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Chance of Romance (Happy Endings Book Club, Book 8) by Kylie Gilmore (7)

Chapter Seven

Sabrina wore a white dress. In a sea of black and dark winter colors at Jake and Josh’s birthday party, she stood out like lightning in a dark sky. Nothing particularly revealing about the dress, yet Logan couldn’t tear his gaze away. The top went up to her neck and ended modestly at her knees. It was sleeveless, so her shoulders and arms were exposed. Bare legs too, her slender feet in open-toed white sandals. What was it that was different? Her dark blond hair was down, soft waves brushing her shoulders. Her brown eyes looked smoky with dark liner, her lips painted rosy pink. More makeup than usual, but still Sabrina. His gaze took another tour of her dress. The rows of silver and gold crystals diagonally across the top reversed direction below her waist past her hips, drawing his eye to the swell of her breasts, her small waist, the curve of her hips. The combined effect was nothing short of stunning.

She looked confident, powerful, insanely sexy. He could not stop staring at her curves. So was Marcus, the lech. His close friend and honorary brother stood at his side at the bar in Jake’s new man cave. Sabrina was just across the way, standing next to Lexi near the pool table.

“Damn,” Marcus said under his breath, “Sabrina cleans up good.” Marcus was not the guy you wanted to stand next to at a party—if you were a guy—because you’d only look homely next to him. He was nobody’s wingman. He looked like he’d just stepped out of a cologne ad or something. Black close-cropped hair, dark eyes with thick lashes, tanned skin, and chiseled cheekbones. At least his nose had been broken, so he wasn’t perfect. He worked out much harder than necessary, with the overly muscled arms to show for it.

“Don’t talk about her like that,” Logan snapped.

“What’s your problem?”

“She’s my friend.”

“I wanna be her friend too.” Marcus socked his arm and swaggered over to Sabrina. Dammit. Marcus was such a hulk, tall and wide, that he completely blocked Logan’s view of Sabrina. He was pretty sure Sabrina didn’t care about big muscles. Actually, he didn’t know what she liked in a guy. He’d never seen her flirting, never saw her with a guy.

He took a pull on his beer, watching as Marcus leaned down, probably smiling at her, flirting like he always did. Logan clenched his jaw. He was not going to come off like some jealous boyfriend walking over there and telling Marcus to get lost. He endured several excruciating minutes of Marcus’s flirting, and then Marcus and Sabrina walked away together. Lexi started playing pool with some of the guys.

He caught the rear view of Sabrina, the silver and gold crystals in straight lines down her back pointing like arrows to the sweetest curve of ass he’d ever seen. How had he missed that before? Wait. Where were they going? Upstairs? Was Marcus taking her upstairs for some privacy? Everyone else was hanging out in the man cave.

He set his beer down on the bar and followed them, keeping back a distance. They went around the corner and down a ramp, the light dimmer here, the air cooler. Sabrina was laughing at something Marcus said as they walked through an arched brick hallway. He couldn’t hear Marcus’s low voice. What the hell was he up to?

Logan couldn’t stand it anymore. “Hey, Sabrina. Where you headed?”

She whirled. “Hi! I was telling Marcus about the wine-tasting room. He says he knows all about wine, so we’re going to check it out.” Marcus owned his own bar in the city, The Burrow. Logan didn’t know anything about wine. He was a beer man.

“Would you like to join us?” Sabrina asked.

He instantly felt better. “Sure,” he said, catching up with them. “What’s with the dress?”

“Smooth,” Marcus muttered. “You look beautiful, Sabrina.”

Sabrina blushed prettily and smiled up at Marcus. “Thank you.” She looked at Logan, her smile dropping. “What do you mean what’s with the dress?”

“I don’t know. It just seems really dressy for a birthday party.”

“What’re you, the fashion police?” Marcus asked with a laugh. “Might want to upgrade from jeans and sneakers, then.” Marcus dressed like a city metrosexual in crisp shirts, tailored pants, and dress shoes. He could be casual in jeans and sneakers like the rest of the normal men in the world, but tonight he was Mr. Metrosexual in a light blue shirt and dark gray pants. Logan was in his usual long-sleeved cotton shirt, jeans, and, yes, sneakers. Now that he saw Sabrina dressed to kill, he kinda wished he’d stepped it up a notch.

