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Wicked Witch: A Post-Apocalyptic Paranormal Romance (The Wickedest Witch Book 1) by Meg Xuemei X (10)




Kaara placed a hand on my arm before I bolted toward the tower.

“The tower won’t fall,” she said.

“How could you know that?” I snapped. “A lot of innocent people will die if it falls!”

Even as the words left my mouth, I knew how ridiculous it sounded.

Angels didn’t care for the innocent.

“All the ships that fall always fall in the arena,” she said, sending me a mocking glance to let me know she knew I was covering up my concern for Fiammetta. “Your ship is the only ship to ever crash in the jungle. No one could come out of Akem’s realm alive except for the Wickedest Witch. You were extremely lucky she was there when you crashed. You owe her a life debt for saving your ass.” 

“She saved my ass?” I asked incredulously.

The Wicked Witch’s people were just as bad as she was.

“And no one is innocent on Pandemonium,” Kaara said. “Do you know what kind of ships usually crash here? Many empires pack their criminals and exiles in old, outdated ships and send them to this planet for punishment.”

“Is that how you got here?” I asked. “You don’t look like a criminal, so you must be an exile.”

“I’m neither,” she said. “I volunteered to come here.”

“For your wolf lover?” I glanced over at the tower as I spoke and the knot in my stomach eased after it stopped rocking.

Kaara trained her eyes on the ship that had settled in the arena and the thick smoke rising ahead of us.

“Battle ready!” she called to her team before turning to me. “Cut down anyone in our path, except for the wolf shifters.”

“How am I going to tell who’s who?” I asked. “I prefer to stab anyone in front of me.”

“They howl and most of them shift to wolves when they fight,” Rocky said beside me. “They’re hotheads, the complete opposite of the cold bloodsuckers.” 

We crouched down together. I didn’t care for the cramped space. Before I used my wings to shove off a couple of them, I noticed three groups of different species charged toward the arena and collided into one another.

“We wait until two-thirds of them are down,” Kaara said. “Then we’ll move in with stealth.”

I didn’t care about being sneaky, but I decided to go with the flow.

I followed the lot and dashed from one shabby street to another to remain unseen, as Kaara had sternly instructed.

This was child’s play.

We sprang along some run-down buildings until we arrived at the grand arena.

Most of the stone columns had been demolished. From my experience, I instantly knew gladiators had once lived and breathed in this coliseum. Their fleeting glory was no more. Judging from the size and build and purpose of the arena, I would say whoever had once ruled the city had been bloodthirsty.

Had Atlas’ Reaper Angels once colonized this place?

The most appalling sight was the hundreds of wrecked spaceships and expedited shuttles overlapping one another, all weathered and abandoned. 

Smoke wafted from the spaceship that had just crashed, the name Hope ingrained on its white hull. From the ring of five stars, I was sure it had to be one of the escaped ships of Species 581. High Prince Seth had conquered their race and colonized their planet nine centuries ago. Hope had gotten away.

Now it had fallen on this savage planet. Even more unfortunate for the survivors—if there were any—they’d soon meet an Archangel.

I chuckled. What a small world.

I didn’t like to prey on others’ misery, but I was glad they’d come down to the ground. I needed to use their communication devices to contact ThunderSong. I needed to know what the hell was going on. If Racer had neglected his duty, he would pay dearly. Worrying about being fired would be his least concern.

My ship would never leave without me. I was the soul and brain of ThunderSong and my crew was loyal to a fault, despite having acted like loose cannons after the war. 

Four more clans entered the fray in the arena. They all wanted that ship. The frenzy of blood was everywhere. I could smell the tang of iron in the air.

We pressed ourselves against the façades of the empty shops, waiting out the battle.

Kaara’s perfect plan of waiting until the clans had almost wiped each other out would have worked well, if a horde of creatures that looked similar to the hairless, blue-skinned Dragonians from Earth hadn’t spotted us.

The newcomers charged at us with homemade arrows, knives, and hammers.

They cut off our escape route, leering at us with vicious, ugly grins, but I couldn’t care less.

Kaara cursed and spat.

With a delighted roar, I dashed toward the hostile force, my blade beheading one of the creatures with a single swipe.

The Dragonian-like species were stunned by my speed. As one they all rushed toward me, trying to overwhelm me with their numbers. Fools! I was an Archangel, the highest warrior breed. How could they stand a chance?

Seth, Ephraim, Adrianna, Lorka, and I—five of us—had once defeated an army of three thousand monsters. After that battle, Adrianna had joined the Fallen—the rebel legion led by High Commander Cameral. Seth had never bothered to hunt her down. In the end, Adrianna and her Fallen battleships had aided Seth and me against Atlas and his Reapers in the Earth war.

I slashed my sword at my foes and they collapsed at my feet.

An Angel’s sword was superior to any blade forged by any race in the universe. Weapons made by any lesser species couldn’t cut into our flesh. I intentionally let one of my adversaries jab his dagger into my gut and chuckled when it bounced off and the impact bent his thumb.

My angelblade slid over his neck smoothly, freezing his stupefied look forever. 

