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Two Weeks of Sin: A Billionaire & Virgin Romance by Rye Hart (128)



Monk nudged me back to reality as he walked into my office. I’d been drifting away in my thoughts so much lately that I could barely function at work.

“You’ve got too much on your mind, man. I can see it. It’s weighing down heavy on you.” Monk knew me better than anyone and was always there to talk to, but the mess I was in with my ex and the idea that I was losing Tani had brought me to the end of my rope.

“I’m going to be honest, Monk, I’ve never felt so deep in shit that I can’t see a way out of it. Tani cried all weekend. Her eyes were so swollen when she got home and she even said that she asked Nancy if she could call home, but she was told no. Nancy told her not to bother me.”

“You’ve got to come up with something man. There has to be something you can do. Cheat the system, you know Nancy is.” Monk didn’t only know me too well, he knew Nancy’s true self as well.

“There is something I’ve thought of, but I’m not sure if it will work. I’m afraid to even entertain it.”

You’re afraid? Now I know it’s bad.” He sat down in the chair across from my desk and leaned forward placing his hand on my arm. “Look, man. You know I’ll shoot you straight, so I’m saying this as a friend. You’ve got to stop this zoning out bullshit and get back in the driver’s seat. Figure this shit out and whatever plan you’ve got cooking, you go for it. Tani is counting on you.” When he was right, he was right. I’d tossed the idea around in my head long enough and I knew it could work.

I jumped up out of my chair and headed for the door. “You’re right. I’m getting nowhere sitting down. Wish me luck. If things work out I’m going to ask Sarah to marry me.” I heard him curse as I slammed the door behind me.

I wasn’t going to walk over and blurt it out, but I had made up my mind that I had to do this for me and Tani. I walked into the bakery and could tell by the look on her face that she was glad to see me. A second later I found out why.

Some pencil-necked asshole was giving her a hard time. “It’s not my fault that this place doesn’t deliver, but you could have warned me the cake would melt in the car. Since you didn’t the least you can do is make me another cake.”

“I would be happy to make you another cake for the same price, but buttercream melts in 90 degree weather, and I don’t really have to explain that part to customers.” Sarah was nearly in tears, but she wasn’t backing down.

“So now you’re calling me stupid? You better give me my fucking money back or I’m going to let everyone I know hear about this. You won’t have a fucking business when I’m done with you.” He turned his eyes toward me finally getting a good look. His posture immediately drooped and he stepped back.

“Is everything okay here?” I looked down my nose at the man. “You have a problem?”

“No, no I don’t.” He hurried around me and headed to the door not pausing to look back.

“Are you okay?” I wanted to take her in my arms and comfort her, especially when she looked so vulnerable.

“Yeah, he’s another genius who failed science class. I don’t know why it’s hard to figure out that icing melts in extreme heat.” She let out a long breath. “He’s the second asshole today and to top it off, one of my shelves on my cooling rack collapsed ruining six dozen cupcakes and four pies. I’ve had to redo all that baking and at this rate, I’ll never be able to hire the help I need.”

The buzzer in the kitchen sounded and she stepped back to attend to it. I stood in the doorway and watched as she took the replacement pies from the oven. The smell hit my nose becoming more distinguished from the shop’s regular delicious scent, and making my mouth water.

“Is that apple?”

“Yeah, and peach too. I have a lady coming to pick them up.” She placed the last one on the counter and then leaned back against it. “Could I help you with something?” Her hair was coming loose from the clip where she’d gathered it up in back and I wanted badly to run my fingers through it, or better yet, feel it against my bare flesh.

My pulse raced knowing what I had to ask her and I decided to invite her over to do it. I didn’t want to give her another worry for the day. “I know you don’t want to date me, but I was hoping you’d come by later.”

She drew her arms in around herself. “So I can meet Tani?

“No, she won’t be home. My mother is going to keep her a little late for me. I thought I’d make you dinner—

“You cook?” Her brows rose as she gave me a quizzical glance and let out a giggle.

“Yes, for your information, I do a pretty decent job, even if Tani is the only one who has ever told me that.” I lifted my chin with pride but she wasn’t laughing anymore.

“Are you expecting something from me? Like sex?” She crossed her arms and stood a bit taller as if challenging me. I thought for a moment what it would be like and felt an ache in my balls. It had been a while for me and if I were honest I’d love to have her beneath me, but I didn’t think she was ready for that kind of honesty.

“No, Sarah. Not that the idea isn’t appealing.” I let my gaze slide down her body and back to her beautiful face. “I have a business proposition for you. Something I think could benefit us both in more ways than one, if you’re interested.”

“Benefit me how?” She stepped closer, keeping her inquisitive eyes locked on mine.

“You’ll see.” I walked to the counter near her phone and scribbled down my address. “This is where I live. Can I expect you around seven?”

She thought a moment and eyed me up and down. “Are you sure this isn’t a ploy to try and get me in bed?”

“God forbid.” I let out a long breath and chuckled. “I know how awful that’d be for you.”

She responded, “It’s not that I don’t think you’re attractive.” The smile that played around the corners of my lips caused her to take pause. “Don’t let that go to your head. I’m just saying, I find you attractive, but, never mind. If you’re going to stand there smiling at me—I’m going to stop talking.” She shook her head and looked at me like she didn’t know what to do with me.

“Well? Are you going to let me cook for you or not?” I stepped closer and looked down into her eyes. They weren’t any regular blue eyes. Hers had the color of cinnamon around the edges, and her skin glowed with the warmth of blush.

“Fine. Yes. I’ll be there. But only because I’m curious about this proposition of yours.” She turned and went back to the oven and put in a tray of cupcakes that had been waiting on the counter for their turn.

“Good, because now that I know you’re attracted to me, I’d like to warm you up something and feed it to you.” I waited for the playful slap I knew was coming and luckily it landed on my arm and not across my face.

“You’re impossible.” She shook her head at me and we shared a laugh. Then she went over to the broken cooling rack and tried to tinker with it, but it was no use. She needed a new one and from what she’d told me about her luck she didn’t have money for that either.

I glanced around at the little kitchen. She really had something nice going on here. It would be a shame to let a bit of bad luck close it down. I watched her whip up another bowl of batter and the large standing mixer was almost as big as she was. She knew what she was doing too. And as I watched her nimble, dainty hands work, I couldn’t help but wonder what they’d be like on me.

“Would you hand me that bottle of vanilla?” Her voice brought me around and as I handed her the bottle, I realized I wanted to help her. I wanted to help us both. I only hoped that my plan would work.