took the plate and set it aside, offering her another one of those breathtakingly charming smiles. “It’s was my pleasure, bella.”


“It means beauty in Italian,” he said with a chuckle.

Her cheeks flushed a deep red and Marco just smiled, reaching out to take her hand and kissing the back of it tenderly. “I look forward to seeing you again, so don’t keep me waiting long.”

“Of course not,” she whispered breathlessly, her heart beating out of her chest.

She stepped away from him and started toward the door that led out to the warehouse, a grin spread from ear to ear. Bella. He’d called her beautiful. She couldn’t remember the last time some in her life called her beautiful. All those weird kids on the dating sites had called her ‘smoking’ and ‘hot’, but that didn’t have the same effect as beautiful.

Her cheeks heated up again, but she laughed and covered them with her hands, making her way to the main doors of the deceptively rundown ware house.

Maybe things weren’t so bad after all.


Chapter Fifteen


Marie approached the heavy, metal doors but before she could even raise her hand to knock, they parted slowly and she was allowed to wander inside. The building looked similar to the way she’d left it last, though she could now see various animals sitting in the laps of beautiful women, their eyes far more intelligent than any animal she’d seen before.

She was surprised when her eyes met the gaze of a large, powerful tiger. The impressive animal was curled up on one of the many cushions and she was almost shocked when she heard the loud, rumbling purr coming from its throat. She stopped short, just staring at the animal. It blinked lazily at her and then yawned, laying its massive head in the lap of a woman who gazed at it fondly.

“Don’t worry about him, dear.”

Marie jumped at the voice behind her, turning around quickly, a hand over her chest. Madame Osei chuckled and Marie sighed, relieved that it was only her. Even though Madame Osei assured her that she was safe while she was here, Marie couldn’t help but be nervous. What they were doing was illegal and as someone who’d avoided trouble with the law at all cost, Marie was still concerned with getting caught, even though she wasn’t technically doing anything wrong by being in the building.

“I didn’t mean to scare you, dear,” Madame said softly, taking Marie’s hand and patting it in a motherly way.

Marie smiled and cleared her throat. “I’m a very jumpy person. It’s going to happen from time to time, but it’s okay,” she assured.

Madame Osei chuckled and led Marie to one of piles of pillows and blankets that were scattered around, pulling her down to sit on them. “What can I do for you?”

“Well, it’s been a bit of a rough day and it felt like this was a good time to visit,” she explained.

“I understand completely.”

Marie nodded and cleared her throat, not sure what to say next. Luckily Madame Osei was ready. “Have you looked at our little catalogue?” she asked with an impish grin.

Marie blushed and shook her head. “I kind of wanted to choose someone on a gut feeling. It felt strange to flip through a book and judge them based on appearance.”

“You’re a purest,” Madame said with a laugh, standing. Her silk skirt pooled to the floor and for a moment Marie thought she might trip on it, but Madame Osei moved like water. “Follow me.”

Marie followed quickly, glancing back over her shoulder at all the exotic animals. “Is it safe to have all those animals running around?” She knew she should have been more alarmed than she was, but it was hard to be anything but calm and relaxed in this place. Maybe it was the incense.

Madame Osei chuckled and nodded. “Yes. They’re all wonderful. Most of them are rescues.”

“From like, he circus?”

“No, darling. People have a bad habit of biting off more than they can chew. They take these poor creatures from their homes and then when they grow bored of them, they toss them aside.”

“Well, that’s kind of you to rescue them.” There were more practical questions that Marie wanted to ask. She wanted to ask about wild animal licenses and whether or not they were trained, but practical questions escaped her in this place.

Mystique had an air of fantasy to it, and just like her dreams. It seemed unwise to ask practical questions in a place like this. The entire point of it was to lose yourself in the fantasy and Marie was more than willing to do that. So instead of pressing on with her questions, she just followed Madame Osei, trusting her completely.

“Where are we going?” Marie asked.

“We’re going to the room that is quickly going to become one of your favorites,” Madame answered with a grin.

