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Worth the Risk: (A Contemporary Bad Boy Romance) by Weston Parker (72)


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Alex watched Janna while she browsed through his movie collection. As she bent over to check out the lower shelves, he noticed how shapely her bottom was. Shapely but toned. He imagined caressing it when they fucked. But instead of causing his cock to harden, the image felt...awkward. It certainly wasn't because Janna wasn't attractive. She might not be his type, but she was a superb example of womanhood. Still, for some reason, he didn't want to picture her that way.

When Brice had introduced them at the fundraising dinner, Alex's mouth had near watered. Here was the perfect opportunity to humiliate Masterson again. Stealing Janna away would be a piece of cake, and he'd enjoy rubbing Brice's face in her betrayal. They'd been enemies since college. Since Brice and his crew had done everything in their power to make him quit, to give up. But he'd shown them all that he wasn't a quitter. And he'd keep showing them. Especially Brice Masterson.

But watching Janna, he realized that his eternal grudge against Masterson no longer extended to her. He didn't want to use Janna as a pawn in his revenge game. What he'd told her on the phone had been, for once, 100% totally honest. He wanted to be her friend. Dear God, he was losing his edge.

"Oooh, I think we have a winner!" Janna yanked out a disc and held it up triumphantly, causing him to smile. "I can't believe you have this in your collection, but since you do, I'm going to take advantage of your invitation and make my selection. Get ready for the ride of your life."

She popped the disc into the player and then plopped down on the couch, one cushion left empty between them for propriety's sake.

Alex grabbed the remote and pushed the button to start the movie. Janna's smile was a mile wide as the opening credits started, and an owl flew across the dark screen. "What is this?"

"You'll see."

Suddenly the title Labyrinth flashed on the screen, and Alex's brow furrowed. What was this? The song started in earnest, and he thought he recognized the singer's voice. "Wait...I think this is one of my niece's movies. I bought a whole mess of kid's stuff for when they visit, but they're supposed to all be downstairs in the playroom. We don't have to actually watch this, do we?"

"Oh yes, we actually do," she replied with a smirk, then patted his hand. "Don't worry. You'll enjoy it."

And 101 minutes later, he realized he had. He couldn't say why, since it was a far cry from his usual Action and Suspense fare, but for some reason, he'd liked the movie. Maybe it was the way Janna bounced in her seat and sang along with the songs. Or maybe it was the puppets. He'd always liked puppets as a kid. Drake decided not to overanalyze it.

Glancing at the empty boxes of Thai food around them, he stood up and began collecting the refuse. Janna moved to help and followed him into the kitchen.

"Well, I guess it's your turn now," she said, then continued after noticing his raised eyebrow. "To pick a movie. Unless I should go?"

"No, it is my turn. And you know what I'm gonna pick."

"Okay, and I agree, but with the caveat that it be only number one or two in the franchise and not any of the later sequels."

Alex laughed. "Oh, Ms. Puchina, you do not get to make any stipulations about my choice, as I was not given the same opportunity. However, since I'm such a generous guy, I'll take your suggestion under advisement." He'd intended to watch the first one anyway, but he didn't tell her that.

And so their night had continued, through Die Hard and the sequel ("You can't watch one and then not watch the other," she'd informed him while grabbing some ice cream), and then ending on Clash of the Titans, the original version, during which Janna had fallen asleep not long after the scorpion battle. Drake looked down at her, not having the heart to wake her. Instead, he covered her up with a blanket and then made his way down the hall to his bedroom.

As he took undressed, he realized that the day had not turned out at all like he had intended. He'd known that his gift would bring Janna to him, and he'd intended to pounce. Even if he couldn't seduce her, just keeping her here long enough would get Brice's dander up. If he didn't find out from her about it, Alex would have found some way to bring it to his attention. But once she'd come in and he'd seen her face again, he couldn't go through with it.

She was like one of his little sisters, brave but almost defenseless. He didn't want to be the one to break her spirit. He knew now he wouldn't bring their friendship to Brice's attention. No need to wave red in front of the bull. Alex worried suddenly about Brice's intentions, and whether they were honorable or not. Just as he didn't want to be the one to hurt Janna, he didn't want Brice to either. He'd keep a close eye on the situation, but do nothing to agitate things.

With a sigh he settled into bed, marveling at how quickly his opinions had turned around. That was like the business world too. Things could change at a moment's notice. You had to be able to adapt or die.