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Underestimated by Jettie Woodruff, Soraya Naomi (20)

Chapter 20





I called Dawson the next day and apologized again. I invited him over for supper and of course he accepted. That was just how Dawson was. He wasn’t going to make me feel bad for my issues, and I loved him for that.

I had the salad chilling in the refrigerator. I had gone into town earlier to buy fresh vegetables from the local fruit market. My homemade spaghetti sauce was simmering on the stove, and I just had a shower. I did my hair, makeup, and spritzed just a dab of perfume. I pulled on my nice fitting jeans and wore a white, V-neck shirt that showed my midriff. I looked hot, I decided, looking into the mirror behind my bedroom door. I smiled a big smile when I heard the knock. I was determined to have a good night with Dawson, and keep Drew in Las Vegas where he belonged.

Holy fuck…

He too was wearing nice fitting jeans that hung low on his hips, a tight knit shirt with the sexy as hell pecks peeking out from the three unbuttoned buttons on his chest. The only problem was, it wasn’t Dawson. Drew stood at my door with a sexy smile and a dozen red roses.


I was speechless. Dawson was going to be there any second. What the hell was he doing here?

“Drew?” was all that I could manage to get out in my shocked state. I looked over him toward the road searching for Dawson’s police cruiser that would be in my drive at any time.

“Hey, beautiful,” he said, holding out the flowers.

I took them and ushered him inside not wanting Dawson to see him on my porch, not that he wasn’t going to pass the fancy black car backing out of my drive.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I asked, not leaving the door. I had to intercept Dawson.

“Is that any way to greet your husband?” he asked, and had me in his arms in a split second.

Son of a bitch…

“You could have warned me. I have company coming for supper.”

“Do you want me to leave,” he asked, kissing my forehead. Did I?

I didn’t have time to answer his or my question when I heard the car pulling into the gravel drive.

“If I told you not to leave this house, would you listen?” I asked, shoving the roses back into his arms.

Dawson saw me coming and slid his hands into his jean pockets as he leaned against his car. I heard the door behind me open and close. “Of course not,” I said turning to Drew on the porch.

“I guess I’m eating at Millie’s tonight,” Dawson said with a defeated smile.

“I’m sorry, Daw. I didn’t know he was going to show up here.”

“I’m fighting a losing battle here, Ry,” he stated, looking down at me.

“No, you’re not. I just need some time, Dawson. Don’t give up on us just yet, please,” I begged. I didn’t want to lose Dawson. Why couldn’t I just have him for everyday life and Drew at bedtime?”

Dawson leaned in and kissed the same spot that Drew had just kissed on my head. “Call me later and let me know that you’re okay,” he said.

“He’s not going to hurt me, Dawson,” I assured him.

“Call me,” he demanded and got in his car and backed out.

“Your audacity is ridiculous,” I called to Drew, leaned against the post with his arms crossed. I swear he had sex appeal dripping from his contoured body.

“What? I had to see what I was up against,” he pleaded his case.

“What do you want?” I asked, taking the stones beneath my bare feet a little easier than I had when I walked out.

“You. Any more questions?”

“Yes. What the hell are you doing here?” I asked, walking past him and back into the house.

“I wanted to tell you that I found your mom.”

“And you couldn’t tell me that over the phone?” I asked, walking into the kitchen to stir my sauce.

“I could have done that. I didn’t want to,” he smirked, dipping his finger into my sauce.

“You hate spaghetti,” I said, turning to him right in front of me.

“I do,” he admitted, holding his finger out for me to lick the sauce. Dammit if I didn’t do it. I sucked the sauce from his finger and of course the sensation went right to my groin. I swear if I could have traded this vagina for another one, I would have.

“You’re eating spaghetti or you’re starving,” I assured him, stepping away from him. I had to. I was ready to forget the spaghetti and have him for supper.

I put the roses in a vase, and he watched me finish supper. “So, where is my mom?” I asked, placing the uncooked spaghetti into the boiling water.

“Rodanthe, North Carolina. She’s doing well. She runs a bed and breakfast out of her beach house. She’s remarried and,” he stopped.

“What, Drew?” I asked, sensing that he didn’t want to tell me something.

“She has a seven-year-old daughter.”

My eyes widened as my mouth dropped. What the hell? She just dumps her two kids that she already brought into a bad situation, and goes off to replace us with a new life and family? It pissed me off, and I wasn’t so sure that I wanted to find her anymore. I didn’t reply to that. I didn’t know what to say.

“Let’s talk about something else,” I stated. My mother needed to be placed on the pile of things that needed time to process.

“Um, I’m interviewing for Derik’s position. Do you want to be involved?”