The answer was vague, but Marie didn’t mind. She liked the feeling of nervous excitement that was bubbling in her belly. The hallway seemed impossibly long and as they passed one of the doors, Marie glanced into one of the rooms and she swore she saw a younger man laid out on a bed, a long tail curled around him and dog like ears twitching on top of his head. Marie blinked and when she did the ears and tail disappeared, making her wonder if she was crazy. Maybe all of the sights and smells were starting to make her head fuzzy.

Marie followed Madame Osei until they reached the end of the hall where a large set of heavy curtains separated the room from the hall. The dark skinned woman reached out and smiled softly as she slowly pulled the curtains back, revealing a room that seemed far too large for the warehouse.

Marie’s eyes widened as she took in what was happening. There were men all in various stages of undress. Somewhere completely naked, some wore suits, and others wore kilts. They were all beautiful in their own right and there were young men, older men, and some who seemed ageless, somehow.

Marie’s jaw fell slack and she swallowed thickly. “This is incredible.”

Madame Osei chuckled. “Most of my clients like this room.” She said, snapping her fingers in the air.

All of the men perked up at the snap and when they rushed forward she noticed that there were also quite a few women with full breasts, soft skin, and round hips. Everyone in the room was absolutely beautiful and as Marie stood there, taking them in, she felt a sudden wave of inadequacy come over her. All of these people were so unbelievably gorgeous. Did she really belong here?

“Welcome to what most of my clients like to call the buffet.”

Marie would have laughed if she wasn’t so distracted by all of the beautiful bodies in front of her. She’d never seen so many perfect people in one place and it was all a little hard to take in at once.

“When you come here, you’re welcome to come back here with or without me. You can get to know everyone and pick your escort or escorts,” Madame explained.

Marie blushed at the thought but said nothing, her eyes still wandering the long line of gorgeous people that were displayed in front of her. They were all grinning at her and some were even posing, clearly trying to get her attention.

“Do you see anything that interests you?” Madame Osei asked.

Just as Marie was about to move on down the line, her eyes landed on a familiar face. The man had eyes the color of honey and a bright smile. His long blonde hair was pulled back into a pony tail and while he hadn’t been wearing a suit the first time they met, she knew who it was. Her eyes widened a little and she said his name in a breathy voice she hadn’t expected from herself.



Chapter Sixteen


Madame Osei cocked her brow and looked between them. “You two have met?”

Toby just grinned playfully at Madame Osei. “Of course not.”

Marie just stared at him, her eyes wide. “You were in my dreams.”

“That would be impossible,” Toby said with a simple smile.

Madame Osei was giving him a look that was chastising but entertained at the same time. Meanwhile, Marie was just staring at Toby.

“But I saw you,” Marie said, at a loss for words.

Toby hummed and shook his head. “I think you just got lucky when you guessed my name.”

Madame Osei just shook her head and before Marie could argue she clapped her hands together and spoke, stopping Marie’s line of question.

“You seem drawn to Toby. Maybe you two have quite the connection,” she suggested with a grin. “Perhaps you should start with him for your first date?”

It seemed like a good suggestion, though Marie couldn’t shake the feeling that she was missing something. Toby was right. It was impossible for him to have been in her dreams, but if that was the case how did she recognize him so quickly and how did she know his name? Her mind was desperate for an answer and so she just decided that she must have seen him the first time she came in and just didn’t remember it. She’d seen a lot of things on that first visit and she’d been so nervous that she wouldn’t have been surprised if she couldn’t remember seeing certain things.

Maybe Toby had been curled up with one of the woman, stroking their hair and whispering soft nothings in their ear. Maybe she saw him and heard the woman whisper his name sensually. Maybe Marie wanted that experience and so her brain logged it away and brought it back to the forefront during the incredibly vivid dream she’d had a few nights before. That was a logical explanation that she could handle and so she left it at that.

“I think you’re right,” Marie finally said after a long moment.

