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Wedding of Our Dreams: Dante & Steele (Croft Family Mob Series Book 0) by Morgan Kelley (2)

Chapter One


Las Vegas

The Day before…


T o say that he was nervous would be an understatement. It was the day before his wedding, and Dante Croft was one hot mess. He was standing in his brother’s bedroom, the one Greyson shared with Emma, his wife, and he wanted to throw up or run for it.

He was freaked out.

Dante could hear the clock ticking, and he was nervously counting down the hours. Before long, he was going to be a married man.

Holy shit!

It was happening.

It seemed like just yesterday he was proposing to Steele on bended knee in the middle of a Las Vegas function. Now, he was about to do the deed.

The shit was getting real.

Dante Atticus Croft was going to be off the market for the rest of his life.

He was tying the knot.

Dante was trying desperately not to panic. It was hard. At that very moment, he was getting fitted for the suit he was going to wear to the nuptials.




The whole thing was nerve wracking, including what to wear. They were going to go with tuxes at first, but they didn’t want to turn this into a formal affair.

It was already out of hand.

Emma was literally giving him and Steele anything they wanted for their wedding. When he jokingly said that he wanted to ride in on rainbow colored golf carts, she’d ordered two.

They had plates that said ‘groom’ and ‘groom’, plus, matching robes for the morning after the wedding.

It was out of control.

Emma was out of control.

It was to the point that fireworks came up, and Dante had to stop the crazy.

He got it.

She was excited.

Only, it was going a little nutty, and he wanted off the crazy train and back in control. That way, he could stay calm.

Besides, he and Steele wanted simple. The most lavish thing at a wedding should be the food, not everything else.

That she could go crazy over.

After all, men only went to weddings for three reasons.

An open bar.

Good food.

And to make their significant other, man or woman, happy.

Weddings, to sane, single men, were a nightmare, and right now, he was trapped in one.

Truth be told, Dante wanted to escape.

Maybe the last few months of running the family business was why he was feeling out of sorts. He knew how much money was being spent, and he also knew there were some obstacles he had to cross to get Steele to the altar.

Actually, a few might be an understatement. It had been an epic battle to get the job done.

Now he was freaked out.

“You look green,” Greyson said, helping his brother tie the colorful bowtie in the mirror. He stood behind him, tying it as if it were on his own neck.

His big brother was a pro at things like this, and Dante was glad he had him in his life.

“Do I?” he asked, trying to cover the freak-out that he felt coming. If these were pre-wedding jitters, he could understand why people bolted.

He was already measuring the distance between him and the door.

That was so damn wrong.

“Yeah, you do. Why do you look like you want to either punch someone or cry?”

Dante hated how his brother was so astute. Of course he was going to take one look at him and know.

He’d been a cop.

What Dante had wanted was to get this fitting over with, get shitfaced drunk to calm his nerves, and pray the hangover wasn’t a killer in the morning.

Yeah, he was scared.

Really, he’d been hoping to keep his mouth shut, say ‘I do’, and call it a day.

“I’m your brother, Dante. You can tell me anything. Don’t suffer in silence. If it were me, wouldn’t you want to know what was bothering me?”

Yeah, he would.

Then again, if it was Greyson, he’d carry it all in stride on his strong shoulders. While he wanted to be like his brother, Dante knew he couldn’t replace him.

Greyson was king of the family for a very good reason. He ran the place with everyone in mind.

“I’m afraid Steele will run, and that’s making me want to run first so I don’t get my heart handed to me.”


He said it.

Now he waited for some sage advice from his big brother.

Greyson Croft got it.

This was normal.

Now it was time to talk some sense into his brother before he did something stupid.

Dante was known to screw things up with the best intentions. The day he’d met Emma, he’d nearly shot her. He’d also scared the hell out of her.

He was a good person with really bad timing. He got that from their mother—bless his soul.

“Listen to me,” he said, staring into his brother’s matching eyes in the mirror. “He’s not going to run. Right now, he’s in your bedroom getting a manicure with Emma. Trust me. If he’s a runaway groom, we’d already be chasing him all over Vegas.”

Dante didn’t look any less freaked out.

That told Greyson all he needed to know. There was definitely something more going on than that met the eye.

He knew his brother.

“What really has you freaking out, Dante? You can tell me. We’re brothers, right?” he asked.

Dante turned around and stared him in the eyes. He hoped he meant it.

“Am I doing the right thing, Greyson? Am I making a huge mistake?”

Greyson lifted a brow.


“Getting married.”

Yeah, here was his sense of bad timing. Ironically, it had arrived on schedule.

