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Unexpected Love (Love Stings Series Book 4) by Evan Grace (15)













I tossed and turned all night. Every time I fell asleep, I dreamt of a raven-haired, blue-eyed little girl, and it ended the same way every time. I would be pushing her on the swing, and then she would just disappear.

I’m supposed to be over at Abby’s around lunch time to spend some time with Natalie. Dragging my ass out of bed, I grumpily step into the kitchen to make some coffee. I grab my phone off the charger and send my cousin Carrington a text.


Joe: Hey cuz. Are you home this morning? Can I come over and talk to you and Damien?


With twins at home, I’m not surprised that she answers almost immediately.


Carrington: Hey you! Of course you can. I’m surprised you haven’t wanted to talk sooner. We’ll see you soon?


I love my family.


Joe: Yeah let me shower and I’ll be there in thirty.


Carrington: Okay. Come hungry I’m making biscuits and gravy.


After showering, brushing my teeth, and throwing on a t-shirt and basketball shorts, I slip a ball cap on my head and grab my keys.

Pulling up in front of their home a short time later, I climb out of my car as Damien steps outside with their daughter Shay on his hip. It makes me want to laugh because he’s wearing a sleeveless tee, displaying his tattoo sleeves. He’s got gauges in his ears, and his hair is a Mohawk—looking like a bonafide badass and his daughter has two tiny pigtails sticking out of the top of her head and is wearing a pink onesie with ruffles on the butt.

I shake my head as I reach him. “You are a sight, brother.” He reaches out, taking my offered hand.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don’t even say it, I know.”

As soon as I walk through the door, I’m hit by the delicious smell coming from the kitchen. “Babe, Joe’s here.”

Carrington comes out to greet me with their son Ryder in her arms. “Hey, honey. Breakfast is just about ready, and then I’ll put the kids down for their nap so we can talk.”

“Thanks, Care Bear. I appreciate you guys taking the time.”

We make our way to the dining room, and I watch as they move like a well-oiled machine. In no time at all, they have both kids in their high chairs with food on their trays. I help Damien bring out the food and set it on the table.

With full plates, we begin to dig in. “How are things with the DEA?”

“Busy, but I’ve been talking to your boss about taking a detective job they’ve been bugging me about.” Damien was working undercover when he and Cari first met.

“What are you going to do?”

“Not sure yet, but some recent developments have me considering it.” I look between both of them.

“I’m pregnant.” I get up and pull Carrington into a hug.

“That’s great news. I’m so happy for you guys.” I let her go and then slap Damien on the back before taking my seat.

After breakfast, I help Damien clean up while Cari puts the kids down and closes the little gate, trapping them in the family room.

“I’ll sit with the kids while you guys talk,” Damien says. Cari kisses him, and then the two of us go sit on their back deck.

“How’s Chloe doing since the miscarriage?” she asks. “How are you doing?”

I take a deep breath. “She’s doing better. She has her moments, and I’m the same. How did you guys deal with it?”

“There’s no real correct way to deal with something like that. Mom and Dad were a great source of help while we dealt with it. I blamed myself at first—hell, Damien blamed himself too since I was unknowingly pregnant when all of that stuff went down at the strip club.” She takes a drink of her tea. “Logically, I knew that wasn’t the case, but you always feel like you need to put the blame somewhere.”

“I dreamt of a little girl last night, one that looked like Chloe. Is that normal?”

“Absolutely, and again, it fades in time. I have to believe that things happen for a reason. I wouldn’t have Ryder and Shay right now. I wouldn’t have this baby.” She places a hand over her stomach. “I still get nervous while I’m pregnant that I could lose the baby. I was the same way with the twins.”

“Not that I want to hear about your sex life, but did you have trouble conceiving the twins or this one?”

“Not at all. We weren’t even trying with the twins.” I’m not sure why I asked. Well, maybe I do. I’m in love with Chloe. Shit, I think I’ve been in love with her for a while—I just haven’t told her because I’m not sure that’s how she feels about me. If I try to picture my future, I see her in it.

I know we haven’t been together long, and hell, most of our relationship we’ve spent apart, but I know how I feel. God, I hope she feels the same.




Chloe should be here any time now. I can’t fucking wait—to get ready, I went and bought new sheets for my bed, washed them, and put them on. I also bought some new towels since most of my mine were threadbare in spots.

I’ve cleaned my place top to bottom so she’s not scared to stay here. My place isn’t a pit by any means, but after being at Chloe’s place that even with two cats was immaculate, I want to make sure my place is good enough for her. Her being comfortable is important to me.

My refrigerator is stocked with her favorite beverages. Her favorite snacks are in my cupboards. I even had my mom get me one of those diffusers like the one Chloe has, and I had her get several different scents. I’m nervous as fuck. We’re having dinner at my parents’ place tonight. I was hoping it could be just us with them, but Haddie will be there.

Abby wanted to come, but I didn’t want to overwhelm Chloe, even though she’s been around my family before. This is her first time coming as my girlfriend. Wow, I think that’s the first time I referred to her as that. My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door.

