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Unmatched Love by Mary Nixon (3)

I was sited in a small cafe enjoying a cup of coffee and some pastries when a man walked up to me. He had stunning brown eyes and dark brown hair with shiny blonde strands

when it caught the light o the setting sun. His build was medium much like Tony's and he was tall like Tony too. He was in a black suit with a folder in his hand. Behind him were four men who appeared to be bodyguards and a woman.

I looked at him and his entourage feeling a little uneasy when he smiled exposing a perfect set of pearly whites.

"Pardon me, I don't mean to startle you but I must say you have stunningly beautiful eyes. They remind me of emeralds in the setting sun." He said in a soft voice that oozed of a French accent.

I smiled at the complement as he waved his hand and his staff dispersed to a different table. The bodyguards remained standing but in different positions in the cafe.

"Thank you." I told him.

"May I join you?" He asked.

I nodded and he sat down at my table. He ordered some coffee and pastries and in a moment, he was served.

"Pardon my rude behaviour. My name is Pierre Deveraux. May I get the honor of knowing your name my emerald princess?"

I was turning red at his invasive gaze.

"Bea Bianca." I told him.

"Sweet name." He said as he sipped his coffee.

"Are you visiting London?" I asked him.

"Oui... I am here on business. What about you emerald princess? Are you a resident here?"

"Yes I am."

Comfortable silence followed as he peered into my eyes. There was something dark in his eyes that he hid with his perfect devilish smile. He was enchanting.

"So tell me, what

is a beautiful woman like you doing all alone?" He asked me.

I was ditched by my boyfriend after he almost died trying to save me and his unborn sons from death.

Too heavy to tell when meeting someone for the first time.

"I am not alone. I'm with you." I told him making him laugh.

He reached out for my hand and I allowed him to hold it.

"You are sad my emerald princess. What aches your heart?"

I paused and looked away from him tears welling up in my eyes. A lot ached my heart... a lot.

I fought my tears and faced him managing a small smile.

"I am nursing a broken heart monsieur."

"Oui... I see. Who broke your heart?"

I felt uncomfortable about discussing my dramatic life with Tony. I withdrew my hand from his and he sighed. He stood up and walked over to where I was. He knelt beside me and took both my hands.

"The best medicine for a broken heart my emerald princess is to open it to newer possibilities. Locking it up only leaves room for nothing but more pain." He said in a low voice as he brought my hand to his lips and kissed it tenderly.

I smiled at him as he stood up and pulled me up.

He cupped my face and he leaned in kissing my cheek softly. It felt sinfully good. I had missed this intimate human contact.

"I will be

in town for a few more days. I would like to have your number so that I can see you till I leave. Is that okay?"

"Of course I would like that."

I handed him my phone and he put his number in as he handed me his and I put my number. Afterwards he kissed both my cheeks and smiled at me.

"Merci. I hope to put a smile on your face even if it is just for a few days. Have a pleasant evening Bea Bianca."

I bid him goodbye as I made my way to my Porsche. He drove off with an entourage of six vehicles. Something told me I knew him from somewhere but where?

I got home and browsed the net only to find out that Pierre Deveraux is a French Duke. I gasped at the tingly feeling that ran through me. I had just met royalty!

I smiled to myself and brewed some tea. I settled down with a good magazine. Afterwards I popped some sleeping pills and it was not long before I fell asleep.

James Lyons's POV

I was driving to a club when I thought about how cruel I had been to Bianca. Truth be said, even if I went back in time, I would probably put my life on the line for her all over again. I changed routes and drove to her place instead. It was midnight.

I called her number and it went straight to voicemail.

"Hey you've reached Bianca, please leave a message."

Her voice was soothing. She didn't know it but it was not the first time I parked my car outside her flat and just gazed at her window. Truth be said, it was the only way I felt close to her. The only way we didn't fight.

"Hey love, I miss you. I'm outside your flat. I'm

just going to stay here all night because this is the only way I can be close to you without us fighting. I love you."

I hang up and adjusted my seat for comfort. I spotted a half empty bottle of whiskey and I was tempted to drink but I found myself draining it outside my window.

My father was right.

I needed to get my shit together. I was going down hill.

My phone buzzed and I saw a text message from Bianca.

Bianca: Come on up, I promise we won't fight.

I hesitated but then I really wanted to see her. I wanted to be close to her.

Me: Okay. I promise to behave.

I was at her door in a matter of seconds and before I knocked she opened up. I stood there gazing at her. She looked just as beautiful as she usually did.

She stepped out of the way and allowed me in.

The flat was cramped in my opinion but she seemed not to mind.

"So, what brings you here?" She asked.

I turned to face her and I held her by the waist, pulling her to me gently. I looked into her eyes and got lost in them for a moment.

"I want to apologize for my appalling behavior in the elevator. I was upset but I should not have treated you so insolently."

She placed her hand on my chest.

"You had and still have every right to be mad at me. I deserve all your wrath Tony. I deserve it all."

Her calmness bothered me. She used to he so fiery and now she was just too calm. Had she grown up in the last two years? Was she a different person after she lost our sons?

I ran my hand through

her beautiful long blonde hair and I leaned in and kissed her lips gently, testing the waters to see if it was safe... she parted them open and I took advantage making up for lost time. She tasted so sweet... so good... so addictive.

I broke the kiss to look at her lustful eyes.

"I've missed you so much love."

"I've missed you too. I love you Tony." She whispered.

"I love you too."

I kissed her again and again and again until she was breathless and clinging to me for support.

"Let's talk love." I told her as I released her.

She led me to the couch and we sat facing each other.

"I want us to call a truce." I said.

"Okay." She agreed.

"I will no longer bring up Scott and Kenan in our conversations. I won't be blaming you anymore because we both played a part in the loss of our sons."

Tears welled up in her eyes and she cried bitterly. I pulled her into my arms as she sobbed. This was the closure we needed from the start... to console each other but what we did was fight and push each other away. I held her tightly my heart constricting in pain each time she sobbed.

"Tony... I... I am so sorry. Please forgive me."


"That will take time love, I won't lie to you. But I promise I will try to leave the past where it belongs."

I rubbed circles on her back and she cooled down a little. I pulled away from her and wiped her tears away.

"After you left Monaco, I couldn't sleep. I was in so much pain. I started to rely on pills to get me to sleep. I started clubbing too much and drinking myself to sleep. It hurt so much love. I missed you so I started to date women with green eyes but they were hard to come across... I hoped that at least one of them will remind me of you but no one did."

"You are with a green eyed beauty aren't you?" She asked with a small smile.

"Hanna? I dumped her last night."

Her eyes glimmered with glee but she quickly hid it.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because she said something nasty about you. What she doesn't know is that I am the only one allowed to annoy you and make you cry. Anyone else who hurts you, I will break their bloody necks."

She giggled and I loved how beautiful she looked.

"But she was your girlfriend and I'm your ex. Why didn't you choose her over me?" She asked.

"Bianca, I would choose you in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and choose you." I said as I slipped my finger underneath her chin. "You know why?"

"Because you love me."

"More than my own life love... more than my own life."


Chapter twenty one: she returns

James Lyons's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes... I was lost for words when I saw her. She was just as beautiful as I remembered. She ran towards me as soon as she saw me and jumped on me straddling me. She kissed my cheek tenderly and cupped my face into her slender hands.

"Oh Tony! You don't know how badly I missed you!" She exclaimed as I held her thighs tightly to keep her from falling.

"Me too... I missed you so much. You disappeared into thin air and now you just reappear the same way! Where have you been?"

She chuckled and kissed me all over my face.

She was just as excited as I was.

I glanced at my watch and realized I had an hour to get home... get dressed and attend the business gala. I wanted to ask Bianca to accompany me.

"We have to get going. I am running late for a business gala and I don't have a date."

"I can be your date." She offered. "But I need a dress, shoes, jewellery and a bottle of gin."


"Cheryl Bellingerre is back and I can't face all those people with a sober mind, trust me."

"Done." I assured her.

Bianca's POV

I was happy that Tony and I were at a good place. We had spent the night talking and catching up on lost time until we fell asleep in each other's arms. He had left in the morning after I heard a woman speaking to him over the phone.

He didn't tell me who she was and I didn't ask. I didn't have the right to ask.

Pierre had invited me to dinner and I was busy going through my endless racks of clothes to find a suitable gown.

I didn't want to look too sexy and get him riled up when I had nothing to offer and I didn't want to be dull since I was going to be in the arms of a duke. I needed to look regal but not too much that I seemed to be demanding he make me a duchess... just regal enough.

Finding the in between was hard and it ended when my door bell rang and a dark haired woman stood there with a smile on her face.

"Good evening Miss Buchanan. These are from His Royal Highness Duke Pierre Deveraux."

She stepped aside and so did I to allow three men to walk in. One had a long box, the other had two smaller ones and the last one had an equally long and thicker box.

"Please get ready by seven, he will be here in good time. Excusez moi."

She left as well as the men and I opened the first box. It was a stunning floor length gown. It was wine red with a deep sweetheart cut and a very low back cutting right above the curve of my bum. I sighed at how hot it looked. Pierre Deveraux had great taste. The next box had a pair of red Christian Louboutin seven inch heels. The other box had a breath taking ruby choker necklace. Last but not least was the killer black fur coat to shield me from the autumn wind.

I would kill with this outfit...

I touched on my make up first so that I wouldn't rush through. I went for extra long thick dark eyelashes and smoky eyes. I avoided any red on my face except for red lipstick. I slipped on the gown and it fit perfectly. Next I put on the heels and the fur coat. I grabbed a black clutch and checked myself over before I heard a knock on the door.


took in a deep breath and opened it to meet Pierre's mysteriously dark eyes. A grin grew on his face as he appraised me. He looked dashing in a black tux with a wine red bow tie.

"All you are missing is a crown my emerald princess... although today I shall call you my ruby princess." He said as he kissed my hand tenderly.

This man got me smiling with every word he uttered. I think I am starting to like him.

He led me out to the slick car. He helped me in before he got in as well. The ride was silent except when I started to spot camera crews and a red carpet. I saw handsome men in tuxedos and women in dashing couture gowns much like my own.

"Where are we really going Pierre?" I asked.

"Forgive me please, it's a business gala. We are just here for the sake of formality before we go for dinner. Is that okay?"

"What kind of business gala?" I asked feeling a little uneasy.

"The kind where business tycoons gather to receive awards."

Oh no! Tony!

He helped me out of the car and guided me through the flashing cameras as I tried to keep my head down.

"Look up my ruby. Show the world your beauty." He whispered into my ear grazing it slightly and making me a little jumpy.

I did so and some camera men started to call my name asking me to look their way. We posed for some photos until we reached the entrance.

"You look pale Bianca." He said in a more serious tone. "What's wrong?"

"My ex is here." I told him.

He frowned a little.

"James Lyons I presume?"

