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Whatever it Takes (Healing Hearts book 3) by Laura Farr (12)


Waking up the next morning, I groaned. My head pounded, and my mouth felt like I’d swallowed a handful of sawdust. Why did I feel so shitty? Was I coming down with something? I hoped not. I didn’t want to put off starting work any longer. Rolling over, I saw a bottle of water and a packet of Tylenol on the nightstand. Frowning, I tried to remember if I’d put those there before going to sleep. I didn’t remember getting water from the kitchen. In fact, I didn’t even recall coming to bed. The last thing I remembered was watching a movie with Brody in the den.

Suddenly I remembered all the beer I’d drank. Sitting up too quickly, I groaned again as my head spun. “Urgh, I shouldn’t have moved that fast,” I muttered. My stomach rolled, and I swung my legs over the side of the bed, rushing into the bathroom. Dropping to the floor in front of the toilet, I threw up, hugging the seat. When I’d finally stopped retching I sat back, leaning against the bathtub. “I’m never drinking again,” I moaned.

I had no idea what had possessed me to say yes to one beer when Brody had offered, let alone four. The truth was I’d never had one before. I’d never had anything alcoholic. From the first sip, I knew I didn’t like the taste, yet I still took another three bottles from him. I was definitely paying for that stupid choice now.

Climbing back into bed, I grabbed the Tylenol and popped two into my mouth, washing them down with a mouthful of water. Lying down, I tried to remember if I had said anything stupid to Brody last night. As parts of the night started to come back, I sat up, my eyes wide with horror. “No, no, no, no, no,” I chanted as visions of me kissing Brody filled my head. I rolled over and buried my head into my pillow. How was I ever going to look him in the eye again? I’d never done anything like that before; then again, I’d never been drunk before.

“Quinn. Are you awake?” Brody’s voice echoed through the door. Groaning into the pillow, I wished I could hide in bed all day. I had to face him at some point though, may as well get it over with.

“Yes. Come in,” I shouted, dragging my hung-over body to the edge of the bed. My eyes were glued to my hands that were fidgeting in my lap as I heard the door open and Brody walk in.

“Hey. How are you feeling? Did you see the Tylenol I left for you?” he asked from the doorway.

“I did.” I kept my eyes focused on my hands. “Brody, I’m so sorry about last night—”

“Don’t apologize, Quinn,” he said, interrupting me. “It’s fine.”

“I can’t believe I kissed you. Listen, I’ve never done anything like that before.” I hadn’t yet found the courage to lift my eyes from my hands and I knew my face was flushed.

“Alcohol makes you do stupid things, don’t worry about it.” Although he was trying to reassure me, I groaned inwardly. So, he thought me kissing him was a stupid thing to do. My heart dropped, and I couldn’t help feeling disappointed.

“I’m never drinking again,” I muttered, shaking my head.

“That’s a shame. I liked drunk Quinn.” I lifted my head sharply, surprised by his comment. That’s when I saw him standing there in his sleep shorts, his chest bare. I wished now I’d looked up sooner, so I would have had longer to stare at him. God, he was gorgeous. His toned chest was tanned, with just a smattering of dark hair below his belly button that disappeared under the waistband of his shorts. As my eyes tracked over his abs and up past his chest, I was met with his smiling face and messy dark hair that he hadn’t yet styled. I didn’t think I’d ever seen anything so perfect.

“Okay, so I know I’m a day late but…” With a flurry, he moved his arm out from behind his back and produced a blueberry muffin with a single candle sticking out of it. “Happy birthday, Quinn.”

My eyes went wide with surprise. “How did you...” I trailed off.

“I would say you told me, but it was more of a comment you made before passing out last night,” he said chuckling.

“What do you mean?”

“You said, ‘best birthday ever.’”

“Oh God, it actually gets worse.” I dropped my head in my hands. “What else did I say? On second thought, don’t tell me. I don’t think I want to know.” He laughed and came to sit next to me on the bed.

“Let’s just say, you were quite complimentary!” I looked at him in horror, only imagining what I might have said to him. He burst out laughing and I glared at him.

“Glad you’re finding this amusing,” I said sarcastically.

“You were cute.” He nudged my shoulder and held out the muffin. “Sorry it’s not a better breakfast. I really can’t cook for shit.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, taking the muffin from him. “This is perfect. I love blueberry muffins.” I started to pull the candle from the top when he stopped me.

“Wait,” he insisted as he took some matches from a pocket in his shorts. Igniting the match, he lit the candle. “Make a wish.” Closing my eyes, I wished for something I could never have, before blowing the candle out. “How are you feeling?”

I broke the muffin in half and handed him some. “I felt better after I’d thrown up, now I’m just embarrassed and hungry.” I rolled my eyes, not quite believing how stupid I’d been.

“You threw up? God, Quinn. I feel so bad. I should have noticed you were getting drunk instead of just giving you more. Why didn’t you tell me you’d never had a drink before?”

I shrugged my shoulders as I picked at my half of the muffin. “I didn’t want you to think…” I trailed off and bit down on my lip.

“Think what?” he prompted. Sighing, I reached over to the nightstand and picked up the bottle of water, gulping down a mouthful to help my dry throat.

“I didn’t want you to think I was young and immature. I guess there aren’t many people who get to nineteen and haven’t even tried alcohol before.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that, Quinn.”

“I never got to go to house parties with my friends because my mom got sick. I didn’t mind, I wanted to spend time with her rather than be out drinking. After she died, Evan wouldn’t let me go out, let alone drink.”

“Evan, your brother?” Meeting his eyes, I shook my head. “He’s not your brother, is he?” I shook my head again. “Is Evan your stepfather?”

