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Wolf Charmer, Team Greywolf, Book 3 by Eva Gordon (18)




Chapter 18



Inside his castle chamber, Steele adjusted the lapels of his royal regalia uniform. Fit like a glove. He glanced around his opulent den. Nothing had changed. Except it no longer felt like home. Ironically, being on the road with Gaby and staying in random spots during their escape made him feel like he was home. Without her at his side, his soul was a desert and not the vibrant forest, like her green eyes his soul craved. Why had he promised his brother to stay another two weeks? The thought of sitting at a banquet with lycan royals and sycophants twisted his gut. He hated pomp and circumstance before his amnesia and still did. Perhaps, only family would come. He’d be happy to see his brother’s mate, Myra. Recently, she’d become a recluse. Myra had gone deep into depression after losing seven out of nine pups during the change and had not reconceived. The task to bite his pack to initiate the change fell to Steele’s alpha nephew. Only his sister survived the change, leaving their parents devastated. The young prince, Maxwell, shouldered the guilt of killing his siblings and refused to become king. The council backed his decision on account of his depression. After his nephew and niece, Margo, Steele was next in line to take the throne. Margo would make an excellent queen, and Conan was in good health. Why would it matter if he chose Gaby and walked away from his duty?

Would he give up his prince title? Not too long ago, Slade chose Cricket, a runt over his title. King Conan had threatened Slade with banishment, but Rylee championed him and in the end, though no longer a prince, Slade chose his soul mate, Cricket. The king even allowed him to keep his Yukon territory. For Slade, it was much easier; he was not the king’s brother, crown Prince Steele of North America and third in line to the throne. Fourth, if Maxwell changed his mind and stopped grieving, he would be the proper royal heir.

Confusion clouded Steele’s mind. He’d been Kane for a short period. He once believed in minimizing relationships with humans, keeping the lycan commandments, obeying his lord and master, the king. No one changed overnight. Yet, he’d taken a human as a pet, when he always thought keeping a human was a mark of weakness.

Duty or love? He paced his palatial den. I don’t want Gaby as a pet. I want her for more. No one else. He blew out a long breath. His brother Maccon had Griswold’s taint, and his father betrayed the packs. Conan returned pride to his pack’s name, his kingdom, while he defended the innocent by joining Team Greywolf. How can I fuck it all up? Prince Steele, the brother of the king, in love with a wolf charmer.

Sinclair entered his quarters. “Prince Steele, I’m to escort you to the banquet.”

Did Conan think he needed a babysitter? “Very well.” Probably thought I’d go blank again. Permanently. I wish I had.

Steele followed the beta down the long halls and bowing lycans. Some in human form, others in wolf form. A familiar scent accosted his nose. What was she doing here?

Sinclair opened the banquet doors. “After you, sir.”

Steele stepped in. King Conan sat at the head of the table. Four members of the council and haughty Kiara sat on either side of the king. Plates and wine glasses graced the tabletop, but the food hadn’t arrived.

Kiara’s red lipstick painted a seductive smile. “Prince Steele. I’m so thankful you’re alive.”

Steele bowed in polite pretense. “Princess Kiara, what an unexpected surprise.” Certainly not a pleasure.

Conan chuckled. “I thought the princess would add to your welcome home.”

His face heated. Not without Gaby. “I see our lovely Queen Myra is not with us.” His niece, Margo should be here as well, but maybe, she continued to study abroad.

Conan narrowed his eyes and a vein in his neck pulsed. Mention of his mate pissed him off. The others lowered their chins as if in chagrin. Conan’s demeanor turned back to jovial. “Myra is taking some time alone on Wildwood Island. Margo is visiting and learning human etiquette. Myra and Margo are relieved you are alive. They send their regrets for not being here.”

The island off the coast of Washington had been passed down for generations. Safe and secluded, he and his brothers spent time there learning to live as humans while having the privacy to go wolf. Two humans lived on the island as caretakers and tutors of human sociology. Three royal guards provided additional security. Myra must still be depressed. Conan had called it a slight bout of melancholy, but he knew better. Now was not the time to ask about her or his disturbed nephew. “I understand, but hopefully, I’ll see her soon.”