"Yes. How did you know?"

I asked.

"I looked you up. He is also receiving an award for the fastest growing business. He is a fascinating man I must say especially how ruthless he can be when it comes to business. I believe he learnt that from Jacobolas Bale."

"He is fascinating." I added as we stopped to check in.

My coat was taken and Pierre placed his hand on my exposed back making me suddenly tingly.

We were guided to our table by a waitress. It was among the front tables. I gazed at one of the name tags on our table and I spotted Jacobolas Bale.

I really felt uneasy about being around Jacob. I knew he hated me for hurting Tony.

He pulled out my seat and then he joined me. We shared small talk about the gala and he filled me in on all sorts of business men and how they rose to where they are.

"Take Jacobolas Bale for example, his father is half Greek and half American and his mother is Italian. His Greek grandfather signed over Bale Industries which is currently invested in construction and his Italian grandfather, the famous Giovanni De Lucca Berlotelli owns the biggest winery and vine yard I know of. He was set for life the minute he was born. He has an excellent business sense like both his grandfathers." The duke informed me as he sipped some red wine. "I believe this very tasty wine is from the Berlotelli Vineyard."

The wine was indeed delightful and very high quality. A bottle of it could probably feed a family for a month.

"You know so much about people." I said as he poured me some more wine.


do. I am a business man and I need to know my competition."

I gazed at his dark eyes and he smiled at me taking my hand into his.

"What about Tony? What do you know about him?"

"He is a self made billionaire and an oil baron. Lately he has been branching into real estate and travel. He is diverse much like Jacobolas Bale. I never imagined that he would rise from the ashes after his father cut him off. I believe he was Jacob's intern for a while before Jacob set him up with an oil well in Arabia. Those two think alike. Figure one of them out and you'll understand the other."

"What about Bruce St.Patrick?" I asked hoping to see how much he knows about the five billionaire friends.

"He is ex military. Navy Seal so i hear. He served several tours in Afghanistan and Iraq before he decided to go into business. He owns his own security firm where he supplies the best trained men to people like me. He is also into clearing and forwarding and owns several clubs in Miami and New York."

Bruce is ex military. No wonder he is always so serious and scary.

"What about Cole Michael Harrington?"

"Real estate, hotel industry and a banking. He has however been missing from the spot light. Seems he is flying under the radar. "

"Ferrer Montenegro?"

Pierre chuckled and sipped more of his wine.

"The doctor. He owns a series of private clinics and is an investor. That is all I know about his business life. He is however a party animal!"

We laughed a little as I continued looking out for James Lyons or even any of the other four friends but none had showed up yet.

"In order of wealth, how

would you rank them?"

"Analysts say that the richest among them is Cole Michael Harrington. Bale comes in second although he can top the list if he took on the Berlotelli winery and vineyard. Your darling ex is third and then Bruce and lastly the doctor. Why are you so curious about them?"

"Because they are an intriguing bunch."

"I agree." He said. "Care to stretch your feet a little so that we can meet new people?"

I nodded and we stood up. He introduced me to so many successful people from small business owners to tycoons. I was still looking out for Tony.

Wasn't he coming?

It was only when that thought escaped my mind when I saw him. He was looking like a god in that well fitting black tux with a silver waist band and a silver bow tie. The minute he walked in all heads turned his way. He looked perfect.

What made me cringe was the woman beside him. She was tall with a model like body. She rocked a killer grey dress that was sheer except for some cleverly concealed places. It had a killer slit on the side that ran up to high and showed her long tanned legs. Her jewellery was exquisite almost as good as mine. She had her hand wrapped around Tony's arm and the smile she wore was as killer as Tony's. Her hair seemed to flow each time she turned and those silver eyes could start fires just by one gaze.

Every man was looking and so was the duke up until I elbowed him.

"Whose that?" I asked the all knowing duke.

"I don't know my ruby princess. I don't know."

Tony must

know her. They looked all cuddly together.


An old jealousy awoke in me and I wanted to Jamesh up to them and separate them.

I hated how Tony laughed with her like they had known each other forever.

"Let's sit Bianca, you're starting to frown."

I barely heard him as Tony and I locked gazes for a second or two before he gave her his full attention.

The duke led me to our table and we sat. Jacob's name tag had been switched up with Tony's and I froze. I spotted Jacob looking my way from two tables away and he just smiled.

This would be a bloody long night!

Tony and his gorgeous date joined us and I watched as Tony pulled out a seat for her. She looked glorious and regal. She was perfect. When her silver eyes settled on me I felt like I was looking into Tony's eyes. She had that mysterious and dangerous look that Tony and Wayne Bellingerre had.

Who was this woman?

I couldn't get that question out of my mind.

"Your Highness, Bianca. I trust you are enjoying your evening?" Tony asked so casually as his eyes settled on me.

"We are. Thank you for asking." Pierre was quick to answer.

"Meet Cheryl. Cheryl meet Bianca and Pierre Deveraux."

She smiled brilliantly.

"Pleasure." She said in a deep husky voice.

The sultry look in her eyes was enough to make any man beg for her attention. She was intimidating in a dangerous way and had an arresting presence much like Tony. She and Tony would make the best power


Were they a couple?

She made me feel small in her presence even without saying a word to me.

Tony settled down beside his date after the name introduction. It was not enough.

Who is she?

That question lingered in my mind as the gala carried on. Awards were handed out and even Tony received his. Jacob bagged business man of the year for the third year running. Pierre received an award for most stable business.

Afterwards we gathered for cocktail drinks as some more introductions were made. That is when I caught Cheryl gazing at me. The gaze was far from innocent but it was not spiteful. I couldn't read this woman just like I couldn't read Tony.

Who was she?

As soon as Bruce led her away for a dance, I made my way towards Tony. Pierre was busy talking to other business men.

As soon as Tony saw me, he walked my way meeting me half way.

"Bianca you look ravishing tonight."

"Congratulations for your award tonight." I said as he kissed my cheek.

He smiled and glanced at Cheryl before focusing on me. If she was Tony's new girl, he had very high standards. His bar was set too high.

"Thank you love."

"Who is she?" I asked Tony.

He glanced at her again and she winked at him making me even more uneasy.

"Cheryl. I know where this is going love. But didn't we agree that we are now platonic friends? That who each of us chooses to be seen with is none of the other one's business?"

I recalled that crapy deal and regretted agreeing to it.

Tony was replacing me...he already replaced me... with that drop dead gorgeous diva!

I felt offended. How was I supposed to compete with a woman like Cheryl?

But before I could utter another word, the duke came up to me and took my hand.

"Excuse us James Lyons but Bianca and I have a dinner to get to." He stated.

A dark look flashed in Tony's eyes but it faded as fast as it appeared.

"Don't let me get in the way. Enjoy your night."He said and walked away.

Why wasn't he annoyed about me leaving with Pierre? Why was he so passive? Had he really cut the rope and let me go? Was this Tony moving on?

I hated it! I missed my jealous and over possessive Tony.

Once we were in the car, I kept frowning at the thought of Tony and that woman he was with.

"Are you okay Bianca?" The duke asked.

"Yes I am but I just lost my appetite." I announced and he sighed.

"No problem. How about a drink at my penthouse suite then?"

I just nodded so that he could leave me to my thoughts. I had to get that bloody woman away from Tony. She made him so passive and abnormally calm. She was a threat.

Pierre's penthouse was perfect. It was large much like the one Jacobolas Bale owned in Manhattan. He offered me some wine which I downed in a second and demanded another. He kept them coming as per my demand. I was hoping to erase the image of Cheryl from my mind but the more I recalled her husky voice and her goddess like beauty, jealousy surged through me.

Pierre kissed my cheek and moved down to my neck. His hand trailed down my bare back until he cupped my bum. I gasped and almost dropped my glass of wine.

"Relax my dear." He said.

Relax... his kisses felt so good.

I hadn't been with a single man since Tony. I had missed this contact.

Would it hurt to give in if he was going to make me forget all my misery even if it was just for the night?

Didn't Tony have Cheryl?

He worked my dress and it fell down to my feet exposing my body to him.

"James Lyons was a fool to let a beauty such as yourself to slip through his fingers. I love what I see." He said as he lifted me into his arms and carried me towards his bedroom.

I agreed and allowed myself to be thoroughly loved by the seductive French duke.


Chapter twenty two: Siblings.

A week slipped by and the word in town was that the Duke was my new catch. After we mad love he had been calling and texting a lot. I liked the attention but I preferred Tony's attention. I was glad he was leaving for France tonight.

Meanwhile Cheryl was still with Tony each time a picture of them leaked. I had decided to stalk Tony and find out who the bloody annoying woman was.

I was parked outside Bellingerre Consolidate waiting for Tony to leave. He had cut off communication and was not texting me back. I saw his Rolce Royce emerging from basement parking accompanied by a black Land Rover which I imagined to be his security detail following.

I followed at a distance until he pulled up in front of a popular hotel. He walked in as his car left. It was late in the evening but I was determined to know what he was up to. An hour later he came out with Cheryl following behind him. I gripped my steering wheel angrily.

I swallowed bitterly and banged my fist on my steering wheel. After he left, I followed to one of the most expensive streets in London. This street housed nobility!

He disappeared through a tall gate with iron bars. The wording at the top of the gate made it obvious that this was his home.

"Bellingerre Manor." I read out loud.

So this is where Tony lived. He lived like a King.


Sleepless nights were bad enough.

Sleepless nights with bad moods were worse.

I was in my new shop sorting through documents and orders. Afterwards I grabbed a sharp pen knife and began cutting thorns off some roses with my assistant. I had retained her from her previous employer.

Her name was Kerry.

We made small talk about the weather and our work when the front door bell rang. A customer had just entered the shop. Kerry left me to check and I continued trimming the roses.

"Bea Bianca." I turned and saw an all too familiar face.


She looked classy in a red knee length coat and knee high boots.

Her mysterious silver eyes settled on my knife and I hoped she knew what I was thinking.

I wanted to cut her pretty neck.

Where was this aggression coming from?

"Put that away love." She said pointing to the knife.


Did she just call me love like Tony did?

I placed it down and gazed at her spitefully.

"Calm down love. I'm not here to fight. I just want to talk and properly introduce myself s that we are clear on where I stand with Tony."

"Where do you stand with Tony?"

She approached me and cornered me against the wall in between her hands. She was slightly taller than me. She closed the distance between us and leaned close to my ear.

"You are a hot thing aren't you!" She said.

I felt uncomfortable but she went on. Her proximity was intimidating.

"Bea Bianca, my name is Cheryl." She said as she moved away from me.

I released a sigh and she turned to face me.

"Cheryl Bellingerre." She concluded.

My eyes widened.

"What?" I asked. "Are you Tony's wife?"

I had to just tell her what I was

thinking. The sooner we got it out of the way the better.

She laughed out loud and even her laughter was graceful. She walked over to a bouquet of yellow peonies.