Logan shot Marcus a dark look before telling Sabrina, “It’s a nice dress.”

“Thanks,” she said. No smile for him. It was on the tip of his tongue—you look stunning, insanely sexy—but he stopped himself. They were friends and he had a girlfriend. Kinda. The long-distance thing with Olivia made it hard to know where he stood, but she’d seemed really into a future together. He’d find out in less than a week when he took her to dinner. Wait and see, wait and see.

The hallway ended in a room with a glossy honey-colored semicircle bar with five red velvet chairs set around it. Long cushioned benches lined opposite walls. Four hanging lights over the bar spotlighted his twin brothers, Jake and Josh, serving up drinks. Josh was pouring wine for their sisters-in-law while Jake was pouring what looked like scotch for their brothers.

The way to tell the twins apart was easy if you knew them well, because they were complements of each other. Josh was laid-back and dressed casually in flannel shirts, faded T-shirts, and ripped jeans, letting his hair grow shaggy, forgetting to shave for days on end. Jake was driven, dressed in crisp designer clothes—even his casual clothes were designer—his hair always cut and styled, sometimes stubbled, but usually clean-shaven. They had a similar sense of humor, though, loving to razz people. Feisty banter with a woman was foreplay to them.

Maybe Logan should explain that to Hailey, who took everything Josh said so personally. Josh would kill him if he did. Whatever. If Josh wanted to torture himself by never getting Hailey out of his system, then that was his own damn fault.

Marcus slipped behind the bar. “All right, which one of you birthday boys wants a break? I got this.”

His sister-in-law Claire leaned across the bar and spoke in her throaty voice. “Josh, could you grab some of those champagne bottles and take them to the other bar? My friends love champagne.”

“Sure.” Josh reached under the bar and pulled two bottles of champagne out. “For my birthday, eh?”

“Sure,” Claire said with a laugh. “Honestly, they don’t need a reason.”

Josh nodded once and left. Marcus took over with the wine.

Jake shook his head at Claire, smiling. “Subtle.”

Claire smiled mischievously. “I know.” Probably Hailey liked champagne.

“C’mere, you,” Claire said, crooking her finger at Sabrina, who was setting her purse on one of the long benches across the room. “You can have my seat. I think I’ve tasted enough wine. I’m going to bring some of the food down.”

His sisters-in-law jumped up to help Claire, and the three of them headed out. He watched while Claire stopped next to Sabrina on her way out, giving her shoulder a squeeze and whispering something. Sabrina laughed, saying something to her friends he couldn’t quite catch, all warm, friendly smiles. Now why couldn’t Sabrina be warm and open like that with him? It was like he made her close up just by being near. The exact opposite effect he usually had on women.

Logan casually waited for Sabrina to take a seat at the bar before taking the seat next to her. “All set for LA?”

She nodded at Marcus, who was holding up a bottle of red to her, before answering Logan. “Yeah. Claire lent me three outfits, and I already had one of my own that I was happy with. I got these kickass shoes with wings—”

“Wings?” Logan asked. “Like a superhero or something?”

She giggled. Sabrina never giggled. “Just a minute. I’ll show you.” She walked over to the cushioned bench and bent to retrieve her phone from her purse. He admired her fine ass again and quickly looked away as soon as she straightened. He caught Marcus’s knowing look. Jake chuckled.

Logan stared straight ahead, working on being the picture of innocence.

Sabrina sat next to him and showed him her phone with a picture of the shoes. “Aren’t they gorgeous?” Silver stilettos with wings and ankle straps. Sexy as hell. Who was this woman, and what had she done with untouchable porcelain-doll Sabrina?

“What’s going on with you?” he asked, genuinely confused. “The whole time I’ve known you, you’re dressed like a professional, like some kind of…” He gestured up and down her sexy body, trying to think of something more complimentary than untouchable porcelain doll.

She took a sip of the small bit of wine Marcus set in front of her for tasting. “Like a counselor?”

