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Wicked Witch: A Post-Apocalyptic Paranormal Romance (The Wickedest Witch Book 1) by Meg Xuemei X (3)




A blinding wave of pain shot through my wings, jolting me back to consciousness.

The damned vortex had dragged my shuttle into it, and I had crashed, with broken wings, on an uncharted planet.

I needed to evaluate the situation, repair the damage, contact my crew, and get backup. But first, I needed to open my eyes.

I put a lot of effort into doing just that.

The scent of a female’s perfume mixed with the most enticing pheromone wafted toward my nostrils. I had never smelled anything like that. It was fresh, bright, and seductive.

Someone was in the ship with me.

A booted foot stomped on my neck, its hard tip pressing against my jaw.

Rage shot into me. Who dared stomp on an Archangel?

I flashed open my eyes to meet a brown leather boot wrapped around a bare, creamy leg. The boot was planted firmly on the curve between my neck and shoulder. The foolish offender had no intention of removing it soon.

I almost laughed at her formidable attitude.

My hand lashed out like a whip, grabbing the slender ankle. I could snap it like a twig if I wanted to.

A mortal woman with a heart-shaped face stared down at me. Her raven black hair was pulled back in a braid. Her fine skin was pale and nearly translucent. She wasn’t the type of beauty I was used to bedding, but there was something about her that made my heart pound and my blood rush, and I couldn’t look away from her.

Perhaps it was because her large, piercing gray eyes regarded me the same way a cat studied a mouse. No one had ever looked at me as if I was prey, but she deemed me so. 

I narrowed my eyes. Soon, she would realize her mistake and would regret insulting me in this manner to no end.

“Who the hell are you?” I asked roughly, giving her a chance to beg for forgiveness.

“Today is your lucky day, pretty boy,” she purred, her voice sweet and liquid, sending a strange chill down my spine. “You’ve just met the Wickedest Witch in the universe.”

Pretty boy? I was ancient. I was immortal!

I chuckled, half in amusement, half in annoyance.

That ticked her off.

An ice spear materialized from the mist, its sharp end pointing down, half an inch above my eyeball, the cold ice hissing.

I didn’t flinch, but took time to let my gaze rove over her. She was clad in three of the skimpiest pieces of clothing I had ever seen. Her leather shorts barely covered her shapely hips, leaving her long legs completely exposed. Her breastplates concealed the barest amount of flesh and didn’t leave much for the imagination.

She hissed. The female intended to intimidate me, but I wasn’t paying any attention to her spear. Rather, I stared at her glorious breasts. Evidently, she wasn’t happy with my ogling. Then why the hell did she dress like that and flaunt her breasts in front of me?

I wouldn’t mind telling her she was far from my type. I was drawn to blondes. This dark-haired woman wasn’t even among the most beautiful females I’d met across the broad universe in my long existence.

Even though there was something about this savage woman, I wasn’t interested in finding out what it was. As my casual gaze moved down from her breasts to her flat, flawless belly with indifference, I felt a wicked tightening in my groin.

My balls swelled.

My cock hardened instantly.

I was aroused!

I was furious.

How could I even get hard under the circumstances? My ship had just crashed, I had broken wings, and I was still dazed from pain, confusion, and rage.

I needed to find my away team. Had my crew escaped the time portal? I had many serious issues to deal with, but my mind kept circling back to the mortal before me.

I could see myself pounding between her thighs.

My gaze roamed over her legs. Would she tremble if I traced my lips over her soft inner thigh and all the way up?

Stop! I commanded myself.

I had always prided myself on never losing control. Unlike many of my peers, I wasn’t a savage Angel. I’d faced worse situations than this and kept my cool.

But the heat pulsing through my body was like no other. My cock throbbed achingly, as if it hadn’t screwed a female for ages. It wanted to fuck this vicious woman who had her foot on my neck and her ice spear a mere breath from my left eye.

This was fucked up. I didn’t even know her, and she wasn’t my type. My sudden lust for her wasn’t anything I had experienced before. My reasoning struggled to hold on, but was losing ground. My throat was parched. The heat spreading through me turned to a desert sandstorm, filling my lungs. I stood no chance against it.

If I didn’t fuck her in the next moment, I would implode like a supernova.

I did not recognize myself—a mindless wild beast in heat. I despised it.

But I smelled her arousal: rich, thick, and dark, like the angelic wine brewed in my homeland that I forever craved and hadn’t tasted for a long time.

Her lips parted, shocked, and I fantasized how it would feel to have her soft, full mouth around my cock. I wanted her to suckle my big Angel dick, hard and thoroughly.

The woman’s gray eyes turned to liquid silver fire in an instant.

Her lust also burned hot.

Beneath her bright lust, a dark storm brewed. She was angry with herself, yet her fury couldn’t extinguish her desire.

We stared at each other, waiting to see who would make the first move. 

I smirked wickedly.

I let go of her ankle and placed my hands on either side of my head in a gesture of surrender.

“I mean you no harm,” I said in the universal common language, my voice slurring with lust.

She laughed softly and unkindly. “You think you can harm me, creature?”

Had she just called me creature? Angels were the top predators in the universe. We called other species creatures. And we killed for the slightest offence.

I lashed out and grabbed her, faster than she could blink.