"No love I'm not. In another life, maybe but I am only his sister."

Sister... sibling. They are siblings! That explains the bloody resemblance and that look they had in common.

I turned red at how I had jumped to a million conclusions.

"You are his sister, that's all?" I asked.

"Yes love. That's all there is to it. We are very close so sometimes if you aren't aware you can mistake us for a couple like you did on the night of the gala."

I frowned and rubbed my temple. Tony had never mentioned he had a sister.

"I heard about the boys. I'm sure they would have been a replica of Tony. I'm sorry for the loss love."

My heart constricted.

Tony had told her about the boys? How much did he tell her?

She approached me again and ran her finger down my face.

"You are beautiful." She said. "If I played both sides, I would fight Tony to have you. Good thing I'm straight... maybe... although sometimes I stray a little." She said as she whispered in my ear. "Just a little."

A jolt of electricity surged through me as she literally kissed me. She kissed me right on the lips and it was not a peck, it was a full kiss.

I got kissed by a girl!

Strangely it felt good. Almost like Tony. Bloody hell what was wrong

with me?

She laughed a little moving away and raising her hands. I was as red as a tomato as I felt my lips with my fingers.

Tony's sister had just kissed me.

"I'm not that conservative love... I'm liberal. Don't be scared, Tony would be jealous if I touched you any further."

Any further? She could go further? How far?

"How far?" I asked.

Her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"All the way love. All the way to bog O."

I swallowed hard as she smiled at me.

"Got to go love."

She waved and walked out.

I released a breath I had been holding. That was one hell of a woman.

My phone buzzed soon after and it was Tony.

Tony: Good morning love, has Cheryl cleared the discrepancy you had?

Me: She's your sister?

Tony: Yes. I hoped you saw the resemblance.

I did but I was too jealous to accept it.

Me: I think she was hitting on me.

Tony: She's like that love. She loves everybody. Especially pretty girls.

Was she bisexual?

Me: She scares me. Good looks run in your family.

Tony: She scares me sometimes as well. She's a wild card. Don't let her affect you love, she is just a female version of me. Good looks? I wonder if we had a daughter, what would she look like? If

she looks like Cheryl we will have to lock her up to keep the boys away. How have you been?

The thought of a baby with Tony warmed me.

Me: Spying on you and Cheryl. Having a daughter with you would be exciting.

Tony: Especially if she had your green eyes love.

Me: And your dark hair and killer smile.

Tony: I want to try again.

Me: Try what?

Tony: To try and have another baby Bianca... I want to try it with you.

I almost dropped my phone.


James Lyons's POV

I studied my father's reaction as he examined his only daughter. He cupped her gorgeous face in his wrinkled hands and looked at me.

"Where have you been hiding Cheryl?" He asked.

"That is for me to know and you to find out daddy." She said as she kissed my father's cheek.

I glanced at my phone and noticed Bianca had not offered me a reply.

"You are still a wild little fire cracker aren't you?" My father asked his daughter. "I thought as the years progressed you would calm down."

"Then you clearly don't know me daddy." She said as she sat on my father's lap.

"Perhaps a husband would tame you." My father suggested.

"No man can contain me." She said with a warning look in her silver eyes that could turn hot and cold quickly.

"Jacobolas Bale almost tamed you."

I recalled Jacob's whirlwind romance with Cheryl. It had been epic... Jacob had a kind of criteria for his women. He liked them intelligent, tall, mysterious and dangerous. He had a thing for a woman that

challenged him. Cheryl was his project. The two of them were intense. Jacob liked her enough to want to own her but then she turned him down when he proposed.

Cheryl like Cole feared commitment. She preferred casual sexual flings with no strings attached. She, Brianne De Latour and Coleen Harrington were cut from the same cloth. Jacob's poison was Cheryl and after she got disinherited and banished by my father for turning down Jacob, Coleen became Jacob's new poison.

I wonder if Cheryl knew that Jacob has been banging Coleen.

"Almost daddy. I saw it coming and I walked. I will never be pinned down."

My father scoffed and looked at me.

He had hoped to unite Cheryl and Jacob in an effort to bring together two very wealthy and powerful families. Merging Bellingerre Consolidate, Bale Industries and Berlotelli Winery and Vineyard would have been epic. Cheryl ruined his plans by refusing Jacob's marriage proposal.

He had been so angered about it that he gave her an ultimatum to marry Jacob or leave. She chose to leave. That is how much my sister would never commit.

"What about Cole Harrington?" My father asked as he stroked Cheryl's long dark hair.

"He's too nice... I love bad boys like Tony and Jacob. If he wasn't my brother I would marry him." She said as she winked at me.

I winked back and our father just laughed.

"You two were made for each other."

I just smiled and walked away allowing the two to catch up. I needed to talk to Bianca since she was not calling me back. I got into my Rolce Royce and instructed Simon to take me to her.

I got

to her place and texted her.

Me: I'm down stairs, can I come up?

I waited patiently in my car and a few minutes went by.

"Sir, are we at the right place?" Simon asked.

"Yes. Why do you ask?" I responded.

"You are just sited in the car sir."

"I'm waiting for Bianca to invite me up."

"Since when did you need an invitation sir?" Simon asked.

He was a blunt man, speaking his mind whenever I give him leeway.

"Since I decided to be a better man Simon."

Bianca: Okay you can come up.

"I will call you when I'm ready to leave. Head back home for now."

"Yes sir. Have a jolly evening." Simon said as he drove off once I was out of the car.

I made my way upstairs and found Bianca waiting by the door. She smiled at me and allowed me in.

"Love, did I offend you?" I asked her.

"No Tony, I'm just not sure you trust me enough to get me pregnant again. I'm sorry but I don't think you meant what you said." She said to me with a straight face.

I meant it but I couldn't blame her for feeling reluctant. I decided not to push anymore.

I sat down on the couch and stretched my legs as she joined me.

"Can I make you some dinner?" She asked.

I hadn't eaten.

"Since when did you start cooking love?"

"I have picked up a few skills in the last two years Tony. I took cooking classes."

"Really? Why? I could have hired

a chef for you."

She just smiled and took my hand.

"I think it's good if a woman can cook for her man."

Her statement made me stir... she just referred to me as her man. Bianca had been very passive and I wished she could tell me that she wants me as much as I want her.

Would it hurt to ask her straight up?

"Love, am I your man?"

She turned a little red and released my hand.

"Tony, you are my man and will always be my man. I got so jealous when I saw you with Cheryl. I thought you had replaced me already."

"I would never replace you love. Can I ask you something?"

She nodded.

"Do you want us to start over love? Will you be my girlfriend?"

She beamed at me.

"Yes Tony! I would love to!" She said cheerfully.

I moved towards her and I crushed my lips on hers kissing her like it was our first time. It felt so good... so heavenly... so right. We kept at it for a while taking a few seconds to catch our breaths. My hands wandered feeling her most intimate parts but I kept reminding myself that sex was not an option. I didn't want to rush things. I would take it slow with her.

When her hand wondered to my belt I caught her hand.

"No love, not tonight. I want us to take our time and do this properly. I love you."

She looked a little disappointed and she looked away.

"If you don't want me just tell me." She stated sadly.

I took her hand and placed it on my growing interest. I was as hard as steel.

"I do want you love but I want to take it slow this time. I want to do things differently Bianca. I want to make us work love."

I kissed her hands.

"Okay, I understand. I want us to work too. I love you Tony."

She still looked troubled.

"Are you okay?" I asked her as she looked at me.

"Cheryl kissed me." She said. "A full kiss right on my lips. I've been thinking about it."

I paled. My sister was bad news. But I was not shocked. I saw the way she looked at Bianca a few nights ago. I was just glad it was nothing more than a kiss.

"Make sure it doesn't happen again love. You know that I don't share... not even with my sister."


Chapter twenty three: Brunch

I straightened my coral colored dress just before stepping into the banquet hall hand in hand with my boyfriend.

I felt giddy at the thought of Tony being my boyfriend all over again. This time round, I was all in with both feet.

I recalled how much I had fought him two years back because of him trying to control me. I was now okay with it.

We drew a lot of attention to ourselves with the way Tony was holding me possessively. I spotted Wayne Bellingerre raising a glass of champagne towards us before he focused on his guests.

Wayne Bellingerre was hosting brunch at the Wayne manor. His usual guest list was impeccable. Tony had insisted on me tagging along so that he can show me off to everyone.

Tony leaned my way and whispered.

"I think my father approves of you."

"Really?" I pretended.

"Yes. I'm sure once Erma finds out we're back together she will plan our wedding."

Our wedding... Part of me hoped that he would marry me soon.

We reached his father and he came over to me and he kissed my cheek.

"This is lovely Lyons. Now I can die a happy old man." He said gesturing to the two of us.

Tony pulled me close to him and kissed me fully on the lips leaving me redder than a tomato. I was so embarrassed I couldn't even look at his father. He just smiled at me instead of saying anything.

"We aren't staying long." Tony told him.

"That's understandable. You two must have a lot of catching up to do. But Lyons, I need to speak to you before you leave."

James Lyons's


I followed my father to his office.

He sat behind his desk and handed me a folder. I opened it and pulled out a document.

It was his last will and testament.

I looked up at him and sat down facing him.

"Read through Lyons." He said.

I looked through it and read the content carefully. He had named me his only heir. I would inherit his company and his estate. Everything he owned he was leaving to me. I raised my eyes and met his.

"Well Lyons, is everything in order? Is that satisfactory for you?"

I thought for a moment. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that my father would name me his heir.

"What about Cheryl?" I asked.

"She is unreliable Lyons. She will end up destroying this family's legacy. You my son have proven yourself worthy. You are strong, objective and ruthless when it comes to business. I want to entrust this family's legacy into you hands. Which brings me to my second reason for calling you here."

He stood up and sat on his table looking at me.

"You need an heir Lyons."

I would have had two heirs had I handled things differently with Bianca.

"When are you and Bianca getting married?" He asked.

Marriage. We were just starting over.

"I haven't thought about it yet."

"You should make plans and marry her already. You went about it the wrong way last time. You should have married her first and then get her pregnant. You should have put your foot down. Instead you gave her too much freedom Lyons. Freedom that cost you my grandsons."

His grandsons? Since when

did he care? Since Rei's death, he had changed. He was more humane.

His words pained me as I listened to him. He was right, I gave Bianca too much freedom. I should have kept her on a shorter leash.

"What is done is done." He said to me when he saw the frown on my face. "She is young and you are at the peak of your manhood. You have enough time to get heirs. She is twenty three, right?"

"Yes she is."

"Get a baby every year and you should have about nine of them by the time she hits thirty. The more the merrier. Besides that, this damn mansion is too large."

I imagined poor Bianca bearing me a baby each year. She would lose her mind.

"So when is the wedding?"

"Soon I hope."

