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Whatever it Takes (Healing Hearts book 3) by Laura Farr (22)


I held her as she sobbed against my chest. I’d seen no sign of anyone outside when I’d been to check. That didn’t mean no one had been there though. I’d spoken to both Colt and Taylor; neither of them were on the ranch. I couldn’t get hold of Mason, but I was sure it wouldn’t have been him.

Sniffing, she lifted her head, her puffy red eyes meeting mine. “It was him in Marble Falls, wasn’t it? And outside a minute ago? He’s found me.” Her voice was thick with tears and her body was shaking. She was terrified.

“We don’t know that, sweetheart. He’s got no idea where you went when you boarded that bus.”

“It was him,” she insisted. “I know it was.” She pushed out of my embrace and climbed off the bed, standing on shaking legs. Looking at the floor, she whispered, “I have to go, Brody.”

Jumping up, I pulled her against me, my fingers brushing her jaw as I slowly lifted her chin. “No, Quinn! You need to stay here. Where would you go?”

“Away from here.” I looked at her, my heart breaking. This was what I’d been afraid of. Her running from me.

“You belong here with me. We can face this together,” I told her, hearing the desperation in my voice.

“I don’t belong anywhere, Brody.” Fresh tears ran down her cheeks. “He’s always going to find me.”

“That bastard is your past, Quinn.” I paused. Taking a step back, I picked up her hand and placed it over my heart. “I’m your future.” She looked at me for a few seconds before dropping her head onto our joined hands.

“You don’t know how much I wish that were true.” Her body wracked with silent sobs before she took a deep breath and lifted her head. “Evan is my present. Until that changes, I don’t have a future.”

“Quinn—” I started.

“No, Brody,” she interrupted, taking a step back, her hand falling from my chest. “While I’m here, with you, everyone I’ve come to care about is in danger. I can’t stand the thought of anyone getting hurt because of me.” She paused. “I have to go.”

“I’m not letting you go, Quinn.” Closing the gap between us, I picked up her hands again. “I love you. You are it for me. If you think I’m going to let you walk away because you’re scared, then you’re wrong.” I’d never imagined saying those three words to someone; it wasn’t ever something I’d wanted before Quinn. Now I was ready to fight for her. “I’ll do whatever it takes, Quinn.” I watched as her eyes went wide.

“You love me?” she asked in disbelief. Smiling, I nodded.

“Yes, baby. I love you.”

“I love you too,” she whispered.

Hearing those words made my breath catch in my throat. “So, you’ll stay?”

“Brody, I’m scared.”

“I’m scared too.” I brushed my lips across hers. “But I won’t let anything happen to you. We don’t even know if Evan has found you, or if he’s even looking.”

“Maybe he hasn’t found me, but he will be looking. If it’s not today he turns up, it will be another day. He’s dangerous, Brody. That’s what scares me the most.” She paused and dragged in a shaky breath. “If it was him out there, he knows I’m here.”

“I’m going to call Ethan first thing in the morning, get him over here. Just promise me you won’t go anywhere? No more running.” I could hear the begging tone in my voice, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t above begging her to stay. When she remained silent, my heart sank. “You can’t spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder, Quinn.” I felt like I was losing her. After surprising even myself with the depths of my feelings for her, I just couldn’t watch her walk away. “Do you want to stay?”

“God, yes!” she exclaimed throwing her arms around me. “I want to stay more than anything.” I held her tightly and breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing her say she wanted to stay, gave me hope that I could hold on to her. Her reasons for wanting to leave only made me love her more. Knowing she was prepared to leave to keep that bastard away from the ranch, and everyone on it, only proved to me what an incredible person she was.

“Then stay,” I said simply. “Evan’s a wanted man. It’s only a matter of time before he’s picked up. Then all of this will be over. You’ll never need to run again.” She looked up at me, hope in her eyes.

“Okay,” she whispered.

“You’ll stay?” She nodded, and I leaned down, kissing her head. “Thank God,” I mumbled against her hair.

“We need to let your parents know what’s going on though, Brody.”

“Okay we’ll speak to them tomorrow.” Just then the doorbell rang, and Quinn jumped. “It’s just the pizza, sweetheart. I’ll be right back.” She nodded as I dropped my arms from around her. Jogging down the stairs I grabbed the pizza from the kid standing on the porch, quickly looking around what I could see of the ranch before heading back inside and locking the door behind me. There was no sign of anyone hanging around, but knowing Evan could be out there, I wasn’t about to leave the door open, so he could walk right in. Stopping by the kitchen, I grabbed two beers from the fridge before making my way back upstairs.

Pushing the bedroom door open, Quinn was sitting on my bed. Her knees were pulled up to her chest and she was biting her bottom lip. I knew her instinct was telling her to run, and I knew her feelings for me were the reason she wasn’t. As much as it was inappropriate with all that was going on, I wanted to go all caveman on her and pound my chest. Let everyone know this woman was mine and that she loved me.

Lost in thought, she hadn’t heard me come in. Slowly I crossed the room, dropping the pizza on the bed. “Everything okay?” Turning to me she smiled and nodded, patting the bed next to her.

“I’ve decided we're going to forget about Evan for tonight. The most amazing man is in love with me.” She paused and leaned over, brushing her lips against mine. “I don’t want to spend another minute talking or thinking about that bastard.”

I grinned. Though I knew she was putting on a brave face, I was more than happy to forget about him for tonight at least. “An amazing man, hey?” I asked, teasing her.