Madame Osei smiled. “Have you made your choice then?”

Marie nodded and Toby stepped forward, taking Marie’s hand and pressing it to his soft, full lips. God they felt just like they had in her dream. Madame Osei nodded and looked between them.

“Have fun, you two, and don’t forget our rules,” Madame Osei said softly, waggling her finger.

“Of course,” Marie whispered, her eyes wide as she took in the tall man.

He was wearing a casual suit rather than a golden ring and silk. He wore no tie and the first few buttons of his undershirt were undone, revealing his strong chest and the intricate tattoos she’d seen in her dream.

Toby offered his arm to her and everyone else in the room groaned, clearly disappointed at having not been picked. It was a bit of a rush to hear everyone so disappointed at not getting to go with her. Marie grinned and stared up at Toby, getting lost in his golden eyes.

“Where are we going to go?” Marie asked breathlessly.

“Where ever your heart desires, beautiful.”

She chewed her lip and looked up at him. “I haven’t been on a date in a long time. What do you suggest?”

“I think I have an idea,” he said with a grin as she took his arm.

Marie had no idea what this man had planned, she could only hope that it would end with them between the sheets.


Chapter Seventeen


They didn’t waste much time. Toby didn’t seem interested in staying in the warehouse and Marie couldn’t really blame him. If this was his job, he probably enjoyed being able to get out and enjoy a night on the town every now and then.

As they left the warehouse, arm in arm, Marie glanced into the bakery, surprised to see Marco standing at the window, looking a bit jealous. Why in the world would Marco be jealous? The obvious answer made her cheeks flush and she ignored it, turning to look up at Toby instead.

“Where are you taking me?”

“It’s a surprise,” Toby said, leading her past her own car and to a black sports car that looked like it cost a small fortune.

He opened the door and she slipped inside, pulling the skirt of her dress down nervously. Toby noticed it as he got into the driver’s seat. He cocked a brow as he started the engine and reached over, pulling the skirt back up just a little to reveal her smooth, pale thighs.

“Perfect,” he said with a smile.

She blushed again and cleared her throat. “My ex-husband didn’t like it when I showed a lot of skin,” she explained. “I’ve had this dress for years but I’ve never worn it and that’s probably the reason.”

“What a shame,” Toby said softly. “No one should try to tame beauty,” he explained. “Rather, the beauty should find someone who can handle her as she is.”

The words conveyed a simple meaning, but they sounded so profound coming from this golden Adonis. Marie blushed and smiled. “I’ll have to remember that.”

“You should. You deserve more than a man who would simply cover you up and hide you from the world.

He took off down the street and Marie decided that she’d had enough of talking about her ex-husband and so she changed the subject.

“How long have you been working for Madame Osei?”

“A very long time.”

The answer was vague, but she was willing to accept it. She didn’t want to ruin their date with pressing questions. “Do you like it?”

“I love it,” he said easily.

“What do you like most about it?”

“I get to make people feel beautiful,” he said with a smile, turning to look at Marie.

Marie was shocked by the amount of honesty in his voice. Maybe this wasn’t just about sex. Maybe it really was about healing and making women feel like they were worth something. She’d spent so long with Robert telling her that she wouldn’t amount to anything. He’d called her stupid and ugly for so long that she honestly started to believe it. Maybe this was a way for her to finally heal and become the person she’d always wanted to be.

“Are you alright?” Toby asked, glancing over at her.

Marie smiled softly and nodded, taking a breath and wiping a happy tear from her eye.

“I’m just fine, thank you,” she whispered, voice shaking just a little.

He nodded, and reached out, putting an arm around you. “I don’t know what people have been telling you your whole life, but you’re a beautiful woman. I don’t know much about you yet, but I can tell that you’re a lot stronger than people probably give you credit for.”

She smiled and leaned into him. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

He just chuckled. “Any time you need a compliment just come to me.”

They drove a while longer until they came to the shore of a local lake. There were people and stalls set up around the water’s edge and a small dance floor had been set up.

