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Keeping What He Wants (Roaming Devils MC Book 2) by Lexie Davis (7)

Chapter Seven


After twelve hours of the security alarm going off every time someone entered the ER, Ella went home with a headache that wouldn’t quit. They hadn’t figured out the system, and she was so glad she didn’t have to go back in for another two days. She unlocked the door to her apartment and stepped inside, finding Ryker watching TV.

Ella dumped her stuff in the foyer and walked over to him. “Have you been to bed?”

“Yeah.” He patted the sofa beside him.

“I’ve had a really long twelve hours. I think I’m going to bed.”

He glanced up. “You okay?”

“I’ve got a headache.” She cringed. “A bad one. The stupid security alarm went off every time someone entered the ER through the ambulance bay. The IT department has made a mess of that place. Security hung around all day. I had a poor patient that came in with a migraine, and I told them if they didn’t pull the fucking plug I was going to tear the damn alarm off the wall. They eventually had enough common sense to turn the stupid thing off, but it was after ten hours.”

He clicked the TV off. “Go lie down. I’ll get you some aspirin and water.”

She smiled at him. “Thanks.”

Ella went to their bedroom. She wanted to crawl in the bed and forget about the scrubs and makeup she wore. Instead, she went to the bathroom to change clothes and wash her face. Ryker came into the bathroom with the medicine and water moments later, handing them to her.

“Will you hold me?”

Ryker squeezed her shoulders lightly, smiling. “Of course.”

She took the pills and turned to wrap her arms around him. It felt like forever since she’d been in his arms. She always got that way when they didn’t sleep together. Ryker bent to lift her and carried her to the bed. Everything felt right again, and she couldn’t complain.

Sometime later, Ella woke to an empty bed. She blew out a breath and sat up, groggy and tired from the hectic week. Wanting a mini-vacation had become an understatement. She stood and went to find Ryker. It was the middle of the day, and she didn’t think the club had any business during daylight hours. She was right: Ryker sat on the sofa with his phone to his ear.

Ella waved at him. He pushed the mute button on his phone. “You feel better?”

“I want to go wherever it is that you planned to take me.”

“Did you pack?”

“How long are we staying.”

“How long are you off?”

“Three days, two nights.” She rolled her eyes. “I fought for the day shift Monday, but they gave me Sunday night.”

He nodded and pushed the mute button again. “Go pack.”

Excitement filled her as she went back to the bedroom. The last time she’d had a vacation was before med school. She and her friends had gone to Cabo for a week before she’d devoted her life to medicine. She sighed and thought about what she wanted to take. Half of her closet was full of scrubs. The other half was Ryker’s clothes. She selected a few of Ryker’s t-shirts and some of her skinny jeans that she hoped she could still wear. She picked out a dressier blouse just in case. She grabbed the necessities and then her toiletries. He’d told her to pack light, but the bag was half empty and she wondered if it was enough.

She dressed quickly and pulled her hair back. Ryker waited for her in the living room. He smiled at her, holding his keys.

“I’m ready.”

“Let’s go.” He opened the door while she grabbed her purse. They walked downstairs to the parking lot and Ryker undid the saddle bags on his bike for her stuff.

“You didn’t pack.”

“I don’t need clothes.” He snapped the compartment shut and straddled the bike.

“You’re not taking me out and leaving me in the middle of nowhere, are you?”

He glared at her before pulling on his aviator sunglasses. He strapped his helmet on next. “Yes, Ella. That’s exactly what I’m doing.”

“Well, you won’t tell me where we’re going.”

He started the motorcycle and handed her the helmet. “Get on.”

The beast rumbled to life, and he glanced over his shoulder. Ella fixed her helmet before gripping his shoulder and swinging her leg over the bike. She scooted close to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

He backed them out of the parking spot and they rode off. Ella liked the anticipation. The surprise of Ryker planning some getaway from them. She didn’t know what to expect, but the thrill of not knowing made her happy. They rode north nearly an hour away from the city.

The Georgia countryside took her breath away. It was at the beginning of the autumn season, and everything was so full of life and color. When they finally arrived, he pulled into a cabin retreat. She couldn’t stop the foolish grin from crossing her face. He parked at the front and killed the engine.

“This is perfect.”

He pulled his helmet off. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

He got off the bike and left her staring after him. When he came back, he had keys and handed her his helmet while he climbed on. The rode toward the back of the large retreat and parked near a gorgeous waterfall. Just looking at it made Ella smile.

“Our cabin is right there.” He pointed.

Ella pushed up from her spot and dismounted the bike. He handed her the keys, and she all but ran toward the cabin. She unlocked the door and opened it before flipping the lights on. Her jaw dropped. Inside was a lavishly decorated cabin that had beautiful wooden walls and rustic decorations. She glanced back at Ryker, who carried her bags, one in each hand.

“You like it?”