“This is making me nervous, Dante. What do you mean are you doing the right thing? If you’re not ready to get married, say the words. If all of the sudden, you have decided you’re not gay, you have to speak up.”

He looked surprised. “Uh, I’m gay. This morning I was watching Dimitri shirtless as he worked out. That man…”

He stopped him. “Please don’t. I have to work with Dimitri. He’s my bodyguard. I know all I need to know from my perspective. If you say package, or ass, I’m leaving.”

He laughed, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

“Son, spill it. I have you.”

This was hard for him. Dante didn’t want to sound like an asshole, but he was worried about one thing.

“I need your advice.”

Greyson took a seat and stared at his brother. He didn’t love another man more than this one.

He was his blood.

Dante always had his back, and he always made him feel like he was doing a good job as an older sibling. Now he wanted to make sure he gave his brother the best advice.

Dante deserved it.


Steele deserved it.

His brother was part of their family, and he’d made them a shitload of money, and he always had his and Emma’s back.

In Vegas, that mattered.


“I did something.”

A million scenarios went through Greyson’s mind.

He cheated on Steele.

He wanted to be single.

They were breaking up.

“What?” Greyson finally asked, as he mentally prepared to help his brother any way he could.

“Remember when we found out that Steele had a brother?” he asked.

Uh oh.

This was that bad timing again.

He could see the fan turning on, and that pile of shit quivering as it was sucked into it.

Greyson braced for it.

“Well, I…”

“Dante, you didn’t do what I think you did, did you?” he asked.

He nodded. “Yes, I did.”

“Jesus. You are insane.”

“I was thinking about it. We know that Steele has a sibling. Every time I look at you, Grey, I’m reminded of what we’re keeping from him.”

Croft listened.

“I can’t get married carrying this secret, Grey. How do I promise to love, honor, and respect when I’m lying to him about something that would hurt him?”

“I do believe I stated that we should have told him the second we found out. Had you listened to me then, we wouldn’t be facing down this cannon the DAY BEFORE YOUR WEDDING!”

Greyson was right.

He had told him to tell Steele earlier.

Only, Dante had been worried about it. What if it pushed Steele over the edge?

That would be a bad thing.

He’d been abducted, and then he’d been nearly killed. How did one go about saying ‘Hey! By the way, you have a brother’?


Yeah, no.

There was no way to do it that didn’t end up on the shitty side of intention.

Dante ran his hands through his hair in frustration and dropped back onto the bed to stare at the ceiling.

“I’m fucked.”

Greyson knew he had to help his brother.



“What did you do, exactly? Do you want to just tell Steele?”

“I invited Bentley Herron here for dinner tonight. Emma has that big family dinner planned to celebrate, and I wanted Steele to have someone stand up for him.”

Well, shit!

That was the worst thing to do.

Not only was he surprising the man with a brother he didn’t know about, but he was dropping the poor, unsuspecting man into the lion’s den at dinner time.

Did he hate him?

Reggie and Christopher Croft would be there, and if anything, their mother was unpredictable.


She was a powder keg with a lit fuse.

What the hell?

“Oh, Jesus, Dante. I love you, but you certainly like to live on the wild side.”

He was aware.

“I was trying to be romantic.”

Greyson laughed.

It wasn’t an amused laugh. It was more like that of a person who saw a cataclysmic explosion about to happen.

Oh, there was going to be fallout.

There was no doubt about that.

“Next time, buy him some flowers and write a love note if you want to romance Steele. He’s like Emma. He loves that stuff. Don’t do shit like this, Dante. It’ll get you hurt.”

Yeah, now he told him.

Where was he last week when he got the idea to do this? Why didn’t someone stop him then?

“I want to puke.”

Greyson sat him up in case he did.

“And this complete stranger said what?” Greyson asked, trying to be patient.

“He knew about Steele. His mother, Vonda, told him about him when we worked that case. She assumed we would let the cat out of the bag, and she was doing damage control.”

Well, he wasn’t shocked.

He would have done the same thing.

“You couldn’t just invite his mother, Camille, so we could really have a fight, could you?” he teased.

“I did invite her.”

He stared at his brother.

“Uh oh.”

“What?” Dante asked.

“Oh, Dante, don’t tell me you invited her. Steele doesn’t like her.”

“I know but…”

“Are you out of your mind, son? Are you trying to sabotage your own wedding?”

Was he?


That couldn’t be it, could it?

So, he explained.

“Well, we invited mom. Reggie will be here, so why not really add shit to the storm?” he asked. “Besides, Steele deserves to have people in his family at our wedding.”

