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Kiss Me, Sweetheart by Codi Gary (17)

Chapter 17

Rylie sat up against the headboard of Dustin’s bed, a stack of pillows behind her back. She was wearing nothing but one of Dustin’s old T-shirts and a pair of boxers; her bathing suit was hanging up over his shower drying. He’d teasingly told her she didn’t need to wear anything, but there was no way she was going to sit naked while Dustin put a band aid on her blisters.

He came out of the bathroom with a first aid kit in his hands, but Rylie was having a hard time looking away from anything but his shirtless, powerful upper body.

As if he had no idea he’d rendered her catatonic with his pecs and shoulders, he sat down on the bed by her feet.

“Okay, feet on my lap so I can get a look.”

He lifted her leg up in the air and she shifted uncomfortably. She was self-conscious he’d be able to see up the leg of the boxer shorts.

But when she tried to lower her leg, he held tight to her foot. The boyish grin he shot her made her stomach do a back handspring with a twist.

“Just hold still and I’ll give you a sucker afterward.”

The way his eyes twinkled made her think he wasn’t talking about candy and she relaxed. Pervy Dustin she was used to.

“I can do it myself, you know.”

“Maybe if you’re a contortionist, which I fully support by the way. However, it will just be faster and easier if I do it for you.” He flipped open the lid to the kit and pulled out an ointment. “Besides, I really don’t mind.”

Once he’d applied the Neosporin, the relief was almost instantaneous. She sighed and sank back into the pillows behind her as she watched him put band aids over every one of her blisters.

“You’re good at this. First aid, I mean. You should have been a doctor with this kind of bedside manner.”

“I’m sure my mother would have loved that, but since my eldest brother went that route, I figured one doctor in the family was enough.”

He cleaned up everything and took the first aid kit back to the bathroom. She heard the faucet going and had no idea what she was supposed to do. She’d never really been in this position before. Should she pose herself in a sexy way?

She tried lying on her side, her head propped up on her hand, but she felt like an idiot. The water turned off just as she decided to let her hair down. She set the hair band on the side table as he came into the room, flicking off the bathroom light.

Dustin stood just five feet away, and as she stared into his blue eyes, watching them darken, she lost her ability to breathe. It was as though the air in the room disappeared, and she felt lightheaded.

Then he crossed to the wall and turned off the bedroom light, making the room pitch black. Her breath started coming in quick spurts until the bed dipped under her as he climbed up.



“Are you scared of me?” Fingertips grazed her neck and cheek, and she swallowed.

“No, of course not. That’s ridiculous.”

“Then can you slow down and take a deep breath? Otherwise you’re going to pass out.”

She laughed breathlessly, but tried to do as he said.

“Sorry, you must think I’m such a freak.”

“Not the word I’d choose.” His breath fanned across her chin just before his lips grazed it. “I think you’re sexy.”


She yelped as she was jerked down, flat on her back on the bed.

“Are you calling me a liar?” he teased darkly.

His hands were sliding up under the T-shirt she was wearing before she could respond, her heart pounding so hard and fast she could hardly hear what he was whispering as his mouth dipped and pressed against her stomach.

“I’ve thought of you right here so many times. Although, in my fantasies, you aren’t wearing my clothes. You’re completely naked.”

The T-shirt inched up her body, exposing her breasts to the cool air and then to his warm, wet mouth. She arched off the bed with a cry as he sucked her nipple inside, swirling his tongue around the hard nub until it tingled not just there, but lower, right between her legs.

“Lift up,” he commanded and she did. Her back came up and her arms went over her head as he slid the T-shirt up and off.

She tried to hold him, desperate to bring him closer so she didn’t feel so exposed, but his weight was gone and she heard the soft pad of his steps away from her.

“Dustin? Where are you going?”

“I just want to see you.”


He opened the curtains and although it wasn’t much, it was enough to have her pulling back his covers and climbing under them.

His rich chuckle drew closer. “You don’t have to be shy, sweetheart. I want to see all of you.”

“You can see me just fine,” she said tartly.

The light caught the side of him as he bent over and she realized he’d slid his boxers down and was now completely naked, just a few feet away.

“What about you? Can you see me just fine?”

“I’ve already seen you,” she said.

“So you have.” He climbed under the covers and over her. His hard cock pressed against her lower abdomen, and as he took the lobe of her ear between his teeth, all her inhibitions seemed to fly out the window. Now, all she wanted to do was yank her borrowed boxers off and have nothing between them.

“Did you like what you saw?” His hips moved against her, the hot length of him stroking her. “Rylie?”

He was hardly touching her now, his mouth hovering over her skin, but his pelvis pressed harder against her.

“Yes. Yes, I liked what I saw.”


And then his mouth was traveling, kissing the inside of her elbow, the side of her breast. The blankets she’d covered herself with slid lower as he moved, dipping just below her belly button. His hands tugged the flannel cotton shorts down her hips and then his mouth was there, kissing over her, pausing just before reaching the apex of her thighs.

