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Kiss Me, Sweetheart by Codi Gary (19)

Chapter 19

When Dustin got back from dinner with his mom and brother, he’d expected Rylie to already be home. Instead, it was almost nine when she pulled up. He waited fifteen minutes and picked up the cheesecake he’d defrosted, stacking the freshly washed and cut strawberries on top, and then tucking the whipped cream cylinder under his arm.

Whistling as he took the steps down to pool house, he was very much aware of his racing heart and the nervous flutters in his stomach.

Why are you freaking out? It’s just two friends having dessert.

Except if she was just a friend, or one of his booty calls, he wouldn’t be this out of sorts…would he?

He knocked on the glass door and watched as Rylie came down the hallway in a camisole and plaid pajama pants, her face free of makeup, and her hair thrown up in a bun.

She pulled open the door with a shy smile. “Well, this is a nice surprise. What do you have there?”

He held up the stuff in his hands. “Dessert. You up for it?”

“I’m always up for dessert.” He shot her a look full of heat, and grinned when she blushed. “I didn’t mean that in a dirty way.”

“Too bad,” he murmured, waggling his eyebrows. His nerves were slowly starting to ease being this close to Rylie. Why had he been scared to see her? Things were just the same as they ever were; sex didn’t have to change that.

Rylie rolled her eyes at him. “I’ll get the plates and forks.”

“I need a knife to cut this thing, too. Unless you want to just eat it straight from the box.”

She set the fork, plates, and knife onto the table with a shake of her head. “And contaminate the whole thing? What if you want to take some home for your brother?”

“That douche can starve. He got into the doughnuts you left me.”

“Oh no! I said they were for both of you. He didn’t eat them all, did he?”

Dustin set the cheesecake and berries on the table, keeping a hold of the whipped cream. “No, he left me a couple.”

“Did you like them?” she asked.

“I loved them. I could have downed them all, but I wanted to savor them.”

“You have more willpower than me…which is why I only kept two.”

When Rylie handed him the knife, he asked, “How big do you want it?”

“Normal-sized is fine.”

He slipped her slice onto one of the plates. “Berries and cream?”

“Please. You even got the good cheesecake.” She scooped off a little on her finger and slipped it between her lips, wrapping them around the digit with an appreciative little moan. “I’m impressed.”

Dustin tried to ignore the excitement that one little action had stirred up in his pants. “Impressed I can defrost a frozen dessert?”


He chuckled. “Thanks?”

“You’re welcome.”

They sat down and ate their desserts in silence, Dustin trying to come up with something to say besides, “So, you want to head back to the bedroom for round two?”

“I’m glad things aren’t weird,” Rylie said.

“Why would they be?”

“You know… Sometimes when two people who are friends have…become intimate, their relationship changes. Things become tense and awkward, and I’m just glad that isn’t us.”

“I’m not feeling awkward at all.” He opened his mouth to continue, to tell her that he was thinking that maybe it didn’t need to be a one-time thing.

But then she blurted, “I found a place to rent today.”

Dustin froze, trying to sound casual when it felt like he’d been kicked in the gut. “You did? Where?”

“It’s a little two-bedroom outside of town. It needs some work and updating, but the owners gave me a really good deal on rent as long as I handle the upkeep on my own. And I can have a pet.”

“I didn’t know you wanted one.” He was so thrown he didn’t even recognize the monotone of his voice.

“Yeah, I’ve wanted one for years, but Asher wouldn’t let me.”

“Why didn’t you ask me? I’m nothing like Asher.” His tone was harsh, and he hated that he was getting emotional about this. He didn’t get attached to women.

She blinked at him. “Of course, you aren’t, but this was only supposed to be temporary. Besides, I thought it would be presumptuous to ask to have an animal when I’m not even paying you what this place is worth.”

Dustin didn’t know why he cared that she hadn’t mentioned wanting an animal, but it stung him. Actually, the fact that she sounded so excited about leaving did. Maybe it was because she’d snuck out on him this morning with a half assed note and no good morning love session, but did she have to sound so damn delighted?

She was frowning at him now and he couldn’t blame her. “I thought you’d be glad to get your pool house back. And with your brother here now, I figured one less person in your space, cramping your style—”

“What style is that?” he asked.

“You know, dating and all that.”

