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Billionaire Daddy's Virgin by Bella Love-Wins (65)

Chapter 11

ABBY looked out from Andrew’s private jet when it landed in Reno. They were on schedule. The weather was mild. The sky was clear. They disembarked and were driven to the chopper waiting to fly them to the cottage. She was lightheaded. Probably from the wine. Or maybe she was on an emotional high—Andrew had told her he loved her, and she had said it back to him. And she meant it.

The route to his cottage seemed somewhat familiar, but from their bird’s eye view, everything was a little different. For one, there was no need to navigate the mountainous roadway. Also, the ride took mere minutes. It was a timely reminder that under normal conditions, they really weren’t too far apart.

When she saw his cottage from the air, it took her breath away. The place was not just Andrew’s home; it was their refuge from certain death that night, and would always have special significance for Abby, and probably her friends too. It was also the place where her powerful connection to Andrew was forged.

They landed safely on the helipad and Andrew helped her off the chopper.

“Ready for a relaxing long weekend?” he asked as they walked up the front steps together.


She noticed the Persian rug wasn’t in the hallway, when they walked in. “I would have offered to help clean up, but it looks like your housekeeper made it here already.”

“Yes. She has a key. She was probably here yesterday.”


Andrew carried her bags through the main hallway. He stopped at her guest room. “So. First question. Would you like to stay in the guest room, or do you prefer…to stay with me in my room? It’s totally up to you, if you need space, or don’t want to hear me snore or anything…”

Abby thought about it. Having her own room had perks, but so did staying with him. “What do you prefer?”

He turned and wrapped his arms around her waist, looking down at her. “Stay with me, of course. If you’d like, use the guest room to put your things. How is that?”

She popped up on her tiptoes and kissed his lips. “Sure. Your room. If I need extra space, I’ll use the guestroom.” She was going to end up in his bed a lot anyway, or he would be in hers. There was no point fooling herself with feigned decorum.

“Great,” he said, picking up her bags and carrying them to his room. “This section of the closet has lots of room, and those five drawers are empty. Will that be enough?”

“Yes. It’ll be plenty. I only brought the one piece of luggage. That other bag has my laptop and school stuff. Actually, where can I set up my laptop?”

“The library will be perfect. I’ll show you. Would you like a tour of the house? You may not have gotten very far when you were here last.”

“That would be nice,” she agreed, smiling. “That way I won’t get lost at every turn. Here, I’ll bring that bag with me.”

“I’ve got it.”

“You know, I’m all better now.” She flexed her biceps. “See these guns? I’m strong. You don’t have to carry my bags for me.”

“Okay you carry the bag, and I’ll carry you,” he joked.

She rolled her eyes and laughed. “Oh all right. Go ahead. Spoil me. Carry the bag.”

“Good. As long as I’m around, you’ll be well taken care of, Abby. It’s best you get used to it. Follow me, young lady.”

Andrew held her hand, and took the bag in the other. He led her further down the hall to the library. It was a massive room, with an open concept design, vaulted ceilings and bookshelves on three walls of the perimeter. There was a large, modern office table and chair on the open wall, which had floor to ceiling windows, and a desktop computer on one side of the desk. At the center of the room was a large boardroom table with eight leather office chairs around it. Two comfy leather lounge chairs in one corner completed the room décor. It was bright, roomy, and had a studious feel. Abby could see herself spending hours in the room.

“This is lovely,” she said.

“Glad you like it.” He placed her bag on the desk. “The drawers may be full, but I can make room.”

“I’m sure it will be fine.”

“Awesome. And the Wi-Fi password is in the top drawer on the left. My dad uses the desk a lot when he’s here. I’ll show you the rest of the place.”

She followed him through the house as he showed her around. There seemed to be no end to the place. Thankfully, there were only two wide, connected hallways on the main floor, making it easy to navigate. He took her upstairs afterward, going room to room until he stopped at the one at the end of the left hall.

“This is my sister Joy’s room. Well it was. I think I mentioned she hasn’t been here for a while. I think you two are the same size, and her closets are packed to the rafters with brand new clothes she never wore. I’ll get you some things from Carringtons after the weekend, but if you need anything, just help yourself in here.”

“Thanks. I think I brought enough, but good to know. And don’t buy me any more clothes for the cottage. I’ve got tons that you already bought me, remember?”