I move quickly and pull it open. Chloe smiles widely and jumps at me, wrapping herself around me like a spider monkey. She smiles down at me before kissing my lips. It’s short and sweet and ends far too soon. “I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve been climbing the fucking walls.”

“I broke several laws getting here, but my boyfriend’s a cop, so I’m not worried.” I chuckle and reluctantly set her down on her feet. She wraps her arms around my waist, resting her cheek against my chest. Neither of us says anything while I stroke my hand down her silky locks.

Her light floral scent makes me half hard, but I don’t want her thinking this is the only reason why I wanted her here. I pull away enough to look down at her. “Fuck, I’m so glad you’re here.” Chloe’s smile warms me in a way that terrifies me but leaves me feeling exhilarated and alive.

I bend down and kiss her softly on the lips. I take her bag from her and put it in my bedroom. Back in the living room, Chloe’s looking at the only pictures I have on the wall. Most are of my nephews and niece, Cari’s twins, and a picture of my brother and sisters—from when Abby graduated high school.

Coming up behind Chloe, I wrap my arms around her chest. She leans against me. “I can’t get over how cute Abby and Ben’s kids are. I know you said Abby isn’t Natalie’s biological mom, but she looks like her.”

I lean in closely, and the more I look at the picture, the more I see it—from the matching dimples to their smiles and twinkling eyes. I place my lips against her temple. “You’re right, baby. You should really tell Abby that. I know she’d be thrilled.” I lead her to the sectional and sit down, maneuvering her until she’s on my lap.

“How was your week?” This past week we haven’t talked a whole lot because I picked up shifts so I could get this weekend covered and I could be off. I plan on spending every moment with her. Of course I do have to share her with my mom and sisters tomorrow, and my mom threatened to beat me if I encroached on their girl time.

“Busy with Hailey still on vacation. I worked two sixteen-hour days while trying to get all the orders done so I could be off. Wednesday night I had to quit working on the bracelet I’m making because my hand started to cramp.”

Whether she’s at the jewelry store or at home, Chloe’s always working on some piece. “My poor baby—maybe I’ll just give your poor hands a rubdown later.” She told me once that when she gets her nails done and they massage her hands, she embarrasses herself by moaning loudly.

She lays her head down on my shoulder. “Mmmmm…that sounds amazing. What time are we going to your parents’ for dinner?”

“Dinner is at six thirty. Mom says bring your appetite.” I lift her up and then stand. “Come on, let me show you around.” I show her my apartment, and then hand in hand, we walk around my complex.

“This is really great. It’s beautiful.”

“Yeah, I like it. It’s nice that Abby’s able to bring the kids over to swim occasionally. I use the gym a lot, especially if the weather’s bad, and the big selling point was the ability to rent a garage. I keep my bike in there and also use it as storage.”

We make our way back inside, and Chloe excuses herself to freshen up in the bathroom so we can head over to my parents’ house. I’m in my room changing when she comes in. She changed out of her jean shorts and t-shirt and put on a pair of tailored black shorts and a peasant top, the blue color matching her eyes.

Her makeup is light, and her hair hangs down her back in soft waves. She’s barefoot and has the cutest, daintiest feet. “Do I look okay? I don’t want them to think I was trying too hard.”

“You look great.” She kisses me quickly and then stuffs the clothes she was wearing into the bag she brought.

After I’m changed, we head toward my parents’ place. Chloe’s quiet as we make our way across town. Her leg bounces up and down, and she wrings her hands together. I place my hand on her leg to stop it from bouncing. “Why are you nervous? You know my parents.”

She looks at me. “Well, this is the first time I’ve been to their place with us being together. Don’t they think I’m too old for you?”

“Baby, my dad is a lot older than my mom. Age is nothing. They only want me happy, and Chloe, I am happy. Aren’t you?”

Chloe pulls my hand up to her mouth and kisses it. “I’m happy. I just wish we lived closer together, that’s all.”

“Me too, baby.”

We pull up in front of my parents’ house and see my sister’s minivan in the driveway. I look at Chloe and shake my head. “It was just supposed to be us, Mom, Dad, and Haddie. I’m gonna apologize right now because it’s going to be chaos.”

“It’s really okay.” I get out and go around to open her door and help her out. Hand in hand, we walk up to the door. I don’t bother knocking—we just walk right in. Natalie greets us first…well, she greets Chloe first.

“Are you going to be my aunt? You look like Snow White. Can I sit by you?” My sweet niece fires off a barrage of questions.

“Natalie, leave Uncle Joe’s girlfriend alone,” my dad says as he walks toward us.

“Okay, Pawpaw.” She gives us both a hug before scampering off to do who knows what.

“Chloe, it’s good to see you again.” My dad bends down and kisses her cheek.

“It’s good to see you too, Dylan.” He offers her his arm, and they walk farther into the house.

“Uhh…hello. Did you forget about me?” I holler from behind them.

Apparently Ben got called into work and my mom felt bad for my sister, so that’s why she and the kids are over. It’s really not that bad with them here—I was just hoping my parents could really get to know Chloe without any distractions. When I step into the family room, Chloe’s hugging my mom and then Abby. They don’t see it, but I do—Chloe smiles and reaches out, touching Abby’s baby bump. She’s smiling, but it’s not reaching her eyes.