He wasn’t doubting that.

He was simply saying that there was a time and a place. You didn’t invite Camille unless it was a trip to hell, and you didn’t invite his illegitimate brother the day of the wedding.

It was a really bad idea.

In Vegas, you played the odds.

Dante was playing all the odds on one hand of cards, and he was bound to lose.

“I really think you’re trying to sabotage yourself. When you invited our mother, I believed you were loopy, but now… you need a drink.”

He headed toward his suit jacket and tossed his brother a gift.

“What’s this?”

“Open it.”

Dante opened it.

When he had it out of the package, he held a beautiful flask in his hands. It was stainless steel with copper engraving, and he’d never seen anything like it before in his life.

He could tell it was special, and that it was from his brother…

That made it priceless to Dante.

When he flipped it over, he read the inscription that was on it.



‘To the only man who will ever be my blood brother. I love you more than you’ll ever know. I’m proud of you. Thank you for giving me another brother to call my own.’



Dante’s eyes filled with tears.

He loved his brother so much.


“It’s filled with bourbon. Open it and drink. We’ll continue this after you had some.”

He did what his brother said, and then he passed it to him so they could share.

Greyson took a sip.

Together, on his bed, they shared the booze, and he actually leaned against his brother for strength.

He handed it back to Dante and told him to drink more. He was going to need it.

Not because he was worried about his brother’s upcoming marriage, but more or less so he could numb himself to what fallout was on its way.


His mother.

“Okay, so,” Greyson said, after taking a sip. “What did Steele’s mother say when you invited her?”

“She told me she’d rather perform a blowjob on the devil himself in hell than be there to watch her gay, fag-son prance himself down the aisle.”

“So is she bringing her plus one?”

He laughed.

Dante needed it, and Greyson always knew what to say to lighten the mood. He could tell by the look in his brother’s eyes, he didn’t like that the woman used the ‘F’ word. To them, no one tolerated the use of ‘fag’.

He kissed his brother. “Thank you for that.”

“Well, for future reference, avoid Camille. She’s a wicked, old, mean hag who will die a frigid beast.”

Yeah, he got that right.

Greyson knew he had to ask him and hope for the best. “What did Steele’s brother say when you spoke to him?”

He crossed his fingers.

“He wants to meet his brother. He’s always wanted one, and he thinks it would be good for them to talk and get acquainted.”

“On your wedding eve, surrounded by strangers?”

“Do you think I’m sabotaging this because of some secret need to call off the wedding?” he asked.

“Are you?” he asked.

Dante took another sip. He wasn’t sure. At first, he thought he was trying to be a good partner, but his brother, generally, called it like he saw it.

“What aren’t you telling me, Dante? I can tell there’s more on your mind. Just say it.”

“I’m really horny.”

Greyson took the flask and chugged. This was something he didn’t want to talk about with a stranger, but his brother?


He was as hetero as it came. He liked his kitten. He didn’t know what he could bring to the table by way of gay sex talk.

“Dante, I really don’t know if I can handle this.”

“Greyson. Please.”


The only time Greyson wanted to hear his name and dick in a sentence was when he was being called one.

While he didn’t judge his brother for being gay, it just wasn’t his thing. He liked soft, creamy skin with no hair. His idea of sex was always with the opposite sex.

That he was good at.


He had a kitten for a reason. She was everything he found attractive in the opposite sex.

“You’re uncomfortable,” Dante said, his feelings a little hurt.

“No, I’m freaked out. I’m about to hear about my brother’s sex life, and that’s…”

“I’m gay, not a leper, Grey.”

It wasn’t that.

“I’m the reason your fiancé is hurt, Dante. This isn’t about who you shove your man junk into. I feel like shit that I let Steele get taken, and now, he can’t…perform. Now, I have to face that fact in a very real conversation.”

It was hard to swallow.

Dante got it.

Well, at least it was out in the open.

Maybe his brother could talk him down from the ledge. “I need to be honest, and I don’t want to come across like a douchebag. You know me, and you won’t judge me.”


“I know I said that sex didn’t matter,” Dante began.

He didn’t have to finish.

“Sex matters a whole lot, Dante. Any man who says it doesn’t is lying.”

Yeah, he knew that for a fact.

“I don’t want to push him, but I miss sex.”

“You’re not going to tell me you’ve cheated on Steele, are you?”


He stared at his brother.

“Why the hell would you even say that to me?” he asked.

“I traveled and had to give up boning my babe for a week. It was hell. You haven’t had sex in months.”