She was just about to ask what was wrong when she felt his finger trace the outline of the heart design she’d had shaped during her wax earlier.

“Rylie Templeton… I think I was really, really wrong about you.”

“What… What do you mean?”

He pressed a kiss right in the center and she cried out.

“I think deep down, you’ve been dying to be bad.”

His tongue slid up her seam, circling her clit and she panted, breathlessly admitting, “Only since I met you.”

It was like a switch had been hit and he stopped talking, opening her to his mouth with his fingers. She flattened her feet against the bed, curling her toes into the sheet and mattress. Her calf muscles ached as he tongued her clit in hard fast circles, his fingers moving in and out of her with every flick, building up a wonderful pressure that had her begging for release.

Rylie reached above, holding on to a pillow as her orgasm swept from her hairline, her fingers, her toes, traveling into the center of her body. When all the tremors collided, she arched off the bed with a scream. Dustin didn’t stop, didn’t ease up until she was no longer shaking.

“That was…was…”

She couldn’t form a coherent thought, even when she heard a drawer by her head open and close. The rip of a foil package echoed along with their heavy breathing and when his hands gripped her outer thighs and lifted her until his cock rested against her, she caught her breath.

“It about to get better. I promise.”

* * * *

Dustin didn’t wait, couldn’t if he’d wanted to. He pressed into Rylie’s core, felt the give of her muscles as she took him all the way in and once he was fully encased in her warmth, he let out a shaky breath. His eyes closed as he rocked his hips against her, barely pulling out before he was back.

Her hands came up, sliding over his shoulders and biceps and he opened his eyes to look at her. The shadows of the room danced across her face, and he watched her lashes flutter, her mouth curve into a little O as his body picked up speed.

“God, you feel so fucking good, Rys. I knew you would. From the first time I saw you walk past my office in a pair of those heels, your skirt dancing around your legs, all I could think of was bending you over my desk, lifting that dress up, and making you scream.”

He didn’t look away as her eyes rolled back, as her muscles clenched down on his dick, milking him.

His sweet little Rylie liked dirty talk.

It was the push he needed and he groaned harshly as he came, the sound of her cries drowning him out as he jerked against her again and again until he was finally spent.

Catching himself on his elbows, he leaned over her to kiss her eyelids and cheeks. It wasn’t until he reached her lips that he realized his were wet.

With her tears.

“Rys? Why are you crying, honey?”

“I don’t know,” she gasped.

“Did I hurt you?”

She shook her head. “It was wonderful.”

Satisfied that she was okay, he smiled down at her. “So…better?”

“Better than better.”


He kissed her again before climbing to his feet and heading into the bathroom to dispose of the condom and clean up. He came back into the room, and grabbed a couple of waters out of the mini fridge he kept in the corner. He crawled back into bed and handed her one.

“Thanks.” She set it on the night stand and climbed out of bed. The light outside highlighted the curve of her hip and ass and his hands itched to reach out and cup it.

She disappeared into the bathroom and he downed the whole bottle of water, feeling completely satiated and relaxed. Normally, he either fell asleep after sex, or he sent the woman he was with home and then he passed out.

Tonight, he was wired. In the best way possible.

Rylie came out of the bathroom and seemed to be searching around in the dimly lit room.

“What are you doing?”

“Trying to find your boxers and T-shirt.”

“What for? Frankly, I like you just as nature intended.”

Her outline stilled and her head cocked to the side. “This was supposed to be a one-time thing. No strings. I figured I wasn’t supposed to stay.”

He sat up and got a hold of her hand, then tumbled her onto the bed. When he had her sprawled on top of him, his hand traveled down to the hip he’d been admiring, giving her a light tap.

“Considering my brother is currently passed out in your rental, I figured we’d have a sleepover.”

“Are you sure—”

He cupped the back of her head and brought her mouth down to his. If he was being honest, he wasn’t ready to say good-bye. The sex had been incredible and the night was young. Their one-time thing could last until the morning.

He finally let her up for air, stroking a hand down her cheek.

“If you’re up for it, I thought maybe we could try again in an hour or so. I think with a little more effort on my part, I could do better.”

She turned her head and caught the end of his thumb between her teeth, before kissing the tip gently. “You think so?”

“Definitely. I’m willing to try at least.”

“Do or do not, there is no try.”

He stared up at her with his mouth hanging open. “Did you just quote Yoda?”

“Perhaps.” He kept watching her until she was squirming against him. “Uh oh. Did my nerd roots turn you off?”

“Actually,” he said, both of his hands coming up to grip her butt. “I was just thinking I don’t think I’m going to need an hour to get it up.”

She laughed. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know, but there is something about a stacked, sexy girl who can quote Star Wars that just does it for me.”

“Do you want to hear it in my Yoda voice?”

“No, that’s going too far.”

When she rolled off him, laughing uproariously, he took full advantage. By the time her mirth had melted into throaty moans, he was ready to go again.