“Okay. I’ll try.”

They went back downstairs to the living room. “So what would you like to do first?” he asked.

“I should probably get some seminar readings out of the way for a few hours.”

“Sounds good. I think my staff in New York would like to hear from me today. I haven’t checked in for a few days. I’ll be in my office.”

He kissed her cheek at his office door and she went the rest of the way to the library. It was easy to set up her laptop at the office desk. Within minutes, she had logged on and began to tunnel through the work she had missed.

* * *

Abby stopped a few hours later to take a short break. She had made significant progress. She felt ready to tackle more, after she had a bite to eat. Looking at the time, it was almost five in the evening. She decided to prepare dinner. Andrew’s office door was closed when she passed by. The kitchen was empty when she got there. She checked the fridge and pantry to plan the meal.

It took her some time, and she was almost finished cooking when Andrew came in. He walked up behind her and massaged her shoulders. “Smells good.”


“What’s for dinner?”

“Linguini and meat sauce.” She smiled and turned to him.

“I could have helped.”

“Well you still can. I was looking for basil in the cupboards, but no luck. Do you have any?”

“I think so.” He disappeared in the pantry and came back with a glass filled with fresh basil. “Here you go.”

“Thanks! I’m not sure how I missed it.” She took a few sprigs and rinsed them out. “Now sit.”

“I can set the table.”

“Already done.”

“How about wine?”

“It’s chilled and ready.”

“I feel a little guilty, having you cook like this.”


“You’re my guest.”

“Yes, but you want me to feel at home, right?”

“Of course.”

“Good, and I want to do this for you. Think of it as a thank you gesture.”

“No need to thank me.”

She relaxed her face, and motioned to the bar stools with her head. “Go on. Sit and relax, and watch chef Abbs serve her secret recipe.”

“Sure.” He sat at one of the place settings and faced her.

She pulled out two serving bowls and began to fill them with pasta, then the sauce.

“Do you enjoy cooking?” He asked. “Or is it more of a chore?”

She placed the serving bowls on the table, and went looking for serving spoons. “I think I enjoyed it more when I cooked for Dad and me, or when family came over. It’s less fun cooking for myself. How about you?”

“It’s a chore. But I have to eat, so I do my best. I can usually manage four meals a week. I cook on days when the housekeeper isn’t here. She usually makes me a few dishes, and in enough of a batch so I’ve got leftovers.”


“Beats frozen dinners for sure.”

“I can imagine.” She placed the two serving spoons in the dishes. “Good. Dinner is served! Hope you like it.”

“I’m positive I will. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” she answered, sitting on the opposite side of the table. “Let’s eat.”

“This smells so good.” He took a bite. “Mmmm. Tastes great too.”

Abby dug in too. She thought of asking him more about himself, but was worn out from the flight and her readings. They had a quiet meal, with the odd small talk as they ate. When they were full, Andrew insisted on clearing the table.

“So tell me more about yourself, Abby.” He asked as he filled the dishwasher.

Abby smiled. The kitchen had to be the place Andrew was most at ease to talk. “There isn’t much about me that you don’t already know. I’m a pretty simple nut. What would you like to know?”

“Anything you’re comfortable sharing.”

Sitting on the stool, she watched in amazement as the man moved about the vast off-whiteness of his stocked kitchen with the grace of a panther in the wilds of Africa.

“Cat got your tongue?”

She had been staring at him, and forgot what he had asked. “Sorry. A little distracted. What was the question again?”

“Oh, nothing. Can I interest you in some dessert?”

Now you’re talking.”

“I make a mean ice cream sundae.”

“Okay. Yes. I’d love one.”

She held her gaze on his sexy ass as he reached for the ice cream in the freezer. He was dressed in a white t-shirt and dark sweat pants. It’s only then she noticed he had changed after the flight. God, he was the epitome of manliness, no matter what he wore. Even while wiping off counters and soaking pots and pans. And making her favorite food—dessert!

He prepared the sumptuous looking ice cream sundae with adeptness. Chocolate sauce, whipping cream, and a cherry on top.

Cherry on top. That got her thinking.

With his back to her, she began to unbutton the front of her dress shirt. He was humming as he swung open the freezer door and rifled through the contents to find who knew what. From what she could see around his hulking frame of the sundae, it was the largest and most all-encompassing sundae she had ever had the pleasure of witnessing. Meanwhile, she stripped off her top and bra and slipped out of her jeans. She tiptoed up behind him and wrapped her arms around his thick, ripped stomach.

