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Baker's Dozen by Wendy Smith (7)



She’s making me work for it, and I love it.

I don’t know why this is different, as she’s not the only woman who’s ever been in my life who’s done this. With the others who tried playing hard to get, I proved to them I could play harder by moving onto the next willing body. But Ginny’s worth the wait.

Maybe it’s because I never just stepped back and let nature take its course. I’ve always tried to take charge and steer things to what I always thought was the natural conclusion. Sex. There was never any “love them and leave them” because I didn’t love.

Ginny’s teaching me how.

We don’t spend every evening together, but we are seeing each other at least three times a week. I want more, but I need to be patient for the first time in my life. It’s surprisingly easy.

Seven weeks in, we still haven’t had sex, but we are into the heavy making out sessions. She leaves me hot and bothered, and I have to take care of myself, but I take great satisfaction in knowing she’s suffering too.

I can sense it.

Like me, she wants to give into it, and the fight is getting harder. But I know more about her than any woman I have ever slept with. I long to see the face she makes when she comes, to hear the sounds she makes when she’s being touched, to feel the rake of her fingernails down my spine.

All I want is her.

Seeing the result of that car accident brought a lot home to me. I don’t want to die alone and unloved. I mean, I know my family love me, but finding one person to be with for the rest of my life doesn’t seem too strange anymore. It’s not just something everyone else does—I could do it too.

Is this love?

I don’t know yet, but I do know I think about Ginny at night, and throughout the day. Mel teases me because I’m so easily distracted at times. It’s just as well our ad attracted an assistant to help her. There are definitely times when I’m of no use.

Tammy appeared like a godsend. She’s finished high school, but isn’t going on to other studies. Plus, she loves baking. Between Mel and I, we’ll teach her the job, and in the meantime, she’s working in the store.

With a little more training, Tammy’s presence will lighten the load, and I’ll be able to spend more time with my girl without the constant tiredness during the week that’s been the norm for so many years.

Thursday night is movie night, and Ginny and I are on the couch in front of the television. Not that either of us are watching.

Ginny lies on top of me, her legs straddling my hips. Fully clothed, she grinds against me.

I stroke her breasts, and she gasps as I pinch her nipples through her clothing. This is about as far as we’ve gone, which leaves me aching, but I’ve slowly gotten to know her body and what she likes. By the time I get her naked, I’ll be a master at Ginny Robinson.

“Damn, woman, you’re gonna make a mess of me.” I kiss up her neck as she leans over.

“It’s payback for what you’re doing to me,” she whispers.

“What’s that?” I take a gentle bite of her earlobe.

“Making it hard to hold back.”

She sits up a little, and I meet her gaze. “Then don’t.”

“I should go.” Her lips are pouty, still begging to be kissed. I could keep kissing her all night.

“Do you have to?”

She smiles. “I should.”

“Does that mean there’s a chance you’ll stay?” I take her hand in mine. “We don’t have to have sex.”

Her eyes sparkle with warmth. “Is that ever going to work?”

“You mean because I can’t keep my hands off you?”

She shakes her head. “I was thinking the reverse, actually. Maybe I’m the one with impulse issues.”

“You can be as impulsive as you like with me.” I grasp her chin and graze her lips with mine. “You know I have to be up at four, and it’s after eleven now.”

Ginny’s mouth falls open. “It’s that late?”

“Time flies when you’re making out on the couch.”

She laughs. “I really should go, then. Five hours’ sleep isn’t a lot.”

“I’d sleep better with you.”

Rolling her eyes, she pulls away. “Maybe next time.”

I scan her expression. I’m happy with the pace we’re going, and if she’s not ready for sex, it doesn’t matter to me. What concerns me is if she’s holding back because of my past.

“Gin, you know it’s only you, right? If that’s what you’re worried about.”

She shifts her gaze to the ceiling. “I know. It’s just

“You’re scared I’m going to hurt you.” My tone is flat, and I can’t help it. I want things to be different for us, and it’s been easy so far. I’m not interested in anyone but her, and that won’t change when we do start a sexual relationship. How do I convince her of that?

“I’m sorry, Owen, but I am. Just a little.” She drops her gaze back to me. “When we’re together, it feels really good, but there are so many stories.”

Shit. “Ginny, I can’t stop the past, but I can promise you that I don’t just want a fling. All these weeks I’ve tried to prove that this thing with us, it’s different. Please stay. I just want you in my arms tonight. We don’t need to have sex.”

I mean every word. I know I need to earn her trust, and I’ll do anything for it. She’s so worth the effort.



She nods. “I love whatever this is that we have, and maybe it is different.”

“I understand your hesitation if it helps. I’d be wary of me too.”

Ginny’s expression softens, and she gives me the tiniest of smiles. “You’re doing everything right.”

I cup her cheek. “I’m trying. And it’s surprisingly easy, but you make it easy just by being you.”

“I’ve already said yes. You know you don’t have to talk me into staying, right?”

Laughing, I plant a kiss on her nose. “I’m not trying to impress you, but I do want to be honest with you.”

“Just keep on being honest and we’ll be fine.”

I can’t believe I talked her into staying.

