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YOURS TRULY by Bella Grant (11)

Chapter 10

An hour later, with full bellies and big smiles, Travis and Diana walked along the French Quarter as they had when they’d dated and during their early marriage. After checking that his car could remain in the valet parking while they explored, Travis handed the guy a twenty to be sure. He held Diana’s hand in his, enjoying the feel of normalcy she brought to his life in the short time she’d been back in it. Talking to her, walking with her, made him feel as if they had never parted, and he wanted to capture this feeling and hold onto it for the rest of his life.

His thoughts scaring him, he asked her what she would like to do. She tilted her head as if listening and said, “Do you hear that?”

Travis tilted his head as well, wondering why people did that when it really didn’t help them hear any better. “I just hear the cars and people talking.”

“No, there’s music,” Diana told him, smiling up at him. “Sounds like a jazz band in the square.”

“How can you hear that over all this noise?” he asked, astounded as he gestured to the cab honking and the two men yelling as they carried a sofa into a building across the street.

Diana shrugged. “Well, I read once that while men have better eyesight, women can hear better. Though I’ve always wondered if that’s because women are actually listening, and men are too busy staring at something.”

Travis chuckled and said, “What?” hoping to get a rise out of her. She narrowed her eyes at him and growled. He lifted his hands defensively. “Sorry, sorry.”

“Whatever,” she said with a roll of her eyes.

“So, do you want to go listen?” Travis asked, wanting to make her happy.

“Of course I do! And maybe we can do a little dancing,” she hinted, dancing a little jig that included a shake of her ass that made Travis’ mouth water.

“If you do that again, I’ll do whatever you ask me to do,” Travis promised, staring pointedly at her ass when she looked at him over her shoulder. He lifted his eyes to her face and felt his heart kick start and beat at a rapid pace. When she turned to admonish him, her smile so brilliant his eyes widened, he yanked her into his arms and kissed her solidly on the mouth.

She was resistant at first, mostly from surprise, he thought, but as his tongue probed her lips gently, she opened them and allowed him entrance. She tasted of wine and the mint chocolate cake they had shared for dessert at Antonio’s, but her natural flavor attacked his senses and caused him to clasp her tighter to him. He couldn’t let go of her, and he couldn’t stop kissing her.

And lucky for him, she seemed to be experiencing a similar reaction to his. Her hands were on his chest, and as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss, her arms slithered up and around his neck. Her hands found his hair and slipped under the curtain of it, and he loved the way her hands tightened and released, tightened and released as they kissed on the streets of New Orleans.

Only when wolf whistles from a passing group of frat boys erupted close by them did they disengage to stare into each other’s eyes. Travis knew his eyes were screaming his desire for her, and he could do nothing to stop himself. He lowered his head again and kissed her softly, just a brush of the lips, and felt the same thrill of desire he’d felt when their tongues had played together. He wanted to ask her to come home with him, but he wasn’t sure if she was ready for that.

When they separated again, he was certain Diana’s eyes matched his lustful expression. They were half-closed as she looked at him with searing desire. “Travis, take me home.”

Elated, he jerked around, dragging her behind him as he nearly ran back to the restaurant to get his car. He tapped his toe impatiently as they waited, his hand on her hip and hers in his back pocket, a stance they’d adopted while married. Amazingly, to him, they had slipped into the stance without thought, another indication this budding relationship was a good idea.

He jerked the car door open for her and closed it too quickly, almost catching her hair, which had been caught by the wind. “Sorry,” he said hurriedly and let her close the door herself. He practically ran around the front of his car and leapt in, thanking the valet so fast the man probably thought he was speaking a different language.

He glanced at Diana as he stepped on the gas, and her seductive stare forced him to push the pedal a little closer to the floor. He heard her seatbelt unclick, and he jerked his head around to see what she was doing. Her hands were caressing her body, touching her breasts and slithering down to her crotch, rubbing briefly before rising to cup her breasts again.

“Holy shit,” he breathed, trying to concentrate on the road while looking at her every few seconds. When her right hand slipped inside the waistband of her jeans and her left hand snuck over to his crotch, he nearly crashed into the median.

“Too much?” she purred as she rubbed him, removing her hand from her pants to play with his hair.

Travis cleared his throat. “You always were forward when you were horny.”

“If it’s too much I can stop,” she suggested, smiling at him as she leaned forward so her head was in his lap.

When he felt her hot breath sneak through the cloth of his jeans, he nearly crashed again. “Please don’t stop.”