I looked at him puzzled. “Why would I want to be involved with that?”

“You do own the company,” he reminded me.

“I do not. Stop saying that.”

“You do, Morgan, whether you want to accept it or not. Your name, not mine is in that will.”

“How is he?” I asked, needing to put that in my processing pile as well.

“I went by yesterday. He didn’t look good. His nurse told me that his kidneys were starting to shut down.”

“He’s dying?” I asked. I’m not sure why I asked that. He looked like he was half dead the last time saw him.

“Yes. He’s been dying for quite some time, but I don’t think it will be much longer. I don’t think he will make it to the end of summer.”

I couldn’t process that either. I just found out that he was my grandfather. I hadn’t even had the chance to get to know him.

“This is a nice little place you have here,” Drew said, sensing my uneasiness.

I snorted. “Thanks. I almost said that I bought it with your money, but I guess it was mine, uh?”

“Yeah,” he now snorted, “It is. I’m still not quite sure how you pulled that off. I could hear every word you said in that house anytime I wanted, and I could see you. How the hell did you get into my office without me finding out?”

“You probably shouldn’t underestimate me. I’m not as dumb as you think I am.”

“Oh, I have learned not to underestimate you, and I don’t think you’re dumb at all. How did you get in there?” he asked again.

“Rebecca shut the power off a couple of times, and I learned a lot from all those times that I spent bent over your desk. I knew all of your passwords, how to freeze the cameras, and how to move money so that you wouldn’t notice.”

“I did underestimate you. I’m glad I have you on my side.”

“I’m not on your side.”

“We’ll see,” he smirked.

We walked out to the back deck and Drew again commented on the view. My heart skipped a few beats when he walked behind me and trapped me between the railing and his dangerous body. I think I may have even stopped breathing when he kissed my ear and whispered.

“You do know that I plan on fucking you, don’t you?”


“And you know that I should throw you out of my house, don’t you?” I said with my eyes closed, trying not to think about what he had just said.

“Maybe, but you won’t. Do you know why you won’t, Morgan,” he whispered with that same low whisper. I knew what he was insinuating, but I asked anyway.


“Because, you want me to fuck you.”

“I do?” I asked the ridiculous question. Of course, I wanted him to do just that, and the sooner, the better.

“You do. I would bet that if I slipped my fingers inside of these nice fitting jeans right now that you’re already wet, thinking about it,” he said, grinding into my backside.

“Jesus Christ, Drew. Stop it,” I demanded, turning to him. I was human after all, and being that my vagina seemed to have a mind all of its own, I was ready to spread my legs right there on the deck.

He laughed, knowing that he was getting to me. The mind games that he played oh-so-well were no competition to my throbbing need, and he knew it.

Drew ate my spaghetti without complaining. He didn’t brag about it or go after seconds, but he ate it. I took him down to the beach after supper, and he did complain about that.


“Why didn’t you buy a house by a real beach?” he asked as we made our way down the rocky cliff.

“I like this one, and besides, I had to make sure you couldn’t find me. Stop being a pussy,” I added with a smile that he couldn’t see from behind.

“Did you just call me a pussy?’

“Yeah, I did.  Stop being so domesticated.”

I heard Drew laugh behind me, but he didn’t comment. We walked along the beach not really talking about anything. I found a piece of sea glass which I wished I wouldn’t have. We spent forever walking around so Drew could find one. I didn’t want him stooped over looking for beach glass. I wanted him holding my hand and paying attention to me and my needy body.

“Drew, it’s going to get dark on us, and we have to climb back up. I’ve done it in the dark. It’s not fun.”

“But I want to find a piece of that stuff too,” he whined. I thought it was cute. I knew how he was with his jewels, and that was exactly what he had seen in my light green sea glass find.

“You can have mine,” I offered, handing it over.

He took it and kissed me. “Thanks, but I still want to find my own. Can we come back tomorrow?”

“How long are you staying?” I asked, leading him back to the path.

“You trying to get rid of me?”

“No. I was just curious, and I have things to do tomorrow.”

“I have to be in New York Monday afternoon. What do you have to do tomorrow?”

“I need to change the oil in my car and mow the yard.”

“You’re joking?” he asked, stepping around me and taking my hand to help me up a steep part of the bank.

“I’m not,” I replied, kissing him quickly before stepping around him again.

“Why don’t you pay someone to do that for you?”

“I’m not as rich as you. I made ten dollars an hour here. I can mow my own yard and change my own oil.”

“Morgan, you are richer than me. I don’t have a pot to piss in without you. How do you even know how to change your oil?”

“Dawson taught me.”