Taking her hand, I lead her to the bedroom where I drop my pants and pull my T-shirt over my head. I climb into bed dressed only in my briefs, and note Ginny’s eyes on my chest.

She wriggles out of her jeans, dropping them to the floor, and I laugh as she reaches up inside her tank top and unhooks her bra.

“You’re, uhh, pretty good at that.”

“Years of practice while playing sport at school. When you’re self-conscious, you learn ways to hide while changing.”

I don’t miss the lacy object being thrown on the floor, and she pulls back the bedcovers and slips into bed. “You played sport?”

“I played netball. My brothers played rugby, and I was the least sporty one out of the three of us, but it was something to do.”

I reach for her waist and pull her toward me. “None of us really played sport on a regular basis. Corey played rugby for a season before he started a brawl and got banned. He never bothered after that.”

She laughs. “Are you close to your brothers? It seems like it.”

I nod. “Yeah, we’re all pretty close. Adam was away for years, but he’s just slotted in like he used to. I was probably closer to Drew, as we shared a room until we moved here when I was twelve. Then we got a big enough house for us all to have space, but our relationships didn’t change.” I plant a kiss on the back of her neck. “What about you? Are you close to your family?”

“Very. I’m the only one who left Carlstown, though. My parents and brothers are still there.”

“That close? I’d love to meet them.”

She laughs. “I don’t know if you want to do that.”

Shrugging, I smile. “It can’t be that bad. You know my family.”

“My brothers can be a little overprotective.”

Chuckling, I pull her in tighter, pressing my lips to the back of her head. “Then I’ll just have to show them how much I respect their sister. If it’s important to you, it’s important to me.”

“You know that’s the perfect answer.” She wriggles from my grasp and rolls onto her back.

This moment feels so natural, so right. I want it to happen again.

I want it to happen every night.

“I really want to make this work.”

Her expression softens. “So do I.”

I lick my lips. “As much as I want you—and I do, there’s no doubt about that—I respect what you’re doing. You need to learn to trust me, and I need to gain that trust. I’ll do whatever it takes.”

She nods, and I bend my head to press my lips to hers. After all these years, it’s like coming home being with Ginny, and I don’t want the feeling to ever end.

When I close my eyes, she’s in my arms, and all is right in my world.

I groan as the alarm beeps, and reach behind me, slapping the stop button.

Ginny’s moved in the night, and she rolls over to face me.

“Sorry,” I murmur, leaning to place a kiss on her forehead. “What time do you need to get up?”

“Around seven would be good. It’ll give me enough time to get home and change. One of my students will notice I’m wearing yesterday’s clothing, knowing my luck.”

I chuckle and reach for the clock. “The alarm’s set.” I reach over and stroke her cheek. “Thank you for staying.”

Giving her a final kiss, I fling my legs over the side of the bed and stand. I grab a pair of jeans and a T-shirt from my drawers and pull them on.

“Owen?” Her voice is husky, and such a big part of me wants to stay with her until she has to leave for the day.


“You don’t work Saturdays, right?”

“Nope. The bakery’s Mel’s baby then.”

“Want me to stay tonight, too? Maybe we can do more than sleep.”

I lean over. The room is dark, but not so dark I can’t make out her features. “Is that you propositioning me, Miss Robinson?”

“You make me sound like the naughty school teacher.”

I run my tongue across the seam of her lips before giving her a tender kiss. “Maybe that’s what I’m hoping for.”

She laughs, propping herself up to reach over and slap me on the arse. “We’ll see. Get to work. Your town needs bread.”

“Yes, boss.”

Giving her a final peck, I head out the door with a smile on my face.

I’ve won her trust.

It’s the longest eleven hours of my life.

Knowing what’s waiting for me tonight, or rather, who, leaves me on edge the entire day.

Usually, I close the bakery at five, but by four, I’ve had enough.

“Go home, you two. I’m shutting up for the day.”

Both Mel and Tammy look at me with open mouths. I never close early.

“Are you feeling alright?” Mel asks.

“I’m fine. I’ve just got things on tonight, and I need to focus.”

“Are those things about five-foot-six, gorgeous, and brunette?”

I laugh. “Something like that.”

“I’d close up early too if I had her to focus on.”

Tammy’s still not used to the way Mel and I speak to each other, and she stands in the corner, her cheeks glowing red.

“Well, this one’s all mine, so keep your eyes to yourself.” I chuckle.

“Fair enough. I’m going to assume we’ll still be paid for the last hour.”

“As if I’d do anything different. See you ladies tomorrow.”

I’m closing the door when Corey and Adam appear.

At the sight of the box of beer in Corey’s hand, I roll my eyes. Of all nights, this is not going to be a boozy one for me. “Having a few drinks?”

He grins. “We thought we’d come and bug you for a while.”

I fix my gaze on Adam. “What about you? Don’t you have dinner at home or something?”

“Corey came around to our place, and we were getting under Lily’s feet. She told us to come and see you for a couple of hours.”

Chuckling, I nod. “Fair enough. Bring the beers in. Most of them must be for me, given I’m the one not driving.”