"Good. I know a good jeweller Lyons. I just recommended him to Jacobolas."

I raised my brow.

Why would Jacob need a jeweller?

"He wants to propose to a young woman."

Jacob was proposing? What had I missed while I was away?

Speak of the devil and he texts.

Jacob: Need a favor.

I looked up at my father who was smiling at me.

"How can you let him beat you to the altar twice?" He asked. "Twice Lyons! Hurry up and marry already!"

"I will. Just give me till the end of the year."

"Good. Now that we have settled that, you are free to go. And Lyons, if I never say it, I want you to know that just because I don't wear my heart on my sleeve,It doesn't mean I don't care about you. I love you son."

I was surprised

by the declaration. My father had never said those words to me. Not even once. I just stood there looking at him wondering if I heard him right.

"When you get a son of your own, you will understand why I was so ruthless with you. Stubborness runs deep in the Bellingerre bloodline. If your son is ever anything like you then you will understand why I raised you with an iron fist."

"Then I hope to get a daughter." I told him.

"She will be like Cheryl. Either way, you are in trouble my son." He said with a small smile on his face. "I should get back to my guests."

As soon as he left me, I called Jacob. He had a lot of explaining to do.

"You better start talking Jacobolas. Who is she?" I demanded to know.

His deep laugh sounded on the other end as he cleared his throat. I hadn't heard Jacob laughing like that in a while. Whoever the woman was, she was making him happy.

"Jealous Tony? Don't worry, she can never take your place." He assured me. "But I wanted something else."


"Can you come to Manhattan? Something is going on and I need your help."

"What's going on?"

"Cole is missing."


I was in Manhattan the next day.

I had intended to take Bianca with me but it was too short notice for her. I was sited in Jacob's office waiting for him to return from a meeting. I had tried calling him but he was not picking. I hadn't seen Cole since the Charity Ball when he took Bianca home.

Cole had a habit of disappearing whenever things got difficult for him. He would bail until he felt like it was safe to return. I was wondering what made his disappearance different this time round.

When Jacob finally came in, he seemed a little distressed.

After exchanging formalities, Jacob asked me to take on an apprentice. I never took on apprentices because they end up relying on you to make them a success. What was worse was that the apprentice he wanted me to take was no one other than a woman he was obviously interested in.

I agreed only because Jacob was a close friend.

"What do we know about Cole?" I asked.

"Nothing Tony. Coleen says he has not made any cash transactions for a while now. According to his fiancee Karen, he got into his Bentley and left. He has never returned."

"He has a fiancee?" I asked.

"You've been MIA for two years. A lot happened."

"When did Cole disappear?" I asked.

"Two days after the Bellingerre Foundation Charity Ball."

Where could he be?

"Bruce has his people on it, I thought you can get your people on it as well?" Jacob asked. "Coleen is very distressed."

Coleen Harrington was into Jacob and as much as she was grieving the disappearance of her brother, she was also taking advantage. If Jacob had a new interest then Coleen was going to ruin things for him. She played dirty.

"Are you banging Coleen?" I asked him cutting straight to the point.

"No Tony I'm not. I like somebody else. Her name is Keira."

I nodded knowingly.

"If you value what you have with that girl, cut off ties with Coleen. I'll handle her here on out. Okay?"

Jacob just smiled and I could see that he was smitten by Keira. I had to meet this girl.

I left and decided to

stay the night in Manhattan. I would probably catch up with Jacob and my goddaughter soon and maybe meet Keira. Jacob had been locked up in his shell for so long. I was glad he was finally letting someone in.

Bianca was on my mind for most of the night. My father's words about me having an heir made sense. I needed an heir to inherit all my wealth; a child to spend on and love like Jacob loved Madeline.

But was Bianca ready to commit to me fully?

Just as I was deep in thought, I heard my phone buzz.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Tony it's Jacob. Keira is gone. She left me."

I sat up in bed and paused for a moment.


"She's gone and all she left me is a note. I need to find her, please help me."

"No problem, where was she seen last?"I asked.

"At the airport."

"I have a friend there, I will call and find out. Just relax okay? I'm sure she's fine."

That's what I did. I called a friend of mine at customs and a few minutes later I had the information I needed. I called Jacob and when he didn't reply I just decided to text him.

Me: I found her.

I waited for Jacob to reply.

Jacob: Where is she? Is she okay? I just put Madeline to sleep. She keeps asking for Keira.

Even Jacob's daughter seemed to like Keira.

Me: She took a plane to France, Paris to be exact. Leave her to me, I'll set her up.

Jacob: She left because of Coleen.

I sighed... Coleen, Brianne and Cheryl could ruin a man.

Me: I told you that woman will ruin your life.

Jacob: I thought Keira would stay no matter what. Tony, I love her.

Bingo! I had a feeling that was what was going on.

Me: Follow her.

Jacob: No, I want to give her some space. If she wants me she will look for me. Just keep me updated if you find her and how she is. Thank you Tony.

Me: No problem.

Jacob was in love.

Iwas glad.

This meant that he was starting to open up again. I fell back in my bed and smiled to myself. I needed to find this Keira and play cupid.


I loved Bianca.

Me: Hey love.

Bianca: Hey babe

Me: Missing you...

Bianca: Me too.

Me: Really missing you love... in a naughty way.

Bianca: You are a naughty boy Tony... I miss you in a naughty way too. Are we allowed to make love?

Me: Yes. Yes we are but only after I marry you.

Bianca: You want to marry me?

Me: Of course. I love you... I'll be back tomorrow and we can talk about it.


Chapter twenty four: Bianca's game

Two months later.

James Lyons's POV

I was sited with Bianca in one of the restaurants I own in Paris when I saw a tall woman with dark hair and sapphire blue eyes walking into the restaurant. She was carrying a folder and I guessed immediately that she was Keira.

She was a beautiful woman.

She walked up to a waitress and asked her a question.

I had put my plan in play the moment she landed at the airport in Paris. I had paid one of the waitresses to befriend her and play a distant friend so that she would not be suspicious. She had informed Keira of a job vacancy here at the restaurant.

Keira had faithfully showed up a month later. Now that I was looking at her, I could see what Jacob saw in her. She had a short black dress on with a pair of sandals. Her eyes were swirls of sapphire that could ignite an eternal fire in a man's heart.

I watched as the manager approached her and they began having a conversation. Her smile was infectious and it got me smiling as well. Just watching her had this calming sensation on me that I hadn't had in a while. I had already instructed the manager to hire her. I promised Jacob I would care for her while he was keeping his distance and that is what I intended to do.

"Is that her?" Bianca asked as she settled her eyes on Keira.

"Yes it is. That's Jacob's girl."

"She is pretty. I bet Cheryl would like her."

I nodded and then she placed her hand

on mine.

"What's the plan?" She asked.

"I'm giving her a job here to support herself. Jacob said she didn't bring much with her and he still wants her to be comfortable even if he's far away."

"That's sweet of him. She will be a waitress here?" Bianca asked me curiosity obvious in her eyes.

"Yes for the time being until I make my move two months from now."

"Why not now?" Bianca asked me.

"Because love I want it that way. I want her to experience some discomfort. The life she is living now away from Jacob will definitely be harder. I want her to miss the comforts Jacob's deep pockets offered. When she does, I'll come in and offer her the apprenticeship."

I hoped by then she would accept it as a gift from Jacob.

"Jacob must really love her to keep up with her like this."

"You have no idea. That's the thing with Jacob. When he loves, he loves."

I glanced at my watch and realized I had a meeting early the next day. I let a yawn escape me fatigued from all the paperwork I had been doing on behalf of my father. I still couldn't believe he was naming me, his sole heir.

"Let's go back to the hotel?" I asked Bianca who was still gazing at Keira.

I was glad she had agreed to come to Paris with me. Cheryl had agreed to run her flower business until she returns. I could see some silent discomfort in Bianca each time she was in my sister's presence. I hoped Cheryl had not intimidated her too much.

"Yes." She said as she stood up.

I cleared the bill

and as we walked past Keira I stole a closer glance of her. She turned just in time to meet my eyes and I couldn't hold the gaze. Her sapphire blue eyes pierced right through me. I just smiled to myself as I accompanied Bianca to our waiting car.

While we were in the car, I noticed that Bianca was aloof the entire time. Even when I talked to her she would just nod or shake her head.

"Are you okay love?" I asked her.

"Of course. I'm just tired."

"Too tired for this?" I asked her as I pulled her onto my lap and kissed her senselessly.

She pulled away a little surprised by my sudden gesture.

"Tony, the chauffeur." She informed me with a whisper.

The chauffeur?

Simon was aware of my sexual escapades. On countless occasions I have had it in the back seat of my cars and the man simply waited outside until I was done. He never asked questions neither did he make any snag remarks. That is why I valued him.

"What about him?" I asked as I slipped my hand underneath her dress and moved it up.

"He will see..." She gasped as my finger slipped through her tight sweet spot.

She closed her eyes as she struggled to swallow her moans. It was beautiful to watch her in such a vulnerable state. She dug her nails into my arms as I pleasured her until she reached her release with a soft moan.

"Oh Tony!" She literally moaned my name.

I glanced at Simon who peeked to see us from the rearview mirror.

He just smiled and focused on driving.

When Bianca opened her eyes she

looked dazed. She reached for my hand to separate my finger from her but I stopped her.

"Relax love, a dozen more to go." I told her as I started my torment afresh.


Bianca's POV

"Please stop!" I begged him.

After reaching several releases in the car, Tony had decided to go down on me. I was clinging onto the bedsheets like my life depended on it. I was going crazy and I needed him to stop. I could barely feel my legs.

Just as my hands gently tagged on his hair, I arched my back and reached my release one more time. I was breathless and I lay still as he trailed soft kisses up my body until he reached my lips.

"Tell me love if there is any part of your body I have neglected to pleasure." Tony asked.

His dark brown eyes blazed with lust as he rubbed my swollen lower lip that he had been biting on gently each time he had kissed me.

He closed his eyes and allowed me to feel him.

"Why won't you let me pleasure you like you have me Tony?" I asked him biting his ear gently.

He groaned and kissed my lips instead.

Tony was avoiding the elephant in the room. I wanted him inside me but he was holding out on me. I really needed him to just take of his pants so that we could make love especially now that I needed to cover up my little accident with the duke.

"Tony?" I called him.

"Hush love." He shushed me placing a finger on my lips before he started his torment all over again taking my bruised pink buds into his mouth and teasing me endlessly.

"I want to please only you love. My interests can wait, okay?"

I didn't respond so he took my other nipple into his mouth and bit gently on it.

"Okay." I moaned.

"Good. I need a very long cold shower. Dinner?"

"Okay." I told him.

He got up from the bed and entered the bathroom. I just lay there trying to catch my breath. Tony and I needed to have sex if I was going to keep him to myself.

