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Wolf Charmer, Team Greywolf, Book 3 by Eva Gordon (4)




Chapter 4



Gaby blinked. “That’s odd?”

At the door, Kane smirked, a wolfish grin. “What?”

She shook her head. “The guards changing their minds and asking me to lock the door.” Not these men, former marines who would never take orders from a prisoner. This time she couldn’t blame their unusual behavior on Kane. He hadn’t said a word.

“Never mind them.” His feral eyes turned into seductive beacons, calling her to his light. “Let’s return to finding out why you work so well with beasts.”

Kane obviously intended to slam her with another possessive kiss. Gaby backed away, although she wanted the same. She had responded to his kiss with the tenacity of an alley cat in heat. She lusted for him since the minute she saw him on the gurney, but never expected to act on her desire. With the few men she’d dated, she proceeded slowly in getting to know them. Never kissed any as passionately as this perfect stranger. Yet, the poor man had to know the truth. Her “wolf charm” drew him to her. Nothing more. No sulking, Gaby. She found her voice. “Sorry, we shouldn’t have kissed. You are recovering.”

Kane grinned, still bearing long canines. “I didn’t mind.” Fangs the guards had not seen. Or had they? Maybe they thought it best to let her talent control the beast. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d been locked in a cage with a fierce predator.

“Sit for a second. I need to explain my nature and maybe then, you’ll understand.”

Kane lifted a brow. “Because your boss suggested you seduce me?”

Her eyes widened. “Why would you say that?”

“I vaguely remember you speaking to Giles while I was in wolf form.”

“You were just coming out of your drug-induced sleep.”

“Later, I overheard Dr. Tomlin ask you the same thing. To use your charms on me.” He cocked his head. “Something about being a wolf-segen.”

“Wait. How? We were outside a sound proof room.”

“My wolf hearing picked it up. I stopped eating to listen.” His eyes twinkled in amusement. “My curiosity got the better of me.”

Her cheeks burned. “I assumed your wolf senses didn’t work while you’re in human form. Wrong ear anatomy.”

“My enhanced senses remain, no matter my form.”

“And your superior sense of smell,” she mumbled more to herself. Did he smell her moistness?


“Well then, you must have heard me tell them both I would never do such a thing.” Influence yes, but not take advantage of his vulnerability.

He winked. “You think I want to get in your pants.”

“No. Yes…never mind.”

He sat and smirked. “So if you don’t plan on using your seductive charms on me, what is it? Because, sweet thing, my wolf is quite fond of you.”

So my charm must work on his inner wolf. She crossed her arms while observing his behavior. “You make it sound like you have two personalities.”

“In a way, that’s true. I might act like a normal human, but my wolf is always in the shadows. Feral emotions and desires pushing to take what’s his.”

Definitely, his wolf was in control. “That explains my influence on you.”

He frowned as if in disappointment. “I’m listening.”

“You heard correctly. I’m a wolf-segen or wolf charmer.”

He spread his arms behind his head and stretched. A dreamy look on his face that tempted her to jump his bones. “You certainly are.”

“Not in that way! The charm is the reason I’m an asset.”

His amusement disappeared. “Go on.”

“I go on missions with Project Sabertooth. I’ve caused faithful dogs to turn on their owners and prize racehorses to trample their trainers.”

“You mean with your mind?”

“Yes, but I can also do good. Last year, I helped a team of researchers escape polar bears intent on eating them. I influenced the hungry bears to walk away.” She blurted on. “I helped a pack of wolves return to a national park to protect them from hunters.”

“But you turn animals into assassins?”

Gaby lowered her gaze. He’d find out soon enough. “As surely as a murderer pulls the trigger.”

“On orders from Giles?”


“You take out bad guys?”

Gaby nodded. “Arms dealers, drug cartel thugs, and terrorists. Enemies we don’t want traced back to us. My last target was a notorious member of the Mexican Cartel. The man murdered three DEA undercover agents and terrorized a local village. He enjoyed dogfights. Under my command, his two top fighting dogs ripped him to shreds.”

“Don’t look so glum. Special forces or drones take out the enemy all the time.” He chuckled. “Only instead of ammo, your weapons are fangs and claws.”

“I prefer taming animals rather than turning them into killers.”

“So you think this charm of yours caused me to kiss you?”


He smiled. “Last time I looked, I was in human form. Can you influence people?”

“No. If I could, I wouldn’t be here.”

“You can’t leave?”

“I’m considered too dangerous. Last time I escaped, I…” She lowered her gaze. “Never mind. Let’s just say they caught me and brought me back.”

“How did you escape?”

His amber eyes stared into her soul. Compelled to confess, she shared her shame. Trusting him with top secret information, although she had never confided with anybody. “I released five attack trained Doberman pinchers.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “They killed a handler…a friend…who tried to stop them. Two guards came and they attacked them. I made my escape. One of the guards died. The other survived minus an arm. The poor dogs were shot.” She sighed. “That was ten years ago when I was fifteen years old. A rebellious teenager.”

He frowned. “But they keep you prisoner?”