When we get to the living room, I collapse on the couch. Adam and Corey sit in the recliners, and Corey opens the box, handing out the beers. If they don’t leave before Ginny gets here, I’ll kick them out, but for the moment, Adam and Corey are a welcome distraction.

“So how are things going with you and Ginny?” Adam asks.


He grins. “You know why. Because you’ve been seeing her since Drew’s wedding, and that’s not like you.”

I nod. “Yes, we are still seeing each other. And I hope it continues. Ginny’s awesome.”

“Awesome.” Corey snorts. “How old are you? Twelve?”

“Fine. She’s a beautiful, intelligent, gentle, caring woman. Is that enough for you?”

Corey nods. “It sounds more grown-up. And what Adam said. Not like you.”

“Maybe it’s time for me to grow up.” I push myself to sit.

Adam raises his beer bottle, and I clink mine to it. “Here’s to growing up,” he says. “It is kinda awesome.”

Nodding toward him, I smile. “Well, who would have thought things would end up like this for you? Settled down with Lily and your kids. Took a while, but it must feel good.”

“Best feeling ever.”

That’s the life what I want. Settled.

I lick my lips. “Ginny stayed over for the first time last night.”

“No way,” Corey said. “Drew’s wedding was weeks ago.”

“We’ve been taking things slowly. You guys should be proud of me because Ginny and I haven’t had sex yet.”

“So, let me get this straight. You spent the entire night with a woman in your bed, and you didn’t have sex? That has to be a first.” Corey chuckles.

“I’d just like to point out that she’s the first woman I’ve had in my bed.”

Adam leans forward. “Really?”

I shrug. “I always had this theory that it was easier to move on if I was the one leaving.”

Corey shakes his head. “I had no idea you were that sad. But I guess it makes sense.”

I raise my middle finger at him. “It’s worked for a really long time.”

“Can I ask you something?” He takes a sip of his beer.


“Why her? I mean, I don’t really know her, so I can’t judge for myself, but why after all this time is this one different?”

I let out a loud puff of breath. “She cares. I’m not saying no one else ever has, but with Ginny, it’s so deep. When I’ve needed her, she’s been there, and I don’t think she’s had any expectations.”

“So, like a babysitter?”

I laugh. “Damn it, Corey. I can’t explain it. With Cara’s death, it’s really got me thinking about what a short time we have and how much I might have missed out on. Ginny just gets me. It feels right.”

His lips quirk. “Good for you.”

“What happened with you and that blonde from Drew’s wedding? Are you ever going to tell us? Are you seeing her again?” Adam asks Corey.

Corey rolls his eyes. “We went back to her motel room, with her telling me the whole way what she wanted me to do to her. It was hot as fuck until she literally fell asleep as soon as she fell into bed.”

I roar with laughter. “So what did you do?”

“I was too drunk to go anywhere else, so I grabbed a pillow and slept on the couch.”

The mental image is hilarious. Corey’s six-foot-something-ridiculous, and I know how small the couches are in that motel.

Adam laughs. “Dude. Surely it would have been easier to sleep on the floor?”

“I was drunk. It made sense at the time. My back hurt like a bitch in the morning.”

Corey shifts his gaze to me. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do if you settle down. That just puts more pressure on me.”

“As if anyone’s ever pressured you into anything.” I laugh. “How are things going with the cops on your land?”

Corey currently has the police surveying his neighbours from halfway down his property. It’s a mutual arrangement made after the shit Ash Harris pulled on Drew’s wife, Hayley, and I know it’s gone on far longer than Corey would have liked.

The smile disappears from his face. “All I know is that they’re there for the long haul.” He lets out a breath. “That truck that hit Cara and Ryan. Guess where it was coming from?”

“The mountain?”

“Apparently it drove up to those gates, dropped off whatever was inside, and left again. The driver was going way too fast, Owen. They never stood a chance.”

I place my beer on the coffee table and bury my head in my hands. “So, let me get this straight. While the police take their sweet time over all this, that lot have managed to ruin more lives?”

“Dude. I’m sorry. I thought you should know. The undercover cops are still relatively new in the community, and they’re not in deep enough. But whatever was in that truck is the key. They’re sure of it.”

“Do they have any more clues?”

He shakes his head, gripping my shoulder. “If they do, they’re not telling me. That truck driver had a wife and kids too, so it wasn’t just Cara and Ryan’s girl left behind. I mean, was he speeding to get home, or just to get away from whatever he’d delivered? How bad is all this?”


She still occupies my thoughts. I made a very angry phone call to Graham Taylor the morning after the funeral to request an update on Ava and complain about what happened that day. That poor kid. I’ve never dealt with anything like that before in my time as a volunteer fireman, and I hope to God I never have to again.

“They have to get to the bottom of all of this,” I growl.

“They will. I have to be patient because those lumbering oafs think they’re being quiet where they’re camped out in the little hut they’ve built, but there’s no wildlife within half a freaking kilometre of my place now. But there’s no way I’m giving up, or blocking them from doing what they have to do because Ash tried to hurt Hayley.” He sighs. “That shit’s unforgivable. I want Ash Harris locked away for a very, very long time.”

I nod.

It’s the least that bastard deserves.




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