“Almost nine months, seven days, and fifteen hours, but who the hell is counting?”

That was definitely not a good sign if his brother was running a timer on the whole thing.

It was a very bad omen.

“I’ve had to jerk off so much I’m beginning to feel like a pervert.”

He laughed.

Dante didn’t.

“I’m sorry,” Greyson said, “but I couldn’t help it. That wasn’t what I thought you were going to say to me. I just found it amusing as hell.”

“Yeah, it’s funny because you get to cum on a regular basis. I have to pretend I’m not jerking off so I don’t hurt a man’s feelings. I’m having to creep around, checking out Russian men working out...”

And it just got worse.

“Okay, I get it. That picture is painted for me, and it’s clear. You’re not getting laid, you want to get laid, but you’re afraid to broach the topic with your husband-to-be.”


Greyson patted him on the back.

“There’s only one way to handle this, Dante, and you know it. You need to talk to him.”


That was not what he wanted to hear. He was hoping his brother was going to give him some sage advice that involved a miracle solution—like a bachelor party where it would get out of control, and he could ‘accidentally’ get off by some stripper in his lap.

“That’s your solution?”


Dante had expected more. After all, he had run the FBI in Vegas, and he was the head of a mob family.

His big brother had to have the answer.

“I can’t just go up to him and say ‘are we going to do it or should I rent Pay Per View for our wedding night’?” he stated. “That’s a bad situation for everyone.”

Yeah, he agreed.

“Why do I want to cry?” he asked.

“Well, you have a few issues going on here. You have his brother showing up, and you have the no sex thing going on. You need to pick one and start there. For someone who wants no secrets between him and his fiancé, you have an awful lot of secrets going on.”

His brother had a point.

They could play Monopoly on their wedding night, and he’d forget about the sex.

It was a momentary lapse.

What he needed to do was get Steele to the altar.

That was his first priority.

“You’re right.”

“Mom and Dad are coming tonight. You really need to prepare Steele for what’s coming. You need to find that man and tell him he has a brother, and then give him some booze. Reggie is a pain in the ass.”

Oh, that was the plan.

“Yeah, you’re right.”

Greyson saw the hopelessness in his brother’s eyes, and he opted to jump into the fray to help him out. That’s what a good big brother did.

“I will handle the other situation. You’ll have sex on your wedding night.”

He stared at his brother.

“You’re not my type. Now, if you get Dimitri really drunk and he’s willing…?”

Greyson smacked him in the back of the head for being a smartass. He knew for a fact that Dimitri was in no shape to be having sex with anyone.

He was an even bigger mess than his brother was at that point.

Only, Emma was handling that one.

Life used to be so damn easy.

“That you even went there shows how hard up you are, perv. I meant with your husband. You are NOT allowed to have sex with anyone we call brother. Clear?”

“You are no fun.”


He was curious.

“How are you going to pull that one off?” Dante asked. “You’re good, but you’re as big a pussy as me. You’re not going to walk up to my fiancé and ask him if he’s ever going to let me have sex with him again.”

He shook his head. “I’d rather eat my own arm then even practice that sentence in my head—let alone out loud. I’m going to pass this one off.”

“To who?” he asked.

Greyson smiled.

Oh, he had a plan all right, and if it went well, they’d have this fixed in no time.


He was going to give it to the only person who could handle a situation like this.




He knew his wife.




She was perfect for the job.






                      * * *  G r e y s o n   C r o f t   * * *




When he found his wife, she was in her office taking care of a few things. Hers and Steele’s manicure session was finally over. She was carefully trying to flip through invoices and not ruin her newly painted nails.

Greyson leaned against the doorframe, watching her. One of his favorite things was doing just that. There was something amazing about knowing that you had your soulmate, and she got you.

Emma Croft was his blessing.

Here she was, doing something so mundane, but it still stole his breath.

She had her red hair free, and she was wearing a sundress.

It reminded him of the days he was wooing her in Celestia. A barefoot Emma was a temptation he couldn’t resist.

She must have felt him staring because it didn’t take long for her to look up at him.

“What?” she asked, glancing up. “You have that pirate-y look on your face,” she said. “Are you here to shiver me timbers?” she teased.

He snorted. “Do I? More importantly, do you find yourself having these pirate fantasies all the time?”

It was her turn to laugh. “Yeah, I do. Do you need something?”

“Why do I need something to stare at my gorgeous wife?”

Call her paranoid, but her Croft caveman was up to something. She could tell.

Just because she wasn’t a cop, didn’t mean she’d lost her instincts. They’d just come off a shitastic case, and the whole family was practically reeling.