Drew didn’t reply, and I could tell that he didn’t like the thought of Dawson and me changing the oil in anything.

We removed our muddy shoes on the deck before going in. I looked out the living room window to see if Lauren’s car was home yet. It was not. I knew if she were home she would have barged in by now.

“Do you want a shower?” I said, turning to Drew, staring at me.

“Yeah, that would be nice.”

“You can go first. I want to take a bath.”

“How about you just shower with me?” he asked, taking my hand and spinning me in a dance.

I smiled at him. “I want to shave,” I admitted, and he smiled next.

I warmed up a couple of strawberry and cream pastries from the shop after our showers and fixed us both a cup of Star’s famous mocha coffee. We sat on the sofa and ate.

“Did you have sex with Dawson?” Drew asked.

I chewed the food in my mouth before answering. “I had sex with Dawson lots of times.”

“That’s not what I mean, and you know it.”

“You mean, have I had sex with him since you decided that you loved me?”


“No. I haven’t. I was going to tonight,” I told him honestly, “and there were a couple of times that I almost did, but you seemed to always call at the perfect time.”

“He hasn’t spent the night here?”

“Not since I came back. He did before I was forced under a bus by Derik. We practically lived together.”

“Do you love him, Morgan?”

I sat my danish on the table. “Yes, Drew. I do love him, and he doesn’t deserve any of this. I feel horrible for putting him through all of it.”

Drew took the last bite of his pastry and set his plate beside mine. “I don’t want you to love him,” he spoke softly and took my hand.

I touched the side of his face and smiled at him. I didn’t particularly want to love him right then either, but the truth is, I did. “I love you too, Drew, and I have no clue what I’m supposed to do.”

“Come home with me,” he begged.

“I can’t. I need to decide this on my own. I forgive you for everything, but I can’t forget it, Drew. You have to understand that.”

“I do understand that, and I know that I don’t deserve you, but I love you so much, it hurts. I hate myself for wasting six years of trying to be…” He stopped, trying to think of a word.

“A prick, a bully, my master,” I replied, helping him out. I didn’t care if it stung a little. I wanted it to.

“Do you want me to leave you alone?” he asked in a hurtful tone. I didn’t want to hurt him although that is what I should have wanted. Most people would think that I had lost my ever loving mind. Maybe I had.

“Yes, Drew. I need to try and fix things with Dawson. I don’t expect you to understand that, but I do.”

“Are we getting a divorce?”

“I suppose we should. Don’t you?”

Drew took a deep breath and leaned back on the sofa. This was not how I wanted to end our night. I quickly tried my best to recover the situation. I moved to his lap with one leg on each side of him. I held his face with my hands and our eyes collided. I looked into his gray eyes and realized for the first time that I had no idea who Drew Kelley even was. I knew nothing about his past, his family, did he have any family, where his father was, nothing. Our entire eight year existence was based solely on sex.  

“There are things that we need to discuss, Morgan,” he stated, moving his hands to my hips.

“You mean business, right?”

“Yes. You have a multimillion dollar company to run.”

“I’m not running shit. I want no part of that.”

“Somebody has to run it.”

“Yeah. You. Why would you not? You’re the one that wants it. I don’t care one iota about that, nor do I want to care.”

“I have no problem with that, but I will not have my name on anything. You have a lot of things to work out.”

“Like what?”

“Like my salary. Do you want the house? What you are going to do about your multiple assets.”

I moved off Drew and lay at the other end of the couch with a deep sigh. What the hell? I didn’t want any of this. I didn’t know anything about being rich. I was a poor little hillbilly from West by God Virginia. How the hell was I supposed to know what to do?

“Let’s go to bed,” Drew requested, pulling me up with a groan. At least I could get my mind off of it for a little bit.

Or not…

Drew removed his jeans and climbed into bed. I stared down at his bare chest lying in my bed with hungry eyes. I wanted him. I didn’t care how wrong it was. I needed him. I slowly unbuttoned the first two buttons on my night shirt.

Drew grabbed my wrist and pulled me in bed. “Stop taking your clothes off,” he demanded.

What the fuck…?

“Why? Don’t you remember what you said you were going to do me?”

“I remember, but I changed my mind. I just want to hold you in my arms. I want you to realize how much I love you, and I don’t need sex from you.”

Um… Yes, you do.

 Drew moved close to my body, forcing me to turn away from him as he snuggled closer to me. I wasn’t getting sex. Dammit I wasn’t getting sex. I could tell shortly after lying there in his arms, still dumbfounded about not getting any that he was falling asleep when his breathing began to slow.

“Drew?” I quietly spoke.

“Hmm,” he murmured.

 “Where is your dad?”