“Most certainly.” Conan introduced the four council members on the overseer committee. They politely bowed.

Steele sniffed. Two alphas and two betas. He’d never met them before, but he rarely attended council functions. Their presence had to be significant. “A pleasure to meet you.”

Conan smiled. “By the way, Princess Margo just had a phone conference with Rylee.”

So, he planned to appoint his daughter as a spy. How ironic. When Steele first joined Team Greywolf, he thought he would be the king’s eyes on the LIA and team. Then as he grew to admire the team, his loyalty switched. He tempered his anger. “What experience does my niece have working with the LIA?”

“Margo has only been human a little over two years so I want her to get her used to diplomacy.”

“I’m surprised Rylee agreed to Margo’s appointment as overseer.”

Kiara laughed. “Shall I tell him, my liege?”

Steele furrowed his brow and turned to his brother. “Tell me what?”

Conan grew cheerful. “We have the good fortune that the council chose Kiara to oversee Team Greywolf.”

Steele bristled. “Why?”

Kiara raised her brow. “I’ve been trained in lycan law and furthermore, my darling, if you wish to serve more time with Team Greywolf, we can get to know one another better.”

He snorted. “Conflict of interest. A team member can’t date a spy.” Besides, he couldn’t date because legal or not, he was a married man. Heart and soul.

“I have no plans to disband Rylee’s team. In fact, I can help smooth diplomacy between our king and the LIA.” She smiled. “If we decide to form the mate bond, I can always step down, especially if you remain at court in charge of the royal army.”

She planned to manipulate him into a mating bond. “You can’t,” said Steele.

“Too late, my darling. I’ve accepted the assignment.”

The greedy bitch had never expressed interest in anything other than being a royal princess. Because of the remote possibility Steele would end up king and she queen, Kiara no doubt accepted being overseer to trap him. He stood and turned to Conan. “Find another.”

His brother stiffened and narrowed his eyes. “I will not. You and Rylee need to get it through your heads that I’m king.”

“But you answer to the council.” Steele’s fangs protruded.

Conan pounded his fist on the table. A few glasses crashed to the floor, shattering into shards. “Don’t think I can’t command you to remain here and take a proper mate.”

Steele glared at him, but backed down. “I understand.”

A servant rushed in and cleaned up the mess.

The king relaxed. He laughed, stood and approached Steele. “Brother, I wish to welcome you, not antagonize you.” He hugged him, with the bear-like grip.

Steele reciprocated with an equally powerful squeeze. “Apologies for my short temper, I’ve had a grueling few months.”

Conan broke the embrace. “We’ll talk privately later.”

“Yes, I would like that.”

Two betas brought in dinner. Trays of meat, both grilled and raw.

Conversation turned to less controversial matters concerning the various packs. When asked about his imprisonment and escape, Steele declined discussing the topic. Rylee’s cleanup team made sure there were no repercussions to Steele’s whereabouts and most importantly Gaby’s. Kiara overseeing Team Greywolf meant danger to Gaby. In no time, Kiara would learn of Gaby’s relationship with him. He smiled at Kiara. “May I ask how often you would attend to Team Greywolf business?”

She sliced grilled steak. “In the beginning, once a week, and then once a month or every few months, depends on our communication.”

How much scrutiny would this require? Rylee was good at keeping top secret information from the council and the king. Gaby might be safe. She could hide away from the pack during Kiara’s visits. “How soon?”

“That depends on Rylee, but the sooner the better. I thought in a day or two.” She sipped wine and regarded him. “I would love it if you accompanied me.”

Steele imagined Gaby’s reaction if he walked in with a woman who intended to have him as her mate. The very she-wolf who tried to murder him in his dream. “I’m not…”

Conan shook his head. “I don’t wish to cut my reunion short with my brother. We need time to have a long visit.”