“More like a curfew. As long as I get permission, I can come and go.”

“That’s called probation.” He frowned. “Are you allowed to visit your family?”

“I don’t have a family.”

“Everyone has a family.”

“Until Director Giles found me, I lived in foster homes after the death of my druggie mother.”

“He adopted you?”

“Technically, he was my legal guardian, but no, he never acted like a real father.”

“If you could, would you leave?”

“Part of me wants to, but if I did, I would be a danger to others.” And targeted for execution.

“Because you can make Fido bite his owner?”

“In a manner of speaking.” Along with every other creature she had been told to work with. Death by birds, tiger, lion, bear and so many more.

“You act like you have no control.”

“I’m better at it, but I’m too scared to find out.”

“How old were you when you were brought here?”

“I went from foster home to foster home until I was six. As a child, I caused animals to attack kids that bullied me. None died, but a few scarred emotionally and even maimed. I had anger issues. One foster parent even put me through an exorcism, thinking I was possessed.”

“Because you made dogs bite?”

“Because I called over two hundred cats to stand guard against that particular foster parent.”

“What did she do to provoke you?”

“Rules about turning my lights off at the night. They scared her but only two of the cats attacked.” She thought better of mentioning what dogs did to her next set of abusive foster parents.

“What happened to your parents?”

Her eyes moistened. “My mother died of a heroin overdose when I was four. No relatives came to identify her or claim me. She put an ‘x’ through paternity on the form.” She sold her body for drugs so it was anybody’s guess the identity of her father.

“I’m sorry.”

Gaby changed the subject. “I think it’s time for you to leave.” Odd. She felt as though she snapped out of a trance.

He smoothed his thumb over a single tear on her cheek. “I didn’t mean to pry.” He sighed. “I’m just hoping knowing about you will trigger my memory.”

“There’s one more thing about my charm I wasn’t aware of until now.”

“Besides our sexual tension?”

Gaby met his gaze. “I can sense your wolf even while you are in human form.”

“Now that is interesting. How so?”

“At first, I thought it was the shock of finding out you were a werewolf. But, when I look at others, I don’t perceive an inner wolf.”

He turned his head. “Is he behind me?”

“Physically, I saw a brief wolf-shaped mist. Only for a second, then I sensed the wolf shadow inside you, but only in my mind. As if you have a tattoo that only I can see. I’ve not mentioned it to Dr. Tomlin, since he and Giles might use this ability to find others like you.”

His eyes widened. “You can help me find others like me?”

She hated throwing him a bone of hope, but he should know. “If others like you roam around cities. Unfortunately, if there are few or just you, that plan won’t work. Plus, I’m stuck here.”

“Don’t worry about that.”

How dangerous would it be for her to look for more werewolves, while being pursued by Giles and his ilk? Giles had global connections with operatives around the globe, including rumors about an order that controlled the entire world. She furrowed her brow. “I trust you.” She smiled. “I’ll try not to influence you to kiss me.”

He smirked. “You didn’t.”

Gaby shamefully wanted him and like a typical alpha male, he thought it was his idea. The thought of using him to kill for Project Sabertooth turned her stomach. The last thing she wanted was to find more werewolves to kill for Giles. Of late, the project included offing whistle blowers and so-called enemies of the state. No one would trace an animal attack back to Sabertooth. “That’s what you think.”

“Very well, compel me to do something.”

“I’ll have you do something harmless. Fight it.”


She studied his features, which at this moment looked human. “First, turn wolf.”


“Come into the living room, I don’t have much furniture.” Would it be possible to charm him into remembering his identity? If she could, she’d make sure he escaped and returned to his home. Possibly to his significant other. Although, she’d not turn him against the guards. The alarm would sound and Kane would end up dead. Giles would be pissed about losing his new asset. Plus, she’d vowed never to kill any more handlers or guards. Unless, they fired first.

He followed her into the spacious living room and pulled off his t-shirt. “Let’s do this.”

Her phone rang. She glanced at Kane. “Hold on.” He kept his shirt off. “Yes?”

Tomlin practically shouted, “The new Bengal tiger just mauled her handler.”

Gaby winced. “Okay, I’m on my way. What about Kane?” She nodded and put her phone away. “We need to postpone our experiment. The guards will escort you to your accommodations.”

“Confronting a tiger doesn’t sound safe.”

“You heard…of course, you did. Don’t worry, she’s tranquilized and in her cage.” If she’d been there, this would never have happened.

“So why go right away?”

“Tomlin wants me there when she awakens.”

He put his t-shirt back on. “Will you meet me later?”

“We’ll call it a day. Rest for now. They’ll serve you dinner soon and I’ll see you in the morning.” They walked out and she told the guards to take him to his room.

“I look forward to seeing if your charm compels me.”

I hope not. “After breakfast, I’ll arrange it.”


The wolf stared at a castle perched on a granite mountain above the forest. The scent of a nearby wolf pack seemed familiar. Yet, he didn’t know them. His identity remained blank. In wolf form, vague snippets flashed by, but not enough. His wolf snarled at him, “You did this!”

“What do you mean?”

