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Untouchable: A Billionaire on the Run Romance by Kira Blakely (49)

Chapter Twelve


The sound of Creed’s “Arms Wide Open” blared with a tiny, tinny speaker, right next to my ear, and my eyes bulged open.

“Ah!” I slapped my palm onto the screen of the phone several times, ineffectually silencing this abomination. Bleary with fading sleep, I couldn’t comprehend the screen, and Andrew’s juicy bicep floated overhead like a blimp. He snatched the phone, touched the screen once, and filled the bedroom with gracious silence again. I slumped back into my comforter and grumbled. “What time is it?”

“Time for the garage to be open,” Andrew grumbled, and the mattress jostled as his weight left me. “I’ll be back to finish re-keying your doors on my lunch break, okay?”

I rolled onto the warm dent he’d left in his side of the bed, deeply inhaling and grinding softly against it. I wished he could stay... but there was no way I was getting out of bed this early. The sheets smelled like a man. Mm. I listened to the sounds of Andrew moving around the room—the clink of his fastening belt, the buzz of his zipper going up—and smiled to myself.

I was smiling like an idiot for no reason at all, languishing on a spot Andrew had just vacated, breathing him and listening to him move.

Andrew leaned into my space and pressed his mouth against my cheek, firm and dry. A goodbye kiss.

“Love you,” he noted casually, pulling away, his boots thudding on the carpet as he moved.

“No, you don’t,” I called after him lightly.

“Do too.” The door swung shut behind him and I flipped onto my back, smiling with my eyes closed, stretching long and languid.

No matter what happened with Andrew—even if he got back with Lola tomorrow—I was ecstatic to be with him today. He was such a man. I couldn’t fight it anymore. I needed him in my system.

Last night, when he followed me to my bathroom, I didn’t even have my sundress all the way off when he swept me up onto the sink. We crashed against the mirror and our clothes came away like dead skins, tossed to the floor, crumpled and useless, disgusting. We grinded against each other, my hands on his sex, his hands on mine, like we just needed to get each other off. It didn’t matter if we didn’t have sex. It didn’t matter if we were hungry or tired or filthy dirty. All that mattered was pumping him until he came, and he touched me like he felt the exact same way.

Underneath the blankets in my bed, my hands skated over my white silk slip and down between my legs, ready to tousle with Andrew again in my imagination. My middle finger swept over my folds, collecting the wet nectar there, and spread it over my clitoris. I vibrated to life instantly beneath my own hands and I was wide awake, even if my eyes were still shut. My back arched and I groaned behind my own closed lips. I kicked the blankets off; too hot. My finger worked and orgasm danced in my center, waiting for the perfect opportunity to sink its sweet stinger into my pussy.

I gasped and contorted, exposing myself widely to the empty bedroom walls, tits trembling as my hands worked frantically on myself. I remembered how Andrew and I had dumped into the bathtub and wrenched the shower on, pummeling our bodies with a stream of hot, steamy water. He slid into me harder and wider and longer than he’d ever been before—or so it’d seemed, anyway. I came so deeply over his cock that I saw stars for a second. Andrew pumped into me with flawless rhythm and roared when he spurted. I felt his member pounding with the flow.

Every part of Andrew Bogart was so fucking hot. I peeled the straps on my slip down and my fingers went to my nipples, furiously pinching as I thought about his cum, so sweet and pure. I’d lap it up out of my own pussy if I could. I sank two fingers into my twat and grinded my hips into the air. I’d always been terrified of anal, but with Andrew, it might not be so bad. It might be fucking hot to fill every hole in my body... every night...

My sex-crazed imagination gave up a fantasy of Andrew plunging into my ass from behind, quivering, stretching me and filling me. Then there was another Andrew in front of me, driven into my loving cunt, up to the hilt. He was on top of me, too, with his dick in my mouth and his hands in my hair. I wanted Andrew on every inch of my body. I would never stop coming for him... shuddering and leaking juices helplessly for the rest of my beautiful life....

Orgasm moved through my body like a bolt of white-hot lightning and I came with a shriek, squirting all over the mattress, my eyes squeezed shut, my tits high in the air, my hands clawing desperately over my every erogenous zone.

“Jesus Christ,” a familiar Texan male voice penetrated my masturbation and I shrieked again, scrambling into a ball up at the headboard. My eyes were wide open now.

Chet Browntooth stood in my bedroom doorway, twirling a toothpick with his tongue, grinning at me with impossibly bright eyes. I scrambled off the mattress, sensing my role as prey, and he bolted toward me as I reached the dresser. I slammed against the wooden drawers and pulled at the handle, but Chet pressed into me from behind, both hands planted firmly over the drawer. I rattled it and gasped for breath, my heart thundering in my chest. My hands trembled.

Andrew tried to warn me, and there was no way I could alert him that I was in danger.

“What are you doing, Chet?” I asked in my most measured and calm voice. I sounded like I was freezing to death, my voice shook so hard.

“I saw your front door hanging open and I thought I might check,” he breathed against the back of my head. I could feel his rock hard little dick nestling in the crevasse of my ass cheeks through the silk slip.

“That’s not true,” I told him. I swallowed hard. What do I do? What do I do? “That door wasn’t open.”

“The door was wide open, Michelle.” Chet’s breath burned against my ear and he subtly grinded his erection against me. “You were making so much noise in here, I knew you were trying to get some attention, darling.”