“I love it.” She jumped into his arms, and he dropped the bags at his feet. “How did you find this place?”

“My friend’s family owns it.”

She cupped his cheeks and kissed him. “This is so perfect. Thank you.”

He hefted her bags again and carried them to the sofa. “This isn’t it.”

“There’s more?” Ella stared at him wide eyed. “You planned more in just a few days?”

He shrugged. “I’m multi-talented.”

“I love you so much.”

“Right back at you.” He kissed her. “We’re going to a fancy dinner after wine tasting.”

“Wine tasting?” She felt her smile widen. “I’ve never been wine tasting.”

“Do you want to freshen up or are you ready to go?”

She squealed and ran to her bag. “I look horrible from that stupid helmet. I need to braid my hair. My makeup is all yucky too. I probably should have put full-coverage foundation on.”

“Women.” Ryker plopped down on the sofa while she ran off to the bathroom.

She worked quickly to fix her hair and makeup. She hated that she hadn’t brought something a little dressier to wear. He should have told her so she could have planned accordingly.

When she was finally satisfied, she had her hair French braded and some red lipstick and powder on. Her oversized shirt and skinny jeans seemed a little casual for wine tasting. She still wore her riding boots since they were taking the bike, but she regretted that she didn’t have a slinky dress and sexy heels.

“This is as good as it’s getting.” Ella walked out and twirled around for him. “Is it bad? I wish I had a slinky dress and heels.”

She smiled. Ryker tilted his head as he studied her. “Do you really think I’m going to say you look terrible?”

“No.” She rolled her eyes. “Do I look okay?”

“You’re beautiful in anything or nothing at all.”

She grinned like a fool. “Come on. I’m so excited about this.”

They spent the evening at the vineyard tasting the wine selection and learning about the wine-making process. Ryker went out of his way to make her happy, and she loved him for it. She had so much fun tasting the different wines. Ryker even bought a bottle for her to take back to the cabin with them. He also treated her to an elaborate dinner, set exclusively on a patio outside the main restaurant. It was quiet and intimate, though her eyes nearly bugged out at the prices next to the meals, on the menu. Ryker glared at her and snatched the menu away, refusing to allow her to order for herself.

She supposed she needed to lighten up. She had asked him for a romantic getaway, and he’d gone through all the trouble of planning it and it really was fantastic. Freaking out over the cost would do a disservice.

“I needed this.” She smiled at him from across the dinner table after they’d eaten. “Thank you.”

He lifted his wine glass filled with water. “Yeah, well, you deserve to have fun. You’ve been stressed out a lot with work and the thing with your dad. I haven’t made life easier on you either.”

She sat her wine glass down. “What did you want to be when you were younger?”

He swirled the clear liquid in his glass. “I always wanted to be a club member.”

“Nothing else? No Astronaut? Fireman? Businessman?”

“Not really.” He propped his chin up on his hand. “I wanted to be a club member. I wanted to be president of the Roaming Devils Atlanta chapter.”

She glanced up at the night sky. “Say that’s not an option. What would you want to be then?”

He sipped his drink. “Your love slave.”

She laughed. “From childhood?”

“At least fifteen.” He reached for the bottle of wine between them. “I had a dirty mind and all kinds of fantasies about me and you.”

“Ooh. Do share.”

He laughed. “I’d rather show you.”

“Oh, come on. Tell me your teenage fantasies.”

Sitting back in his chair, he studied her. “Do you remember Mr. Swanson’s chemistry class?”

“Yes. I had an A all year long.”

He smiled, rubbing a hand over the scruff on his face. “You wore this short dress one time. Yellow with little pink flowers on it. It was sleeveless, and you had a denim jacket to cover your arms.”

“You remember that?”

“Vividly. You dropped something and bent over right in front of me. I saw your lacy white panties.” He propped his chin on his hand. “I spent all day trying to come up with a plan to get you to take them off. I wanted to see your pussy. I was obsessed.” He cleared his throat. “I still am.”

“That’s almost endearing if not a little creepy.”

He laughed. “Didn’t you want to have sex in high school?”

She lifted her glass of wine. “Maybe. I don’t know.”

“Are you glad you waited until you were nearly thirty?”

She smiled. “Yes. You rocked my world.”

“I could have rocked your world at fifteen.”

“Oh, yeah?” Ella doubted that. He’d been a cocky bastard who probably hadn’t known much about sex back then. The girls had loved him though. Rumor had had it that he’d traded sexual favors near the back exit of the school. “Would we be together today if you had?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Probably not.”

“Do you regret fucking so many women?”

Pursing his lips, he didn’t answer her immediately. “Regret? Not really. I regret not being more careful about it. I wanted you and I tried to replace you by fucking any pussy willing to let me in.” He met her gaze. “I keep trying to tell you that I don’t want someone else. I’ve had other women. It’s not the same. A few seconds of pleasure is not going to replace what we have. I owe a lot to you, believe it or not. You’ve saved me more than once. I have a feeling I’m going to fuck up again and you’ll be right there, ready to jump in. I don’t deserve it, but I treasure everything you give me, Ella.”