Logan pointed at her. “Yes! And now you’re suddenly wearing stuff you’d see on the red carpet. Claire stuff. Are you trying to be like Claire?”

“Have some scotch,” Jake said, shoving a tumbler in front of him. “Don’t talk so much.”

He glared at his big brother.

Sabrina smiled at Marcus. “This is delicious wine. Hints of chocolate in it. What’s it called?”

Marcus lifted the bottle. “Decadence.”

Sabrina licked her lips, and Logan’s cock perked up. “I love Decadence,” she purred.

“Have some more,” Marcus said, filling her glass.

“Oh, stop, stop!” Sabrina said with a laugh. “I started the party early with Claire. This is my third glass.” She leaned close and batted her eyes at Marcus. “Can you tell?”

Marcus leaned close, nose to nose, his voice husky. “Not at all, darlin’. Enjoy your wine.”

Sabrina patted Marcus’s clean-shaven cheek. He caught her hand and kissed the palm. Sabrina took her hand back and stared at it.

Logan tossed back some scotch. He winced, not used to hard liquor. Jake was watching him closely for some reason. Logan glanced over to his brothers, Alex and Ty, sitting on his other side to see if they were watching him too, but they were still deep in conversation about kid stuff. They were both dads.

He turned back to Sabrina, feeling Jake’s eyes on him. What was with Jake today? “So you got the clothes and the shoes. You all set for the hard-hitting interview questions?”

“We’ll see,” Sabrina caroled. He’d honestly never seen her like this, all giggly and practically singing her words.

“Are you drunk?” If she was drunk, he should probably get her home before she did something stupid like hook up with Marcus. His friend was a great guy, just not great at relationships. Sabrina deserved better than that.

She gave him a goofy smile and sipped her red wine. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

Jake and Marcus exchanged a look behind the bar, grinning at each other, clearly finding Sabrina entertaining. Logan didn’t see what was so funny.

“Yeah, I would like to know,” Logan said. “That’s why I asked.”

She let out a soft sigh and set her glass on the bar with a thunk. She turned to him, her eyes wide, her voice earnest. “Logan, I’m really, really sorry I threw you under the bus, and I just want you to know I really, so sincerely hope you can work things out with Olivia. Okay?” She didn’t wait for a response, instead answering her own question. “Okay. Good talk.”


She cocked her head. “Is that a problem for you?”

His brows scrunched together in confusion. He had no idea what she was talking about.

“Olivia?” Jake asked. “The one from college?”

Sabrina chugged her wine.

“Yeah, we reconnected recently,” Logan said, tearing his gaze from Sabrina. “You know, it’s long distance, she’s out in San Francisco, so I didn’t tell anyone about it. Kind of wait and see where things go.”

“I remember her from your graduation,” Jake said. “High-strung.”

“She’s not high-strung,” Logan said. “Just high energy.”

Jake shrugged.

Sabrina ran her fingers through her hair, making it look sex tousled. He stared at the bar, anything but looking at the sexy picture she made.

She spoke again, her voice much louder than usual. “I sure hope you can work things out with Olivia, Logan. I really, really do. Logan and Olivia. That’s nice how your names are almost palindromes, L-o, O-l.” No, they weren’t, and she seemed a little too enthusiastic about the whole thing.

“Do you really, really hope that?” he asked dryly.

“Yes!” She poked his arm. “Ooh, call her right now and I’ll tell her too.”

“Sabrina, I think I should drive you home now.”

“What! Why?”

“Because you’re drunk.”

She leaned close, smiling, her honey and flowers scent surrounding him, making him desperate to taste. “And you’re in a relationship. I’m not! But nobody cares because I’m the relationship expert!”

Her brown eyes were glassy, but this was the closest she’d ever been. A sharp tug of need had him leaning back. “Except you’re not an expert, are you?” She’d said she’d had a committed relationship a long time ago. She was twenty-six, so he was willing to bet it was her one and only relationship. She hadn’t been involved with anyone since. At least she’d never mentioned an ex.

“But I sound like one on TV!” she sang. “Claire has set me up good. All the hosts know her, all of them got the heads-up that we’re friends, and all the questions will be so-o-o easy.” She pounded the bar. “More Decadence, please!”