His hands left the wooden dresser and brushed upward over my torso, skirting around my tits. He didn’t grab them. He just let them hover beneath his hands. He just felt them scrape his palms every time I breathed. “I was thinking about someone else,” I insisted. “Stop. Get out of here, or I’m calling the police.”

Chet laughed. “I am the police,” he hissed into my ear as his hands smoothed down over the sides of my slip. His prick pressed into my buttocks again, his hips against my hips, and both hands smoothed all the way down to the hem of my short slip. He pressed his palms where the hem ended, pressing his hands and my slip up against my pussy, still soaked from my reverie of Andrew.

“You’re so wet,” Chet sighed. “I had no idea you wanted this so bad.”

“I’m with Andrew,” I told him. “He’ll kill you.”

“Shh,” Chet hissed. “No one can hear us, Michelle. You don’t have to pretend. I won’t tell.”

He’s going to rape me. He’s going to rape me, and there’s nothing within reach to stop him. Nothing.

“Okay,” I forced myself to say, even though his hands were still binding my slip against my sex, even though the thought of his disgusting little dick inside my body made me want to vomit and cry. “But we have to use protection because I—I have herpes.”

“Who doesn’t?” Chet whispered back.

“And I don’t want to have a baby,” I tried again.

“You can get an abortion,” Chet replied. He curled his fingers and began to lift my skirt over my ass.

“And you should go get your uniform!” I yelped, clawing at the hem of my skirt and twisting to push at him. “It’s my fantasy!” Chet had his dick halfway out of his pants already. Tears stung my eyes. “I want to put on some thigh-high boots and you put me against the wall and say ‘Spread em’ and frisk me!”

Chet bit down on his lower lip. “That’s hot, baby. You’re dirty.”

“But you have to be wearing the uniform,” I reminded him. “And get your handcuffs, too. And your hat and your badge.” I wanted to load him up with as many errands as possible between his house and mine. I only had a few minutes to get help.

Chet’s eyes roved over my body, considering. A normal rapist would never go for it because they’d understand the opportunity for escape that I would have. But Chet was no ordinary rapist. He was so blindly narcissistic, he couldn’t even fathom that I meant “no” when I said it. He thought I was just denying myself the only thing I truly wanted: him.

“All right,” Chet murmured, reaching out and grasping my breast with sudden, surprising force. I yelped and went ramrod straight as he massaged its flesh, grinding one thumb over the flat nipple, then dropped away again. “Stay warm for me, girl. Deputy Browntooth will be right back.”

I stood in shock, trembling, until I heard his boots thump across the porch and disappear down the stairs. Heart rattling at a million miles per hour in my chest, I bolted for the front door and slammed it, twisting the lock. It was my first instinct. I couldn’t think straight. My mind was everywhere. My thoughts were spilled out on the floor. I was in a complete panic.

Shit! Shit! He already had a key made! And Andrew... he never had the chance to finish what he was doing when I got home from my meeting. We slipped to the bathroom and fell asleep and he was going to come back at lunch to finish rekeying the lock.

In two hours.

Two and a half hours.


I marched to the alarm and set it, sending up a silent prayer that the police station would get this alert. What next? What could I do? How many minutes did I have? Should I just run out of the house in my slip? He might be able to see me from his windows, running, and catch me; the nearest house was close, but what if no one was home? My stupid car still wasn’t working. Should I call Andrew? No, it would take too long for him to get here. Should I call the police directly? 9-1-1?

That sounded good. I sprinted back to my bedroom and snatched my phone off the bedside table, dialing 9-1-1 and waiting. It rang several times before there was an answer, and the dispatch picked up.

“9-1-1,” she announced, sounding bored. “What is your emergency?”

I heard a hard, loud knock at the door, making it tremble in its frame, and I gasped. My entire system shuddered and racked.

“There’s an intruder in my house,” I whispered intensely. “He’s going to rape me.”

“Police,” Chet boomed from the porch. “Someone made a complaint about lots of moaning coming from in here.” His knock thundered thrice more, and then I heard the lock click and turn. The door creaked open.

“His name is Chet Browntooth, he’s a deputy and my neighbor,” I hissed. “Come now. Please.” I hung up the phone before he reached the bedroom, afraid of what he might do if he saw me calling for help. He probably brought those handcuffs. Damnit. Damnit! What was I going to do now? Could the police be here soon enough to save me?

I backed up and braced myself for anything. Overhead, a tiny green light poised over my bedroom door flickered red. My alarm system was silent, and it was going off. I could only pray that the police would answer it once and for all.

Chet crossed the threshold of my bedroom, fully dressed in his uniform and leering at me appreciatively.

“I want to be clear, Chet,” I told him. My back was pressed flush against the opposing wall and I wished I wasn’t still in this sheer, short slip, even though I didn’t think it really mattered. “I don’t want to do this. I don’t find you attractive. I am not giving consent. Keep your dick away from me.”

“And I already told you that you don’t have to worry,” Chet cooed. I heard the tinkle of the handcuffs against his belt. What weapons were there? Did he have his gun? There was a lamp on the bedside table... but that was on the other side of the bed. “I’m not going to tell anyone our dirty little secret.”

“The alarm is going off,” I shrilled.

“The only person getting those alerts is you,” Chet informed me smilingly. “No one is going to disturb us, darling.”

He crept closer and closer, grinning. He brought up two bare hands and licked one of his thumbs like he was about to turn a page in a book. “Now spread ‘em,” he leered.




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