In battle, an Angel’s wings often hardened into angel-steel. If my wings hadn’t been broken, I would be more deadly. Nevertheless, my wings propelled me forward, offering me greater speed.

I was faster than a flash of lightning.

Within two seconds, I pierced three more hearts with my blade. I yanked it out of the fourth’s chest and turned away from him as he fell in his own pool of blood.

I was careful, but some of the blood splashed onto my uniform. That was why I never liked close-range combat. It was too messy.

I was a refined warrior. I preferred to have my battleships blow up other ships and watch them erupt in flames and break down into pieces—it was more spectacular, satisfying, and clean.

Rudimentary battle was distasteful to me.

I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, so I had to do what I could, but I had a bad feeling about all of this. As long as I was stuck here, I would have to endure battles like this daily. And who was going to wash my uniform afterwards?

Kaara and Rocky fought behind me, and the rest of her team engaged some human ex-militants.

I leaped high and landed amid my challengers, my wings spreading to add to the effect.

“The Furies’ brother is here!” one of them screamed.

They thought I was related to the winged beasts that guarded the jungle? The thought outraged me.

“Flee or perish!” I shouted.

I was keen to get to the crashed ship, and didn’t want to waste any more time fighting in this mundane battle.

At my words, the remaining fighters scattered.

Every single person on my team looked shocked at my efficiency and brutality in the field. They shuffled away from me to put some distance between us.

“Let’s go!” I called, darting toward the arena. I didn’t want any barbarian to get into Hope before me. I claimed it now.

Kaara shouted and her team raced after me.

I was already fifty yards ahead of them.

A dozen mixed species charged toward me.

I wheeled and slashed, my angelblade leaving a heap of bodies behind, until the rest fled.

“The great Wickedest Witch claims the ship!” Kaara’s voice boomed.

Rocky, his axes dripping blood, strode toward Kaara. “We didn’t see the shifters.”

Kaara bit her lip, worry in her eyes. “The meteor hit one of their outposts last night,” she said. “I’m going to the Keep when we’re done here.”

“Marrok won’t be happy that you came to the arena without his protection,” Rocky said.

“His protection?” Kaara shrieked. “Does he bribe you to say things like that? Is the wolf king your superior or am I?”

Rocky, who towered over the girl, stepped back. “You are, but Marrok is a friend and we had a few drinks a few nights ago. He demanded I guard you with my life and sacrifice myself if necessary. I agreed.”

“You sold out your general and took Marrok’s side for a few drinks in his bar?” Kaara hissed.

“More than a few drinks,” Rocky said sheepishly. “It’s a privilege to be invited to the only bar on Pandemonium. The ballerina music gets to me each time.”

I didn’t have the time to listen to this insignificant quarrel.

“I’ll scout the ship first,” I interrupted. “I’m the captain of the most advanced spaceship in the universe. I know exactly where to look.”

“Not a chance,” Kaara said. “I’m going in with you. You’ll follow my instructions on what to touch and what not to touch. Half of the team will stay here and stand guard.”

“Fine,” I said with a shrug.

I’d ditch her as soon as I stepped onto the ship.

Shadows zoomed in toward us at great speed. I spotted thirty of them.

“We have company,” I called.

Kaara and her team raised their weapons.

I’d noticed her brandishing an angelblade the first time she’d unsheathed it and buried it into a hybrid human’s chest. She didn’t have my strength and speed, but she carried an angelblade.

I would ask her where she had acquired the sword later. I liked the girl, though she was a little too bossy, just like her mistress. But she had sincere warmth about her—unlike the witch, who radiated glacial frost. I’d hate to kill her, but if Kaara posed a threat to me, it had to be done.

No Angel would allow other species to carry our weapons. 

Kaara and her team formed a tight ring.

I was the only one outside it and some distance away. They didn’t count me as one of them, even though I had fought with them.

“Bloodsuckers!” someone hissed.

“Gabriel!” Kaara called, looking worried and gesturing for me to join them.

I stayed where I was, my blade pointed toward the ground, as I studied the vampires.

They weren’t from the planet we had conquered thousands of years ago. These vampires were half-breeds, engineered in a lab. Atlas had carried out genetic experiments on selective species and vampires were among them due to their unique genes.

I wondered if this horde in front of me came from a branch of the mutant vampires.

To many species, vampires were cruelly beautiful. But their air of superiority merely made me chortle. 

They trained their attention on me and the wind blew their scent into my nostrils. I didn’t like how they smelled.

I let my chuckle run its course and then waited for their reactions at my presence. They might have encountered some of my kind before.

But there was no recognition in their cold gaze. 

If no one on this planet had laid eyes on an Angel before, it meant Atlas wasn’t here.

The vampires halted thirty yards from us, surrounding us. The distance would be nothing to them once they attacked. 

“Going anywhere, Wicked Witch’s coven?” asked a haughty blonde with a silky voice and spiteful smile. 

“You’re too late, Jasmine,” Kaara said tensely. “We’ve claimed the ship. Get the fuck out of our way.”