“Yes,” I whispered, terrified I’d finally admitted it. I knew Brody wasn’t stupid. He knew someone had hurt me, and it wouldn’t take much to work out that the someone was Evan. He picked my hand up and held it tightly.

“And Evan was the one who hurt you?” I nodded, unable to speak the words. I felt his body tense beside me and he took in a deep breath.

“Sweetheart, today is your birthday and nothing is going to ruin that. I can promise you we will finish this conversation tomorrow. Okay?” His voice was calm, but his body was still tense.

“Brody, my birthday was yesterday,” I reminded him.

“Technically, yes, but as you chose to keep it a secret from everyone, you’re having another birthday today,” he informed me.

“What do you mean?”

“With Mom and Dad being away, I’ve got to work today, but I’ve arranged for you, Savannah, and Libby, to go to a spa in Marble Falls for the day. The girls will be here in an hour. The perfect hangover cure, I reckon.” I looked at him in disbelief. Like I could go to a spa. I had no money, let alone a swimsuit.

“Brody, I can’t—” I started.

“You can. It’s all arranged. You’ve got an hour to get ready.” I shook my head.

“I’ve no money, no swimsuit. I don’t even have a towel!”

“It’s all paid for; my treat. Savannah’s told me to tell you there's bathing suits in the closet, and here...” He got up and walked into the bathroom, coming out with a towel in his hand. “Here’s a towel,” he said triumphantly. I stared at him before laughing.

“You’ve got everything covered then?” He nodded, and I surprised myself by standing up and throwing my arms around his neck. He dropped the towel and wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly. “Thank you,” I muttered into his chest and I felt him squeeze me tighter.

“I’m taking you out for dinner tonight as well, so make sure you wear something pretty. Let’s call it a date,” he whispered in my ear. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and my heart was beating so loud I was sure he could hear it. Pulling away slightly, I looked up at him. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.” He lowered his head and brushed his lips against my cheek. “Have fun.” He stepped out of the hug and left me standing open-mouthed in the middle of the room staring after him as he slipped out of the room.


Closing the door behind me I clenched my fists at my side. I knew Evan was the one responsible for Quinn’s injuries, and I’d pretty much figured out he was her stepfather and not her brother. I wanted her to tell me everything, but not today. She’d missed out on her birthday yesterday. Today was going to be a day where she enjoyed herself, not a day where she talked about that bastard.

After I’d found out last night it was her birthday, I’d called Savannah and asked if she and Libby were free for a spa day. Of course, both girls jumped at the chance. Fortunately, I knew a girl who worked at the spa in Marble Falls, so was able to speak with her and get the girls booked in. From what she had told me briefly this morning, she hadn’t spent much time with any girlfriends due to her mom’s illness. A day full of girly shit seemed like something she would love.


I couldn’t believe Brody had gone to the trouble of arranging a spa day for my birthday. I was so excited. I’d never stepped foot inside a spa before and I couldn’t wait to see what it was like. An hour had passed since Brody had left for work and I was impatiently waiting in the kitchen for Savannah and Libby to arrive. I’d found four bikinis in the closet, and I’d spent some time trying them on. My chest was larger than Savannah’s and two of the bikinis had been completely unsuitable. I’d settled on a plain black one. It was very skimpy, and I didn’t feel all that comfortable in it, but it was the one that fit the best. Finding a sports bag in the closet, I’d put my towel and comb inside, along with the black bikini.

Ten minutes later and I heard the front door open. “Quinn,” Savannah called. Swinging open the kitchen door I met her and Libby in the hall. “Happy birthday!” Savannah cried, throwing her arms around me. I hugged her the best I could with her baby bump pressing against me. “Why didn’t you tell us it was your birthday?” she asked, pulling out of the hug.

I shrugged my shoulders. “I didn’t want to make a fuss. Everyone has been so kind already.”

“We love to make a fuss,” Libby said, giving me a hug too. “Happy birthday, Quinn.”

“Thank you,” I told them both, a little embarrassed by the attention.

“Did you find the bikinis?” Savannah asked, glancing down at the bag in my hand.

“I did. I went with the black one.”

“Great choice. Come on, let’s go. We’re wasting pampering time.” She grabbed my arm and pulled me behind her. Laughing, Libby followed us outside.

“How’s Josh feeling, Sav?” I asked as we made our way down the porch steps.

“He’s good, thanks. He won’t rest though! Today he’s insisted on helping Brody out with Dad being away.”

“Mason’s working too. Looks like they’re getting a boys' day around the ranch, while we go to the spa,” Libby said with a smile. “Look, here they all are now.” She pointed to just beyond the burned-out exercise area.

Turning to see where she was pointing, my breath caught in my throat. The three men walking toward us were all gorgeous, but one in particular made my heart race and my stomach flip. Brody’s eyes met mine, and he smiled. I grinned back as he came to stand in front of me. “Hey, you all ready to go?” He looked down at the bag in my hand, and I nodded as I stared at him.

“Thanks again for organizing this.”

“You’re welcome, darlin’.” He tipped his cowboy hat at me and winked. He looked so sexy in his hat and boots. Like something out of a movie. Tearing my eyes from him, I turned to see Libby and Savannah saying goodbye to Mason and Josh.

“Let’s go,” Savannah called out, and I turned back to Brody.

“I’ll see you later then?” Hoping he hadn’t changed his mind about our date.

“Definitely, sweetheart.” He stepped closer and brushed his lips against my cheek.

“Quinn,” Savannah called. “Come on, you’ll see him later.” He chuckled and whispered in my ear.

“You’d better go. Have a great time.” I nodded before turning around and heading to the car. I couldn’t wait to spend a day with the girls, but equally I couldn’t wait for it to be over so I got to spend the evening with him. He’d managed to make an incredibly difficult birthday into a day I was sure I would never forget.