One call and he knew Rylee could find a safe place for Gaby. If he encouraged Kiara to be with him for several days, it would give Rylee time to hide her. “Yes, time to catch up.” He turned to Kiara. “I would like it very much if you joined us in a hunt, tomorrow or the day after. That is unless you need to leave immediately.”

“Of course, she doesn’t need to meet with Rylee right away,” said Conan.

“I would love to hunt with you,” said Kiara with much too much enthusiasm. Had she interpreted this as a commitment?

“Excellent,” said Conan.

They returned to their meal. One of the council members, Hector questioned Steele. “Did Dr. Marks determine the cause of your amnesia?”

“I’m well, and as far we know it was only temporary.” Best not to hint about the real cause without blatantly lying.

“We are most fortunate then not to have lost another prince to Rylee’s pack,” said Hector.

The king sighed. “Yes, it’s a shame about Slade. Imagine, relinquishing your title for an inferior mate.”

At one time, Steele would have agreed with his brother’s assessment of Cricket’s runt status. Yet, he’d grown to admire her as a fellow team member. She’d proven herself heroic and Team Greywolf made her an honorary beta. “Slade and Cricket are very much in love. You can feel it when they enter a room. After he lost his pack, Cricket saved Slade’s soul.”

Kiara shook her head. “To think he could have married Princess Wilhelmina.”

Steele wanted to defend Slade by saying he’d made the right decision, but instead shrugged. “What’s done is done.”

“I suppose.” She smiled and raised her glass. “To prince of the realm, Steele Wildwood.”

The king laughed. “Here here!” They all clanked glasses.


Gaby glanced at her texts. She’d finished shadowing Cricket for the day. It had been five days since she had seen Steele and missed him. His only text had been this morning. He told her Rylee would talk to her today, but didn’t specify the topic. Only that it involved her safety. He finished by saying take care, not I love you or miss you. He asked her not to text him back.

Hmm. Something fishy. Had the king found out about her special gift? She glanced at the clock, seven p.m. She’d finished dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. Cricket mentioned Steele probably spent the majority of his time in wolf form while visiting his brother the king. Wolves didn’t check their messages, how could they?

Gaby sank onto the sofa and sighed. She picked up the remote and turned on the news. Nothing to do but wait for Rylee’s call. She felt as alone as she had at the animal facility. Cricket and Slade left for their home outside the LIA. They earned some time off to be alone and most likely do all the things she wanted to do with Steele. Goofing off with games, watching 80s movies, enjoying a meal and then making hot wild love. What if Steele no longer wanted to be with her? Her marriage status was null and void, anyway. She’d agreed to be his pet, but only as a formality. Once behind closed doors, they could have a normal relationship. Although, after learning all the rules and proper etiquette, she feared even those stolen moments wouldn’t be possible. At least she was safe from Tomlin. No doubt after what happened to his soldiers, he’d decided she wasn’t worth the risk. Or with the Keep’s help, perhaps, Project Sabertooth would grow stronger than ever?

A knock on the door startled her. Was it Steele? She rushed to open it.

“Good evening, Gaby,” said Rylee. Alone.

Gaby bowed her head, hoping she didn’t show her disappointment on not seeing Steele. “Please, come in, ma’am.” She had expected a call first and then an escort. Not a private visit.

Rylee stepped in and closed the door. “Cricket says you are a natural at learning our culture.”

She wanted to say learning animal cues came easy to her, but felt odd calling lycans animals. “Cricket is a good mentor.”

Rylee smiled. “So I hear.” She gestured to the sofa. “Please sit, we have much to discuss.”

Gaby sat and Rylee joined her. “Is it about Steele?”

“Yes. Your relationship is getting a bit complicated.”

Gaby stared at her hands. “I understand we’re technically not married. I mean, we didn’t use legitimate identities when we married in Las Vegas.”

“Yes, well, human marriages are not accepted as you know. And although Steele claims you as his human pet, the king may override that decision.”

“Cricket explained Steele will need to choose a proper mate, but like Slade, he may go against the rules.”

“The problem is after the king’s son and daughter, Steele is next in line as our king.”

A spare, yet, what were the odds of something happening to the king’s son and daughter? “But the odds are against him ever being king.”