Emma and Greyson were playing healers, soothers, and big brother and sister to most of the people they loved. This wedding, or so she hoped, would heal a lot of the wounds that had been opened.

Mostly in Dimitri. On Monday, she and Greyson would be hopping a flight with Paris and Tessa to give them a sperm donation.

The family was growing.

As he watched her, she leaned back in her chair. “You’re either here to pillage me, or you did something bad. Were you in the bacon crab dip?”

He stared at her.

“We have bacon crab dip? Does that actually exist?”

She laughed. “Yeah, and it’s for the reception tomorrow. Don’t go looking for it, cholesterol boy. You didn’t eat a salad this whole week.”

He closed her office door.

“Maybe I wanted to see my pregnant wife, and maybe have a few sexy moments with her. You’ve been busy. We just came off that one case with the dead sex workers, and I feel a little neglected.”

She loved the twinkle in his eyes.

Her husband was quite possibly the sexiest man she’d ever met in her life. There was something so innately sexy about the way he moved. It was as if he were a big, sleek cat. She could write sonnets about his body in motion.

Granted, he was in his forties, and his hair was peppered with some gray, and when he smiled at her, his gray eyes made her wet. That was only some of his charm.

Yes, she was easy.

“All that talk about sex, and you didn’t get any, huh?”

He winked. “Oh, I got plenty. I can just use more. Are you busy?” he asked.

“I’m paying some venders. The flowers came, and the tents are here.”

He didn’t want to know.


This was not his thing. Men didn’t get excited about weddings unless it was theirs, and it wasn’t about the reception, but the honeymoon.

Speaking of which…

He had sex on the brain, and not his. Yeah, he came in here to talk about his brother’s sex life, but now he was thinking about his.

He was rock hard, and focused on her pretty pink toes.

“How was your manicure?” he asked.

“Want to check it out?” she asked, dropping her legs onto his desk. “I had a pedicure too.”

Oh, he was aware.

What also caught his attention was that his wife had just flashed him, and she wasn’t wearing anything beneath her sundress.

She had his focus, and it wasn’t on her toes.

“Maybe you can come over here and give me some of that sweetness,” he teased. “I’ve missed my sexy kitten today. You were up and out of bed before me this morning.”

She was aware.

Steele was a nervous wreck, and she was planning this whole shindig.

“I love you, Emma Croft, and not because you’re the most beautiful woman in the world or that you’re giving me a child. I love you because you’re the only woman who gets me.”

Her heart skipped.

She did get him.

Plus, Emma was madly in love with him and always would be. Some women didn’t dig bossy cavemen, but she did.


She really did.

Emma did as he asked and crossed the room to stand before him. She loved the scent of his aftershave. It made her want to do crazy things with him.

Then again, she didn’t need it.

Greyson Croft made her insane with need, lust, and want. He had that power over her.

She moved closer.

Greyson couldn’t speak.

Instead, he ran his fingers through Emma’s hair, allowing the silky strands to run loosely through his fingers. The silky feel against his flesh made him giddy.

It called to him, as did her cute turned up nose. He wanted to spend all day worshiping this woman, and then all night doing it all over again.


It was all he could manage.

“Yours,” she offered back, knowing how to get her husband all riled up. When you wanted to be dragged back to the cave to make fire, you only had to feed the masculine beast’s ego.

Besides, she definitely was his.

They’d had a rocky case where the outcome had nearly destroyed their tight knit family. Curtis was on the mend, his arm healing, and Dimitri was tied up in knots over a woman who didn’t care to stick around, after trying to kill him.

It was a hot freaking mess in their family.

“Kitten, if I don’t have you, I’m going to lose control,” he vowed.

Emma took that as her sign.

Well, if her king wanted his queen, who was she to say no. Emma knew exactly how to get him warmed up.

Pulling the dress from her body, she revealed that she wore nothing beneath.

He watched her, the silver of his eyes going molten in need.

“Jesus. I love my life.”

Yeah, she loved hers, too, because they’d built something amazing.

“I’m waiting, husband,” she offered.

Greyson wanted to touch her. He wanted to drop to his knees and worship the only woman in the world who ever truly accepted the man he was, inside and out.

No, he wanted more than that.

He was dying to feel himself buried in her body over and over until she screamed his name.

Only, it appeared his woman had other plans.

She reached for him first.

“Emma, don’t tease. My mother is coming here tonight and I have to write a speech.”

She wasn’t teasing.

This wasn’t about distracting him.


This was about rocking his world, and hers too.