I heard the shower come on and I decided to check my messages. The doctor I had seen earlier had still not called me back. I needed to know if my periods missing was simply because I was stressed out or because I was pregnant with Pierre Deveraux's baby.

I must have been gazing at my phone for a while because when I turned, I saw Tony already dressed up in a pair of sweatpants and a tee.

"Are you waiting for a call?" He asked me as he ran a towel through his wet hair.

He looked gorgeous.

"Not really." I answered and left my phone on the bed. "I need to soak in the tub for a while."

"Go on ahead love. Afterwards maybe I can go down on you again." He said as he winked at me making me blush in the process.

James Lyons's POV

Bianca was acting strange.

I had been pleasuring he all afternoon hoping to make her feel better but the anxious look on her face was back.

What was worrying her?

I picked up the phone she had left on the bed and went through her texts. There was nothing alarming there. I was however going through her call list when I saw an unknown number.

I decided

to use my phone to call it.

"Doctor Marshall's office, how can I help you?" I heard a woman's voice.

I wanted to hang up but I was curious.

"Hi. I wanted to know what your office specializes in."

"Fertility and gynaecology. Would you like an appointment?" She asked.

"No but can you give me your physical address?"

"Yes Sir, do you have a paper and pen?"


I was sited in the reception area waiting to see this doctor Marshall. After my episodes with the shooting and car accident, I hated hospitals.

It looked more descent than the dingy place I had found her in when she had tried to get rid of the twins.

"Mr. Bellingerre, the doctor will see you now." The nurse informed me.

I walked into the cramped office and found a middle aged man typing away on his computer. He lowered his glasses and faced me.

"How can I help you sir?" He asked me.

"Actually how can I help you?" I asked him pointing his way.

He gave me his full attention.

"You don't need medical attention?" He asked.

"No, I'm as healthy as a horse. I know you have hit some financial trouble and you may need to close this clinic."

He removed his glasses and stared at me.

"Yes I will be closing soon. I don't have enough funds to run some of the free services I offer to those in need."

I had done my reading before coming to see Doctor Marshall. He was desperate for a donor and I was desperate for answers.

"I want to give a generous donation to your work but under one condition."

I cut straight to the point.

"What condition?" He asked.

"I want information on a female patient you saw two days ago."

He looked uncomfortable.

"Patient- doctor confidentiality. I can't say anything about my patients sir. I'm sorry."

I stood up to leave when he stood up as well.

"How much do you want to contribute sir?" He asked.

"Like I said, a generous amount. Just tell me what I need to know."

"What's the patient's name?" He asked.

"Bea Bianca Buchanan and she is my girlfriend."

He just smiled at me and extended his hand towards me.

"Congratulations sir, you are going to be a father." He said.

A father?


Bianca and I hadn't made love for two years now. She was pregnant? Was she seeing someone else?

I shook his hand and managed a small smile. I handed him a cheque and the light in his eye grew. He smiled at me and shook my hand again over and over.

"Thank you sir. Thank you."

"Thank you." I told him. "If she calls, you didn't see me or talk to me."

He nodded and I left.

Bianca was pregnant.

Those words played in my head like a broken record over and over again. Even as Simon drove me home, she was all I could think about.

"Sir, you look pale." Simon said to me once he pulled up in the basement parking.

"Bianca is pregnant." I told him.

Simon had been my chauffeur since my father assigned him to me when I was only five. Sometimes, he was more of a father to me than Wayne was.

"Well congratulations sir."

"But it's not my baby Simon."

His face dropped a little but he quickly recovered.

"That's a predicament sir. What do you intend to do?"

"What should I do Simon? What would Bianca expect from me?"

"The wrath of the gods." He stated bluntly.

He turned to face me.

"Or maybe some mercy for a change. She would expect you to love her enough to accept her child as your own."

He had a point.

"Thank you."

He opened the door for me and I patted his shoulder.

"Take the night off Simon. Take Neil and Gareth with you." I told him as I made my way to the elevator.

I was going to allow Bianca to tell me when she was ready. Something told me she knew about her condition. Is that why she wanted me to make love to her so badly? So that she can pin the baby on me?

Who was the bloody father?

I found her struggling to zip up her small fitting black dress.

"It won't close!" She cursed when she saw me.

"Getting chubby?" I asked her.

"I think so. I haven't hit the gym in the last two months."

Or maybe you are just pregnant?

I reached for the zipper and unzipped the dress. I slid it down her body and she stepped out of it. Before she could turn to face me, I pulled down my sweatpants and boxers.

"Bend over." I told her as I held the back of her head and bent her over.

In a matter of seconds I had driven myself deep inside her.

If Bianca wanted to play... then we will play her little game.


Chapter twenty five: the list


My list was one of the possible fathers to Bianca's baby.

Two days ago I had initiated her little game by banging her brains out. I couldn't look into her eyes knowing she was keeping such a big secret from me. It hurt me but in real sense we hadn't been together in a while and she had obviously been with other men. She was gorgeous and any man who didn't notice was a fool.

My list was short;comprised of the people closest to me. I was probably paranoid but truth be said, my friends were bad boys and playboys. I knew them like the back of my hand and right now, everyone of them was guilty until proven innocent.

My first suspect: Cole Michael Harrington.

He had been all comfortable with Bianca on the night of the Charity Ball touching her thighs underneath the dinner table. I had seen it.

Okay, I had asked him to take her home since I was avoiding her.

Cole was a good man but he had a weakness for pretty faces. Is that why he had disappeared? He knew I would kill him with my bare hands? No. Cole would never dare steal my girl. I crossed him off the list.

My second suspect: Ferrer Montenegro.

He was a major flirt. Back when I was in Monaco I had seen how he held Bianca after the funeral of our sons. It would not be the first time he has taken a woman belonging to me to bed. But as much as Ferrer was disloyal, he had not been anywhere near Bianca in the last two months. I crossed him off my list.

My third suspect: Jacobolas Berlotelli


He and Bianca didn't like each other. But you know what I say about the ones that fight the most? They have the wildest sex... at least according to Erma Bale, the woman whom I considered my mother.

Jacob was a female magnet and I wouldn't be surprised if Bianca wondered into his bed. But Jacob was loyal, no way it could be him. Once in highschool when he was in his senior year and I was a junior, he had had sex with my first girlfriend to show me that he was Jacobolaus Bale and he could do anything he wanted and get away with it. The other reason was to teach me that most girls aren't loyal when two factors are in the way: hot guys with money. His objective was to stop me from falling in love with the girl.

Unfortunately it worked... I hated that girl soon after he had his way with her.

I had confronted him about it but he had given me a thorough beating. I promised to make him pay using a woman he adores. I was thinking Keira would be the instrument of my revenge. Could he have done it again?

Perhaps. I left him on the list.

My fourth suspect could have been Bruce but he was not that kind of a man. So in fourth place...

I was distracted from my thoughts when Jacob walked in casually into my office. He didn't even knock.

"How is she?" He asked desperately.

Had he flown all the way from Manhattan just to ask me that? Couldn't he have called?

I wore a frown on my face when he invited himself to sit in my

high backed black leather chair. He faced me and saw the piece of paper on the table. He reached out for it and read it.

"Why am I at the bottom of this list and why is my name not crossed out?" He asked.

I just stared at him and decided to be blunt with him.

"It's a list of men who could be father's to Bianca's baby."

His eyes widened a bit before he laughed out his heart.

Lately, he's been a happy pill. He was slowly getting back to his old self.

"Tony Tony Tony... you just had to put me on this damn list. I know you have your doubts but those days when I used to bang women like my life depended on it are over. I'm into more meaningful relationships."

Jacob was the first play boy I had ever met. He started off early, at fourteen he had already slept with his first girl. Whenever Erma was away Jacob would throw the wildest parties. Nonno never seemed to mind as long as no one went to his office. On one of those parties, he had a three some and it was not his first or last rodeo. Jacob, was known for giving girls the best they ever had. Looking up to him as my older brother made me want to be like him and so I modelled myself after him and became the notorious bad boy that I am.

"Besides, if I banged your girl, I wouldn't leave evidence Tony. I'm good like that, I never make mistakes."

Evidence... He was right, he never messed up.

"Then who do you think

is responsible?" I asked him still standing by the massive window.

He pulled out a pen and scribbled a name. He crossed off his own name. He folded the paper and held it in his hand.

"How's Keira?" He asked.

"Fine. She's settled in on her new job. Why didn't you just fly to France and see her? You do know where she is right?"

"I do but like I said, I'm giving her some space."

"Why?" I asked him as he stood up.

"Because I want to marry her the next time I see her. Here is your list. And that last name is your guy. Don't ever put me on a lust again unless I'm at the top."

He placed on the table and he walked out chuckling.

I reached for the list and saw he had crossed out his name. Below his name was Pierre Deveraux.

Why didn't I see this?

The two had been together during the business gala and he had probably seduced Bianca to bed. I cursed the man and sat back down when my door opened again. Jacob walked towards me and grabbed his phone which was on the table. A few seconds later Cheryl walked in and when she saw Jacob, she locked my office door.

Bloody hell! Not in my office.

"Jacobo!" She literally purred his name.

I observed the rueful smile that adorned Jacob's face as he watched her walking his way. Trust my sister to be seductive even in the way she walked. She reached him and placed both her hands on his chest.

Without warning, she kissed him right on the lips and Jacob gave in wrapping his hands around her and letting one of his hands to cup her bum.

Didn't he just say he was marrying Keira?

But I knew the hold Cheryl had on him. She could get him to do anything.

Margaux Deveraux... Cheryl... Coleen Harrington and now Keira. Poor girl was in trouble. Her man was on demand.

"Enough you two, get a room this is my bloody office."

They went on as Jacob lifted her and sat her on my table. His hands roamed up her exposed thighs and I cringed.

This was my sister!

"That's enough damn it!" I banged my fists on the table.

Jacob bit her lower lip and she was moaning already. Was he going to have sex with my sister on my office table right in front of me?

We were talking about Jacobolas Bale so probably yeah. He didn't have a single shy bone in him.

"You are still hot!" Jacob said to her with a smile.

"And you still are the only man who has ever made me feel like a woman."

I sighed.

"My hotel suite tonight." He said kissing her thighs.

Jacob winked at me and he left.

My sister closed her eyes and sat on my table facing me.

"He is bloody hot!" She exclaimed.

"I bloody don't want you in his hotel suite tonight."

Jacob was going to screw things with Keira.

"Don't be jealous Tony!" She said pulling me to her using my tie. "You know no man riles me up like Jacob."

It troubled me that Jacob was the only man who could control Cheryl... not even I could.

It was at that moment when I realized why Jacob loved Keira. That girl would do anything Jacob wants

and that was how Jacob was. He liked to be in charge.

"He has a girlfriend." I tried to discourage my sister who was now running a finger on the side of my face.