“Don’t let it go to your head.” She rolled her eyes, before bursting out laughing. She looked so beautiful when she laughed. Her whole face lit up and her eyes sparkled. “Let’s eat! I’m starving.” Dragging my eyes off her, I opened the pizza box, offering it to her. My eyes dropped to her bare legs, and it was only then I realized she was wearing my t-shirt. Growling, I put the box down before she could take a piece and gently pushed her back on the bed.

“What are you doing?” she cried, as I positioned my body to the side of hers, one leg nestling in between hers. Her breathing hitched as I dragged my fingers up her thigh, over her hip and under my top. She wasn’t wearing any panties and my fingers swept up over her ribs, brushing the side of her breast.

“Seeing you wearing my clothes makes me fucking crazy,” I told her, my voice husky. My finger found her nipple, and as I circled it she let out a low moan, arching her back into my hand. Her t-shirt was pushed up, and I lowered my head, swirling my tongue around her pebbled nipple. Lifting her hips, she ground her pussy against my leg.

Releasing her nipple, I lifted my head. “What do you need, baby?” Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were closed. Slowly opening them, she shook her head. “Gone all shy?” I teased, kissing her while tracing my fingers over her stomach and between her legs. Dragging my fingers through her wet folds, she moaned into my mouth, raising her hips off the bed. “What about this?” I whispered against her lips, pushing a finger inside her, my thumb circling her clit.

“God! Yes,” she moaned, her hands fisting the sheets. Adding another finger, I pumped both inside her, my thumb still circling her clit. Knowing she must be sore from earlier I gently removed my fingers, and she whimpered.

“I’ve got you, sweetheart,” I assured her. Kissing down her body, I settled between her legs, my tongue licking through her heat before seeking out her engorged clit. Circling it with my tongue, I held her legs down as she bucked against me. Her one hand was tugging on my hair while the other remained fisted in the sheet. Reaching a hand up, I found her nipple, rolling it between my fingers. Her breathing hitched as I sucked her clit into my mouth. Her legs began to twitch and I knew she was close. Gently pushing two fingers inside her she exploded, moaning out my name as she came. I continued to suck on her clit as she rode out her orgasm. She pulled on my hair when it became too much, and I sat back on my heels watching her.

“It just gets better,” she muttered, her eyes still closed. Laughing, I pulled her up, her t-shirt falling down to cover her chest.

“I love you,” I said, kissing her gently. Her expression softened, and she smiled.

“I love you too.”

“Let’s watch a movie and eat.” She nodded and scooted backward, slipping her legs under the now rumpled comforter. She patted the bed next to her, and I jumped up pushing my jeans down my legs, leaving me in just my boxers and a shirt. Grabbing the pizza box, I pulled the comforter back, climbing in next to her. Opening the box, she took a slice before cuddling up next to me.

“What do you think the police want to ask me?” She paused. “I’m sorry, I know we weren’t going to mention it again tonight…” She trailed off and looked up at me sheepishly.

“It’s fine, baby.” I tucked a strand of stray hair behind her ear and kissed her on the head. “Guess they’ll want to know when you last saw him, and what happened to make you leave.” I felt her body tense, and I slipped my arms around her. “I’ll be with you the whole time,” I reassured her.

“Thank you,” she whispered, nestling even closer, while she slowly ate her pizza. Ten minutes later and she was fast asleep in my arms. Tossing the pizza box onto the floor, I shuffled down the bed. Laying us both down, I positioned her so that her head was resting on my chest. She stirred, and I stroked her hair until her breathing evened out and she fell back to sleep.

Pulling her close, I closed my eyes, thankful that she was safely wrapped in my arms. I would do whatever it took to keep her safe, I just hoped and prayed it would be enough.


Opening my eyes, I sat up in a panic. My hand came to rest on my chest, my heart pounding under my fingers. As tears tracked down my face, I frantically looked around the room. It was dark, and it took me a few seconds to realize I was in Brody’s bedroom and not back at my mom’s house with Evan, where I had been in my nightmare. Taking a deep breath, my breathing began to level out when I realized I was safe. Wiping my eyes with the back of my hand, I dried my tears. It had been the first nightmare I’d had about Evan. I wasn’t surprised I’d dreamed of him after what Brody had told me earlier, but the dream had been so vivid. I’d really believed I was back there with him.

By now my eyes had adjusted to the dark room, and I looked over my shoulder at Brody who was fast asleep next to me. He lay on his side, with his one arm under his pillow. His dark hair was falling over his forehead and I watched his chest rise and fall steadily as he slept. Scooting to the edge of the bed I made my way to the bathroom. Flicking the light on I closed the door behind me, not wanting to wake Brody. Squinting at the bright light, I quickly used the toilet before washing my hands. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I frowned. My face was pink and blotchy and my eyes were puffy from crying. My hair was wild, and seeing a hair tie on the vanity, I quickly tied it up in a messy bun on the top of my head.

Dropping my head, I sighed. I had no idea what time it was, but I doubted I would be able to go back to sleep. I didn’t want to close my eyes and see Evan’s face again. Maybe getting lost between the pages of a book would take my mind off everything for a bit? Coming out of the bathroom, I made my way to the bedroom door, glancing back at Brody. He was still fast asleep. Needing the light to read, I slipped along the hall to my bedroom. Finding my book, I climbed under the comforter, desperate to lose myself in the story.

Twenty minutes later, my eyes were burning, and I could barely hold the book up, I was that tired. Placing it on the nightstand, I pulled the comforter around me, giving in to sleep.