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Use Me by Kimberly Knight (28)

Ashtyn was going to be my wife.

When I rushed to the arena after my first intermission broadcast, my heart was racing a million miles an hour. Kenny dropped me off at the back loading zone, and I rushed in. Being in the field has it’s perks, especially when I got a discount on a suite for the night so I could have everyone that was important to us there to watch me propose. Everyone knew what was going to go down, and when I took off the mascot’s head, and Ashtyn saw that it was me, I realized that no one had spilled the beans.

She was shocked.

Some might think that getting engaged six months after we met might be a little too soon. But when you know, you fucking know, and I didn’t want another day to go by where she wasn’t mine. Officially mine.

I was nervous because even though we’d bought a house together, I wasn’t sure if Ashtyn wanted to be that committed in such a short amount of time. There was still a chance that in front of nineteen thousand people, she might crush my heart. Luckily for me, she said yes.

I skated off the ice with Ashtyn in my arms, and once we cleared the lip of the rink, I sat her down so I could walk in the skates.

“How did you do all of this?” Ashtyn asked, looking down at the round, pavé halo engagement ring that had a setting with small diamonds encrusted around the larger diamond and along the top of the white gold band. I wasn’t sure if she’d like it, but the guy at the jewelry store said it was called the “Center of My Universe” engagement ring and Ashtyn was definitely the center of my entire galaxy.

“I know a guy who knows a guy.”

Ashtyn laughed. “Pulling that line on me?”

“It’s true.” I smirked and took her hand in mine. “You know what this ring is called?”

She shook her head, still staring down at the sparkling diamond.

“The Center of My Universe.”

She looked up at me. “It is?”

“True story. I had to get it because, Cupcake, you’re the center of my universe.”

Ashtyn smiled warmly. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

I took her lips with mine and kissed her until I had to forcefully make myself stop because we had shit to do and I was in a fucking mascot costume. Taking her hand again, we walked to Tommy Hawk’s dressing room and entered. He was sitting on a couch, watching the intermission show.

“Hey, man.”

“Well?” he asked, standing. Ashtyn walked around me and flashed her hand. “Right on. Congrats!”

“Thanks,” Ashtyn and I both replied.

I started to strip out of the costume and handed each piece to Tommy. That wasn’t his real name, but I didn’t need to know it. I only needed his getup to do my thing.

“Jett seems to be doing a good job without you,” Ashtyn stated, watching the TV.

“He had practice when I got shot, remember?” Tommy’s brows furrowed. “I’m kind of a badass.”

“More like a lucky ass,” Ashtyn corrected.

I chuckled. “I better be getting lucky tonight.”

“Get it.” Tommy laughed.

“We’ll see. Do you have to go back to work?”

“Nope. Jett’s handling everything.”

“Okay. Then let’s go to our people.”

“Our people already know.” I nodded goodbye at Tommy.

“True. Let’s go show them my ring!”

For the past six months, Ashtyn, her mom, my mom, and Ashtyn’s girlfriends have all been planning our wedding. Ashtyn mentioned she had some ideas on Pinterest and the girls went crazy. I stayed out of it. The only say I got in the matter was …

Who was I kidding? I didn’t have a say in shit, and I was okay with that because all I cared about was marrying Ashtyn.

After the season ended, the Blackhawks were in the playoffs, but in the end, they didn’t make it past round two and therefore, didn’t go to the Stanley Cup. This year, the season was starting out strong and I was hopeful it would be their year. In my time off between seasons, I spent my days on the golf course with the guys followed by my nights with my fiancé.

Life was good.

I had my girl, my boys, and Romi had her baby. I was now the proud uncle of a little girl who I couldn’t wait to spoil. Romi and Shane named her Margaret. I was going to call her Maggie or Mags. It was already a done deal.

Today though, I was making Ashtyn my wife. Our entire relationship has been on overdrive, but with all the action we’d faced, making her my wife on the anniversary of us meeting was the best fucking date ever.

Corey was still MIA, so to be safe, Ashtyn and I didn’t have the traditional bachelor and bachelorette parties because we didn’t know what Corey was capable of. I didn’t feel like getting shot again, and with my luck, even with a large crowd somewhere, he’d open fire.

Being at home with Ashtyn was all worth it, though. While she addressed envelopes, we’d watch movies. When she’d look online for wedding dresses she liked, we’d catch up on our DVR. When she was making the seating chart, we’d cook dinner together. And when we were picking our first dance song, we danced on the back patio under the stars.

Life was definitely good.

Especially today.

“Here.” I looked in the mirror of the bathroom I was standing in to see Kenny walk in. He was holding a drink. “Thought you could use a seven and seven.”

“Thanks.” I took the drink from him, took a sip, and then turned back to the mirror to straighten my black tie. I’d rented a suite at the Westin down the street from the venue, and Kenny, Jett, Clark, and I were using it to get ready before heading to the sports museum so I could get hitched. Ashtyn was in a suite of her own on a different floor getting ready, though my executive suite would be used to consummate our marriage—all fucking night.

“You getting nervous?”