Her laugh was like a hot brand on his desire, and when she sat up and continued her over-the-clothes hand job, he hardened to painful proportions. She hummed deep in her throat, a noise that had always turned him on as she wrapped her hand around his cock as best she could through his pants.

“Isn’t your place closer than mine?” she whispered in his ear before sucking his earlobe into her mouth.

Abruptly, he jerked the wheel and crossed two lanes of traffic to turn right and head to his mansion. She let out a little squeak of surprise, then a laugh as he took the turn at twice the speed than was safe.

“Travis, I want to fuck you, not die with you,” Diana chided playfully as she resumed her ministrations. Her mouth teased his jawline as her hand pressed against his erection.

A laugh erupted from him that sounded more like a bark, a sound he’d never heard himself make, and he cleared his throat again as her lips moved closer to his. She nipped the corner of his mouth and followed his jawline back to his ear. Travis forced himself to keep his eyes focused on the road, and he squirmed as she nipped his earlobe until he almost felt pain.

“How far to your house?” she whispered before slipping her tongue into his ear.

“I’ll stop at the next hotel if you want me to,” he ground out, his teeth clenched as he concentrated on not killing them.

She chuckled and shook her head, her hair teasing the skin on his upper arm. “No, I can wait. If you can.”

“I don’t know that I can,” he hissed, glancing at her. She kissed him quickly, grabbed his chin, and forced his face towards the windshield.

“I’ll stop, but believe me, when we get to your house, it’ll be like nothing we’ve ever done before,” Diana promised, her voice deep with desire.

Travis looked at her again as she put her seatbelt back on, adjusting her body as if she were on fire like he was. “I can’t wait to touch you. You’ll be dripping.”

“I already am,” she replied, brushing her hair out of her face.

* * *

The wine. It has to be the wine, she told herself as she shifted in her seat. Her pussy was so wet she feared her jeans would be soaked. Don’t lie, she grumbled internally when he put his hand on her thigh. Only his hand and she was ready to strip in his car, tell him to pull over, and climb on him to ride his cock like she hadn’t had sex in a decade. Near him, she felt as if no one had ever been able to arouse her the way he did, not even him when they were younger.

They drove for another ten minutes in silence, the groping continuing. She touched his cock, and he let his hand slide up her thigh until he was nearly touching her jeans-clad pussy. It was nearly worse than if he was rubbing her. The anticipation was overwhelming, and she squirmed again as they turned into a driveway that led to a huge house.

“Wow…is this your house?” she asked, amazed by the sight of the huge home in front of her.

It is.”

“Oh, Travis, I’m so happy for you,” she exclaimed, turning to face him. “It’s just like the house you always said you wanted.”

“Well, it’s actually a fixer-upper, but I’ve been fixing it up since I bought it,” Travis told her. As they pulled into the garage and climbed out, he led her around to the front. He gestured to it and asked, “What do you think?”

“It’s beautiful, and I bet it needs christening,” she said, surprising herself again with her brazen behavior.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close so their pelvises touched. “I love this Diana. Where did you come from?”

“I’ve always been forward, just not this forward.” She shrugged. “I just had some growing up to do,” she told him as she wiggled her hips. She instantly felt his cock hardening again. She ran her hand down his chest and grasped it through his jeans. “I want this, and I want it soon.”

“I’m happy to oblige,” he replied, wrapping his arms more securely around her and lifting her feet off the ground.

Diana laughed and threw her arms around his neck. He kissed her soundly and set her down, and before she could turn to walk back to the garage, he grabbed her ass and picked her up again. She squealed and laughed, wrapping her arms and legs around him. He had always been able to carry her as if she weighed nothing, and as she pressed her body against his, she felt muscles he hadn’t had when he was younger. She couldn’t wait to see him without his clothes on.

“Put me down so we can move faster,” she ordered against his lips. “I need you more than I’ve ever needed anything.”

“I want you so badly,” he agreed, setting her down so they could rush through the garage to the door. He hit the button to close the garage door, closed the connecting door behind them after pushing her through, then grabbed her and trapped her against the wall. “My God, Diana, what is this craziness?”

“I don’t know. Just kiss me,” she breathed. She grabbed his head in her hands, holding on to chunks of his hair, and pulled him to her.

Their mouths attacked, their tongues in a war to get inside the other’s mouth. They kissed, and Diana felt every feeling she’d been fighting boil to the surface and become a part of the kiss. She didn’t just want to fuck him, she wanted to be with him. As if he read her mind, he lifted his head and stared into her eyes. Neither spoke words, but they understood they were both feeling the same connection, or reconnection, and that it was stronger than any they’d had in the past.