“Believe me, if I’d wanted to bring someone home, you being here wouldn’t have mattered.” Dustin stabbed a fork into his cheesecake. He knew he was acting like a complete asshat, but he didn’t know how to rein his emotions back in. “So, when do you move?”

“I…I…was going to pack up this week. I’ll probably be gone by the weekend.” She set her fork down and reached across the table to take his hand. “Are you seriously upset about this?”

He pulled his hand back. “No, why would I be? You were right. I got what I wanted from you and you got what you wanted. It was a mutually beneficial agreement.”

He knew he was letting her think the whole goal of letting her stay here had been just to get her into bed, but he couldn’t seem to shut up. It was like someone had hooked up a fireman hose to his mouth and stupidity was spraying from his lips at a hundred miles an hour.

Rylie’s face lost all color and the skin around her jaw tightened. “For the record, I wasn’t using you. I accepted your offer, but I gave you money and—”

“Like you said, this place is worth more than six hundred a month.”

Why the hell am I being such an ass?

Her eyes shone with unshed tears. “Why are you being a jerk about this? I thought you’d want me gone.”

“Why? Have I made you feel unwelcome? Like I wanted you out of here?”

Rylie shook her head slowly, confusion clouding those beautiful brown eyes. “No, you’ve been wonderful. It’s just that I know you like your space and your women, and having to explain my presence probably affects the latter.”

“Like I said, if I wanted to bring someone home to fuck, they wouldn’t care who was sleeping in the pool house.”

Dustin watched the confusion and hurt melt away, replaced by fury. “Right. I forgot that you are God’s gift and women would sell their soul to be with you.”

“I’m sure some have.”

“You’re a jackass,” she snapped. “Get out.”

“It’s my pool house.”

“That I’m renting, per our verbal agreement, which means that you need to leave.” When he didn’t move fast enough, she picked up a handful of her cheesecake and threw it at him, smacking him right in the chest.

It would have been comical if he didn’t know that the tremble in her lip meant any second now, she was going to crumble.

I just need to apologize. Two simple words.

He got up from the table, a thousand things perched on the edge of his tongue, among them an apology, but they wouldn’t come. Instead, he just turned and walked out, cursing himself the whole way home.

* * * *

Hours later, Rylie sat up with a start, groggily glancing around the darkened bedroom. It felt as though she’d just fallen asleep, and after picking up her phone to check the time, she realized it wasn’t far off. It was just after one in the morning, and after Dustin had left, she’d tossed and turned until at least eleven forty-five.

She still couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him. She’d expected calm acceptance, maybe a little giddiness. She’d hoped for disappointment that she was leaving, but not anger. Not treating her like she didn’t matter and he couldn’t wait for her to disappear.

The sound of squealing tires and spraying gravel outside made her jump. Thoughts of Dustin pushed aside, she fled the comfort of the bedroom for the front of the pool house. Sleep still clouded her consciousness, which is why she didn’t notice the window at first. Not until a sharp shard of glass sliced into the bottom of her foot, so deep she was sure it scraped bone.

She screamed and stumbled to the side, gripping the counter as she lifted her foot up off the ground.

“Rylie!” Dustin shouted from outside, just before the motion light flicked on.

How did he get here so fast?

Noticing the shimmering slivers glittering in the light, she hollered, “Don’t come in here! There’s glass everywhere.”

Dustin and Charlie stopped outside the frame of the glass door, which had been obliterated by something.

“What the fuck happened?” Charlie asked.

Dustin stepped inside before Rylie could protest again and she heard the crunch under his feet. Rylie hobbled back to where the light switch was, and once she flipped it, she gasped at the carpet Dustin stood on in his sneakered feet. With the light shining in, it hadn’t looked that bad, but now she could see it everywhere. Whatever had shattered the window had worked like a bomb, projecting glass every which way.

“Are you hurt?” Dustin growled, advancing around the counter toward her.

Wincing at the throb in her foot, she lifted it to get a better look and had to crane her neck to see. A shard of glass stuck out about a quarter of an inch, embedded deep in the tissue of the sole of her foot. Blood oozed around the edges, covering her pad and toes like thick, red paint.

“I stepped on it,” she said faintly, already woozy.

Dustin kneeled and lifted her foot. “Charlie, call the cops. Tell them to send paramedics.”

