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Vitus: #9 (Luna Lodge: Hunters of Atlas) by Madison Stevens (12)

Chapter Twelve



Grace stood in the produce aisle stacking the melons as neatly as she could manage. Movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. She turned to spot Vitus bringing out another case of cantaloupes from the back. He hauled them over with little effort and placed them near the display.

She let out a contented sigh. Everything about him working beside her felt so normal.

It had been nearly a week since he’d started working with her. Since then they’d had no sign of Thrax.

Vitus thought maybe the monster was healing from their fight. She couldn’t really say, but it made the most sense to her. In the end, she didn’t care as long as he didn’t show up.

Despite the quiet, Grace had settled into an interesting and satisfying routine with Vitus. Each day he came to work with her and stayed until she left. And each night they would sleep in the same bed together. Just sleep though. They never did anything more physical than the occasional kiss.

She knew he was waiting for her to make the first move, and she appreciated that he was showing her that kind of respect. The only problem was Grace wasn’t exactly sure how to make the first move.

It wasn’t exactly like she had the most experience, and even if she did, the situation was more than a little unusual. Most people didn’t have to deal with someone who might literally be their soulmates. Everything in her told her that it was right for her to be with Vitus, but she still couldn’t bring herself to believe the world worked like that.

Every day Grace felt her frustration mounting with no outlet. It didn’t help that every woman in town had suddenly decided they needed groceries every day from her store. Most of the them only came in to flirt with Vitus.

He wasn’t exactly cold toward them, either. Then again, it wasn’t that she wanted him to be. She didn’t need him driving customers away, but he didn’t have to be so darn friendly.

Grace glanced over to where Vitus stood stacking the melons onto the shelf with ease. His large masculine hand gripped them as if they weighed nothing. All other things aside, it was helpful having such a strong man around.

Two younger women breezed past her, their gaze clearly set on Vitus.

“You sure know how to handle your melons,” one woman said seductively. She looked to be just around twenty. Her makeup and hair were completely on point. The woman wore a short denim skirt and V-neck t-shirt that clearly exposed her cleavage.

Grace glanced down at her own outfit. Despite her normal feelings, she had been putting forth a little more effort. She had picked out a skirt that was a little more form-fitting than the broomstick skirts she normally wore. Even her blouse was one that showed off a bit more than she normally would dare. Her mother would’ve had a fit if she’d seen her.

Vitus smiled widely at the young woman. “I’d be happy to help you pick out a ripe one,” he said. “It’s all about the feel.”

Jealousy sparked in her, something Grace had never really known before Vitus. Up until that point, she never really thought much about conversations with men or what they meant. But when it came to Vitus, she was completely aware of everything he did, everything he said, and his smallest movements. His presence was always right there in front of her.

The girl giggled loudly as she pressed in closer to him. Her breasts touched his arm as he squeezed the melons in the stand.

Grace frowned and grabbed the empty box on the floor. She had seen about all she could tolerate for now. It went against her nature, but it was time she fought a little bit for a man she was interested in. With very little care, she brushed past the two women, making sure her box accidentally bumped into the flirting woman.

“Hey!” the woman said.

Grace turned around with a fake smile plastered to her face. “Sorry, couldn’t see around the box.”

The younger woman scowled but kept her mouth closed, her lips pressed together in a fine line.

Grace let her gaze briefly dart over to Vitus. He raised an eyebrow in response.

She huffed loudly and turned around. She didn’t need his judging stare right at that moment. She’d had about all she could take of everyone toying with her feelings and annoying her.

She hurried her way toward the swinging doors in the back, glad that Tina was out front and could take over. She needed a break, and the cooler was the best place for just that. It’s not like customers were going to wander into the staff area and then come in there.

She stormed her way through the cooler door and let it close behind her. She dropped the box she’d been carrying on the floor and kicked it hard. Her ankle throbbed as she did so.

Grace sighed and leaned against the rack as she rubbed her sore ankle. Now she felt even more idiotic than she had before. She was acting like some sort of catty teenager, not a grown woman.

Vitus was not hers. No matter how many nights they spent together, and what he said she was to him, it didn’t change the fact that she had no real claim over him. She couldn’t demand he pay attention to her because of some strange claim that she was a Vestal. Even if Vitus believed it, it might not actually be true.

She’d been convinced they had a special connection because of how she felt, but she was inexperienced with love and dating. Maybe everyone felt that kind of pull when they were strongly attracted to someone.

Vitus would get bored with a plain and boring woman like her eventually. In the end, things would go back like they had before. Grace would be left with only her store, and Vitus would go off with his own people. She’d be alone and in even more pain.

Just thinking about it made her heart ache. It was clearly a sign she had grown more than a little accustomed to the man in her life.

Grace leaned forward against the cold metal bars lining the cooler and placed her cheeks there. Anything to help ease the irritation.

She jumped when the door sprang open and was surprised to find Vitus standing there. Grace jerked in the opposite direction and started moving boxes from one shelf to the next.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

She heaved another box of vegetables down to the middle shelf and shrugged. “Just rotating inventory. Nothing special.”

Her heart hammered in her chest as the door closed firmly behind him.

“Grace…” he began.

Vitus must have seen it in her face before. Had seen her at her worst. Jealous because two younger girls were flirting with him. She was ashamed to have shown him that side of her.

“I’m fine,” she said, the last word wavering as she said it.

“Grace, look at me,” Vitus said softly.

Tears filled Grace’s eyes now. She didn’t want to look at him. Didn’t want him to see the shame she carried. She shook her head and breathed in deeply. “Really, I’m fine—”

A firm hand gripped her shoulder and spun her around. His fingers dipped under her chin and lifted so she peered up into his face.

“Tell me what’s going on,” Vitus said softly again. “When you’re in pain, I’m in pain.”

Grace looked away from him, blinking back the tears that wanted to come. She shook his hand from her shoulder and stepped out of his reach.

“I can’t keep doing this,” she said.

“What?” Confusion spread over his face. “Keep doing what?”

“You saying one thing and then doing another. I’m not that kind of girl.”

Vitus crossed his arms over his wide chest. His thick muscles strained against the black t-shirt he was wearing. His eyes narrowed as he stared at her. “How am I saying one thing and doing another?”

She could hear the anger in his voice as he spoke. It was almost easier like this, having him be angry. It would make it easier for her to get out her own anger.

“Look, you can’t go around flirting with all my customers,” she said. “I’m going to start getting complaints.” A little white lie wouldn’t hurt. At least that’s what she told herself.

Vitus unfolded his arms and stepped forward. “Is that what this is about? Jealousy?”

Grace glanced from side to side as he took another step, his face a firm line, something she’d never seen from him before.

“I… I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said. Grace mustered up all the courage she had and quickly made a beeline toward the door.

Vitus was faster. He stopped her in her tracks and pinned her against the metal table there.

“You’re jealous,” he said. “Admit it.”

Grace huffed loudly. When she looked up to his face, she was surprised to find the smile there. She frowned at him. “I’m not jealous.”

The smile on his face turned more to a smirk, and he pressed in a little farther. She could feel the warmth from his body as he did so. “Tell me you’re jealous, Grace,” he said, his voice low and husky as he leaned in closer to her.

She felt her knees go weak as he spoke. As if some sort of spell were placed on her.

“I know you wanted that girl,” Grace said, her voice trembled as she spoke.

His eyes narrowed as he reached out and grabbed her body and pulled her tightly against him, pressing his thick erection against her stomach.

“You feel that?” he asked.

Grace gulped.

“I don’t want her. I want you.”

She gasped loudly as Vitus leaned down and covered her mouth with his.