Crossing her legs, she glanced down at her plate. When he put it that way, she got the message. “I wanted to be your friend at fifteen. You didn’t give me the time of day. One of my friends told me it was because I didn’t spread my legs for you.”

“I was pretty fucked up back then. My grandfather had just died. My dad was pushing coke on me. I slept around. I cared about you, but only from afar.” He lifted a breadstick from the basket in the center of the table. “You are so fucking special.”

“I’m not that special.”

He smiled. “Yes, you are. When I need you the most, you’re always there for me. You’re the only person that really does that.”

“Vampire and Superman do too.”

“No.” He shook his head. “I’m an authority with them. With you…I’m just me. I didn’t have parents. Not real ones. I grew up in a world where I couldn’t show any weakness. You’ve seen me at my best and my worst. I think I’ve even shed a fucking tear or two in front of you. I don’t know. I was high.”

She reached for his hand. The more he talked, the more she understood his connection with her. She’d been jealous and pissed off about him with his ex, but he really felt something more with her. Ella knew he didn’t let his guard down. When he was around his friends, he was more focused than his relaxed nature with her.

“Why?” she asked. “Why am I the only one you can be that way with?”

He linked his fingers with hers. “You don’t want anything from me. Drugs. Money. Status. None of that matters to you. I respect you greatly for being your own person. You don’t need me, and I know that. I’m not used to that. Women always need me for something. They’re always trying to please me. You couldn’t give one fuck about that.” He chuckled. “You push against me. It makes me hot and horny, and half the time I don’t even know why were fighting. I like it though. Most of the time. Not about serious stuff or you truly being upset, but I like you giving me a run for my money when we butt heads about something.”

“And I’m the exact opposite.” She laughed. “I don’t like fighting with you. I like the tender side of your personality. It doesn’t come out very often, but I have seen it and I know it’s there. I want you to be around more. I want to have conversations with you. I want to do couple things.”

He didn’t say anything for the longest time. “Couple things? Like fucking in a winery?”

 “Fucking in a winery is pretty risqué.” She sipped her wine. “We could do it doggy style by the grapevines or maybe you can press my back into the grapes while you drive your cock into me like you mean it.”

He grinned. If she looked closely, a faint hint of pink tinted his cheeks. Ryker shook his head. “Actual sex isn’t what I’m thinking about right now.” He took a sip. “Filling your mouth to end this conversation seems like a better idea.”

Instead of saying anything, she scooted her chair back. Ryker watched her from across the table, his eyes heavy with desire. She knelt on the ground and crawled under the table. Her heart thumped as she reached for his legs and pushed his thighs apart. She nuzzled him, loving his masculine scent. His hands dropped to his fly as he worked it open. His cock was thick and perfect, and her mouth watered at the sight of it. She licked the tip with a flick of her tongue. Most nights, Ella could simply think about what Ryker looked like and smelled like only to grow wet with desire. The way he took her into his arms or kissed her softly on the lips had her trembling with need before they even said hello to one another. She sucked the tip of his cock between her lips.

Sucking a man off in public didn’t even cross her mind on the list of things to do this weekend. Before she’d finally had sex, she hadn’t imagined being that girl, the one who did risqué things to please her man. She bobbed her head along his length, holding down the flaps of his jeans with her hands. Ryker’s fingers stroked along her arms while she pleasured him. She hadn’t known what to expect when they’d first gotten together. He was a wild card, and she had been pretty tame.

But Ella didn’t want to be seen as boring anymore. After one look from the trashy biker chick he had called his friend, she knew that was how the bikers saw her: Some good girl. A prude.

Ryker’s fingers brushed along her cheek before he pushed her away gently from his cock. Ella wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, watching as he tucked his hard dick into his pants. Grimacing, he got the zipper up but left his pants unbuttoned.

She crawled out from the table and sat back in her seat just as Ryker stood. “We’re leaving.”

She lifted her glass of wine. “But I still want to talk to you.”

“Later.” He held out his hand and waited for her to take it.

Ella grabbed her bag from the table and stood, looking up at him innocently. “Where to?”

“Like you don’t fucking know.” He grabbed her hand and led her back to his bike. They both got on and he started it up, revving the powerful engine a few times before they took off into the night. She didn’t know where they were going, but she didn’t want the night to end. It felt too fucking good simply being with him.

Ryker pulled off some unknown drive and thrust them deeper into the darkness of the wooded area surrounding the lodge. They rode to a waterfall in the middle of nowhere and parked the bike. He grabbed her arm and dragged her in front of him, popping the chin strap of her helmet and pulling it off her head. His went next.

“Get your clothes off,” he said before crashing his mouth against hers.