Any onlooker wouldn't believe we were siblings. Cheryl didn't know boundaries... that made her dangerous even to me. Once when I was sixteen she had kissed me right on the lips and no, she was not drunk but very sober. She was just curious. She was not remorseful about it and I had been too stunned to react.

"Enough of this Cheryl." I warned her. "You've been gone a while now. Leave Jacob alone, he doesn't need you in his life."

She smiled.

"Oh please! Calm down, Jacob and I aren't meeting up. We did that to torment you. He told me about Keira."

Damn those two.

"What do yo want?" I snapped.

"To spend time with you. Its been a while." She said.

She got off my table and pulled down her knee length black dress.

"Your girlfriend is pregnant. Do you know that? I never imagined you to be that careless Tony."

"How did you know?" I asked her.

"I was at her shop today and she was throwing up like crazy."

"She didn't tell you if she's expecting a baby?"

"It's not rocket science. She keeps rubbing her belly subconsciously."

She walked back towards me and wrapped her hands around my neck.

"It's not yours is it?" She asked. "You don't look pleased."

She could always read my mind like an open book.

"No it's not. I am not pleased that she allowed another man to touch what's mine."

"She's not yours Tony. You abandoned her and she is damn attractive! What did you expect? That she will remain celibate while you're changing women faster than clothes? You men are typical!"

She shoved me aside and grabbed her purse.

"Cheryl before you leave I need to ask you something."

"What?" She said in a bored tone.

"Where were you all these years?"

She paused and I saw uneasiness flash in her eyes. She darted her gaze to the sides of my office before she spoke.

"It's none of your bloody business. Excuse me."

I was officially curious.

I wasn't sure I would like what I find but I was looking forward to knowing what my sister had been up to for the ten years she had been away.


Chapter twenty six: Meeting Keira

I was back in France. It had been four months since I last saw Keira. I was looking forward to it. My P.I was still looking into Cheryl as well as Cole. He was still missing.

I spotted Keira walking my way. She looked tired with eye bags underneath her lovely blue eyes and she rubbed her belly. That was the same thing Bianca had been doing lately. Her pregnancy barely showed and she still hadn't told me anything. I was still patiently waiting on her to do so.

Was Keira pregnant?

If she was did Jacob know?

Probably not.

"Bonjour monsieur." She greeted with a smile once she was at my table.

This woman was tantalizingly beautiful. She pushed her long dark hair back and gazed at me with those sapphire eyes.

She was a beauty to behold. I could stare at her all day.

"Good morning pretty face." I greeted back. "Please have a sit."

She paled. It was restaurant policy for employees not to sit with customers.

I came up with that policy.

She turned me down and I guessed as her eyes darted around she was looking for the manager. She subconsciously rubbed her belly and my suspicions were officially confirmed.

Keira was pregnant.

After she sat I explained to her my purpose for meeting her. She was surprised to learn about the company being under her name and to some extent she was even excited by the prospect of being CEO.

I liked this girl.

After our meeting, I left to go to the airport to meet Bianca. She had agreed to stay with me in Paris for the few months I was grooming

Keira to be CEO.

"There you are." I said when she finally came out of the airport.

I hugged her and I could feel a small bump on her. She withdrew quickly and walked past me. Simon had the door to the car open and she slipped in. He gave me a meaningful look and I nodded.

I loved Bianca enough to accept this child as my own. I didn't want a repeat of the last time she was pregnant.

I got in as well and the ride was quiet as she hid behind a magazine. She must have been reading that same page over and over again because she barely turned it.

"Love," I called to her softly and she turned my way. "I want you to know that if there is something I should know, just come on out and say it."

"What is that supposed to mean Tony?" She suddenly snapped.

She reminded of the pregnant Bianca I had endured living with back Monaco. The snappy temper coupled with the rolling of her eyes.

"Never mind." I said having learned not to fight with a pregnant woman.

How come Keira was not as bad tempered as this one? Pregnancy seemed to suit her. She was glowing and happy. Bianca on the other hand was annoyed and moody all the time.

"I'm sorry Tony." She started. "I don't know what came over me."

We continued our drive to the hotel in silence.


I got home late at night the next day. I had spent the day convincing

Coleen to reconsider the hotel partnership that Keira had ruined thanks to her bad temper. I had asked her to behave professionally but I guess when it came to women fighting for a man, there was no professionalism.

What fascinated me is how she had shoved Coleen and burnt her with hot coffee. Keira was a little fire cracker and I bet that Jacob didn't know it. I had reprimanded her for it but I was happy she stood up for herself.

I still thought about her pregnancy, how I had held her belly in my hands. How I had wished she would let me hold it a little longer. It brought back memories that I wished to forget.

She was careful with herself, she was protective of her unborn child. I wish Bianca would have done the same thing two years back.

After the scare she had today, I couldn't stop worrying about her. We had met up with Pierre and it was difficult for me to look at the man who I suspected to be the father of Bianca's baby.

My rant about professionalism is the only thing that kept me from punching his smug face. I talked the talk now I needed to walk the walk as well.

Keira had passed out soon after our meeting had started and Ferrer had recommended mandatory bed rest.

I was growing dangerously fond of Keira and I had to control myself before I got carried away and fell in love with her.

It was misplaced affection on my part. But I liked the girl.

We were heading out to Santorini where I was meeting Jacob and Pierre for a site visit. I was building a resort and Jacob was my architect.

Pierre had invested.

I found Bianca wide awake waiting for me in the bedroom. She had a frown on her face and I knew what was happening.

She was probably mad at me for coming home late... again.

Truth is I was avoiding her. She was in a bad mood and to stop myself from lashing out at her, I just stayed away.

I ignored her and went straight to take a cold shower. I had to get Keira out of my mind. I was thinking too much about her. She was the kind of woman I needed in my life. I needed someone who was ready to settle down.

I kept reminding myself that she was carrying his child and I should stay away but she was so easy to love.

I was done with my shower when I heard Bianca walking into the bathroom. She was glaring at me as I dried myself with a towel.

Just keep cool.

"Are you going to stand there or are you going to accuse me of something?" I asked her.

"Do you love her?"

"Who?" I asked as I grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth.

"That girl you are spending your whole day with."

I rinsed my mouth and combed my hair back. I needed a hair cut.

"She has a name Bianca." I said defensively.

"I don't care if you're

helping her! Your first priority is me!"

I kept ignoring her as I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a tee. I got dressed and put on a pair of sneakers. I grabbed my car keys and wallet before I headed for the door. I needed to get out of this place before I lost my bloody mind.

"Tony!" She screamed.

"What!" I yelled back.

I was upset with her for not coming clean and telling me she was pregnant. Bianca was still hiding it from me.

"Where are you going? You just got here!"

"I'm going out."


"To blow off some steam. Goodnight and don't wait up for me. I'll go straight to the office in the morning."

Bianca's POV

Tony was mad at me.

I don't know why but he was. I felt threatened by this new woman in his life. I had seen how he looked at her the first time I met her at a restaurant in Paris. He had that look that said he was interested.

They were spending a lot of time together and that annoyed me even more. I didn't like that he was going out at night on his own.

Was he falling for Keira?

What was it about her that attracted him to her?

I had my own problems. I was four months pregnant. Five more to go. I just needed to hang in there for five months. My belly was not as large as it was with Tony's twins because this time round it was only one baby. I was going to know whether it was a boy or a girl soon. Tony and I weren't sharing the same bed. I hated to pick fights with him but that was the only way I could keep him away from sleeping

with me and finding out my secret.

I didn't want to cuddle with him only for him to start asking questions. I was playing a dangerous game with him but I was not willing to lose him again. I hadn't told Pierre about the baby.

I rubbed my belly and smiled to myself. Life had given me a second chance at being a mother and this time I would be careful.

I was ready to be a mother.


James Lyons's POV

I pulled up in front of her apartment. It was past mid night and I knew I should have stayed away but I needed to see her. She had a calming effect on me. She made me sane and gave me a rare form of serenity.

I went up to her door and knocked.

A few seconds later she opened wearing pajama shorts and a vest that hugged her belly and molded her full breasts.

She was holding an ice cream cup and was busy eating and closing her eyes at how delightful it tasted.

"Tony!" She said once she had swallowed. "What are you doing here at this hour?"

She glanced at her watch.

"Can I come in?"I asked.

"Of course!" She said stepping out of the way.

I entered into her small apartment and noticed she was cooking. It was some baked potatoes and roasted chicken with some salad.

"Have you eaten?" She asked.

"No, may I?" I asked.

"Please do. I'll join you once I'm done with my ice cream."

I sat down and served some food. As I dug in, she started on a slice of pizza. She had an insane appetite.

"Keira, slow down. Aren't you worried about your weight?"

She smiled.


the point? Nothing fits anyway." She said with a laugh. "My hunger is insatiable."

She joined me for dinner and I just watched her eating.

"Did you cook all this?" I asked.

"Yes, I make all my food from scratch. Its kind of therapeutic for me."

Jacob was a lucky man to find a woman who knew how to cook and to do it properly. Bianca had no use for my fully equipped kitchen.

"It's great food." I commended her after I was done.

"Thank you." She said as she stood up to pick the plates.

"It's okay I'll do that for you." I offered and she sat down.

I got to the sink and realized she didn't have a dish washer.

"I can do it Tony. I won't break, I'm just pregnant."

"Let's do them in the morning." I pleaded.

"Are you staying the night?" She asked a little puzzled.

What was I doing? Jacob would kill me if he found out I was here and that I intended to spend the night.

"Can I stay the night?" I asked.

She narrowed her deep blue eyes and thought for a moment.

"Yes you can. Are you avoiding your girlfriend?" She asked.

"Kind of."

"Okay, I'll get you set up in the bedroom."

I followed her into the bedroom and saw her carrying spare sheets into the living room.

"Keira, where will you sleep if I have the bed?"

"On the couch."

I could share a bed with her but I was no sure she would want to. I was not sure either but I had to ask.

"Your bed will suffice. We can sleep together."

She became as red as a tomato.

"No, If Jacob finds


"Jacob is not here." I told her as I cupped her pretty face and pressed my forehead against hers. Her lips were so full and just an inch away.

I could kiss her.

I closed my eyes and took a step back.

"I will be on my best behavior. I can't let you sleep on the couch because you're pregnant and you need comfort. I can't sleep on that couch because it's bloody small. What do you say?"

Half an hour later we were in bed. It was strangely hot and I had taken off my tee. She was facing the wall and I was facing the opposites side.

She had arranged pillows in between us. Probably a barrier to keep me away.

I wanted to tease her so I removed them and inched closer to her. She didn't move even as my hand slipped through her vest and felt her belly.

"You're five months away. Are you excited?" I asked her.

"Kind of." She said as her hand settled on top of mine. "Sometimes I'm scared because I'm all alone. I wish Jacob was here."

"You don't have to be alone pretty. I'm here for you if need anything. Okay?"

