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Unjust Billionaire: A dom romance (Bossy Billionaire Book 2) by Savannah May (4)


We stayed motionless like that for what seemed an eternity, Valentine observing the torment rushing through me at being forced to strip for him. The emotions tugged and heaved almost as much as lips between my inner thighs. But not quite. The claw running through my core was outrageous in its intensity.

I wanted him so bad it was on the edge of my other lips to tell him so, to beg him to fuck me as rough and hard as he wanted to. But Josh had trained me well and I knew enough not to make any demands of my own. If I did they were sure to be denied until such time as my master saw fit to take me on his own terms.

Instead I let my imagination take over. I looked in the mirror at my naked breasts and felt the tingle of shameless delight. The windows were huge and the workers in the vineyards had come a little closer. Not close enough to observe the scene in the master's office but not that far off. I imagined them making their way another few feet toward the house and seeing me come around the desk, my tits swaying as I lifted my skirt for their boss to admire my pussy.

Damn, I was depraved and it was all Josh's fault. I'd been such a vanilla custard pudding before I met him thanks to mother's training and now, with his nurturing development, I was turning into a wanton where nothing was out of bounds.

“That's the last time you will walk on heels in my office,” Valentine said.

What the hell did that mean? Did he expect me to work barefoot? I thought that was only in the kitchen. Whatever and wherever he demanded, I wasn't sure I had the strength to decline. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before. I was always overly professional at the office, had never even had a smudge of an interlude with a client, despite a number of veiled offers.

It was Jay Valentine bringing out an even stronger side of my feminine nature than Josh had uncovered- in response to his strength, his brutal masculinity that invaded the air between us. The power he held over me rendered me helpless to refuse anything he might demand.

“Pull your skirt up,” he growled, dragging my eyes back to tumble into the cavern of his dangerous pools.

I almost squealed a refusal without thinking. I could not expose that much of myself to my new boss, on so many levels. Imagining audacious behavior in my fantasy was not the same as going through with it. Maybe I was still a bit of a custard pudding.

It wasn't only that I wasn't wearing any underwear and had no idea what he'd make of that. The fact that I'd traveled on a public jet without panties was nothing compared to the fact that my upper thighs were slick with juices in response to his control over me. No way could I let him in on the fact that I was loving his power forcing me to do his bidding.

“Did you hear me, Ms Cannon? Raise that skirt and take off your underwear. Now.”

I swallowed hard and grazed my fingers along the edge of the fabric, dragging it up one side of my thigh.


I felt the fierce flush across my breasts rise to my cheeks and Valentine's fascination at observing that. That was nothing compared to his observation of my clutching my core in torment as my naked pussy came into view under the hem of my skirt.

His eyes plundered across my bare slit, bathed in nectar as the glistening nub shoved out from between the engorged pink lips. Every pore of my body was stretched open and blazing. I wanted to mound my tits into my grasp again to relieve some of the hungry need pressing through my core.

As I pulled the fabric up over my hipbones so that my sex was completely exposed, the sound of voices filtered in from outside the windows. It was the end of the day and the workers had moved that much closer. They had only to turn their heads and look through the glass to notice me standing in front of Valentine's desk, gazing in the mirror behind him admiring my erect tits and my spread open in front of him.

Was this what he wanted? Public display? Had he discovered my arousal at the thrill of being caught naked? He scraped the heavy chair back and rose from his desk. I remained absolutely motionless, quivering within, as he came very slowly around the corner.

His physical presence provoked a heart-rending as powerful as his aura. Valentine was a couple of inches over six feet tall, at a guess, and his chest was broad in an exquisite black suit. I remained where I was, gaze dropped and not even turning my head, but out of the corner of my eye I gleaned the thickness of his thighs in the expensive dark pants.

My body trembled hard as he came beside me and the aroma of woody masculinity mixed with musk cologne wandered into my nostrils. He moved out of my view and I suddenly remembered.

Oh. my. Freaking. Gawd. He was behind me but by raising my eyes I was able to observe in the mirror, Jay Valentine gazing down at my bare ass, neither shocked nor surprised by the scarlet red imprints blooming across my cheeks.

How had I forgotten last night's spanking inflicted by Josh right before I boarded the plane in New York? ‘I guess I'll have to give you something to remember me by in Napa’, Josh had informed me before ordering me to take down my panties. When he'd finished the paddling, meant as a strong reminder of who was my master, he'd refused not only to relieve my aching nub with a big goodbye-O, but also to return my underwear.

He said he wanted me flying high and shivering with desire all the way to the other side of the country. Well I was really shivering now, especially after my agony of craving was raised by my French colleague. Jay Valentine was a more complex beast than either man and I somehow knew he was a powerful dominant. One that I was meant to connect with.

As he gazed down at my beacon glowing ass, I had the intense urge to move one foot aside and arch my back higher so that my chasm was exposed and inviting to him. I knew it was forbidden and I had to wait quietly for whatever Valentine decided was my due, but it was killing me, the waiting, the ravenous need for him to swirl into my senses.

I hadn't felt more than a brief flicker of his warm breath at the nape of my neck and just that had sent quivers of desire rattling through me. Every cell craved his fingers grazing a trail across them. I stood waiting, breathless, heart high under my tits while the chatter of the men in the vineyard seeped through the windows.

“Yes,” Valentine finally said in a deep glottal whisper, after a lifetime of me standing erect and shivering with emotion, praying the men were only interested in getting to their homes. “I think you'll work out very well.”

My heart leapt. My body almost leapt as well, to twine itself around his gorgeous frame. But I remained still, waiting for orders. The next instant, Valentine turned and pressed a buzzer on his desk.

“Delilah, come in and show Ms Cannon down to the spa.”

Without so much as a look in my direction, Jay Valentine exited a side door into another office and I hauled my clothes back into place before the assistant bustled into the room. With abrupt officiousness, the tall and willowy redhead looked me up and down with a pinch of her scarlet lips, then led me along the endless luxurious hallways to the other side of the building. Through the red doors, into the spa- a white limestone ante-room where she turned on her Jimmy Choo heels without a word.