He pulled at her shirt and tossed it aside. His fingers went to her jeans next, undoing them and tugging both them and her panties off her hips. She could barely comprehend what was going on before he had her naked on his bike, splayed out in front of him. The moon shined down on the water, and the glow gave them just enough light to see what they were doing. Ryker’s finger found her clit and rubbed while he leaned forward and flicked her nipple with his tongue.

The engine hummed beneath her as he pushed two fingers inside her cunt. She gripped the handle bars, arching against him as he played her body. He kissed the underside of her breasts, teasing her with the soft rasp of his tongue. His thumb stroked her clit while his fingers pumped into her, getting her wetter, preparing her for his cock.

“Help me turn over.” Ella clutched the back of his head, forcing him to look at her before she kissed him. Ryker pulled her legs together and lifted her so she could straddle the bike with her back to him. He nipped her shoulder, licking and sucking along her neck until she fell forward. The vibrations of the bike hummed against her clit.

“Oh, wow.” She gasped, holding onto the chrome bars.

Behind her, Ryker laughed, standing to undo his pants. His fat cock rubbed along her slit. He teased her entrance with the plump head, making her squirm with need. She closed her eyes as he licked the dip of her spine. How one man could make her feel so damn good was beyond her comprehension.

“Is your hot pussy ready for me?” he whispered in her ear.

“Yes,” she hissed. “Sucking your cock made me so wet. I need you inside me.”

He pressed his cock against her opening while scraping his teeth along the spot where her shoulder met her neck. “I’m going to fuck you until you beg for mercy.”

Ella gasped as he entered her, one slick thrust after another. He gripped her hips, grinding her clit against the motorcycle while he pummeled into her. They were in the middle of nowhere and Ella allowed herself to get vocal as she rocked her hips against him. His harsh grunts were all that she needed before she cried out in pleasure. Her pussy milked him, squeezing his cock inside her where it belonged. He smacked her ass and she clutched him even tighter, eliciting a groan from his sexy lips.

“I’m nowhere near done with you.” Ryker pulled out and lifted her so she could face him again. He pulled her legs apart, and Ella fell back awkwardly against the gas tank. He shoved into her again, thrusting deeper and harder as he gripped the handlebars for stability. She felt her muscles straining as he contorted her into the positions he wanted, drawing out another scream of pleasure when he stroked a spot inside her pussy that made her toes curl.

He gripped her hips and lifted her almost immediately, leaning back with their bodies still connected. “Fuck me like you mean it.”

Ella rest her hands against his chest. He still wore his shirt, and it clung to his sweaty body. She moved over him, riding his cock. He was a beautiful creature inside and out. Ella leaned forward and bit his lower lip before soothing it with a swipe of her tongue. His hands roamed along her body, caressing and squeezing while he kissed her. She needed him almost as much as he needed her.

“Come inside me.” She kissed his ear, dipping the tip of her tongue inside to tease. “And afterwards, I’ll lick your cock clean.”

Ryker strained, thrusting deep inside her as his hot cum filled her. Ella flicked her tongue against his lips, watching as his expression contorted with a mixture of pain and pleasure. He held her to his sweaty body as he pressed his face between her breasts.

Ella smiled and ran her fingers through his hair, pushing his head back. “I love the way you fuck me. Thank you for this. For my fantasy.”

He didn’t say anything as she dismounted him. His cock lay between his legs, shiny from their combined moisture. Ella leaned down and sucked it, taking as much of his half-hard erection as she could. He groaned, stroking her back as she made good on her promise.

“Get your clothes on.” Ryker sat up and gently pushed her away from his dick.

He tucked his cock back in his pants and helped her find her clothes. She struggled to pull her skinny jeans. Ryker grew impatient and pulled his shirt off only to toss it to her instead.

“Put it on and stuff your jeans in the saddle bag.”

She did as he said and got on the bike. They left the secluded area and went back to their cabin. Ella wanted to kiss his face off. She couldn’t have asked for a more perfect night with him. The sexy, bad-boy biker had a romantic side.

“You look tired.” Ella cupped his cheek before leaning in to kiss him. “Did I wear you out?”

He shook his head. “Get your hot ass inside.”

She went inside and watched as he put the wine bottle in the cooler. She dumped her jeans on her luggage and searched through her clothes for something to wear.

She pulled his shirt off and Ryker came up behind her, scooping her breasts into his hands and lightly squeezing. “There’s a hammock out back.”

He kissed the side of her neck before bending to pick her up. He carried her out of the cabin nude and sat in the hammock with her on top of him. The close proximity forced her to lay on top of him while they swung in the cooler night air.

Ella closed her eyes as she let him hold her, lulling her to sleep with the soft sways of the hammock. She loved that he wanted to keep her close, that he didn’t withdraw from her but rather pulled her closer after sex.

“I love you, Ryker.” She laid her head on his chest. “I don’t want to live life without you.”