He froze. “Hun?”

She smirked at his use of pet-name. They hadn’t been together for a week, but it sounded so natural. It only made her feel warmer toward him.


“Are those your breasts in my back?”


“And, against my thighs… am I feeling…”

“Yes,” I answered for him.

He turned in her embrace, looking down at her. Looking down at her breasts, actually. His eyes dilated and darkened. All thoughts of the sundae melted away as his heated gaze swept over her.

“You are almost naked.”

“Yes.” Stating the obvious was a great sign. It meant he wasn’t thinking, he was reacting. And with a man this hot acting on impulse, things always led somewhere brilliant. Somewhere inspired.

Tonight, like on the plane, was no exception. He placed his hands on her shoulders, then stroked down her sides and cupped her buttocks. He hauled her up against his chest. She laughed and stretched her arm back to the kitchen as he stalked out with her, and took her to his room.

“No more dessert? That’s going to melt.”

“This was your idea, remember?”

“Yes. Awww crap. My idea.”

“We can go back if you want?” he said.

“I’ll just run back and put it in the freezer.”

On the way there and back, her libido ratcheted up a few notches. In his bedroom, now standing to face him, she leaned up and kissed him hard on the mouth. His hands reached up and fondled her breasts. She slipped her hand down past his waistband to reach for his member.

“You make me so hard, Abby,” he groaned, pulling away to remove his clothes and the rest of hers.

He picked her up again and carried her over to the bed. He lowered her slowly, and Abby spread her thighs apart and pulled him between them. She wrapped her legs around his waist, groin to groin. The heat of their bodies warmed her to the core. His hardness sat wedged between them, digging into her stomach. It was the best feeling of her life. As he hardened even more, she worshipped his mouth. Worshipped this man she loved.

Her tongue swiped through his mouth and tangled with his tongue. As his hands massaged her breasts, she sighed into his mouth. He growled in return. Yanking free, he combed his fingers through her hair and held on at the base of her neck. At that point, he proceeded to seduce her throat, whispering words of adoration into her flesh. He licked down the length of her neck, nibbled along her collarbone, kissed his way back to her ear, and sucked her earlobe between his teeth. She was a puddle by the time he finished showing and telling her just how much he was enjoying her.

It should have been no wonder then; she trailed her nails down his back and into the hard flesh of his ass. She tugged him toward her, signaling her long overdue readiness for his cock deep within her. He shifted his weight to his arm and lifted his pelvis off her. He halted all movements, the head of his cock poised at her slit.

“I want to hear you scream when you come, Abby. There’s just you and me here. No one else. You can let go.”

“Come inside me, baby,” she begged. She loved his invitation to let go. And her plea was warning enough for him to take her where she wanted to go.

She pulled his ass and leaned close to whisper in his ear, “Fuck me, Andrew. I don’t know what you do to me, but I need you.”

He looked into her eyes but didn’t move. He was teasing her. She seized his cock in her hand, held it steady, and tilted her hips up to feel him enter her. Once there, she moved her hand back to his ass. He grunted, held his gaze from half-lidded eyes, and filled her completely.

He thrust into her with wicked, forceful, blissful strokes. He needed no help as he wrapped his arms around her back. He held her still and plunged his cock deep inside her. So deep, she moaned through his pleasure-filled assault, taking more and more of him until they found each other’s ecstasy and came together. The stayed connected for some time, panting through their breathlessness, enjoying their bond.

“Still feel like dessert?” he asked when he caught his breath again a while later.

“I just had mine,” she said, smiling and holding him so tight. She wasn’t ready to let him go yet.

“Okay. And how are you feeling? Tired?” he whispered, sliding off her to stretch out beside her on the bed.

“No. I’m great. I think I’ll have a shower and get back to the books in a minute. The more I get done today, the better I’ll feel going in for my placement.”

“Sounds good,” he said. “I’ll finish up in the kitchen and get some work done in the office too.”



“Kiss me again.” She loved the feel of his lips on hers.

He moved closer to her, and took her mouth with a raw, needy kiss. A rough, guttural groan escaped him as he pulled away, his darkened eyes letting her know he wanted her again. And she wanted him too.