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Untamed Devotion by Danielle Stewart (4)

Chapter 4

Aria was downright strolling back up to Monroe’s room. A real skip in her step. She’d expected that the next time they crossed paths he’d have changed his mind. The island was loaded with skepticism, a language barrier, and many secrets. He may have been able to navigate his way to whatever truth he was looking for, but she was the road map that would get him there quickly. She heard an urgency in his voice and she was counting on that. However, she didn’t think she’d be summoned back to him like this.

“Don’t give me that look,” he began as he pulled the door open and gestured for her to come in. “Smug doesn’t look good on you.”

“You rang, my lord,” she said, bowing to mock him. His cologne filled her nose and sent shock waves through her. How could you miss a man you don’t even know? “Buckley looked thoroughly disgusted with the idea of you wanting me up here, so I’ll admit that part was nice.”

“I want to know more about what you were saying earlier,” Monroe said, opening his laptop and looking ready to take notes. Aria couldn’t figure out exactly what Monroe was getting out of all this, but he clearly wanted to get down to business. She held the power.

“I laid my terms out for you,” Aria replied coolly. “We spend some time together, and then I decide if I can trust you.”

“If you’re so desperate for a date—” Monroe started, but her cackling laugh cut him off.

“Maybe I won’t need much time at all,” she dismissed, tossing her hair off her shoulder. When Buckley came to her bunk and told her Monroe had requested she return to his room, she had to move fast. She slipped the elastic out of her hair and tried to quickly smooth it down. Out of her uniform, she’d thrown on a cranberry sundress that she normally saved for special occasions. Which was next to never.

“Why are you making this so difficult before you know what’s in it for you?” Monroe asked, narrowing his eyes at her. “You haven’t heard what I’m willing to give you in return.”

“Words,” Aria said, letting her face show how unimpressed she was by his potential offer. “Promises. I’ve heard it all before. Water is great. We all need it, but don’t you want to know the source? You can get a big bucket of it, but what if it just passed through the sewer pipe.”

“What am I in that analogy?” Monroe asked, looking mildly amused. “Am I the water or the sewer pipe?”

“Let’s go to dinner,” Aria asserted. “I don’t want your promises. I don’t want to make a deal. I want to see what kind of man you are, and then I’ll decide if I share the truth with you.”

“You can do that over dinner?” Monroe laughed. “If that’s the case, you’re part superhero and clearly in the wrong line of work.”

“It’s more than dinner. Dinner is the start.” She never wavered in her confidence.

“You’re very bossy,” Monroe huffed, raising a skeptical brow at her. “I’m not usually into that.”

“I’m not bossy,” Aria corrected as she headed for the door and waited a beat to see if he’d follow. “I’m smart. I’m calculated. But I know the concept of a strong woman can be dizzying. It’s like yawning.”

“Yawning?” Monroe asked, looking thoroughly exasperated by the conversation.

“Yeah, we all do it. Yet it’s still a puzzling phenomenon. It’s contagious, but no one knows why. It’s perplexing. Just like strong women. We exist but no one seems to know what to make of us.”

“Right,” Monroe said, stretching out the word as though he was sure she was certifiable. “Should we get on with this then?” He checked his watch and pursed his lips. “Which place downstairs do you want to eat at?”

“Oh, we can’t eat at the resort,” Aria laughed, finding his ignorance a little endearing. “I’m the help. It’s strictly prohibited for me or any of my coworkers to attempt to eat a meal in the vicinity of guests. We’re meant to be no more intrusive than paint on a wall. A bulb in a lamp.”

“You’d be my guest,” Monroe countered.

“Also strictly prohibited.” Aria shrugged. “I’ll be happy to take you to a place off the resort. The food is incredible.”

“Whatever gets this process moving along. Just let me know when this big test of yours starts.” Monroe stuffed his hands in his pockets and began to walk down the hallway.

“It already has.” Aria grinned. “We’ll walk. Is that all right?” She watched his face flinch with hesitation. She had him on his heels, pondering each answer, considering each word. Perfect.

“Walking is fine,” he replied flatly. “Was that part of the test?”

“Maybe,” Aria replied flatly, not wanting to give anything away, as they moved toward the elevator. “This is killing you, isn’t it?”

“I’m always up for a challenge,” Monroe replied, his back arrow straight with confidence. “Bring on the test.”