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Biker Daddy: Devil's Mustangs MC by Paula Cox (11)



Jager slams his fist into the table as the room suddenly goes from frantic chatter to absolute silence. This is not the day to goof around or test those in charge. This is the time to come together as Mustangs. United in war, divided by none.


He lowers his voice, forcing everyone from those flanking him from the front to those peons in the back to listen in, “Mustangs, we're under attack. We won't stand for the shit that happened in our own clubhouse. Those Coyotes responsible for destroying our property and damaging our women will be punished.”


The men raise hell with their voices, sending shrieks of agreement and applause into the crowded basement gathering space. I clap my hands slowly, adding to the noise. I’m as angry as every man here, but part of me wants to slow this down and not raise hell until we know exactly what is going on. Between the news about the missing Mustang and my run in with the bumbling supplier, something isn’t right. Why would they attack tonight?


Jager turns to me and motions for me to stand. I approach where he is standing and nod in agreement. As the second in command, I’ve got to take his side on this. No questions ask.


He pats me on the back as he said, “Our Vice Cal was there when it happened. And not only that, he did some recon today. What did you find out, Cal?”


I'd called him on my way back about the things Chris was telling me, but he didn’t seem that interested. It was if he had already discovered it for himself. Bringing me up here to tell the group was odd and totally out of place. Still, I clear my voice and loudly say, “Earlier today, I went to see Chris Taylor, our supplier at the old repair shop. He was acting odd, almost more suspicious of me than anyone else. He hired two young guns to protect them, but they didn’t have any alliance that I could tell.”


“What about the missing kid? What did he say about our brother?”


“Chris told me the Coyotes kidnapped one of our riders who crossed into their territory. Shot him dead…” Angry, aggressive voices begin to rise as some men stand to their feet. “He said he heard the boy’s body was dumped in some trash pile outside of town. I haven’t confirmed that, though.”


I added that last part not because I don’t believe Chris, but because I don’t want an all out war with the Coyotes over the kid’s offense. If he really crossed over, he knew what risk he was running. And why would he be out there in the first place?  He had no reason to be packing all the way out in Coyote country. Our lines had been clearly drawn and even the newest members or wannabes knew where they shouldn’t ride if they didn’t want a bullet in their backs.


Jager changes course, “Do you want to tell the guys what happened tonight?”


“I was sitting in the kitchen when I heard a few bullets go through the window. I ducked and then heard the sounds through the living room. When I got up, I ran to the window and fired some shots at the bike’s back tires but he was already too far gone to catch. I then checked on my daughter. That’s the jist of it.” I eye him curiously. My account isn’t the important one. I wasn’t in the room where that girl got shot through the arm. And where I was sitting, I couldn’t have gotten a good angle on who the driver was.


Suddenly, Ryan stands, pointing directly at me, “So who is that bitch you brought along with? What did she see?”


That asshole’s had it out for my position since Jager appointed me. He’s tried to call me out so many times, but he forgets that I’m younger, stronger, and smarter than he’ll ever be. Still, he tries to start shit he knows he can’t back up just to rile up the younger guys around him. I may have the fists and the attitude. But he’s got the ear for drama and the talk to back it up.


“She’s my daughter’s teacher. We had a teacher conference, Ryan.” I pound my fist on the table for emphasis, “I don’t know why that fucking matters. She didn’t see shit. She wasn’t hurt. And she certainly ain’t no spy.”


“The girl conveniently shows up the night of a shooting looking like a whore, and I find her in your bedroom? Something’s going on with her, Jager. Go bring her down and question her!”


I push the table over, sending it flying to the ground with a bang. The other members back away, sensing danger. I scream at him, getting in his face, “You wont fucking touch her, you son of a bitch!”


“Maybe she wasn’t alone in this plot. Who knows if your story checks out from earlier. It would be so convenient that you happened to get that intel from Chris. But how I hear it, you threatened him, made him tell you whatever you wanted to hear! How are we supposed to know if you’re not in it with the Coyotes and making up stories to start a turf war?”


Now I’m pissed. It’s one thing to threaten the girl I brought home and to get in my personal business. It’s another to call me a traitor or to question my loyalty. I was born in these colors, and I bleed with them.


In one swift movement, my fist lands in his face, sending him flying backwards. The men form a circle around us as he lunges at me, grabbing me at my waist. But I’ve got nearly six inches on him as I grab him by the back and slam him to the ground on his stomach. As he lies there, trying to get to his hands, I pummel my fists into his face. I can almost feel his teeth crack from the force, his men cry out before a few try to pull me off of him. Still, I manage to get two deep kicks into his rib cage.


The room settles as they cart his bloody body away. I turn to Jager who is still standing in the same spot before, chaos ensuing around him. He clears his throat and once again the room is silent. He looks me up and down before giving his judgment, “I believe Cal is right. I think the Coyotes are playing the long game here, slowly taking over small vendors like Chris. And now they are calling us out with the killing of one of our own and today’s attack.”


A few men nod while the other whisper their descent.


Jager holds up his hand for silence. He’s not finished with me yet. “However,” he shouts, “I take accusations like this seriously. Cal, I’m putting you in charge in getting justice for this group. You and your men will ride tonight. Strike during the early morning while they’re still sleeping. I expect blood for blood. Target their second in command, Addison Bell. Do you understand me?”


I nod. In order to prove my worth and to show that I’m not soft or, worse, a traitor, I am going to have to kill a man.