She smiled and gave my hand a squeeze.

I pushed her hair away and kissed her cheek tenderly.

"One of these days I may pursue this attraction between us." I told her.

"Jacob will kill you." She warned with a sweet chuckle.

"I will kill him first if it's you we are fighting for." I told her with a chuckle. "You are worth all my affection and my attention."

"Tony?" She called.

"Yes pretty face."

"Why aren't you with your girlfriend?"

"Because she gives me constant heartache."

"Why are you here tonight?"

"You calm me down. I needed to calm down."

She turned to face me and she held my cheek.

We didn't say anything, I just gazed into her sapphire eyes that glittered in the light the moon allowed in. They were perfect... she was perfect.

I inched closer to her and she closed her eyes her lips parting. I was ready to kiss her.

I kissed Keira.

Her lips were very soft. I was careful and she allowed it giving me full access into her mouth. She smelt like fresh strawberries. I took my sweet time to taste her.

Once I broke it off, she looked curious for more and she inched closer. She sat on me and I sat up as I kissed her again. It was the sweetest moment... because it was a stolen moment... a sweet sinful moment.

We broke apart and I pushed her hair back. I wanted to go all the way with her. I stroked her long creamy legs as I inched higher and higher until I found her core. She closed her eyes in anticipation but I couldn't do it.

Jacob would never forgive me.

I set her down on the bed knowing it took all I had for me not to bed her tonight.

"Sweet dreams Keira."

I kissed her forehead as I turned her to face away from me. I couldn't do it. Jacob would never forgive me. I just held her belly and fell asleep in her sweet presence.

I was falling for Keira.


Chapter twenty seven: The confrontation.

"Tell me the truth!" I screamed at her.

She turned away from me. I grabbed her by the shoulder and turned her to face me. We were in Santorini and I had witnessed a fall out between Jacob and Keira as they fought about their baby. Jacob had threatened to take away his son the moment Keira gave birth. It was not a bluff; Jacob never bluffed.

I had called Jacob's mom to speak to the reasonable of the two and that is Keira. I hoped they would resolve their issue. Now I was back in my hotel room arguing with the woman I loved about her condition.

"Bianca, we aren't going to keep ignoring the elephant in the room."

"Fine," she caved. "I'm pregnant Tony!"

As much as I already knew the truth, it pained me to hear it straight from her lips. The pain was sharper than a stub to the heart.

I didn't have a come back so I decided to let things cool down first before I become the reason she will lose the baby.

"I need some air," I informed her. "I'll see you later."

I grabbed my car keys and she followed me clinging to my arm as I opened the door.

"Please Tony don't leave me. It's going to be okay I promise."

How could it possibly be okay? She was in a relationship with me while carrying another man's baby?

There was nothing okay about that.

"You can be her father."


"You're having a daughter?" I asked her.

"Yes. We are having a daughter Tony."


was wrong with her? Couldn't she understand that this was not my baby?

"We? She's not mine Bianca!" I spoke sternly.

I had had enough and when I stepped out she blocked me and fell to her knees.

"Please Tony. Please just accept my daughter as your own. I want her to have a father. Please!"

People stared so I pulled her up and led her back into the hotel room. I rubbed my temples recalling what Simon had said.

'She wants you to love her enough to accept her child as your own.'

Did I love Bianca that much?

I had to think carefully about it.

Here I was willing to fall for Keira and even accept Jacob's baby as my own but why couldn't I accept Bianca's daughter?

"Tony please say something... anything at all."

"Bianca I..."

She kissed me out of the blue and I knew what she was trying to do.

I grabbed her by the jaw and broke the kiss.

"Don't do that."

She ignored me and did it again.

It felt good.

I gave in and sometime later she was lying on her belly as I made love to her. I was so engrossed into it that I barely noticed Keira watching us. Thank goodness I was holding Bianca's head down. Keira looked curious. Our eyes met and I could see the passion in her eyes.

For a moment I imagined her in Bianca's place.

Last night she would have had her long creamy sexy legs wrapped around my waist if I had allowed it.

She felt uncomfortable and decided

to walk away. I hurried to my release so that I could catch up with her before she left. Once I was almost, I quickened my pace.

She tightened her grip on me and the next minute she hit her climax and I followed soon after. Her limp body collapsed on the bed as I got out of bed.

"I need a shower." She told me and I watched as my pregnant girlfriend went into the bathroom.

I wore my sweatpants only and went to see if Keira was still around. She was sipping a glass of water in the living room. I walked up to her and grabbed myself a bottle of water.

She was still not looking at me. She was a shy flower.

I cornered her and decided to tease her about her staring. She denied it profusely. I wanted to kiss her but my actions would have hurt both Bianca and Jacob.

She demanded Jacob's room number and I gave it to her. I winked at her on her way out and she blushed.

Bianca joined me a moment later and the reality sank in when I spotted her baby bump. She was now not hiding it anymore. She had a glow on her face.

"Love, can you give me time to think about what you asked me?"

"Yes you can but I am running out of time. She is growing every day. Soon, my pregnancy will start to show and people will start talking. I don't want to lose her."

"Who would you lose her to?" I asked. "You're her mother and I certainly can't ask you to give her up."

She rubbed her temples and a frown occupied her face.

"Her father."


is he?"

I knew the answer but I wanted to hear it from her.

"Pierre Deveraux."

I clenched my jaw.

"Bianca, why not tell him the truth? He deserves to know."

I wanted her to tell Pierre because it was the right thing to do.

"Tony I am carrying royalty inside me. He won't let me raise her and worse still, he is engaged to marry. He will take my daughter from me if you don't step up and claim her. Please Tony I know this is too much to ask of you but I have no way out here."

I just stared at her as she began crying. I held her in my arms.

"Give me until tomorrow love. Let me think it through."

She was asking me to accept and raise another man's daughter as my own. It meant that the little girl will always be a constant reminder of Bianca sleeping with Pierre.

"Let's go dancing tonight." I told her in an effort to change the topic.

She agreed and we went to a an open air club where people were dancing on the beach.

Bianca looked gorgeous in her red dress and she carried her heels in her hands. We enjoyed some music and drinks. She stuck to juices while I downed the hard stuff. I was halfway done with my drink when my phone buzzed. It was my P.I.

"Excuse me love."

I stepped away from the table to receive the call. I had asked him to look into my sister's whereabouts before her return to London. I wanted to know who David's father was.


"Good evening sir. I have the information you needed. Where can we meet?"

"Let me text you the address."

I left Bianca on her own and made my way to a more enclosed restaurant.

I met him there.

"What did you find out?" I asked as I bought him a drink.

"She was country hopping while she was away for the first few months. When your father cut her off she was grounded in France. While she was there she worked at a club."

"What club?" I asked.

"A popular one with high rollers such as yourself for clients."

"What did she do at the club?" I asked although I feared the answer.

"A stripper at first sir. Soon after she became an escort for any rich man who asked it and had the money to pay for her pleasures."

My heart constricted but coming from Cheryl I was not shocked. No wonder she behaved so loosely. She was used to such behavior.

"Then what?"

"She led that life style for three years until she suddenly went under the radar."

"Bloody hell!"

"That's not all sir. Your sister has a son."

"A son?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes. I compile a dossier with more information."

He pulled out a folder and handed it to me. I opened Pandora's box and there it was. Cheryl had been to rehab for being an alcoholic and using heroine. She had been a stripper and a prostitute. She had been arrested for shop lifting and had a trail of DUIs trailing her.

Could this day get any worse?

I thanked him and asked him another matter I had asked him to look into.

"What about Cole? What do we know about his whereabout?"

"Nothing Sir. It's

like he vanished off the face of the earth."

"I see. Keep searching. No one disappears into thin air."

"I agree Sir, I'll keep you posted."

"Cheerio!" I bid him goodbye and he left.

All I could think about after that was Cheryl. She had left home when she was only seventeen, determined to make it on her own without my father's billions. Her life had turned put to be a train wreck. While I had been living in luxury she had been scraping for anything she could get.

"Tony?" I raised my head and saw Jacob walking my way. "What are you doing here?"

He asked and sat down. He ordered a drink and I decided to share Pandora's box with him.

"I want to show you something."

"Okay." He answered in a cool voice.

He seemed relaxed.

I placed the dossier in front of him and he went through it slowly, his frown growing bigger as he read through.

I was curious about Cheryl's son. Could he be the father? The child's age was almost the same as the last time he was with my sister.

After shock registered on his face, I knew we were in for a long night. I called a waiter and he brought us strong Russian Vodka. That is what we both needed.

"Are you the father?" I asked him.

He looked unsure for a long moment.

"I always wore protection. The boy can't be mine." He denied it.

"Look man, the kid is the same age as your last encounter with Cheryl. I still remember that ski trip in the Swiss Alps. You were with her more than once. Are you bloody sure the lad is not your son?"

Jacob scoffed and laughed.

"This is a sick joke right?" He asked angrily. "I'm the one who slept with her and I would know if I didn't use protection. Get off my case! The boy is not mine. The only son I'm having is with Keira."

He was raging mad holding on to his glass like he would crush it. In the depth of his eyes I saw anger, frustration in case I was right. How would he explain himself to Keira.

"Shit happens mate. What if the bloody condom broke?"

Jacob downed the whole glass of vodka that was left and just gazed at me long and hard. I downed my vodka as well and poured myself another.

"I will be more than willing to submit myself to a paternity test but I'm sure that David is not my son." He spoke with conviction before he stood up and walked away.

I spent the next hour taking one glass of vodka after another in the hopes of ending my frustration. I was starting to get drunk but I needed to forget what I had heard even if it was for a few hours.


I was carried by my bodyguard back to my hotel room after getting wasted. I could barely see and then there was Bianca.

She was mad but to hell with her.

I had bigger things to worry about.

She went on and on about how I was being irresponsible but I didn't care. I needed to sleep and forget about today.

Cheryl was the only thought I took to bed with me.


Chapter twenty nine: She's gone

I woke up to Bianca's constant complaints. I don't know what she was mumbling about. All i could hear were my ears buzzing. I opened my eyes and adjusted to the morning light.

I had a massive migraine and I slowly sat up.

"You are so irresponsible!" She yelled.

My ears buzzed and I held up my hand.

"Bianca it's too early to be yelling. Please shut up!" I told her.

"You drunk yourself half to death yesterday and you got carried back. You couldn't even walk."

"Shut up please."

The more she yelled, the more my head throbbed.

She hurled a pillow at me and I caught it before it hit me.

"Enough Bianca!" I chided.

"We are having a baby Tony, you need to shape up!"

"Hold up!" I said pointing a finger at her. "You are having a baby. Last time I checked, I didn't consent to being your daughter's father."

She looked sad but I didn't care. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. After a quick hot shower, I got dressed for my meeting with Pierre and Jacob.