“I don’t know. I never knew him. He took off when my mother got pregnant.”

“You know if your mother would have married my real dad, you would be my step brother.”

Drew snorted. “I guess. I never thought about it, but they never married, so it’s not incest if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“Where did you grow up?”

“What’s with all the questions?”

“I don’t know. I just feel like there is only one part of you that I really know.”

“I grew up in Vegas. My mother worked for your dad. She ran the store on the strip, you know the one that I used to take you to when I wanted to pretend you were my wife for the night?”

“Yeah, and then you would take the rings back after whatever function we were attending, take me home and

“Stop it. Morgan,” Drew said with an angry tone, cutting me off. “I know what I did, and I don’t want you to remind me. Go to sleep.”

I let it go at that. It was obvious that he wasn’t touching me, and I wasn’t sure that I wanted him to anymore. I waited until I knew for sure that Drew had fallen asleep and slid from beneath his arm.

 What the hell was I supposed to do with a multimillion dollar company? I quietly opened the door to the deck and walked out. I didn’t understand my life, I mean come on, this doesn’t happen. There are two things that I wished would have happened so that I wasn’t in the place that I was. I wished that I had never gotten on that plane and left my safe little life in Misty Bay. Then again, I wished I would have never remembered who I was.

I thought about Dawson as I listened to the waves crashing below. I had been on the deck for at least twenty minutes. Drew was sound asleep. Dawson would have been out there by now. Did he really care more than Drew? I got my answer when I jumped as the door opened.

“You okay?” Drew asked, taking my hand and pulling me to him as he leaned against the banister.

“Yeah, just a lot on my mind,” I said as my arms mechanically went around his neck.

“Anything I can do?” he asked, pulling me tight around the waist.

“Not unless you can make up my mind for me.”

“You’re in luck. I can do that. Choose me,” he teased, sort of.

 I smiled and kissed him. I took his hand and led him back to bed. He still didn’t touch me, and I was beginning to think that I would starve from lack of sex. I would have, had it been possible. He whispered that he loved me before dozing off again.


“Hmm,” he moaned, with closed eyes.

“Why are you not touching me?”

He snickered. I already told you why. I want you to know that I want you without the sex.”

“You want me without sex?”

“No. I want the sex too. I want you to know that I love you, and it’s not just about sex.”

“I believe you, but I still want sex, like now.” There I said it. I was either getting laid, or I wasn’t, but at least he knew that I wanted it.

“What am I going to do with you,” Drew laughed.

“You know exactly what you can do with me.”

“If I do, will you promise me that you won’t have sex with Dawson?”


“Forget it Drew, just go to sleep,” I said, rolling away from him. He rolled with me.

“I take that as no,” he rasped in my hair.

I couldn’t help it. His cock was too close. I could feel it on my ass. I ignored his last statement and rubbed my ass against him.

“I’m beginning to think that somebody needs their ass beat,” he softly spoke, licking my ear.

Fuck yeah, that’s exactly what I needed. I did it again, egging him on. He rolled me over more, so that I was flat on my stomach. He pushed the covers off, exposing my silk covered ass.

“Do you want me to spank you, Morgan?”

His sexy low tone had changed. He wasn’t playfully asking anymore. He was being serious. He really wanted to know if I wanted him to spank me. I was a fucked up excuse for a human being. I did want it.

“Yes,” I said with closed eyes, feeling my pussy throb and my panties become moist.

He slid my panties down and rubbed my backside as I waited for the first blow. I didn’t care how fucked up I was, and I didn’t care how society felt about our sexual cravings. I liked it. It turned me on like nothing else. I would worry about how I was supposed to be the next day. Right then all I cared about was getting Drew inside of me.

The sting from Drew’s thick hand was instantly rubbed away.

Jesus vagina, calm the hell down, I’m working on it.

 After the next sting, I raised my leg a little. Drew took the hint well, and once he had rubbed his soreness from the third blow he dipped his finger inside of me. I thought I was going to come off the bed.

“You’re always so fucking wet, Morgan,” he huskily said, sinking his fingers again. I moaned. Shit, did I moan. I flipped my leg over him so I was lying on my back. My hips arched into his fingers all on their own accord. I had nothing to do with it. It was all my backstabbing pussy. It had a mind of its own, and made my mouth say words that I never even thought about.

“Lick it.”

Shit. Where the hell did that come from?

“Spread your legs,” Drew replied to my outburst.

I did.


I did, and Holy Geez Louise. I was going to come. I was going to come fast. His tongue sliding up me was unbearable. He stopped a couple of times with his mouth but kept his fingers busy so that he could kiss me. His tongue would dive into my parted lips, forcing me to taste myself on him and then back to pleasing my core.