Before her shock faded I was on top of her, my legs pressing on hers and my hardness pricking against the soft, enticing spot between her thighs.

Her ice spear reappeared in her hand, but I had grabbed her wrist before she could stab me. Fucking storms, this woman would actually hurl the spear at me without a second thought. If I were any slower, I’d be dead by now.

How many victims had died like that at her hands?

“That’s not nice, sweetheart,” I said. My cock was still as hard as a steel rod for her.

Something unfamiliar roared inside me, and at its urging, I ground my hips against the mortal beneath me. She gasped and her silvery eyes glowed at the friction. 

“Let’s talk like two civilized adults,” I advised. “Let’s start with who the fuck are you? Where are we? And why did you enter my—”

An icy gust of wind slammed into me, sinking into me and coursing through my veins.

What the fuck?

The ice immobilized me.

The woman smiled menacingly as she flipped me over and straddled me.

I fought to move, but failed. I was no pervert, but my cock hardened even more from her position on top of me.

“Using your vile power on me, are you?” I ground out. “That’s all you can do?”

I poured my Angel Flame into my blood to break off her icy bonds, but her hold was great, which genuinely surprised me.

She inclined her head, and her thin smile vanished. “Foul-mouthed, talkative creature,” she seethed. “Dare you ask the Wickedest Witch any question!”

She was indeed a witch, and a very wicked one.

I was suffering her malice now, bound by her.

Rage and lust continued to build in me.

Though her voice was icy and harsh, unmistakable heat flowed beneath it. She didn’t like it, but she was as helpless as I was to fight off the storm of lust. 

“You’re now my slave,” she declared.

She was delusional. She’d learn soon no race could enslave the lesser Angels, let alone a powerful Archangel.

But while I was at a disadvantage, I had to play along.

“On what grounds?” I snorted.

“I caught you,” she said haughtily, “so you’re mine to command. That’s the rule on this planet. You’d better learn fast if you want to survive here. Now answer me truthfully. If you lie, the Wicked Witch will know, and the punishment will be severe.” Her knuckles traced across my cheek, meant to taunt and threaten. Instead, pleasure burst in me.

I wanted her to continue the action.

I couldn’t help staring at her breasts thrust so close to my face. If I broke free—I was secretly working my muscles to achieve that—I could have her nipple in my mouth.

My eyelids grew heavy at the mere thought of groping the witch.

Witches were a carnal species, even more so than Angels.

She would be magnificent in bed.

I wanted to take her to the sky and fuck her until she screamed and begged for more. 

“What do you want to know?” I intended to ask her with the attitude worthy of my standing, but my voice purred like a pathetic dream lover’s.

My mind had short-circuited. The witch was more powerful than I’d thought. She must have bewitched me.

An Angel’s dignity shouldn’t be tampered with. She’d regret this.

“What are you, winged being?”

Winged being sounded better than winged creature, didn’t it?

She had never met my kind before, which meant this planet was one of the uncharted worlds. 

“I’m an Angel, babe,” I said, expecting her to at least have heard of my species and know how powerful and brutal we were. She should fear me. “Release me, and you’ll know how impressive and mighty I am.” Her eyes narrowed to slits. In a velvet voice guaranteed to have females eating out of my hand, I added, “In bed.”

She blinked. And then she swallowed, her white throat moving up and down. I wanted to trace my mouth along the long, pale column of her neck to feel her pulse and her sweet heat beneath.

Her arousal kept drifting toward my nostrils. 

She dipped her silver gaze down toward my groin. My hardness pressed against her ass tightly. Her breaths became short and rasping.

Her hot wetness soaked through my trousers. The woman on top of me was one of the horniest ones I’d ever met, and that pleased me to no end.

I wanted to thrust my cock into her tight pussy. I wouldn’t deign to be denied.

She saw the urgent male need in my eyes.

“I’m releasing you for my fun,” she purred, and her sultry voice pumped more maddening lust into my veins. “But if you try any monkey business, you’ll be sorry for the rest of your life, winged creature.”

Storms, even her threats sounded erotic.

She swayed her hips on top of me, and I growled in want. I needed to pin her down and have my aching cock in her pussy now. If she insisted on being on top, I could compromise, for the time being. But at some point, I’d fuck her from behind.

I’d fuck her the way I wanted. 

The ice drained from my blood, and fiery lust replaced it.

The pale-skinned witch cupped my crotch with force at the same moment I grabbed hold of her breasts.

Her eyes brightened, shifting between liquid silver and gold. Wicked fire danced in them, spiking the desire I had for her.

“Let’s see what you have,” she said, and unzipped my trousers.

My cock sprang out, tall, hard, and proud.

She stared at it, her lips parting.

My cock jerked in response, straining to get into her heat.

I had never before experienced such sweet agony.

She wrapped her hand around my cock, sliding her fist down from my crown to the base. Her hand pumped me slowly at first, and then she increased the pace without much care. Her movements were rough as she admired my length, her heated stare trained on my dick, her face unmoving, though the rise and fall of her chest betrayed her wanton desire.

A raw, primal growl rumbled through my chest at the pleasure. It overwhelmed me, and I thrust into her hand with force.

I had no idea if I was in hell or in heaven.