“I wouldn’t do that,” she promised, reaching for his shirt. With all her strength, she yanked, popping the buttons and tearing his shirt open.

“Touch me,” he whispered, watching his naked wife move toward him.

Oh, she was going to do that and so much more.

“I want your mouth on me.”

Well, if that’s what he wanted, who was she to deny it? Besides, she was pregnant, thinking about sex, and wetter than she’d ever been.

Emma made her move.

Kissing down his chest, she teased his pale nipples with tongue and teeth. When he moaned, trying not to have his legs buckle beneath him, she continued lower.

Her hands were on the button of his dress pants, and he was begging silently in his mind.

Greyson knew what he wanted.

Her mouth.

His dick.


He was a simple man. His wife knew how to take him to that place where he could just be himself.


Out of control.

Greyson Croft.

Emma knew that look, and she was giddy with the prospect of reaping the reward of all of his gym training with Chris.

They were both getting buff, and she had the need to crawl all over his body.

With eager fingers, she traced the lines and angles of his muscles.

“Teasing,” he warned.

She giggled in glee.

“Oh, this is me trying to figure out what to do next,” she said, dropping his fly.

His trousers fell around his ankles.

“I love a man in boxers,” she said, tugging them down. “Or out. I think I like out better.”

“You better not be thinking about any men but me, kitten, or I’m going to spank you.”

She grinned at him. “Oh, I only wish. You know how much I love when you get bossy in bed.”

Yeah, him too.

There was nothing as spectacular as his submissive wife beneath him and trapped. He could think of a million things he’d give up, just to have that one thing.

Emma dropped to her knees and stared up at him. Already, she could see how aroused and hard he was. His erection bobbed right by her face.

Yeah, her husband definitely was ready for some sex.

Someone wanted head—and in the worst way.

Greyson found her hair with his big hand, and pulled her closer. Yeah, he needed her mouth on him.

“Do it!” he hissed as she teased him with the tip of her tongue. “Blow me, Emma!”

She loved when he got all bossy.

Who was she to argue?

As she teased the tip with her tongue, she only played with him for a few more seconds before swallowing him whole. His entire body shook as she began making love to him with her mouth.

He watched as his erection slid between her lips, coming back out so slick that he wanted to explode.

It was one hell of a visual.

Thank God his wife was horny all the time from the pregnancy hormones. He loved her using his body as her own personal playground.

He focused on her red lips.

Croft was lost to that one visual.

The harder Emma worked him, the more vocal he became, begging, pleading, and offering the world if she promised to never stop.

That wasn’t happening.

They had so many years ahead of them. This was her husband, and they, like Steele and Dante were about to do tomorrow, had made a vow.

For richer or for poorer.

For better or for worse.

Until death do they part.

Those words meant something to everyone in their family. Marriage mattered.

To him.

To her.

The them.

Emma glanced up, and she knew he was close. His eyes had gone from their normal gray to the storm cloud color she loved. It meant he was close to losing control.

She loved a wild Greyson.

Half her time was spent fantasizing and coming up with ways to torment the hell out of him. The other half was about making those fantasies a reality.

When she set him free, he stared down at her. “I know you’re not done. I don’t believe my kitten made me cum.”

She had other plans.

Yes, she could push him over the edge, and he’d be ready to go again, but she wanted him wild, teetering on that edge. That was the beauty of her husband.

A wild Greyson was a storm she couldn’t get enough of in life, and she knew what she needed.

“Ask, kitten, and it shall be yours.”

Oh, he knew her so damn well.

“I want you to fuck me, Grey. Make me scream your name.”

That wasn’t as shocking as what was to come. That was what would catch him off guard.

He watched as his wife cleared her own desk with her arm, and then turned to hop onto it.

Holy shit!

His libido went berserk.

“Here. Now. Take me.”

Gone was that momentary surprise, and in its place were need and lust. The idea of taking his wife on her desk was just one more sexy fantasy he’d had stored away for a lazy day.

God knew he’d fantasized about this more than once.

Where didn’t he want to jump her?

“If my wife wants dick, she’s going to get it,” he said, hobbling toward her, with his pants still around his ankles, along with his boxers.

Emma giggled. “Come to momma!”

Oh, he could do that.

Grabbing his wife’s legs, he enjoyed the way she gasped when he yanked her to the edge of the desk.

“I’m going to enjoy every second of this, and for the record, I like having you naked beneath a dress. It makes me wild. Do it more often for me.”

His words sent shivers down her spine.

She didn’t get to speak.

Greyson drove his erection into her body, and she came from the force of it.

