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Doctor's Orders (Copper Creek Book 2) by Wendy Smith, Ariadne Wayne (19)



I roll my eyes as Ash Harris’s name comes up on my caller ID. I’ve been trying to work out my next move when it comes to getting midwifery care into that damn place, and I guess I need to take this in case there’s some other situation that’s come up.


“Hayley, I need you.”


“I’ve got a girl here in the early stages of pregnancy. She’s in a lot of pain, and I need you to look at her.”

I take a deep breath. “Bring her into the clinic.”

“She says it hurts to move. Can you please take a look at her?”

Shit. Margaret was up all night at a farm thirty kilometres away. I can’t ask her to go in my place.

“Sure. I’ll be there soon. Maybe I can get a follow-up visit in with Julia, too?”


The gates open when I drive up to them. There’s still no sign of anyone opening or closing them, and I can only assume they’re controlled remotely. It’s creepy.

More than anything I wish Drew was with me. I miss him more than anything and his reassurance would help get me through this. I’m still grappling with my decision and will be for a long time to come.

I reach the main building, and Ash is there with a big smile on his face.

“Hayley, it’s so good to see you.”

“Where’s the patient?” I cut to the chase. No point in wasting time with small talk.

His expression grows serious. “Right through here.”

There’s a young girl waiting for me. She barely looks legal, and she’s pregnant. What the hell is going on in this place?

“This is Christine,” Ash says.

“Thanks. Can you wait outside?”

“I want him here.” Christine sounds a little panicked.

Ignoring him, I focus on the woman. “Hi, Christine, I’m Hayley. I’m a community midwife.”

She nods.

“You’re in pain?”

“I was. It’s not as bad now.”

My body tenses. If she’s feeling okay, why am I here? “How far along are you?”

“About fourteen weeks.”

I nod. “I’ll do some basic checks, if that’s okay? Listen for the baby’s heartbeat.”

She glances at Ash before nodding.

“Lie down on the couch, and I’ll take a look.”

With her lying on her back, I lift her shirt to feel her stomach. I swear I feel Ash’s eyes on the back of my head, but I push away the feeling of discomfort he gives me to focus on her.

Grabbing my stethoscope and Doppler out of my bag, I close my eyes for a moment to focus while I grasp Christine’s wrist. Her blood pressure is up a little, but nothing to worry about.

The baby’s heartbeat comes through loud and clear on the Doppler, and Christine smiles as the sound of the rapid beat fills the room.

“Everything looks fine. It’s time to organise your midwifery care.”

Her gaze goes straight to Ash, and he gives her a short, sharp nod. “Okay.”

“I’ll leave you some information. You give me a call when you’ve read through it, and we’ll sort out your first appointment.”

“Thank you.”

I turn to Ash. “Now, can I see Julia?”

Julia’s baby has already grown so much. Andrew gives me a big grin as she passes him over. It takes everything in me not to react to the fact that he’s a lot like the man I suspect is his father, Ash Harris.

“That’s a big smile, little man. He’s growing so fast.”

She reaches for my arm. “He is. Thanks to you. I can never thank you enough for everything you did.”

“You’re so welcome. He’s a beautiful, healthy baby, and I’m so glad you’re both well.”

Another woman in one of those drab, grey dresses arrives with a drinks tray. “Tea or coffee?” she asks.

“I might just give it a miss, thanks. I’ve got to get home soon.” I don’t have anything to do, but screw hanging around here longer than I have to.

“You’re not going so quickly?” Julia asks. “You’re like a baby whisperer, the way he’s so calm in your arms. He’s a bit up and down at the moment.”

“Sure.” Surrounded by people, she seems desperate for some company. I turn to the woman. “Coffee please. Milk and two sugars?”

The woman gives me a smile, and I turn back to the baby in my arms. “You’re just growth-spurting, aren’t you? How’s your feeding going?” I look up at Julia.

“Good. He’s so hungry, but I’m still resting after everything that happened. I’m in here most of the day, if I’m not sitting out and getting sun.”

I nod. “That’s good. Happy baby, happy mum.”

“Here you go.” The coffee’s placed on the bedside cabinet, along with Julia’s drink. I pass the baby back and grab the mug. Better to get this over with, and I just have to take a couple of sips to look as if I’m enjoying the hospitality. Seeing Julia is good, though. She’s clearly doing much better, and the baby’s thriving.

It doesn’t take long for whatever’s in my drink to hit me.


“Something … something’s in my …” I can’t even finish the sentence, and Julia stares at me. I’ve had my drink spiked before, and this feels exactly the same.

The cup crashes to the floor, and I push myself to my feet, stagger, and lean on the bed.

“Hayley?” Julia’s terror registers with me. She doesn’t know what’s going on any more than I do. I can hear the panic in her voice.

My ears close in as if they’re being stuffed with cotton wool. Julia screams and leaps out the other side of her bed, her baby in her arms. My vision’s blurred, but I make her out as she heads toward the French doors leading to the deck. I try and follow her, but my feet are made of concrete.

An eternity passes.

Strong arms lift me, and I’m looking into the eyes of Ash Harris.

“Let’s get you somewhere comfortable.”


I want to go home. I want Drew.

Drew.” I say his name out loud because it’s all I can manage, and because I need him so badly. I’m shaking because I don’t know where this is leading, and this is the last place I want to be.

“Everything will be okay,” Ash says softly. He takes me down a corridor and into another room. There’s a large bed, and he lowers me onto it. I fight the urge to go to sleep with everything I have, but any energy I had is gone.

“Drew’s not here, Hayley. I know you broke up. I’ve been watching.”

I let out a pained moan.

“You’re meant to be here. With me. You’ll get everything you ever wanted.” He presses his hand on my midriff, and my stomach rolls in revulsion.

“No.” I manage to get the word out, but the fight is ebbing out of me. My heart’s racing, and I try and push myself up, but sink back down.

He lies beside me, stroking my hair. “It’s okay, Hayley. You don’t need anyone but me.”

I let out a sob.

There’s a loud knock on the door.

“Ash, I need your help.” Julia’s voice fills me with hope. She must know where I am.

“I’m busy, Julia.”

“It’s Andrew. I don’t think he’s well.”

He sighs. “He was fine earlier.”

She lets out a sob. “He won’t stop crying. Please come and see him. He’s so good with you.”

“Holy shit. I’ll be back.” He sweeps his hand down my side, his thumb grazing my nipple. I want to scream, but let out a groan instead.

“That’s what I like to hear.”

And then he’s gone, and I’m left in the room by myself.

What the hell can I do?