I picked my phone and wallet and when I got outside the bathroom, Bianca was sited on the bed holding something in her hand. I ignored my curiosity and reached for the door only to find it locked.

"Bianca, open the bloody door." I spoke calmly.

"You are not leaving Tony."

"You can't keep me here. I have a meeting with your baby's father. Please open the door Bianca."


My blood was boiling. I had an epic migraine and the last thing I needed was Bianca making my morning difficult.

"I'm going to count to three. If you don't give me the key,

I will hurt you Bianca. One... "

She started talking all over again endlessly. There is nothing more I wanted than for her to shut that bloody hole on her face.


"Three..." I turned in her direction and grabbed her arm.

I tried to force her hand open but she wouldn't give in. She hurled the key towards the window but her aim was off. I don't know what came over me. I grabbed her by the hair and shoved her onto the bed. I pinned her down with my hand around her neck.

I held her tightly enough to scare her... not to kill her.

"Bianca, I am done playing games with you. I'm going to go and meet Pierre and he and I will resolve this mess about the baby. In the mean time, use your pretty little head to decide between me and this baby because you can't have us both."

I released her and just as I was walking away, to reach out for the key, she jumped on my back and at this point I didn't care that she was pregnant. I moved backwards to the bed and fell back breaking free from her.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I demanded. "Stop picking a fight with me Bea! I swear if you keep this up, I will hurt you."

"Then hurt me Tony. If I can't have you then I don't want this baby!"

I could see how torn up she was. I didn't want to make her choose but I was not willing to father a baby that wasn't mine.

"Choose the baby Bianca. She's innocent. She should come first." I told her a little more calmly.

"But I love you." She was almost at the brink of tears.

"I know. Bianca, you screwed up and I will not pay for it for the rest of my life. I can't raise Pierre's

daughter without me not remembering you slept with him. I'm done with you."

"You call this loving me?" She suddenly blurted out.

I paused and glanced at my watch. I was half an hour late to the meeting. I had to sort this with her before I left.

"I love you... I always will but you can't keep hurting me like this. I have a broken heart and now you are just killing me. Some kinds of love are just not worth it. You Bianca are not worth the pain I'm going through."

I left her alone and as I walked out I could hear her screaming and breaking things. I was done with her. Two years ago it had hurt so much when she purposefully endangered the twins. Now it was too much.

Now I had just to keep sane through my meeting with Pierre. I have never had a problem with the guy until now. Jacob has always had a problem with him. I got to the restaurant facing my construction site.

"You're late." Jacob said sternly as we both eyed Pierre from the entrance.

"You haven't gone in yet?" I asked.

"I was waiting for you. He would have been in a body bag if I went in without you. You know I need you to hold me down." Jacob said as he squeezed my shoulder. "You look like shit. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?"

"I have ended things with Bianca."

Jacob's eyes widened.

"I'm so sorry Tony. What the hell happened to us? We never had to feel so lost because of a woman but look at us now. They ruin our day just by pouting. Are you okay? We can cancel with Pierre."

"I have a lot of money riding on this. I can't cancel. About last night, I'm sorry. I came at you top hard."

"It's okay,

I spoke to Cheryl. She assured me David is not my son."

"Is that so? Brilliant then. We can move on. Now let's get to this bloody meeting. A quarter of my wealth is riding on this."

"I can always reimburse you. You don't have to partner up with him."

Jacob's wealth surpassed my own and he could easily compensate me should Pierre pull out but then I had to keep my word.

"I'll be fine. Let's go dance with the devil."

That's what we did. The business part of the meeting went well. We were all professional apart from a few snug remarks between Jacob and Pierre. I just kept looking at the man who had been inside the woman I loved. The man who had tasted her sweetness, her lips... I wanted to kill him with my bare hands.

After we were done, I was dying to ask him about the baby but I probably shouldn't. It was up to Bianca to decide whether to tell him or not. It was her baby after all... not mine.

"How's Bianca?" He asked.

I clenched my jaw and folded my fists.

"Pierre that's enough." Jacob warned.

He was playing my older brother. That is what I needed right now. Someone to stand up for me because I had lost my will to fight for anything. Bianca had destroyed me.

"Jacobolaus, I wasn't speaking to you."

"If you offend him you offend me. Watch out, you don't want to be on the wrong side of this."

Jacob patted me on the shoulder and that is when Pierre

spoke up again.

"How is Keira doing? When is the baby coming?"

Jacob lost it and grabbed Pierre by the lapels of his coat.

"Stay away from Keira. She doesn't concern you."

"You moved on from my sister a little too quickly. Don't you think?"

Jacob ignored him and walked away. I followed soon after glad to know that we made it through the meeting without any noses being broken.


Bianca's POV

I didn't want to choose between Tony and my daughter. I decided that I would leave for now to allow him to cool down. He needed time apart from me and then he would accept us both.

I spotted my suitcase at the top shelf and decided to climb onto a backless chair. I wanted to pack up my clothes and leave before his return. I must have lost my balance because I fell flat on my belly hitting my head hard on the sink.

It hurt so much when I tried to sit up but I did. I stood up with the support of the vanity. Once I was up I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I felt a warm liquid trickling down my thighs. I looked down and I was horrified to see little red drops on the floor.

"No not again! Not again!" I screamed as I slipped my hand in between my thighs to confirm the source of the blood.

"No, please baby girl hold on. I'll look for help."

I tried to walk but I couldn't. The pain was immense. I crouched down and reached out for my phone. I could have told Tony but something told me he didn't care that much and it would only remind him of the twins. I texted

Keira instead. She was two doors away from me.

Me: Are you in your room?

Keira: Yeah. You need something?

Me: Yes. Please come to my room it's urgent.

I hoped she would hurry. I was losing a lot of blood. I cringed in pain but part of me knew that I would lose my daughter. I cried silently and waited for Keira.

She arrived a few minutes later and she paled when she saw the state I was in.

She helped me up and the whole time I answered her questions mechanically. I was losing my baby... I had lost my baby. I could feel it.

I showered to clean myself up as Keira cleaned up the blood.

I was officially numb to any pain.

I asked her to accompany me to see a doctor just to be sure I would be okay. She drove me to the nearest hospital all the while I took notice of her growing belly. For five months it was pretty large. Part of me was jealous about how happy and healthy she seemed.

"Are you having twins?"I asked her.

"No. Just one baby. A boy. I'm so excited but Jacob is the one who is over the moon with excitement." She said.

I was also excited a while ago but not anymore.

She realized her words and apologized for not considering I had lost a baby.

I wish I was her. Why did I have such bad luck with pregnancies? I had lost the boys two years back and now I had lost a daughter. Tears flowed down my cheeks as Keira pulled up at the hospital.

She accompanied me inside but allowed me privacy with the doctor. I was in so much emotional pain I just wanted to

die. Was this going to help Tony and I? Would he take me back now that I was without a child?

Did I want him to take me back?

One thing was still unchanged: I loved him deeply.

It took a while with the doctor but soon after I was clear to leave. I was given medication to help me heal.

Keira drove me back to the hotel not asking any questions. She could be a loyal friend. As soon as we got there however, I opted to go to the sauna. Keira protested but I dismissed her and went.


James Lyons's POV

Jacob and I had been searching all over for Keira and Bianca. I hoped they were both okay. Jacob was stressed and I understood why. She was pregnant. Bianca was pregnant too and I was worried for her. I had been too harsh with her.

"Dio where could they be?" Jacob mattered.

The only times Jacob was caught speaking in Italian was when he was extremely angry, worried or extremely happy.

"Maybe if I had been a little kinder to Bianca she would be here and so would Keira."

"Look Tony, your my little brother and I feel it's my responsibility to tell you that you were unfair to Bianca. You shouldn't have treated her like that."

I paused and he stopped walking as well.

"You were not together when she slept with Pierre. You took many women while you were away from her. The only difference was that she is capable of getting pregnant and you can't. What I am trying to say to you is if you screwed up and got another woman pregnant, wouldn't you want her to forgive you and accept your child as her own?"

That was my older brother speaking. Jacob was right, I was being unfair.

"I would."

"Then why can't the same apply to you?"

He made sense. I was being unfair and I would apologize as soon as I saw her. I would try and accept her daughter. Just before I could respond, we saw Keira on her own walking our way. She looked tired and her dress had blood stains.

"Let's go find out what happened." Jacob said.


Chapter thirty: Taking a leap of faith

Bianca's POV

As soon as I got back to London, I went straight to work. My eyes were puffy from all my crying. In one day I had lost the man I love and my unborn child. It hurt like hell. By now I should have grown accustomed to this pain... It felt like deja vu but the pain was real.

I had left my phone in Santorini and so I was not able to tell Tony I was gone.

Would he even care?

I found Cheryl finishing up with a client.

She looked as glorious as usual.

"How was your honeymoon?" She beamed.

Before Tony and I left she insisted we were honeymooning. If she only knew how bad things were between her brother and I.

"Not so good." I managed to say before I broke down and started crying.

"Oh love please stop crying." She said as she enveloped me in a tight hug. "Whatever happened, it will be okay."

I remained in her embrace as she rubbed circles on my back.

"It's okay."

We both turned and saw Tony at the door way. He looked dashing and he seemed unaffected by our split. He walked towards us looking through the shop. He grabbed a long stemmed white rose and handed it to me.

"I come in peace Bea. I just want to talk."

He seemed sincere and Cheryl released me. She left us alone and went to the back.

Tony neared me and wiped away my tears as I accepted the rose.

He sat down on a chair and guided me to sit on his lap. I faced away from him. His hand stroked my thigh tenderly. We remained in silence as he just watched me.

"I met you a little over four

years ago Bianca. I adore you now more than ever for how resilient you can be. I suffer from the same curse. However love, resilience hardens the heart... It does not allow you to feel."

I didn't know what he was getting to until he placed his hand on my stomach.

"I should never have asked you to choose between the baby and I. I should have accepted you both because I love you."

I faced him and his dark eyes exuded sadness. I cupped his face into my hand and leaned in to kiss his lips ever so gently.

"I love you too Tony."

"I know and that is why I am conceding defeat. I am waving a white flag. I am telling you that I have grown so tired of fighting you... of fighting us. I love you and I just want us to be together forever."

"I'm tired of fighting too. What should we do?"

He stood up and held me in place close to him.

"Let's both give in and fall deeper in love than we already are love. No more fighting... no more games... just love me and I will love you like the mad man that I am."

He took my lips and we kissed for the longest time. When we broke apart, he cupped my face.

"I want you to be mine forever. I want to show you that I can be a better man and that I will treat you right. Just tell me you will not turn me down."

"How can I possibly turn you away while you are all I think about. Even when I close my eyes I only see you. I love you James Lyons and I am done with the madness... I want peace... I want sanity...

I want to be loved by you and to belong to you."

He kissed me again... and again and again until my lips felt sore.

"Will you have dinner with me? Tonight?" He asked.

"I will. Where?"




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