He held her down, her hands over her head.

Croft let her ride out the wave of pleasure as her body tried to lure his into the fall.

It wasn’t happening.

He wanted more than that. As soon as she was focused on him, he was going to start one hell of a ride.

“Greyson,” she murmured, her body awash in pleasure and goosebumps.

“Tell me what you want.”

“You. I want you, Grey.”

That was what he wanted to hear.

“Look at me!”

She did what he asked.

Her brilliant green eyes meeting his stormy gray ones were the window to both their souls.

“You’re mine,” she promised, as he began driving his erection in and out of her body.

“Emma, my sweet,” he whispered, keeping her pinned to the desk. His back was to the door, and he was furiously taking his wife. He was driving into her so hard that her desk was moving.

He couldn’t stop.

Emma couldn’t breathe.

As she was driven up, and back to the peak again, he leaned down to bite a nipple. They were so sensitive, she couldn’t hold on.

Emma came again.

Greyson pulled out, knowing he would lose it. What he wanted was more. He wanted her riding him and the visual of her bouncing above him.

That nearly made him cum.


He loved his freaking life. It didn’t get any better than this moment, right now.

When she opened her eyes, he pulled her body from the desk, hopped on, and lifted her into his lap. She was on her knees on her desk, with his erection back in her body.

Now this was the view he wanted.

Greyson slapped her on her ass. “I need to cum, and you’re the only one who can make that happen. Hurry!”

Oh, she could do that.

She WOULD do that.

Emma took over. She rode him hard, letting the pleasure fill her. This was one of her favorite things to do in the world. She was riding her gangster.

It was his sexiness that got her off.

It was that scar on his cheek.

It was the way his big hands covered her hips, driving her down until she was impossibly full.

Emma knew how lucky she was in love and life. He was her reward for some good karma, and she was grateful.

“MORE!” he ordered.

That bossy tone sent electrical shocks through her body.


She kept riding.

It was moments like this that mattered. It was being able to come together as a couple and get off as one.

“So close,” Greyson admitted, as he watched her breasts bouncing. Her nipples were wet from where his mouth had tormented and teased her.

Greyson was focused on that.

It was mesmerizing.

“God!” she shouted, so close herself.

He left a slap on her one cheek, and it made her want to cum even more.

Croft leaned back, so he could get the full view. His rock-hard dick was sliding in and out of her body, and he could feel his balls tighten.

He was doomed.

Emma knew the way to push him over. He was going to explode. Only, he needed Emma to fall too. Greyson wanted her to feel exactly what he was feeling.




“Fall for me,” he whispered, knowing she was close. He didn't mind her using his body for all the pleasure he could offer. “Take more,” he begged.

She would give him what he wanted.

Emma wanted it too. The tingling had begun, and it was moving across her body. The orgasm rolled through her, pulling Emma under.

Somehow, she managed to stay on top of him, and the desk. It was a balancing act.

“Grey!” she shouted, as her body began breaking apart. She couldn’t hold on.

“Wait for me,” he hissed, his body so close to the edge. As her nails dug into his shoulders, that little kiss of pain was enough to make him lose focus.

It pushed him over.

With a guttural shout of her name, Greyson Croft came with his wife.

He came in her with one hell of an eruption.

They both tumbled into the pleasure, their bodies still connected as one.

She collapsed onto him, his erection twitching wickedly in her. He was breathing heavily.

So was she.

That had been….


“Emma,” he muttered, oblivious to everything around him. His ears were ringing from the pleasure.

She nuzzled him as he wrapped his arms around her. They were both lost in that sexy afterglow that gave them that connection as a couple.

It was heavenly.

That’s when the unthinkable happened.

Greyson heard her, but it was too damn late to react. He cursed before she even opened the door.

“I don’t care what he’s doing! I’m his mother! I want to see my son, and you can’t stop me!”

Emma’s office door flew open with a crash, and there stood Reggie Croft in all her bossy glory.

Only, they were still naked and he was buried in his wife’s body, clearly visible from behind.

Emma, gasped.

Greyson got pissed.

It was going to be a damn long weekend with his mother around. It looked like a caveman was going to have to lock doors to keep from being barged in on.

Emma struggled to move, but there was nowhere to go. Greyson was still balls deep in her, Reggie was staring, and it got worse.

Reggie, that pain in her ass, wasn’t alone.

“Jesus! You have a bedroom!” Reggie said, closing her eyes. “You’d think you’d use it like a normal couple.”