Luckily, Rion runs up to Chloe and wraps his chubby little arms around her leg. While still talking to Abby, she bends down and picks up my nephew in her arms. My mom comes toward me and gives me a hug.

“Hi, honey. Sorry about Abby and the kids being here.”

I shake my head. “It’s seriously okay. As you can see, she’s enjoying the attention.” Natalie’s herding Chloe toward the sofa. Dalton comes toward me, and I pick him up, throwing him over my shoulder. I move farther into the room and sit down with Dalton in my lap next to Chloe.

After everyone sits for a bit, we all head into the dining room. My mom and Haddie carry out the dishes. It’s chaotic until finally we get everyone’s plates filled and the kids are finally quiet.

Conversation is light while everyone eats. Natalie is pretty much the one running the conversation right now. She’s in kindergarten, smart as a whip, and loves school. We all listen as she regales us with tales from her class.

“For show and tell, Matt brought his pet tarantula in, and when Ms. James saw it, she screamed and ran out of the room. Matt’s mommy had to take it home so our teacher would come back in. It was so gross.” She’s not looking at any of us as she talks; she concentrates on her plate.

“What did you bring for show and tell?” I ask her.

Natalie finally looks up. “Mommy brought my tap shoes, and I showed them how I can dance.” She pushes back her chair, stands up, and with a hand on her hip starts moving her little feet. She sits back down. “They all clapped and said I was a good dancer. Am I a good dancer, Uncle Joe?”

“You’re the best little tap dancer I’ve ever seen.”

She smiles so bright. I wrap my arm around her and give her a squeeze.

After dinner, Chloe, ignoring my mom’s request to sit down, helps Haddie clear the table while my mom and Abby clean the kids up. Abby tells us goodbye and apologizes for intruding on our dinner. I open my mouth to tell her she wasn’t, but Chloe beats me to it.

“I’m glad you were here and that I got to spend time getting to know your sweet kids.” Abby hugs Chloe, then we all head outside. Haddie’s going with her to help with the kids in the morning. I walk around to the driver’s side and give my sister a hug.

“I love her for you, Joey,” Abby whispers in my ear. She pulls back and gives me a big smile before climbing in her minivan. I open the door to the back and climb inside to give my niece and nephews hugs goodbye.

I shut the door and walk around the front to pull Chloe back against my chest. We wave as they take their leave. With my arm around her shoulders, we follow my parents back inside.

“Who wants coffee?” my mom asks.

My dad and I say yes, and so does Chloe. My girl follows my mom into the kitchen to help her get coffee. As soon as they disappear, my dad turns to me. “She’s great, Joe. I know we’ve known her since she was a little girl, but she’s really grown into a fine woman.”

My dad saying that really means a lot. “I’m falling in love with her.” I say it quietly so I know she doesn’t hear me.

“That’s great, son. You haven’t been serious with anyone since Tracey. You seem really happy, but you guys live four hours away from each other. That may be fine for now, but it can’t work forever. What are your long-term plans?”

To be honest, I’ve tried not to think about it, because I don’t think she’d consider moving away from her parents, brother, and friends. Hell, we’ve only had one real date, but I know how I feel. I know every time I leave her, I get an ache in my belly and a pain in my chest.

“I don’t know…we haven’t really talked about that stuff yet. I was hoping with her here this weekend that we could. All I know is I that I want to be with her, and every time I leave her, I feel ill.”

We don’t get to finish our discussion because Chloe and my mom return, carrying a tray of coffee cups and cake. My girl sits next to me and hands me a plate with a piece of my mom’s famous homemade chocolate cake.

While we eat, my mom drills Chloe about her jewelry designs, and they plot for Chloe to make a mother’s necklace for Abby, waiting to add the charm for the baby girl she’s carrying until after she’s born.

I’m ready to be alone with my girl, so I stand up. “You’re leaving already?” Of course that comes from my mom.

“Babe, I’m sure they want to be alone.” My dad kisses her forehead while she pouts.

“Oh, fine.”

Chloe tries to collect the dishes, but my mom tells her to leave them—she’ll get them later. They walk us out. My dad slaps me on the shoulder and mouths, Tell her how you feel. I give him a chin lift and then hug my mom goodbye.

My dad hugs Chloe, and then my mom does the same. “We’ll pick you up at noon tomorrow for lunch.”

“Okay, that sounds good. Thank you again for dinner. It was delicious.”

We climb in the car and head back toward my place. “Sorry it was so chaotic tonight.”

I feel her hand on my thigh, and my dick immediately gets hard. “It wasn’t chaotic. It was fun. Your family’s amazing…really.” Lacing my fingers with hers, I bring her hand up to my mouth and kiss the back of it.

We roll up to the stoplight that just turned red. Grabbing Chloe by the back of her neck, I pull her head toward mine until my lips can reach hers. I can only kiss her for a second before the car behind us honks. Chloe laughs against my lips before pulling back.

Pulling into the parking lot, I park and then help her out. Hand in hand, we make our way inside my apartment. I kick the door shut and begin to stalk my prey.