Diana caressed his cheek softly, and he mirrored the gesture, their lust unabated, just quieted while they experienced what Diana knew was love even though she wouldn’t allow the word to escape her heart and enter her mind. She leaned her cheek into his palm, sighing, and he bent to take her lips again. The kiss was slower, deeper, and with more than just lust collected in their movements.

As the kiss deepened, however, the lust roared back to the forefront, and their hands fought with the barrier of clothes, wanting to touch flesh rather than cloth. Travis pulled her away from the wall and removed her shirt as she yanked at the buttons on his, tearing two of them completely off. Neither heard the clattering as they hit the wall, then the floor.

Just as she imagined, his chest was much more sculpted than it had been five years before, and his arms were thick, though not unattractively so. His stomach was flat, his abs like a movie star’s, and the V leading down to his cock was well-defined and looked in need of a good licking.

Diana dropped to her knees, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, and pulled them down slowly so that his pubic area, shaved as if he’d known what the night would bring, was revealed an inch at a time. She leaned forward and followed one side of the V with her tongue until his cock was in view. With a sigh of remembrance, she wrapped a hand around it and used the other on his ass to pull him closer.

“Diana…” he moaned, and she glanced up at him. His eyes watched her, and his mouth was opened slightly as he stared into her eyes.

“Travis.” Her voice was low and husky, and while her eyes remained on his, she slipped her tongue out of her mouth and licked the tip of his cock, relishing the salty taste of the pre-cum. “Mmmm.”

Travis’ head fell back, and she turned her focus to his cock. She sucked the head into her mouth, the girth so round her fingers didn’t touch when she grasped it. The length was impressive too, and she hadn’t been with a man as well-endowed as Travis. She let her throat relax and sat back on her haunches so her face was slightly tilted up, then let him sink into the back of her throat. He grunted and jerked his head down to see what she was doing, so she let him watch the second time she did it.

“Goddamn,” he mumbled, and she caressed his balls when she did it a third time. His body jerked hard, and he pulled out of her mouth and shuffled away from her, his pants trapped around his thighs. He was breathing hard when he said, “Goddamn! I almost came.”

“If you come now, you’ll rejuvenate and be ready for a second round quickly,” she said as she reached behind her and undid her bra, letting it fall to the ground. “One of my favorite things about you.”

Travis was shaking his head as he stared at her breasts. He lifted his eyes to hers and said, “No. I want to be inside you when I finish.”

Diana nodded and asked saucily, “Do I undress myself, or will you do it for me?”

He gulped and stripped himself of his shoes, socks, pants, and underwear before closing the distance between him. She had wanted to stare at him, but he hadn’t given her time. He pulled her into the living room and guided her to the couch, but he didn’t let her sit. He lavished attention on her breasts, suckling and nipping her nipples. She let her head fall back and put her hands on his head to hold him in place. His hands, which had been resting on her waist, moved to her pants and unbuttoned them. He slipped the zipper down and put his hands inside near her ass so he could shuck them off her.

She kicked out of her heels, thankful she’d worn them instead of boots, and he helped her out of her jeans. In only her lacy panties, she stared at him as he stared at her. He was perfection, a god, and a moment of self-consciousness touched her mind until she saw the hunger in his eyes. He was hungry for her, he wanted her, and she would let him have every inch.

“You are stunning,” he whispered, and with a sweep of his hand, he gestured for her to sit on the couch. Diana sat gingerly, and he knelt in front of her. When he spread her legs, he sniffed and sighed. “Your scent is the same. I love your scent. And your taste.”

He ran a finger down her, from clit to opening, and she shuddered when he sucked her juice off the tip of his finger. He smiled predatorily and whispered, “You are already so wet. So tasty. Naughty girl.”

“Yes. And what do you give naughty girls?” she asked, playing his game as the idea of his ‘punishment’ for her instigated a wave of desire.

“Tongue first, fingers second, cock last,” Travis told her.

“I dare you then.”

She grabbed the back of his head and pulled him down towards her pussy, dying to feel any part of him against her. He chuckled, and his breath washing over her moistness tightened every muscle in her body. She whispered his name as his tongue darted out and flicked her clit hard, and the whisper became a cry. He covered her with his mouth and sucked her clit inside, letting his tongue flick against it, then sucking on it hard so she couldn’t get used to any sensation.

“Please,” she hissed as her head fell back against the couch. “Please, Travis. Make me scream.”