He spread her legs over his hips. “You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.” He kissed her. “Get some sleep, beautiful. I’ve got you, and I’m not going to let you go.”


Ryker knew it was a bad idea to sleep in the hammock when he couldn’t move. It sounded romantic, but it only left his body tired and achy with each of his muscles hurting. Nowadays he didn’t drink alcohol in an effort to stay clean, but knew that Ella would like the experience of the winery. She didn’t usually drink due to her job, but she could let go and relax for a few days. He hoped she would eventually see that.

“My head hurts.”


She pushed up off him. “Oh, dear God. The world is spinning.”

“We’re in a hammock.”

She groaned. “How did we get here?”

He smiled. “I love you so much, Ella.”

He helped her to stand before standing himself. The idea of needing aspirin on his vacation wasn’t something he’d thought of during planning. He walked with Ella into the cabin and searched through the medicine cabinet. Nothing.

“I’ve got some in my purse.” Ella went to the sofa and grabbed her purse. After finding her bag of OTC medicine, she grabbed the pills and dumped some into her hand.

“I should have known you would have had something. You have everything in that bag.”

“Not everything.”

He went to the fridge and grabbed a complimentary bottle of water the lodge had stored there and twisted the cap. He took the pills and handed the water to her for her to do the same.

“This is my first hangover.”

He glanced over at her. “You’re serious?”

She nodded.

“Shower then breakfast?” he asked.

“Bed sounds better.”

“No. You’re on vacation not at home. Shower, breakfast, and then shopping? They’ve got a fudge factory in town.”

She gave him a small smile. “Shower, breakfast, and then dessert.”


Ella was in a cuddly mood as they walked into the restaurant. She had her arms around him and her head on his shoulder. He ordered for them and spent his time thoroughly enjoying her kisses. Patrons in the restaurant thought they were newlyweds, and he couldn’t deny that he liked the idea. He’d been thinking about it more and more as the days went by.

“What are your wedding plans?” Ryker asked her. “And don’t tell me you don’t know. Every woman plans her wedding when boys aren’t gross anymore.”

“Boys are always gross.” She sipped her drink. “I want a beach wedding. Small. Only our family and closest friends. I think maybe in May or September. I don’t want to be sweating my makeup off while saying my vows.”

“Are you going to make me wear a ring?”

She smiled. “No. I just figured you’d get one tattooed or something. That’s more your style.”

He nodded. It was. He looked at his finger. Having her name or initial across the blank space didn’t sound like a bad idea. He planned to get a tattoo related to her at some point anyway. “And you? Can you wear rings at the hospital?”

“I don’t generally wear any jewelry. I can wear a band or something smooth. A diamond ring may make changing gloves as often as I do horrible. Not to mention washing my hands every few minutes or using hand sanitizer.”

He nodded. He half-figured she’d just said that to keep him from spending money, but he was still going to get her something without her permission. He didn’t know what, but he’d find something perfect for her.

“So are we engaged?” Ella asked casually.

“No.” He sat back in his seat. “Not yet.”

“What are you waiting for?”

“There’s still stuff I have to work out.”

“With the club?”

“Yeah.” He didn’t want to talk about that with her though.

“Did you ever figure out that problem you had the other night?”

Taking a deep breath, he glanced over at her. “We’re not talking about that. I shouldn’t have told you anything, and I don’t want you to bring it up again.”

“Can I give my opinion first?” When he didn’t say anything, she continued. “I think it’s Razor.”

“It’s not my father.”

“You don’t know that.” She counted on her fingers. “First, who knows where we live? We just moved in our apartment. Nobody knows the address but a few select people. People we both trust. Second, it has his name written all over this. The women look like me. It’s a message. Thirdly, he’s had it out for me from day one. It would be orgasmic to him to finally get what he wants. And lastly, you let him go. You let him out of your sight and pushed him away from Atlanta. He has ties here. It’s not beneath him to use them from afar to get what he wants.”

“You done?” Ryker asked.

“Don’t be an ass. I’m just as much a part of your world whether I’m fucking you or staying far, far away from you and the club. It doesn’t matter. We’re in this together, and you need to accept that.”

“I know you’re smart, but dammit, you’ve got this way about you that makes you think you have a right to an opinion about things you really know nothing about. You don’t know, Ella. You don’t. Even with what I told you, you still don’t know. If I want your advice, I’ll ask for it. Until then, keep it to yourself.”

“Fine. I’m sorry I said anything.” She stood and dumped her trash in the nearby container.

Ryker knew he’d made her mad. A small part of him wanted to apologize and make up with her, but the main part of him knew that Ella didn’t run the club. Her opinion meant little to him where club business was concerned. She had to understand that.

They spent the day shopping. He bought fudge from the fudge factory and walked around eating the huge chunk while she window shopped. She didn’t say much to him, and that was fine. He was agitated enough without her adding to it.

“Are you done being mad at me?” she asked as they walked by a clothing store.