Drew thrust his middle finger as deep as he could when I called out. No, when I yelled out. Two of his other fingers, I wasn’t sure which ones, penetrated my clit while another one penetrated my puckered nub in back. I knew that he could feel every last one of the convulsions from my wall contracting around his finger.

“Are you good?” he asked once I was able to release the sheet, squeezed tightly in my two fists. I opened one eye to see the proud grin on his face.

“No. I need you inside of me,” I assured him that I was not done. Not even close.

“I need inside of your mouth,” he countered.

“Then I suggest that you get out of those shorts.”

He did. He lay back with his hands over his head. I took his steel rod in my hand, and then sank it balls deep into my throat. I devoured him. It had to be the most erotic blowjob in history. I know it was a bad time to be thinking about what was going on, but I did. I wondered if maybe I were more in lust with Drew then in love. He kind of ruined me in that department. I already knew how Dawson felt about my immoral, kinky shit. He would never in a million years spank me. It wasn’t normal, not that I didn’t enjoy making love to him. I did. Sex with Drew was so intense, strong, and powerful. It was the kind of sex that left me thinking about it for hours.

“Sit on me, Morgan,” Drew demanded once he knew that he couldn’t handle another second of my torturous mouth.

I slid onto him, and his head fell back as his eyes closed with a moan. I slowly moved up and down on him, gradually picking up speed. I rocked my hips, frantically back and forth on his shaft, feeling myself reaching my peak once again. Drew waited until I was right there, and flipped me off him, onto my stomach. He pulled my leg over his thigh, dipping his hardness into me a couple of times before pulling it out. I didn’t want him to remove himself. I wanted to come again. I needed to come again.

“Can I?” he asked as I felt the tip of him penetrating my ass.

“Yes,” I moaned. God yes.

I squeezed my eyes closed, waiting for my body to relax and let him in.

“Do you have any KY?” he asked.

“No. I don’t really need that here,” I admitted. Dawson would have never done what he was doing to me.

I felt him move in a little more, and then a little more until my muscles had relaxed, and he easily took me from behind. He rubbed my throbbing clit as he thrust in and out of me until we were both spent, moaning in loud, breathy, whimpers.

“Now will you go to sleep?” Drew asked. I laughed. Okay, maybe I did love him for other reasons than sex.



“I’m making coffee! Get your lazy bones out of bed,” I heard, opening my eyes.

Shit. Lauren.

I slid from under Drew’s arm and wrapped the robe hanging from my door around me. I quietly opened and closed the door and went to the kitchen.

“Good morning, I thought for sure I would wake up to a police car in your driveway. He didn’t stay?”

I sat on the bar stool and ran my fingers through my hair.

“No, Dawson didn’t stay, but” I didn’t finish because Drew opened my bedroom door wearing nothing but his jeans as he walked toward the bathroom.

He didn’t speak and only nodded.

“Holy fuck, Ry. Who the hell is that?”

“That would be Drew. He showed up here yesterday afternoon.”

“You didn’t tell me he looked like that,” Lauren exclaimed.

I snickered. Talk about awkward.

Drew came out of the bathroom and started back toward the bedroom.

“Come here. I want you to meet my best friend,” I called to him.

“Can I get a shirt?” he asked.

“You don’t have to,” Lauren giggled.

He snickered and continued to get his shirt.

I scolded Lauren, “You idiot.”

“You can’t beat a girl for trying,” she smiled.

“Lauren, this is Drew,” I said, introducing my husband who calls me Morgan to my friend who knew me as Riley.

The three of us went out to the deck and had coffee. I was surprised at Lauren and Drew, hitting it off like they did. Then again, Lauren could make friends with the devil himself. She was just that bubbly. They were talking diamonds of all things. Lauren had traded a horse for a ring years before and wanted to know if he could tell her what it was worth, if anything. Of course, he said yes, and she planned to bring it over later.

Lauren left after about an hour, leaving Drew and me alone on the deck, overlooking the breathtaking morning ocean.

“It’s very tranquil here,” he said, looking out to the endless sea.

“Yes, a lot more so than the desert,” I replied.

“We don’t have to live there, Morgan,” he said with a serious expression.

I snorted. “Where would we live?”

“Wherever you want,” he assured me.

I didn’t reply. I didn’t want to think about that at the time.

“Do you want to mow or change the oil first?” I asked instead.

“I’m pretty sure I have no clue how to do either,” he admitted.

“You’re such a girl,” I teased.

“Are you calling me a pussy again?

I laughed. “Yes, but I was trying to be nice about it.”




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