“Have you ever been to the Full Moon Picking Party?” he asked with a grin.

“I don’t think I have,” she said looking around.

He got out of the car and helped her out, taking her hand and leading her to the shore. People were laughing and running around, dancing excitedly. Toby pulled her along and brought her to a stand where they were selling cornbread, barbeque, and other comfort foods.

“Oh God this looks good,” she groaned.

They ordered their food and went to a nearby picnic table, settling in to eat. As they did, they talked and laughed, telling each other stories and drinking home brewed moonshine. Marie was loosening up, her mind swimming from the sweet booze. She was laughing a little too loudly, though Toby seemed looser too.

“So I have to admit that I was surprised you didn’t say your favorite part of your job was the sex,” she said, waving her hand idly.

“It’s a perk, but not the best part,” he said.

“I think I’m just used to a certain type of guy,” she said, licking her lips.

“Well, you’re hanging out with the wrong people then,” he pointed out, grinning brightly.

He glanced over his shoulder a moment and reached his hand out, humming softly. “Let’s dance?”

Marie looked up as a Bluegrass band came onto the stage, men with fiddles and a woman in a cute sundress and wild red hair that seemed appropriate for the occasion.

“I don’t really know how to dance,” Marie admitted, standing slowly and taking Toby’s hand.

He led her to the dance floor and grinned. “You don’t have to know how to dance,” he said simply. “Just follow me, alright?”

She nodded almost nervously, her heart pounding as he pulled her close to her chest and hummed. “Ready?” he asked.

She wasn’t really sure, but nodded anyway, gasping as they started to spin and twirl in wild circles. Soon enough she was laughing and moving with him, enjoying the way it felt to have his body pressed up against hers. Was this what all these dates were going to be like? Were these men going to make her feel alive and wanted?

The moonlight danced on his skin and as she stared up at him, she couldn’t shake the feeling of familiarity. They’d only been together for a few hours but she already felt like she knew him like an old friend. She felt so safe and comfortable with him and she loved it. She wanted to feel like this forever.

As the festival started to wind down, Marie was feeling more and more eager to get out of there. Sure the date had been short, but did that really matter? The entire point of her going to Mystique was to rediscover her sexuality. Shouldn’t she be taking advantage of that?

The final song ended and Toby slowed them to a stop, smiling down at her. He reached down and cupped her cheek gently, gazing into her eyes.

“You look so beautiful tonight.”

She swallowed thickly and stared up at him. “I want to go back to Mystique.”

He hesitated and ran his thumb across her cheek. “Did you not enjoy our time together?”

“No that’s not it. This has been amazing, but I want more.”

His eyes widened in understanding and a slow smirk came to his face. “You’re an eager one, aren’t you?”

She blushed deeply and started to pull away. “That’s too forward, isn’t it?”

“Not at all. I’ve wanted you from the second I saw you. You’re here to explore the more erotic side of things, aren’t you?”

She nodded and looked up at him, wide-eyed. “I feel like I’ve been caged for so long,” she whispered.

He held her possessively close and smirked softly. “Then let me be the one to set you free.




Chapter Eighteen


The words trickled down her spine and made her shudder. She felt a bit guilty about not being interested in the date. Maybe she would want romance eventually, but tonight she just wanted someone to make her quiver.

They made their way back to Mystique and Marie was silently thankful that Toby hadn’t drank as much as her. He drove them back to the warehouse and skittered through the lobby. Marie didn’t even register any of the exotic animals this time. She was focused on one thing and one thing only.

“You have rooms here?” she asked, trying to distract herself from the ache between her legs.

“Of course. You aren’t the first woman to come here looking for something like this,” he said with a grin, opening the door to one of the many rooms in the hallway.

She stepped through the doorway and almost melted at the smell of sweet sage and sandalwood. Toby moved past her, running a finger along her cheek as he crossed the room and went about lighting candles. The flames cast a warm glow over the silk sheets and Marie stepped forward, only to have Toby pull her into his arms. He lifted her easily and moved to settle her on the bed.