“I don’t know. Why?”

“I want some of your fudge.”

Smiling, he held out the chunk to her for a bite. Her blue eyes sparkled as she parted her lips for the sugary treat. Once she took the bite, he leaned in to kiss her. He could be angry. Pissed. Hurt. Sad. Whatever emotion he felt, Ella made it better. Even if she caused that emotion.

“I’m buying more before we leave.” She wiped the corners of her mouth. “That stuff is good.”

“I know.”

He would never admit it out loud, but he liked walking around with her while she shopped. His friend’s voices filled his head telling him he was pussy-whipped, and he knew deep down he was. He liked seeing her smile. He wanted her to be happy. If that meant that he walked around with her while she shopped, then he’d do it.

 “Are we going to talk about your new tattoo?” she asked, stopping at the ice cream booth.

“Hadn’t planned on it.”

The tattoo in question was side ink of an elaborate design that he planned to take up both his right side and part of his back. The artwork was from one of the best in Atlanta, and he knew it was going to look badass when he was done.

“Please tell me that they sterilize their equipment and clean their tattoo shop regularly and thoroughly.” She took the ice cream cone she’d bought from the teenager working the stand and licked it.

“You worry about some of the weirdest stuff.”

“You can get Hep C from a dirty needle.” She closed her mouth over the tip of the cone, and his mind went elsewhere. “I mean, you’re a biker. You’re going to do what you’re going to do, but you can at least make sure things are clean.”

“They’re clean. My artist is one of the best in the city. He’s in high demand from celebrities so it’s good.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Celebrities screw around with one another. You never know what you can catch. And just because he’s in high demand doesn’t mean everything is good. High demand can mean he takes shortcuts, and shortcuts in proper technique that can lead to you having a nasty disease.”

He sighed. “I just had to fall for a fucking doctor.”

She licked the ice cream. “What is it anyway? A devil or something?”

It was. He wanted to weave in an intricate pattern of devil and angel, a metaphor for their relationship. “You’ll understand what it is when it’s finished.”

“You mean you’re not done?” Her eyes widened. “Doesn’t it hurt? Your ribs are sensitive. There’s very little fat or muscle there. You’re basically tattooing bone.”

“It does hurt. Like a bitch. But I want it.” He shrugged. “I have probably eight or more sessions before it’s done.”

“Make sure you take care of it properly. It looked puffy and red the last time I really paid attention to it.”

He had over twenty tattoos, and she stood before him eating a damn ice cream cone telling him to take care of his last one properly.

“Yes, Mother.” He saluted her.

She shot him a glare. “I’m not your mother. But if I was, you’d get a spanking for doing that to your body.”

He laughed. “Spank me anyway.”

She focused on her ice cream, ignoring him. Her tongue swirled around, lapping up the cold treat like it was the best damn thing in the world. Ryker swallowed, his cock responding to every lap of her tongue. Hell, she didn’t even try to turn him on. She just ate her stupid fucking treat, and he couldn’t help it.

“I think we need to go back to the cabin.”

She shrugged, seemingly oblivious to his discomfort. “Fine with me.”

Ryker watched as she bit into the ice cream. Ella licked the treat off her lips with one smooth swipe of her tongue. He’d had her not too long ago and found himself wanting her again.

“You want a bite?” She held the ice cream out to him. “You’re staring at me like you’re starving. You shared your fudge so I’ll share my ice cream.”


“You’re missing out.”

“You have no fucking idea.” He grabbed her hand and led her to the parking lot.

Thankfully, Ella hadn’t bought too much and what she had fit in the compartments on his bike with a little effort. Ella watched him, biting into the cone of the ice cream as he handed her the helmet.

“Can I finish?”

He straddled the bike. “My fucking dick is hard and you want to finish the ice cream cone?”

She glanced down at his crotch. “Your dick is always hard.” Ella rolled her eyes and turned away from him. The skinny jeans she wore molded to her ass. It was a contrast to the loose-fitting scrub pants he normally saw her in. She’d matched it with a sexy blouse that showed cleavage. A few men walked by them, taking their time while looking at her. Equal measures of jealousy and pride filled him each time it happened. Ella was gorgeous, and she was his.

“Let me have a bite.” He reached for her arm, and she pulled away.

“You lost your chance.” She glanced over her shoulder at him. “Besides, you’re just saying that so I’ll finish it faster.”

He gripped her waist and drew her close. “You’re sexy as hell and don’t even know it.”

She rolled her eyes. “You have the libido of a teenage boy. I can only imagine how bad you were as an actual teenager. It’s a wonder if you could even keep it down long enough to function normally.”

He smiled and leaned in to bite her ice cream cone. The ice cream drizzled out of the cone and onto her fingers. Ella scowled at him before lapping it up. Ryker couldn’t stop touching her. He didn’t want to. She had the softest skin, and he loved the way she felt in his arms.