“The Wicked Witch’s nursemaid is as rude as ever,” the vampiress said. “Must I remind you every time to address me as Princess Jasmine?” Her crystal blue eyes fixed on me. “I can easily take the claim from you, but my brother won’t be happy. He’s all about appeasing his future bride after our small misunderstanding. We haven’t retaliated for what your dog lover did. Laurent was my friend, and the wolf king took his head for you.”

Future bride?

Rage and black jealousy clouded my mind. How dare the vampire prince decide to claim Fiammetta as his? I would break his fangs for thinking he had a chance. My insane possessiveness toward Fiammetta shocked me as I fought to contain the blackness swirling around inside me. 

“Lady Fiammetta merely agreed to a date with your brother,” Kaara hissed.

Jasmine laughed. “You think she’ll be able to get out of it once they’re on a date?” Her eyes stayed with me. Her nostrils flared as she inhaled my scent. “No one can resist Dark Prince Desdemona, especially when my brother is obsessed with the witch’s wicked blood.”

I could understand these primates hacking at each other, but not their penchant for bickering. Time was of the essence, and I was losing patience. I needed to get into Hope and find a way to contact ThunderSong.

“Should I kill the vampiress and go after her despicable brother?” I asked Kaara.

“Maybe later,” Kaara said, looking surprised at my straight question.

Had no one ever offered it? I couldn’t believe it. The vampire princess was annoying. Why had no one killed her yet?

“Charming,” Jasmine said. “Who’s this new specimen, Nightshades? I’ve never seen him before. He’s got sexy wings. Is he for sale or for trade? Name your price. I’ll pay it.”

“No one has had a chance to own me yet,” I said with a vicious grin. “Why don’t you come and claim me yourself, vampiress? You might just be my type.”

Sexy blondes had always been my type, until Fiammetta had hexed me. Now, the scent of the vampiress repulsed me.

“Hmm, feisty.” Jasmine’s blue gaze roved over me.

Her arousal drifted toward me; my attitude had turned her on. This woman liked it rough.

“Shut up, Gabriel,” Kaara said before turning to Jasmine. “This one belongs to the Wickedest Witch.”

“Oh, then I simply must have him.” Jasmine sent me a sultry smile. “I can’t allow the Wicked Witch to cuckold my brother. We all know witches indulge themselves in all things carnal, and your mistress is the wickedest of them all.”

With a flick of her wrist, she sent three vampires to come after me. “I need him alive.”

“This is an act of war!” Kaara shouted. “You’ll fall under the wrath of Lady Fiammetta!” 

I moved before the vampires could reach me. They were faster than almost any other species, but they hadn’t met my kind. We’d conquered the original vampires a thousand years ago and created a mutant species.

My blade cut one in half at the same time I yanked another’s heart out with my hand. My wings trapped the last one as my foot thrust into his eye socket. I didn’t like getting messy, but when I was pissed, I didn’t give a damn.

Before the last one went down, his claws slashed across my calf, tearing a piece of my uniform off and scratching my flesh. So a mutant vampire could graze my kind. 

I leaped in the air and lunged toward the vampiress at lightning speed, snatching her from her rank.

My blade kissed her throat.

The rest of the vampires tried to charge me, but my blade pushed into their princess’ neck and a trail of black blood oozed out of her skin.

The vampires froze on the spot, uncertainty on their faces.

If they made another move, I would slash the throat of my captive and kill the rest. After I got into that ship and contacted my crew, I would go after their Dark Prince.

“Give me a reason why I should not kill her,” I told Kaara.

Kaara blinked. 

Jasmine giggled, rubbing her ass against my front. “Kill me and you’ll turn this planet into a war zone.”

“This damned place is already a war zone,” I said. “Why should I care?”

“Let her go, Gabriel,” Kaara said. “She’s not worth it. Lady Fiammetta needs her alive.”

“We can rid ourselves of the vampire plague once and for all,” I said.

“You might be able to fight a dozen of them at once,” Kaara said, “but when hundreds of them come upon us, we’ll lose.”

“I’ll take the chance.”

“Later,” Kaara said. “Lady Fiammetta doesn’t want war to distract her at the moment. Let Jasmine go, please.”

I tossed the vampiress into the air.

Jasmine flew backwards but landed in a crouch. She raised her head and gazed up at me with lewd desire filling her eyes. “You’ll be mine,” she said, “and I’ll be yours.”

“Sure, sweetheart,” I said, “when I snap your little neck.”

“I always have a soft spot for brutal monsters,” she purred.

“Eww,” Kaara said in disgust.

Jasmine ignored her and blew me a kiss. “Wait for me, my handsome winged monster,” she said, her voice so syrupy and sultry it made me sick. “I’ll come for you. I promise you’ll enjoy my bed.”

Jasmine flicked her fingers and the vampire horde retreated like shadows in the night.

I gripped my blade and headed toward the torn opening of the crashed ship. Kaara’s men stepped back and allowed me to pass without a word.

That was more like it.

I wouldn’t tolerate anyone screwing up my chance to return to ThunderSong.




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