“As of late, the king’s son, Maxwell suffers from morphogenesis.”

Gaby had read about the lycan condition. A minor form of morphopsychosis, which caused the sufferer to remain in wolf, or even hybrid wolf form. “Cricket mentioned he never got over killing most of his siblings.”

Rylee sighed. “An accident any alpha must face when initiating the change.”

“I heard his sister is being prepared to be queen.”

“That is our hope.” Rylee met her eyes. “I just need to warn you that Steele may not have a choice but to select a proper mate.”

Her heart stilled. “Has he?”

“He is under pressure to take Princess Kiara as his mate. Before he left to go on his last mission, he promised his brother he would date her.”

Cold jealousy coursed through her. “I see.” That must be why he’d failed to text her. His amnesia gone, he had a hard choice. Or had he already decided against her, a human? Not suitable for a potential lycan king.

“Trust me. Although he agreed to date her, he never liked her. She is petty and a social alpha snob.”

“Not the type to want her mate to have a mistress or rather pet.”

“Most of us would not stand for sharing our mates. Kiara, especially, is not a fan of humans.”

Hope remained he wouldn’t choose her. However, after Kiara, there must be a long line of available she-wolves looking for the perfect werewolf mate. “What do you recommend?”

“For one, Kiara must not learn of your relationship to Steele or your nature.”

“You don’t think Steele will mention our brief marriage, do you?”

“Of course not. He will do whatever it takes to protect you.”

“Cricket said only LIA members come here so likely she will never learn of my existence.”

“Unfortunately, Kiara is the new council elected overseer and she will pay us a visit soon.”

Gaby cringed. “What is an overseer?”

“An alpha of royal or high council status who monitors packs outside the king’s influence, such as mine. Many lycans believe the LIA focuses too much on human issues where we should only pay attention to pack matters.”

“Which means she might find out you are harboring not just Steele’s pet, but a wolf-segen.”


“I can leave.”

“Not necessary. Cricket offered her home when the princess makes her first visit.”

She nodded. “Lay low. I’ll stay inside.”

“You will leave in the morning before she arrives.”

“How dangerous is she?”

“Princess Kiara has her powerful father’s fierce army of werewolves at her beck and call. Three werewolf guards accompany her everywhere.”

Just like Steele’s dream about the alpha she-wolf commanding her pack to attack. “And when will Steele return?”

“He plans to spend some time with the king. They have family issues to sort out. During his stay, Steele will make a decision about returning to Team Greywolf or staying with the king to captain his guards.”

“And find an appropriate mate.” Gaby hadn’t meant to say it, but it slipped out.

“Knowing Steele, he will take a mate if it means protecting you.”

“Not the type of protection I need.”

“You must understand if anything happens to the king and Princess Margo, Prince Steele must take the throne.”

Gaby wasn’t about to argue with the top alpha female in charge of the pack. Only Steele could make the decision to abdicate for her. Not something he would do, even if he wasn’t allowed to keep a human pet. Time to change the subject. “Cricket thinks I would make an excellent agent.” If you can’t beat them join them. If she couldn’t have Steele, she would focus on settling the score by stopping Tomlin and Project Sabertooth.

Rylee’s smile broadened. “I agree. First, you need to confirm all intelligence about Project Sabertooth with our tech guy, Manny. Even information not found in your files.”

Gaby bit her lip. “Is it your intention to eliminate Project Sabertooth or get to the Keep?”

“There was a time we didn’t believe the Keep still existed. Now that we know, it’s one of our goals to destroy them. Unfortunately, they’ve gone dark again. Project Sabertooth, however, needs to be destroyed.”

“I can draw them out.”

“Actually, whether you want to take the risk or not, it’s still is up to Steele, since you are, for lack of a better term, his human.”

“Even if he decides to take a mate?”

“I’m afraid so. Lycan law.”

Rylee stood. “Cricket will get you in the morning. Be ready.”

I will not be controlled by other people’s whims. For now, I’ll follow orders, but without Steele in my life, not for long. “Yes, ma’am.”




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