Marie sunk into the silk sheets, her eyes fluttering as she gazed at Toby. His golden eyes were shining with that same mysterious light she’d seen in the eyes of the tiger, but she ignored it and brushed her fingers over the exposed part of his chest.

“Just lie back and enjoy this, beautiful,” he whispered.

Beautiful. There was that word again. She hoped this was going to be a trend. She liked the way the compliment rolled off the tongues of these handsome men. She wanted to hear it over and over again until she was tired of it, which was something she didn’t expect to happen any time soon.

He leaned down to press kisses along her face and neck, letting them linger so that she could feel their warmth. She sighed happily as he worked his way down, his hand sliding up the skirt of her dress. She swallowed thickly, lips parted as her eyes fluttered closed. Her mind wandered to her dream and she tried to shake it off, but she couldn’t. His lips felt just like they had when she was dreaming.

Toby broke her from her thoughts, slowly lifting her into a sitting position so he could pull down the zipper on her dress, exposing her freckled shoulders and the swell of her breasts. She wiggled out of her dress tossing it aside and going in to undo the buttons on his shirt.

Their lips crashed together and from that point on it was all over. She was done being patient. She gripped his shirt and yanked hard enough that the buttons popped off and flew across the room, landing in various places. She pushed the shirt from his shoulders, taking the jacket with it. She was thrilled when the fabric pooled on the floor, leaving his chest bare and exposed.

Her finger’s wandered up the smooth skin, brushing the warm flesh with her finger tips. She looked up at him, her eyes half closed and her bottom lip drawn between her teeth. She leaned up and kissed him, enjoying the feeling of his lips against hers.

When they parted again, she took the opportunity to look between them, admiring him. When her eyes came to his hips they widened a little and she gasped, quickly looking back up into his eyes, her cheeks hot.

He grinned and kissed her gently, nuzzling her and kissing her neck as he let his hands wander down her body, his fingers leaving trails of fire in their wake. When he reached her thighs, he parted her legs slowly, his fingers digging into the soft skin. It was enough to make her gasp and arch her back, eye closing as she enjoyed the strength in his hands.

There was something about him that told her he could snap her in two if he really wanted, but she knew he wouldn’t. The gentle touches paired with his immense strength were somehow erotic. She couldn’t remember this last time someone was this gentle with her.

Toby’s fingers dipped between her legs, brushing over her most intimate areas. When he pulled his hand away his fingers were slick with nectar and he just smirked, dropping his hand again so that he could tease her even more. He began rubbing slow circles on her most tender area, drawing soft moans and mewls from her. She spread her legs even wider, daring to hook one around his hip.

Her toes curled and her breathing came faster as he explored places on her body no other man had ever managed to find. Each time he kissed or touched a new spot it sent fire through her veins and made her want more.

Her fingers tangled in his hair and her hips bucked against his fingers. She nipped at his bottom lip and finally yanked him away, panting desperately.


“What?” he asked, pulling away, slightly confused.

She twisted her fingers in his long, golden locks, and just smirked, a rush of confidence running through her.

“I want more.”

He just grinned and turned his head just enough to kiss the inside of her wrist, making her shudder. “Yeah?”

She nodded and opened her mouth to answer, but before she could, he grabbed her legs with those strong hands and pushed her knee towards her chest, exposing her in a way that made her shudder with delight.

When she glanced down she could see his powerful shaft settled between her legs. She could feel its heat and it only made her want it more. She wriggled excitedly, licking her lips and staring at Toby with a heated look of desire.

“Make me yours.”

That’s all it took. He leaned over her and pressed into her warm, welcoming body and as he slid inside he stretched her open in the most delicious way possible. She’d never slept with someone this…well equipped.

Marie wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him into a kiss, arching her back as his fingers traced the round globes of her breasts. Once he was buried inside of her completely he stayed still for a moment and deepened their kiss before setting a slow, deliberate pace.