“You took away our spirits. Our memories.”

“How and why would I do that to us?”

“If I knew, you would be the first to know.”

“Who lives in that castle?”

The wolf looked at the keep and growled. “I sense betrayal. Hate.” He backed away. “We can’t go there.”

The scent of a she-wolf interrupted their combating minds. The black she wolf stalked forward, snarling with gleaming white fangs. An alpha.

His hackles rose. He sniffed. “Is this your territory?”

Behind her, a pack appeared. She growled. “Kill him.”


Kane shot up from his bed. His fangs out and his hands clawed. Only a nightmare. He stared at the digital clock, seven a.m. Kane inhaled and slowly released his breath. Had the dream revealed clues about his identity? Only snippets of a castle in the middle of a forest, and a black she-wolf commanding her pack to attack. Was it a real place, hidden in the deep recesses of his subconscious? Why had he dreamt of a female? A hint that there were others like him. A mate? Not by the way she acted. He reached for the pad of paper and pen Gaby gave him to record what he could remember.

He wrote down the date and title, Dream 1. A castle and one angry bitch. A vast forest. Sadness and betrayal on viewing the castle. The palace felt like home. Why did my wolf blame me for the amnesia? The she-wolf elicited danger to my heart or perhaps my life.

The few impressions angered him. He threw the pad across the room. At this point, he needed a hypnotist to awaken his past. Kane stood and walked to the bathroom. He stared at his face in the mirror. Light brown hair, stubble and feral amber eyes. His wolf growled. Why can’t I remember?

A knock on the door interrupted his anguish.

He wore only boxer shorts, but left his bedroom as Dr. Tomlin entered with the same three guards following him in. One of the guards carried a tray. Coffee. Breakfast included a large omelet, slices of bacon and toast, unappetizing to a wolf’s palate. He set it on the dining table.

“Good morning, Kane. Hope we didn’t wake you,” said Tomlin.

The scent of food pleased his hungry wolf. Best of all, he didn’t detect drugs in the meal. “Since you brought bacon and coffee, I’m in a forgiving mood.”

“Good. Before you eat, I just want to check your vitals.” The doctor gestured for him to sit on a chair next to the food he’d soon devour. A desire to hunt crossed his mind, but for now, he’d eat their meals.

He sat. No immediate danger. Why not go along with everything? “Knock yourself out.”

The doctor took his blood pressure, looked in his eyes and ears, and then listened to his heartbeat. He put away his medical instruments. “Better than normal.”

No kidding. “If not remembering a damn thing about who I am is normal.”

Tomlin sighed. “So, still no clue?”

“Just impressions.”

Tomlin straightened. “Like what?”

He had no desire to share. Not with anybody, but Gaby. “Being alone. Nothing more.”

“Hmm, maybe the trauma of drowning in the ocean is blocking your memory.”

Drowning or being shot could cause post-traumatic stress, maybe even amnesia. “Am I seeing Gaby today?”

“No. Not until you meet with Director Giles. He will be here at seven p.m. and you can have dinner with him.”

Not the right answer. He stood. “Dr. Tomlin, you will ask Gaby to meet me after breakfast, in thirty minutes and then forget our conversation.”

Tomlin nodded. “Yes. I will call her.”

Kane focused on the guards. “You will remember nothing, but bringing me breakfast.” They nodded and lowered their heads. He turned to the doctor. “Call her now.”

The doctor took his phone from his pocket. “Gaby, meet Kane on level two unit 201 in thirty minutes.”

Kane smiled as he listened to her response. “Are you kidding me? You just texted me to wait until he meets with Giles.”

“New orders.”

“Fine. I’ll be there.”

Tomlin turned to him and nodded.

No longer would he let them boss him around. “You can return to your other duties and no guards will accompany us.”

“Yes, of course.”

They left and Kane returned to his breakfast. He devoured the food, even the toast. His ability to mind control humans seemed as natural as his ability to shift. Yet, he didn’t remember the reason behind it. If they knew the extent of his skill in controlling their minds, they’d fear him more than the fact he could turn into a werewolf. Though he had no clue about his identity, he was the superior species. A danger these fools had not anticipated.

He sipped the coffee, and his thoughts turned to Gaby. Wolf-segen. When he first heard the term, it seemed familiar yet vague. Wolf charmers were akin to mythical creatures who once existed, but no more. Where had that little memory come from? Perhaps, Gaby would enlighten him more about her kind. Did others like her exist? Could she influence his wolf to remember?

While he waited, he turned on the television. Morning news. Maybe he’d get a clue as to his location. He picked up the remote and flipped through channels. The stations were national not local. Probably a satellite feed. His sense of smell told him, he was not near the ocean or the desert. The aroma of pine as well as hardwood trees such as ash and maple surrounded the compound. Early fall meant he might be near a similar forest like the one in his dream. No point in leaving so soon. He had nice accommodations, good food and when Director Giles returned more information. His alpha influence guaranteed his control. Then there was Gaby. He had her under his dominant influence, but then she snapped out of it. Odd. What was up with his exquisite wolf charmer?




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