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Caution on Ice (Boys of Winter Book 4) by S.R. Grey (9)

When it’s Right, it’s Right


I don’t know if I should thank Jaxon Holland or kick his ass.

I’m leaning toward the latter, seeing as our second-line center has interrupted me and Chloe at, like, the worst fucking possible time. Nonetheless, another part of me feels I should thank him. After all, I did say I planned to move slowly with Chloe, and what we were doing was anything but that.

It was more like a fast track to my bedroom.

Is that so bad, dumbass?

Fuck, I just don’t know anymore.

I never expected Chloe to make the first move. Maybe this means she’s ready for more?

I am, that’s for sure.

But it’s not going to happen on the ice with my cock-blocking teammate looking on.

“Dude, Dylan, you just gonna lay there all day? Some of us are hoping to get a skate in, hopefully without having to dodge bodies rolling around on the ice.”

God, he’s so annoying. We’re not even moving, let alone rolling. I think I’ll accidentally check him into the boards next time we’re at practice.

Chloe is still sprawled out on top of me, but thank God my hard-on has waned. The last thing I need is for more Jaxon commentary when we stand up.

“Come on, Dylan.” Jaxon coughs. “I want to meet your friend.”

“Shut the hell up!” I yell over at him.

He’s resting his elbows on the boards, smirking over at us.

Sighing, I murmur to Chloe, “I don’t think he’s leaving anytime soon.”

“It would seem not,” she replies, rolling her gorgeous blues.

I liked it better when they were filled with lust, not annoyance like now.

Letting her know I’m on the same page, I say, “He has the worst timing.”

She touches my cheek. “He does, but it’s our fault for making out in public.”

“It was fun though, yeah?”


“Come on, sweetheart.” I sit up with her still safely in my lap. “Let me help you up.”

“Thanks,” she says.

She steadies herself on my arm, and we stand together.

Motioning to Jaxon, I say, “Let’s go over so I can introduce you to Mr. Bad Timing.”

She chuckles, but then whispers she’d hate to fall down in front of my teammate. “Can you help me skate, Dylan?”

“Of course, sweetheart.”

Jaxon nods to us as we reach him. “Hey,” he says.

Rolling my eyes, I inform him, “The ice is all yours, Peeping Tom.”

“Hey, I’m no Peeping Tom. You two were the ones putting on a show.” He gestures to where Chloe and I were on the ice and says, “Though I have to say, the surface looks really good over there. Thanks for Zamboni-ing it for me with your bodies.”

He laughs, and I murmur, “You are such an ass.”

Chloe clears her throat, and I introduce Jaxon and her. She shakes his hand but can’t make eye contact. She’s clearly embarrassed that he witnessed our hot little make-out session.

Sure enough, she excuses herself after a minute or two of random conversation.

“I need to use the restroom,” she says, “Plus, I should get these skates off.”

“Do you need any help?” I ask.

“No, I’m good.”

Quickly, she plods off on the rubberized runners leading to the locker room.

“Shit, man, I’m sorry,” Jaxon says remorsefully once she’s out of sight. “I didn’t mean to scare her off.”

“Your ugly mug would frighten anyone,” I retort.

It’s just a joke; Jaxon is actually a good-looking guy.

He shoots me the finger and replies, “Fuck off, Culderway.”

“Don’t get mad. I’m just yanking your chain. You deserve it.”

“Yeah, I probably do,” he concedes. “But I have to say, I am glad you’re finally getting some. Me and the boys were beginning to think you were trying out to be a monk or something.”

“Hardly,” I scoff. “Just because I’m not a pig like the rest of you animals doesn’t mean I’ve given up sex.”

He raises a brow. “So you are tapping that?”

“We are so not having this conversation,” I warn him.

Even though beneath the bad boy persona there lurks a really good guy, I’m not sharing with Jaxon. Besides, I haven’t “tapped” anything yet. I have a feeling, however, based on the way Chloe was grinding on me, that that’s about to change real soon.

It won’t be meaningless sex, though. I really like Chloe.

Jaxon cocks his head, watching me, and suddenly it hits him. “Fuck me six ways to Sunday, Culderway. This Chloe chick has gotten under your skin, hasn’t she?”

I bristle. “First, she’s not a ‘chick.’ She’s an amazing woman. And second, no one has ‘gotten’ to me.”

Smug, he retorts, “That’s all I needed to hear. You pretty much just confirmed that I’m right.”

Ah, fucking hell. He is right. Leave it to Jaxon Holland to make me see the light. I like Chloe far more than I should. She has gotten to me. In fact, she’s more than gotten to me. I think I could be falling in love with her.

That’s why it’s time to take this to the next level.

Chloe changed all the rules when she kissed me. I want to do it again, along with a lot more. I’m not going to be satisfied till I have Chloe under me, screaming out my name.

I need to lay it on the line for her first.

I’m man enough to take a chance and put my heart out there. Let’s see how she feels about moving forward. If today were any indication, I’d say she’s fully on board.

It’s time to make it official—I want Chloe to be my girlfriend.