“I just think I’m addicted to you.” He kissed her sticky lips. “And when we get home, we need to stop by the grocery to pick up ice cream and waffle cones.”

She took the last bite and wiped her hands on her jeans. “Yeah, right.”

He watched as she moved to put her helmet on. He didn’t know what the hell he’d done to get her, but he’d sure hit the fucking jackpot. He pulled his helmet on and started the motorcycle.

Behind him, Ella slid her hands along his chest and stomach. He grinned to himself as he pulled out of his parking spot and headed toward the main road. She moved her hands lower until she cupped his crotch. Ryker squeezed the accelerator harder, gaining more speed as they raced back to the cabin. She stroked his cock through his pants, and he was helpless to stop her.

When they got to their cabin, he parked and yanked his helmet off. Ella’s laugher filled the silence as he lifted her off the back and carried her fireman style to the door. He smoothed his hand along her ass as she dropped her helmet next to the door as they entered.

He sat her down and barely had time to kick off his shoes before she pushed him against the wall. Ryker let her kiss him a few seconds before he cupped her ass and pulled her against him, kissing her back. They tumbled to the sofa in the living room, tugging at each other’s clothes. He’d never get enough of her. He’d realized that the first night he drove balls deep into her hot body, and he realized it now after having her so many times.

After slipping his hands underneath her shirt, he pulled back briefly to push it over her head. She shoved at him, doing her best to get her hands on his jeans. Ella eyes closed, and she dropped her head back, his mouth finding a sensitive spot on her neck that halted her actions. He nibbled and licked along her pulse point before scooping her into his arms and standing.

He sat her on her feet and kissed her lips. “Whoever undresses first calls the shots.”

He chuckled as she gave it an honest effort, but her damn skinny jeans stuck to her legs. He stood before her completely nude while she still struggled to get one leg out.

“No fair.” She fell back on the couch, losing her balance. “I need help.”

He laughed and tugged on her waistband, peeling the rest of her jeans off. Leaning in to kiss her, he hooked his fingers into her panties and tugged them off next. When she was nude, he glided his tongue inside her mouth, taking his time to taste her and enjoy every second of the seduction. She gripped his arms when her knees threatened to give under her weight. They did fast fucking a lot, but Ryker wanted to take his time. Appreciate her as much as she’d relished that fucking ice cream cone.

He backed her up to the kitchen table and lifted her so that her bare behind sat on the cold wooden top. Desire filled her eyes. Ryker pushed her legs apart and stepped between them to stroke her slick folds. Ella gasped as she fell back to her elbows, spreading her legs wider.

“You’re so goddamn beautiful.”

She dropped her head back as he inserted his finger. Ryker squeezed her breast with one hand while he leaned forward to suck her nipple into his mouth. He stroked, nibbled, and licked her, taking his time to enjoy every sensation. The desire overwhelmed him. Consumed him. A hot rush of fire coursed through his veins, and he lifted his head to stare into her eyes. There was nothing he wanted more in life than to finally make her his. He didn’t know the rules, and he didn’t care about them. Ella was it for him, and there would never be anyone different to take her place.

“Will you marry me?” The harsh rasp in his voice sounded foreign to his own ears. He withdrew his hand and propped himself up above her, his cock prodding her wet folds. “I need you in my life. I want you by my side.”

She kissed him, tightening her legs around him. Her heels dug into his ass, forcing his cock into her welcoming body. She was fucking home to him. She was it. There would never be anything else that was better than Ella, and even with all the bullshit they went through, he wanted no one but her by his side to weather the storm.

He filled her in one slick move while they kissed, eating at each other’s mouths like their life depended on one another. Some days he felt like he was drowning. He knew he had been before she’d stepped into his world. He knew better than to drag her into the mix, but Ryker couldn’t help but reach out and beg for her to save him.

Hips pumping, he rocked into her, completely enveloped. She made him want to be a better person. He’d gotten clean. He believed with his entire being that she’d help keep him stay off the drugs too. Cravings didn’t happen like they had a few months ago. He had a sporadic one every now and then, but Ella was always there and he simply chose to focus on her.

The wooden table squeaked with their movements. Ella clung to him as much as he clung to her. Ryker lifted her into his arms, never stopping their kiss, to carry her into the bedroom. She was what mattered to him. Her. He poised over her, linking their fingers above her head as he continued to thrust into her. She gasped and arched, her mouth falling open as a soft cry left her lips. He loved her more than anything in the world.

“I love you,” he whispered against her mouth. Emotions came from nowhere as he buried his face against her neck. He’d never known love until Ella. She was love to him.

He stiffened above her and came with a soft grunt of pleasure. He looped his arms around her and kept her close, afraid that if he opened his eyes she’d disappear forever. Many days he saw her like that. His fantasy. His dream. His father had fucked with his head too much, making him think that life outside the club wasn’t worth living. That people outside the club weren’t worth having.