Chris, who had tried to stop Reggie began laughing. He had so much he could say at that moment to bust Emma’s ass, but instead, he just snickered like a teenage boy getting a glimpse at some sexy porn.

“Christopher!” Emma said, glancing over her shoulder. “Get her out of here! Jesus! This is my freaking office!”

Greyson began laughing.

He couldn’t help it.

If this didn’t prove who owned Emma, nothing would. He didn’t care who saw him fucking his wife. If his mother was going to be rude, she’d have to deal with the consequences, and he would take Emma wherever he wanted.



Honestly, his mother didn’t see anything horrible. He was still buried in Emma, and she was sitting in his lap. He was in the clear.

Chris and Reggie got to see her naked ass.

“OUT!” Emma stated.

Chris pulled the woman out, and he continued laughing as Reggie was mortified by what she’d seen.

When the door closed, Emma stared at her husband.

“What?” he asked, wiping his eyes.

“Is it wrong that I’m supremely happy that your mother caught us?” she asked. “She needs to learn this is my freaking castle,” Emma stated.

Oh, Greyson was beyond laughter.

He was NOT expecting that.

“Well, Chris saw you too,” he added.

“He’s not my issue right now. She is.”

Greyson was well aware.

Reggie was EVERYONE’s issue.

“She comes here and rearranges my furniture, criticizes Steele, and now this. If I want to ride my husband, on my desk, all day long, so be it!”

He wouldn’t stop her.

“That’s right, kitten. Teach her a lesson. Then teach me a few too,” he teased, his silver eyes glittering with amusement.

“I will! I can have sex in the kitchen.”

“Oh no, what will I do?” he asked.

“If you keep that tone, you’ll be the one watching,” she stated.

The laughter stopped.

“Well, then there will be a murder or two if I ever see that happening.”

She kissed him.

Greyson fell into the mating of mouths. While he wouldn’t mind another round, nor would his lower brain, company had arrived. Damn Dante for inviting their mother.

Speaking of his brother…

He’d had a mission, and like always, he’d gotten lost in the moment with his redheaded kitten. 

Greyson knew he had to get a hold of himself.

“Speaking of Steele.”

She stared at him. “Uh, we weren’t speaking of Steele. We were speaking of your mother. Plus, we’re naked, busted fornicating, and you’re thinking about a man? Back to my original question when you came in here. What do you want?”

Yeah, his wife knew him so well.

“Yeah, that’s why this is appropriate.”

She waited.

“Dante needs you to talk to Steele. He’s worried there won’t be any of this on his wedding night.”

She opened her mouth.

Then closed it.

Was her brother-in-law, by way of her sexy husband, asking her to talk sex with a gay man?


How was that appropriate?

Then again, these were the Crofts. Clearly, from Reggie’s entrance, they didn’t do appropriate.

Well, not often.

“So, when you get a chance, can you get the dirt and see if Dante has any chance of getting laid?”

Emma shook her head.

“When the hell did I lose control?” she asked.

Greyson kissed her on the nose.

“Right about when you said ‘I do’,” he offered.

Yeah, she figured as much.

“Greyson! I can’t ask Steele if he’s up to sex with your gay brother on their wedding night! That’s like him asking me what position you like best.”

And that was why he was passing the buck. While Emma was queen, he was still king.

He grinned. “Yeah, you can.”

“Why should I?” she asked.

Greyson knew why.

“If you handle that, I’ll handle my mother and keep her away from you. You know she’s going to lecture you about how you just molested me in your office. I didn’t stand a chance. I am her precious baby boy.”

She stared at him and lifted a brow.

“Please? You know you don’t want my mother up in your wedding-throwing plans.”

He had a point.

His offer was more than enough. Emma didn’t like Reggie and how she thought she owned Greyson. Plus, the woman didn’t know she was expecting.

That would be a free for all.

If he kept her away…


He grinned. “I seem to still be horny. Apparently, my mother catching us turned me right on.”

She shook her head.

“Not happening, Greyson Croft.”

“Are you sure?”

She climbed off his lap, grabbed her dress, and pulled it on. “I’m pretty sure.”

“Wait!” he said, staring at her. “You’re not going to go talk to Steele like that,” he said, in horror.

And here was where she had her fun.

“Oh, yes, I am.”


“You also get to find Chris and beat him up. He saw my ass, and my breasts. He’s a self-proclaimed ass man. You have your work cut out for you. I’m sure he’ll be working on some sexy, inappropriate fantasies.”

Greyson sputtered like a teakettle.

Emma just smiled.


Who was laughing now?




Emma knew how to work her sexy cave-Croft, and she always would.





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