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Wild in Love by Bella Andre, Jennifer Skully (24)

Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully Q&A

When did you first want to become a writer?

Bella: I was a songwriter first. For a decade I wrote songs and performed all over the world. But I was always a massive reader—it’s not unusual for me to read a book a day, even now. When I finally started to work on my first book (Sparks Fly), it just felt so right.

Jennifer: Just about when I learned to read, I started to write stories. I wrote my first book for my high school English class. Everyone else wrote two short stories, but I asked the teacher if I could write a book! I don’t think she actually believed I’d finish it. But I did. Then I promptly lost it somewhere deep in the closet because it really was horrible.

How do you get your ideas?

Bella: I’ve always looked at the writing process as magical. As long as I show up at my computer (or with a notebook and pen), the stories keep coming. And I’m forever grateful that they do!

Jennifer: Ideas come from everywhere—a news story, a funny article, a dream, a small incident in daily life. I love people-watching. Sometimes I just make up stories about the people I see, and suddenly they become the premise for a new book!

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite and why?

Bella: I’ve written 57 books to date (with 58 and 59 currently in progress). I’ve always found it impossible to pick a favorite. I love all my different series and books for different reasons. With the Sullivans, I love how tight-knit the family is and how they’ll do anything for each other. With the Maverick Billionaires, I love how such incredibly successful men are still so down to earth and normal…not to mention sexy as sin! And with my Married in Malibu and Four Weddings and a Fiasco books, I love getting to write stories about people’s wedding days.

Jennifer: I’ve written more than 50 books, but I’d have to say my favorite is Reckless in Love, Maverick Billionaires Book 2. I loved Sebastian and Charlie, but what made the book so memorable for me was Charlie’s mother, Francine. She’s actually a combination of my mother and her best friend, Judy. They both have terrible arthritis that makes daily life very difficult. But both these fabulous women never let it stop them. They just keep going, and I find them both so admirable. It was a pleasure molding the two of them into the character of Francine Ballard. They helped make a wonderful character come to life!

Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?

Bella: Read a ton. Write a ton. And find a great and supportive writer’s organization where you can meet fellow writers.

Jennifer: My best advice for aspiring writers is to join the Romance Writers of America. This organization teaches you all aspects of making a writing career become a reality, from craft to business. Even if you’re not writing romance, they have invaluable workshops on craft that can be used in any genre. And once you’ve perfected your craft, never give up. Remember I said I wrote my first book in high school? Well, I didn’t actually sell a book until 20 years later. So keep going!

Do you believe in writer’s block?

Bella: I’m someone who writes anywhere, anytime. On a train, waiting in a line, in my office, sitting on a dock with a pen and a notebook, on my computer. I’ve always found that the act of writing begets more writing. With that said, sitting down and starting each day can sometimes be the hardest part. But I’m always happier when I’m writing. Even my husband says so!

Jennifer: I do believe people have trouble getting words on the page for a variety of reasons. However, there is a way to break it, and that is to keep writing. When I’m feeling “blocked,” I write anyway. It might be terrible, awful, horrible drivel that I hate, but eventually I’ll work through whatever was causing the problem. As Nora Roberts says, you can fix a bad page, but you can’t fix a blank one.

Which authors inspire you?

Bella: I absolutely adore Nora Roberts. I love knowing that I can pick up any one of her hundreds of books and count on a fantastic read.

Jennifer: I have always been inspired by the wonderful gothic writers I used to read when I was a teenager: Victoria Holt, Phyllis Whitney, Daphne du Maurier. In fact, my first book was a gothic romance. I don’t write gothics now, but those authors taught me the power of imagery and emotion.

Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what?

Bella: Not only do I listen to music while I write, but I usually listen to the same song on repeat throughout the entire book. If I’ve been running around and know I need to sit down and write, putting the song on immediately gets me in the same headspace as my heroes and heroines.

Jennifer: I’m one of those writers who can’t listen to music while I write. I start listening to the music instead of writing!

Where is your favorite place to write?

Bella: Outside!

Jennifer: I have an atrium in my house, and I love writing with the flowers blooming, the hummingbirds feeding. And my cat trying to catch them.

Do you plot your novels or fly by the seat of your pants?

Bella: I’m usually more of a seat-of-my-pants writer than an outliner. But I’ve written books all sorts of ways over the past decade. Some of them come to me day by day, others are plotted out in a really detailed way, but usually it’s a combination that leans more heavily on the day-to-day magic, as opposed to following a pre-set plan.

Jennifer: I’m naturally a pantser, as they call it. But the problem with that is you can get lost very easily in the middle and waste time trying to figure out what’s happening next. So in order to write faster, I’ve trained myself to outline. And of course, with co-writing a book, you really need an outline so both authors can agree on the story.

What kind of things do you enjoy when not writing?

Bella: Spending time with my family and friends, traveling, walking, eating, exploring, swimming, and of course—reading!

Jennifer: I love to go hiking in the woods near my house, and I’m also close to the beach. A nice walk along the cliffs is a marvelous way to clear the mind and do some brainstorming. I’m also an avid reader and needlepointer.