No one had ever made her feel so complete before. Every thrust brought another moan and a plea for more until he was holding her down and thrusting into her so hard that the sound of their skin meeting echoed through the room.

He was hitting the perfect spot every time and soon enough she had her hands on his shoulders and legs around his waist, pulling him down and trying to take him even deeper, if that was possible. The heat that had been building in her belly was about to consume her.

Her nails dug into his shoulders and she opened her mouth in a silent scream, finally chanting his name over and over again as her orgasm washed over her. She was drowning in the pleasure, her bottom lip quivering as the molten pleasure in her belly spread through every inch of her body.

When she finally managed to relax again her mind was spinning and she could see little dots of light in her vision from where she’d been holding her breath. Toby was just behind her, thrusting a few more times before finishing inside of her.

He lowered himself to lay on top of her chest, groaning softly as she ran her fingers through his hair.

“Was it good?” he asked, looking up at her tiredly.

She nodded, sighing as her eyes slipped closed. The night’s activities had worn her out. “More than good,” she responded.

They fell into silence after that, understanding that there was no more to say. They were both content and ready to sleep. Toby pulled a blanket over them and she was thankful for the warmth. She fell asleep with her arms wrapped around him and for the first time in a long while, she didn’t feel a deep, aching loneliness in her chest.


Chapter Nine


When morning came around, Marie woke slowly, her opening reluctantly. There was only a single window for light to pour in through, but it was enough to tell her that she had slept well into the morning. It didn’t take her long to realize she wasn’t in her own bed, though soon enough she remembered what had happened the night before.

Her head was pounding and as she brought her hand to her temple she saw a quick movement out of the corner of her eyes. It didn’t seem human, but then again she was extremely hung over.

“Good morning.”

She jumped and turned around so quickly that she nearly fell off the bed. Toby caught her before she could tumble back and brought her back to the middle of the bed, wrapping his strong arms around her. He was still so warm and welcoming and held a cup of coffee in his hands. He smiled and offered it to her, pressing a kiss to her temple.

They were both still naked and she couldn’t help but take in his masculine physique. He was just so damn handsome. She blushed but sipped at her coffee as he stroked her hair. It felt nice to have him in bed with her the next morning. She felt good. She felt refreshed and she didn’t feel used. She’d almost expected to feel guilty after a one-night stand.

“How are you feeling this morning?” he asked.

“Better than I have in a long time,” she sighed, closing her eyes as the bitter coffee hit her tongue, waking her up almost immediately.

“I’m glad. I really wanted to make you feel good.”

“You did a good job.”

He smiled and stroked her hair out of the way, his fingers gentle just like him. She cleared her throat and started to stand, covering her body as best she could. He reached up and gently pulled the covers away, exposing her.

“You shouldn’t hide. You’re beautiful. Walk with confidence,” he urged.

She cleared her throat, feeling the heat rise in her body once more. She nodded, deciding it was best not to argue with him. He stood with her and offered his hand.

“Come with me.”

Marie took it and wrapped her fingers around his, feeling surprisingly safe with this stranger. Sure they’d gone on a date, had sex and spent the night together, but in the grand scheme of things she really didn’t know much about him. Still, she followed him without hesitation and smiled when she realized they’d come to a large bathroom.

He crossed the room and turned on the shower, motioning for her to come closer. He pulled her under the spray of the warm water and started washing her body. It felt amazing to have someone’s hands dancing over her skin. It made her feel like a goddess that was being worshipped.

Marie glanced up at him and chewed her bottom lip. “I never would have expected this.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well,when I think of paid sex or a brothel, I imagine that you pay, you have sex and you go home,” she said, meeting his gaze.

“We aren’t a normal brothel,” he explained, “sex is an important part of human nature and human existence, but it isn’t the most important part, especially for women.”

She nodded in agreement. “I think you’re the first guy to ever admit that.”

He laughed and shook his head. “We’ll just say I’m a little more mature than most men.”