Without lifting his head, he chuckled, and the thrumming nearly drove her to orgasm. As he continued to play with her clit, he circled her opening with is finger but didn’t insert it. Whimpering, she adjusted her hips and lifted them, trying to force his finger inside, but he withdrew and sat up.

“Now, now, Diana,” he rebuked playfully, wiggling his wet finger at her.

Diana could see her wetness glistening on his chin, so she grabbed him behind the neck and yanked him to her for a kiss. Their lips met, and her tongue slipped into his mouth to taste herself on his. She ended the kiss to lick his chin clean, and he growled against her lips.

“Make. Me. Scream,” she ordered slowly, releasing only after he nodded, agreeing to her demand. She fell back again and opened her legs, staring into his eyes as he ran her fingers through her pussy and licked them.

“Goddamn,” he breathed as he lowered his head to her.

As promised, he sucked her clit into his mouth at the same time he pushed two fingers into her hot pussy. Diana cried out as her pussy immediately clenched hard around them, and when he jerked his fingers upward to touch her G-spot, he sucked her clit simultaneously. Her scream echoed through his house as the climax, the strongest she’d had since they’d parted, crashed over her and stole her breath and mind.

“Travis! Yes!” she cried as she grabbed his hair and yanked him up to kiss her. Her pussy tasted slightly different after an orgasm, and she relished licking it off him.

Rather than pull him into her, she pushed him away and stood. She attacked his lips with hers as she placed her hands on his hips and turned them in a circle so his back was to the couch. With a sexy smile, she let her hands drift to his chest and stomach, caressing his hard flesh. She nibbled his nipples as her hand slipped to his hard cock and played with the head using the pre-cum seeping out of the tip. She tickled the sensitive underside of the tip, and he hissed her name.

With a smirk, she lifted her hands back to his chest and shoved, and, off balance, he fell backwards on the couch with a grunt, staring up at her with wide eyes. His lips lifted slowly into a grin when she straddled him and settled on his thighs, her breasts even with his mouth. She kissed his mouth hard as she gripped his cock again, although she made no move to climb on him. He reached between her thighs and twitched his fingers against her opening, though their position prevented him from insertion.

Diana squirmed on his lap, giggling as she grabbed his hands and placed them on her tits. He squeezed and used the leverage to lift her so her pussy hovered over his hard cock. With a smile, she stared into his eyes as she guided him into her pussy, lowering her body slowly. Her head fell back as he entered her, a moan escaping her lips as he filled her. He removed his hands from her tits and dropped them to her hips, and when she started bouncing on him, he helped her establish a rhythm that would drive them both to climax.

Diana put her hands on his shoulders to balance and increased the speed of her thrusts, taking his cock in to its hilt. Travis’ grip on her hips would leave little bruises on her skin, but she didn’t care. Her pussy, the sensations caused by his tongue and teeth on her nipples, prevented any feeling but sexual elation rocking through her. As her orgasm approached, she began tossing her head back and forth, saying his name again and again, and Travis, as if he knew, began thrusting upward to meet her downward movements.

Diana grabbed the back of the couch for leverage and fought to move faster and harder. Travis, who was forced to sit back against the couch, fingered her clit and pinched her nipple as she bounced on him, his eyes never leaving her face.

“Look at me, Diana,” he ordered, and when their eyes met, she felt an explosion in her chest that erupted at the same time as her orgasm.

She screamed, and Travis yelled her name. They both closed their eyes as the pleasurably painful orgasms rendered them incapable of rational thought or speech. His hands held her tight against him, and she grabbed his head and pulled him to her breasts as they shuddered together in their mutual, dream-fulfilling gratification.

As their orgasms began to subside, she fell against him, panting, their sweaty bodies sliding slickly together, and Travis wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back gently to soothe her. As if I need soothing, she thought slowly, her mind still in a haze.

She sat up and looked at him, smiling down at his handsome, dazed face. “I haven’t felt this good in five or six years.”

“Not since the last time we fucked,” Travis agreed. A slow smile crossed his face as he shifted, his cock hardening again inside her. “And I haven’t been able to finish and revitalize this quickly since you, either.”

“Are you saying it’s already time for round two?” she asked, smirking as she clenched her muscles around his cock and felt it harden more.

“If you do that again, I’ll come before we can do anything other than sit here,” Travis warned, eliciting a giggle from Diana.

She climbed off him and held out a hand. “Take me to your bedroom.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he replied, rising and taking her hand to lead her upstairs.




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