“Should I be?”

Kenny shrugged. “I’ve heard some guys do.”

“Not me, man. This is my girl.”

“Well, drink up and let’s seal your fate.”

I rolled my eyes at his joke and chugged my drink, ready to start the next chapter of my life.

Not only had Ashtyn agreed to get married in a sports museum, but it was her idea. My love of sports was rubbing off on her.

The guys and I walked into the Chicago Sports Museum, and we were greeted by a guy in a black suit.

“Mr. Cole.” He stuck out his hand. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you,” I said, shaking his hand. “Kenny, Jett, Clark, this is Matt. He’ll be in charge of security tonight.”

Two more guys dressed in black suits walked out from the museum. “Only people in there are workers setting up for the wedding, and the minister.”

“Perfect,” Matt replied. “This is Noah and Liam. They will help me be the eyes and ears tonight.”

Ashtyn and I, including her father and brother Ethan, agreed that we should hire security for the night just in case since Corey was still in Chicago. It was better to be safe than sorry, and if that meant I had to hire security for the night, I would.


“You’re free to go in now,” Matt gestured for us to enter the museum.

The night before for our rehearsal, Ashtyn and I had walked through the venue and was told where everything would be set up. But seeing it as I entered the venue felt surreal. There were interactive exhibits, we were going to have an open bar, and it overlooked the lake.

It was perfect.

As we made our way through the venue, we walked past tables that were set up alongside the memorabilia. Each table had white linens draped across them, and in the center were purple roses and what smelled like lavender. Votive candles were placed around the flowers, but not yet lit, and each place setting had a place card in gold stock paper with our guest’s names written in purple. It was beautiful. The girls had outdone themselves.

I continued my way past the wood dance floor and to the back of the building where chairs were set up looking in the direction of Lake Michigan. A white cloth walkway separated two sides.

“Rhys,” the minister greeted, extending his hand.

I took it. “Mason.”

“Nice suits.”

I looked down at myself, straightening the dark grey jacket of my suit. Under it was a dark grey vest, white dress shirt, and a black neck tie. The guys were dressed similarly, except instead of a black tie, theirs were purple to match Ashtyn’s color scheme as well as purple vests. “Thank you.”

“Guests should be arriving soon—”

“Shit,” Kenny muttered, cutting off Mason. “I almost forgot.” He ran back in the direction we came, and then a few seconds later he was running back with a small box in his hands. “Put this shit on your lapel.”

I took a boutonniere he handed me. It had dried lavender and a purple rose arranged in a bundle. I pinned it to my jacket, and the boys followed suit.

“Like I was saying,” Mason started again, “the guests should be arriving soon. Feel free to escort them all to their seats.”

We nodded and went back to the entrance where we slowly took mine and Ashtyn’s family and friends to their seats.

Then it was time.

The guys went back down the aisle, and then a slow melody started to play. They reentered with bridesmaids on their arms, two at a time. Each bridesmaid was wearing an eggplant-colored, haltered-style dress that matched the guy’s ties and vests. We didn’t have a flower girl or ring bearer, so I knew that the next person I would see would be Ashtyn. A different song started to play from speakers, and time stood still. I didn’t know what it was, but the woman was singing about how long she would love the person. The answer was as long as the stars are above them.

But all the other words faded away as soon as I saw Ashtyn.

I took in her white, strapless gown that had ruffles in the shape of giant roses on the skirt. Now I knew why men weren’t allowed to see the dress before their fiancée walked down the aisle. They were trying to kill us. Ashtyn was fucking breathtaking, and I literally couldn’t breathe as she took each step toward me with her father next to her.

Was this really happening?

I hope she doesn’t trip.

I sucked in a deep breath, trying to fill my lungs with oxygen again, but it wasn’t working. She was a vision. This was my best friend, and I wouldn’t want to spend the rest of my life with anyone else. And I wasn’t ever going to.

I was a real lucky sonofabitch to have walked into Judy’s that night.

I took Ashtyn’s hand from her father’s and kissed her cheek. “You tryin’ to kill me, Cupcake?” I whispered.

She furrowed her brow and whispered back, “What?”

“You took my breath away as you walked toward me.” She probably thought it was a line, but I fucking meant it.

“Welcome, family, friends and loved ones,” Mason began. “We’re gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Ashtyn and Rhys. You’ve come here to share in this formal commitment they make to one another, to offer your love and support to this union, and to allow Ashtyn and Rhys to start their married life together surrounded by the people most important to them. Will you, Rhys, take this woman to be your wedded wife?”

“Absofuckinlutley.” Everyone chuckled, and Mason glared at me. “I will, man. I fuckin’ will.”

He shook his head slightly and proceeded. “Will you, Ashtyn, take this man to be your wedded husband?”

She smiled and looked straight into my eyes. “I will.”

I grinned back.

Mason continued. “Does anyone object to the union of this marriage between Rhys and Ashtyn? Speak now—”

“I fucking do!”

My gaze turned to the sound of the voice to see Corey standing at the end of the aisle pointing his gun at me.