“Coming right up,” Marcus said, pouring her another glass.

Logan stepped in. “Sabrina, you’re going to get sick. How many glasses do you usually have?”

She slowly blinked at him. “I leave tomorrow for LA. Claire says you’ll be in San Francisco by Thursday, so wave at me down there.” She spread her hands a few inches apart. “We’ll be this far apart according to Google Maps.”

He couldn’t help but laugh. She was an entertaining drunk. “Okay, I’ll wave to you.”

She held up a finger. “But stop waving on Sunday. That’s when I go home.”

“I go home the following Wednesday, so I’ll wave to you on the East Coast.” He spread his palms wide. “It’s about this far apart on Google Maps.”

She took a swallow of wine and frowned. “I’d better stop. Here, Marcus.” She handed her glass back. “I don’t want to be hungover on the plane.”

Marcus took a sip from her glass, right where she’d sipped, his dark eyes glued to Sabrina.

Sabrina leaned across the bar and whispered loudly to Marcus, “That has my germs.”

Logan slapped a palm on the bar. “He’s flirting with you! God, Sabrina, don’t you even know when someone’s flirting with you?”

Her jaw dropped as she stared at him in shock.

Marcus shook his head at him. Alex and Ty got up and left, Ty slapping a hand on his shoulder as he passed in some kind of brotherly solidarity.

Jake jerked his chin at him.

“What?” Logan barked.

Jake gave him a sympathetic look. “Might be time to check out another part of the party, bud.”

Great. The heave-ho from his own brother.

“You know what?” Sabrina snapped. “I’ll go. I don’t need to sit here and get yelled at.” She grabbed her phone, stood unsteadily, turned, and walked away.

She’d left her purse on the bench. He grabbed her purse, catching up with her as she moved unsteadily through the brick hallway toward the noise of the party. “Sabrina, I’m sorry.”

She whirled. “It’s a party! Excuse me for enjoying myself. And I can’t help it if Marcus drank from my glass!”

He set her purse over her bare shoulder, his fingers grazing warm silky skin. “You’re right. I’m just in a mood, I guess.” And then he couldn’t help himself, the words tumbling out. “You look stunning in that dress. It suits you.”

She leaned close enough for his pulse to thrum, his body heating, primed for more. “It’s Claire’s,” she said softly.

Do not touch her. She was drunk. He was not exactly single. They were friends. “It still looks amazing.” His voice came out husky, his own lust betraying him. “Can I say that as your friend?”

She pursed her luscious pink lips like she had to think it over. “Sure, why not? Claire, Lexi, and Hailey said the exact same thing.”

He was dying for a taste of her sweetness, nearly woozy with her scent—honey, flowers, and sweet Sabrina. “Guess I’m not very original,” he murmured.

She sighed, her breath fanning his face. His gaze dropped to her mouth, the temptation of it made him lean in ever so slightly. Time stood still, the air crackling between them as they stood, nearly touching, sharing a breath. So close, so tempting, so necessary. The blood roared in his ears.

She took a step back and held up a palm.

He gave himself a mental shake. That palm was the stop sign on lust, but his lust wasn’t going anywhere, still running full throttle through him, every instinct driving him to get closer. “Sabrina.”

She blinked rapidly and took a deep breath. “I don’t think we should be friends anymore. I can’t…I just think we should say goodbye.”

His chest clutched. “Why?”

“Because…” She let out a huge sigh. “Because you’re leaving.”

“Not right away.”

She tilted her head. “And I kinda hate you a little bit for that when I should be happy for you, so goodbye.”

They stared at each other. Was this really it? A drunken goodbye in his brother’s basement? Her eyes watered, and she took in a shuddering breath like she was going to cry or something.

He offered his hand for at least a goodbye handshake.

She rushed at him, hugging him tight around the middle. No elbow squeeze, no awkward pat on the back, just a warm hug, her soft curves fitting perfectly against him. His arms went around her for only a moment before she pulled away.

Then she was gone.

And he was left standing there, suddenly cold and alone, wondering what the hell just happened.