Ella had proved him wrong on both counts. He moved away from her and lay there, contemplating the bullshit running through his mind. She deserved far more than he could ever give her. More than he ever dreamed about.

For a while, they were silent and wrapped in each other. So much ran through Ryker’s mind. He liked spending time alone with Ella. He liked that she talked him into getting out of the city for a few days.

“You look lost in thought.”

Ryker rubbed a hand over his face. “I need to tell you something.”

Ella rolled to her side. “Okay.”

He swallowed hard. If she was going to be his wife, then she deserved to know his history. All of his past. He sat up, not quite looking at her.

He struggled with whether or not he should tell her, and ultimately decided to. “I was fucked up on drugs, and we had club business in New Orleans about three years ago.  Beth was new to the club but not the life. My father arranged for us to be together.”

“Okay.” Her confusion was evident.

“We fucked nonstop for three days.” He propped his chin on his hand. “And she got pregnant.”


He glanced over at her. She sat up, staring at him with wide eyes. Ryker licked his lips. “It was part of my father’s plan. The future of the club. He wanted me to take the baby and raise it on my own. Groom him as the next leader of the Roaming Devils.”

She blinked. “Where is the baby?”

“She miscarried.” He cleared his throat. “I told my father that I wasn’t going to do it. I had no intention of having kids and I didn’t want them. I don’t know what happened, but Beth miscarried after that. We never talked about it again. We never will either.”

He had no intention of raising a child on his own. His father had given him a decent life, but it hadn’t been a good life. He’d seen things, knew things before he was truly ready. He didn’t want his kid to grow up in that madness.

So he’d told Beth to get out of it. To leave the club and raise the kid on her own. But she hadn’t wanted that. She had wanted to have his baby. She had wanted to be his bitch. Ryker rubbed his eyes. He didn’t know what had happened afterward and had never bothered to ask. All he knew was she wasn’t pregnant anymore and he really couldn’t say he was disappointed. It had been a trap that his father had set, and he knew the rules of the game, a game he didn’t want to play.

“So that’s why she wanted you. To secure her future with the club.”

“She wasn’t in love with me. She wanted the life.”

Ryker turned toward Ella. She had gotten up and went over to her bag for clothing. He watched as she dressed and tried to gauge her mood. She didn’t like talking about Beth, and he could only imagine what she thought about the woman being the potential mother of his child.

“You hold me at a different level than you do everyone else. It’s caused tension between me and your friends, between us.” She moved toward him, lying beside him. “When I was in the club and you were looking at me, for once, I felt like I really fit in. Like I really belonged with you.”

Ella did belong with him. Letting her into that life was a very bad idea though. “You don’t need that to fit in.”

“Why don’t you want me to be in that part of your life?”

“Because it corrupts people, Ella. You’re so fucking good. Innocent. Naïve, even.” He stared up at the ceiling. “You don’t need that in your life.”

“You’re not corrupted.”

“I am. You just keep me from sinking into the darkness.”

She wrapped her arms around him. “You’ve got a good heart. Don’t sell yourself short.”

He kissed her arm. “You’re still not going to be part of the club.”

“Fine,” she relented. “Just don’t treat me different in front of your friends.” She kissed his neck. “You’re so lovable and cuddly.”

“I’ve been trapped in here with you for too long.” He turned to look at her with a smile on his face. “There is nothing cuddly about me.”

“No?” Her teeth scraped along his ear lobe. “You offered to hold me that first night we got together. I was down to fuck, and you just wrapped your arms around me while we lay in my bed. That was pretty damn cuddly, I think.”

“I plead the fifth.”

She laughed. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Ella hugged him, and he loved the way she felt.

He pulled her on top of him and smoothed his hands down her back to cup her bare ass. “Look at me.”

Ella sat back on his thighs.

“You don’t ever have to be something you’re not to get my attention. I mean it. I love you exactly how you are, and I want you just the way you are. I’ve told you before that you’re not like those women. You never will be. Inviting you into that life is just asking for trouble, Ella. I don’t want it for you, and I don’t want it for me.”

She pressed her forehead against his. “It’s because of my dad, right?”

He pulled her hair back. “Among other things.”

“So shaking my ass and working the pole for you is out of the question?”

“Honey, you can do whatever the fuck you want. I’m not going to say no.”

She nodded. “I’ll hold you to that.”

He laughed and rolled her to her stomach, smacking her ass. He loved her. There was no denying it. He scraped his teeth along her fleshy cheek.

“No spanking me.” She shielded her ass with her hands as he smacked her bottom. “You’re the one that needs a spanking!”

“You’re so damn right about that one.” He laughed and fell back against the mattress as she dominated him, rubbing her body against his while she tried to smack his ass. He gripped her arms and pulled her down to kiss her. She made him smile. And as long as a smile stayed on her face, he was okay with whatever it was she wanted to do.