Was he saying he was old? He didn’t look a day over thirty. She didn’t press, though and just let him continue.

“Madame Osei understands that the physical part of our services is necessary but it’s important to make the person feel empowered and confident. It builds the person up and that is what we are here to do. It’s a total package.”

“You can say that again.”

The both shared a brief laugh before finishing their shower. They took their time, washing each other thoroughly and enjoying the physical contact. Somehow Marie felt that this was far more intimate than the sex had been. She’d missed this more than any other part of a relationship. She missed the intimacy that didn’t revolve around sex and she was happy that Toby seemed more than eager to offer it to her.

When they finished they returned to the bedroom, wrapped in warm, fluffy robes that felt like they’d just been pulled from a dryer. Marie went about collected her clothes and glanced back at Toby, looking a bit disappointed.

“I hope it’s not rude, but I should be heading home.”

She didn’t want to leave but there were quite a few loose ends at home that she needed to take care of. Now that she was leaving, this was starting to feel like business again and she hated it. She wanted the illusion to last forever.

“Of course. I understand that you have a life you have to get back to,” he said, smiling. “I’m here at your disposal. I enjoyed that you stayed the night, but I understand you have things you need to do.”

Marie was almost surprised at how understanding he was, though she quickly remembered where she was. She was at a brothel. This was their job. Of course he wouldn’t care if she left. Suddenly, remembering that this wasn’t just a random hookup made her a little nervous. She started going through her purse, trying to find her wallet.

“I should tip you or something right?”

He gently took her hands and pulled them from her bag. “Leave me with a smile. That’s good enough for me.”

She looked up at him and smiled softly, suddenly calmed by his touch. As she pulled away he offered her dress to her and zipped her into it. Once she was dressed her turned her around and kissed her slowly, holding it a bit longer than necessary.

“I’ll see you in your dreams,” he said with another cunning smile.

When he released her she stared at him, trying to figure out what he meant by that. She’d figured out at this point that there was something strange about this place. There was something inhuman going on, but her logical mind wouldn’t let her accept it. She was here to enjoy herself and she just didn’t have it in her to ruin that by asking questions.

Marie walked down the long hall on her own for the first time and sighed as she approached the large golden doors. The main lobby was empty with the exception of a few cats playing near a pond. She loved that there always seemed to be animals around. It calmed her.

She made it through the warehouse, deciding to go through the bakery and pick up something for breakfast. A bell on the door ran as she entered and Marco turned to smile at her.
“Welcome back. Did you enjoy your evening?”

The question made her feel a bit guilty. She could remember the look of jealousy on Marco’s face all too clearly. “Yes. I had a wonderful time,” she didn’t need to give him all the dirty details. “But it’s about time I headed home and I was wondering if I could buy something for breakfast?”

“Of course you can,” he said, “what can I get you?”

“Maybe a muffin? I don’t know. What do you suggest? You’re the expert.”

He snorted. “Hardly,” he said as he reached into the cabinet and got a fruit tart, “this is something new I made. I’d be honored if you’d be the first to try it.”

She smiled and nodded, waiting patiently for him to hand her a slice of the tart. Instead he picked a piece up with a small fork and leaned over the case enough to feed her the bite. It was one of the most amazing things she’d ever eaten in her life. It was a bit sour at first but that quickly turned to sweetness as the crust all but melted on her tongue. She covered her mouth and nodded.

“That is what I want.”

He grinned brightly and bagged it up for her, handing it over the counter carefully so as not to tip it.


“I always do,” she said with a smile, paying for the food.

She could feel his eyes on her as she left and she had to admit that she liked it. Going to Mystique was a far different experience than what she’d expected. She never thought she would feel desired in a place like that. She’d always assumed that brothels were where desperate people went when they were out of options.

As she turned the key in her ignition, she smiled and glanced back at the building silently thanking Toby and the rest for leaving her feeling confident rather than used. It was a change of pace and one she knew she could get used to.

She pulled out of the parking lot, leaving her old self behind.




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