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Wicked Paradise: An Alpha Billionaire Romance by Tia Lewis (18)


The chatter of hundreds of people crammed inside what seemed to be another nightclub assaulted my ears. I could hardly hear myself think over the noises and conversations going on all around me. They even drowned out the music playing that was plentiful in bass, but hardly anything else.

I sat down at the bar, overlooking everyone else. In the haste, I’d gotten dressed in a short black skirt and matching blouse, so I wouldn’t attract attention to myself. It seemed to work for the time being as no one approached me, leaving me to watch Dustin from afar. Before we came in, he told me he had to attend to business first, but he’d be happy to sit down with his friends and myself for a “chat.”

The impatience was slowly creeping up on me, but not enough to move me off the stool. Dustin walked around the room as if this was one of his buildings. Everyone greeted him with a smile or a handshake immediately after making eye contact with him.

His stride made me feel something. A hot flash took me, and before I knew it, I was daydreaming about him walking up to me and demanding that we go back to the vacation house. That he would throw me on the bed and remind me that I was hired by him so I should do whatever he tells me to do. I was working for him.

I shook my head to snap myself out of it. The embarrassment could’ve made me blush harder than I already was if I wasn’t somewhere public. I fought the urge to step into the bathroom and splash water on my face, fearing it’d attract more attention.

Why would I want a guy like him? He’s probably a criminal or worse. I deserve better than him, but then… Why do I…?

While I was distracted, I didn’t notice a woman sitting down on the stool next to mine. “Not from around here, huh?”

I didn’t fully hear the question, so I answered with a halfhearted, “Nope.”

“Well, then. Where ya from?” asked the woman, her voice sounding slightly strained from having to talk over the noise.

I briefly turned around and answered, “New York. I’m here working on a case. I’m uh… A lawyer. I guess I should’ve mentioned that first.”

She held up a hand and replied, “It’s fine, it’s fine. Must be a pretty sweet case if it gets you into clubs like these, eh? My cousin would sell his sister to get in here.”

“I can’t imagine it’s that great…”

The woman raised an eyebrow. “You really are new around here.” My eyes were too focused on Dustin to keep giving the woman my full attention. “That’s your man?”

“No, that’s my client.”

She reached over to nudge my arm, forcing me to give her my attention again. “I see the way you look at him… I’ll be honest you’ve got a good eye. He looks pretty great in that suit, doesn’t he?”

I could feel the prickles of unease parading my skin. “No, he’s just my client I assure you. He’s the reason I’m here on this business trip.”

The woman climbed down from the stool, grinning at me. Without a word, she winked and left me alone at the bar. She left me more confused than when she’d found me. My head spun with the onslaught of thoughts surrounding Dustin. How could I combat someone so charismatic? Was it impossible to resist?

Exasperated with myself I decided to order a small drink. Martini couldn’t hurt. As I sipped it, the masked guests around the room all started to melt together. I lost focus on Dustin for a while. When’s he going to come back? I wondered.

“Excuse me…” a mature, male voice called out to me. I looked to my right and saw a man hidden behind a thin, light blue mask adorned with pink feathers at the sides. It just barely covered his eyes, allowing me to see him grin.

“Yes…?” I asked hesitantly. My immediate thought was what happened the last time I was approached by a man at one of Dustin’s parties. He said it wouldn’t happen again. Where is he…?

“I’m gathering a few choice guests up to my private room for some… extravagant indulgences.” His voice caressed my ears with a snakelike tone.

“I’m sorry, I don’t…” I put my hands up, shaking my head. “I’m not sure I understand…”

He leaned forward, pulling a small key out of his pocket and offering it to me. “There’s a back room where you’ll find the bathrooms. The door between them is locked. Here’s the key, it leads to my room where fantasies are realized. Do you understand now?”

“Oh, I don’t think…” I wanted to back away, but I was stuck where I sat.

“Hmm, what’s this?” asked a familiar voice coming around to my side.

I couldn’t help smiling the moment I realized that it was Dustin. Without realizing it fully, I gasped, “Dustin!” louder than I should have.

“Why, hello there. You’re a fine specimen yourself, so I’d be more than happy to invite you as well.”

Dustin paused for a moment, studying the man before us. After a few moments, he held out his hand saying, “Ah, yes. A private room, am I right?”

“You would be correct, sir.”

“I was wondering who’d rented it out tonight… And you want Bianca to join?”

“The more, the merrier, after all, sir.”

Dustin nodded slowly and took the key from the man’s hand and then turned to me. “What are we waiting for? They’re probably in the thick of it right now as we speak!”

His enthusiasm baffled me. “Dustin…” I started to say, looking away from him. “I can’t do this.”

“Are you kidding me? Of course, you can! You’ve got vigor and stand out in a sea of people. Can’t you see? It’s a great send off for your last few days in New York. This is for your last party, so you might as well make the best of it and enjoy yourself, right?”

That is tempting… “Hmm…. I don’t know…” I slowly turned to face him again. “You’re going to be coming with me, right?”


“Then… I suppose I could try it…”

“Just follow me. Headed back now. Got enough people and all,” the man said.

Fluttering heart and shaking palms aside, I followed the man with Dustin to the backroom, curious as to what awaited me inside.