He grabbed a towel from the counter and gave her a grim look. “This is going to hurt, but just stay still, okay?”

She nodded, closing her eyes, but as he slid the glass out, she screamed. It was so much worse coming out, as if it was ripping apart her tissue, shredding it to pieces.

“I know, honey, I know.” After he set the glass on the counter, he pressed the towel against the bottom of her foot. “I think you’re going to need stiches. That son of a bitch went all the way in.”

She bit her lip as he pressed against the wound. “Did… Did you see what did it? What broke the window?”

“No.” He stood up and lifted her onto the edge of the counter. He tied the towel around her foot. She winced at the pain, but his fingers stroking her forehead as he brushed her hair back from her face made her feel slightly better.

“What were you doing down here?” she asked.

“I heard the tires squealing, and came down to check on you. We’d made it to the bottom of the stairs when I heard you scream.”

“I… I woke up, but I didn’t know why. Not until I came out here.”

Dustin wrapped his arms around her and she hugged him close, burying her face in his neck as the dam of tears broke. She had woken up to a nightmare of fear and pain and she had no idea why. Who would break the glass door?

She was still crying when Charlie came up beside them.

“The cops are on their way, but I found this on the floor. Figured you might want to see it before they do.”

Rylie pulled back in time to see Dustin take something from his brother, a small rectangle. On the back in black sharpie was a single word.


The blood chilled in her veins. “What is it?”

Dustin handed it to her, and when she turned it over, her stomach churned.

It was a photo of Dustin and Rylie in the pool last night. They were kissing, her arms locked around his shoulders. Seeing one of her most treasured, intimate moments captured and used to terrorize her brought bile up the back of her throat.

“It was tied to a brick. It’s what he used to smash the window,” Charlie said.

“He? Who?” Then it struck Rylie who Charlie meant. “You think Asher did this?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Dustin growled.

“Of course, it matters. If he did do this, then he destroyed your home because of me. This is my fault—”

His arms tightened around her. “This is not on you. The door can be replaced. We need to get you to the hospital and get your foot taken care of.”

“You’re going to want to stay to talk to the cops,” Charlie said.

Rylie’s head was spinning too fast to follow the rest of their conversation. Asher hadn’t bothered her since the flowers. She’d ignored every call, had told him that nothing he said would get them back together. There was no reason for her to follow them. To take pictures and break a window. None of it made sense.

“Hey, hey. You okay?” Dustin asked, peering into her face.

She shook her head, just before everything went dark.

* * * *

“I can’t believe I fainted,” Rylie said hours later.

Dustin grinned as he carried her up the stairs of his house. He’d held Rylie as she passed out, terrified she’d hit her head on the counter. Then he’d taken her back to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed to wait for the paramedics. He’d stayed with her, checked the cut on her foot and though it was deep, the bleeding had stopped.

Once reinforcements had shown up, Rylie had come to as the EMT was examining her wound. They’d offered to drive her to the hospital to get her stitches, but she’d balked at the expense of an ambulance ride. He’d offered to pay and of course, that had only earned him a scowl.

He’d driven her to Marshal Hospital in Placerville, and after several hours of waiting, and a lot of hand squeezing, they’d headed back here. Dustin was shocked she hadn’t passed out again after they’d given her a pain med in her IV. She’d been loopy but awake the whole drive.

“I was impressed with your constitution. I almost lost it when they were sewing up your foot.”

“I was just glad I couldn’t feel or see it.” She laid her cheek against his shoulder with a sigh. “These pain meds they’ve got me on are magic.”

Dustin set her down on his bed and pulled the covers back so she could get in. She turned on her side, and he was able to get the blankets over her without hurting her foot.

Tucking the comforter under her chin, he said, “When the pharmacy opens, I’ll grab your pain meds and antibiotics, but the doctor said you should be good until then.”


Dustin’s hand brushed over the tear stains on her cheek and he was so glad she hadn’t cried for long.

“Hey,” Charlie called from the doorway. “How’s the patient?”

Dustin stood up and faced his brother. “She’s a little loopy right now, but no surgery was needed. Just pain meds, antibiotics, and lots of rest.”

“I can sing though, right?” she mumbled.

“All you want.” Dustin snorted. “Apparently, they gave her the good stuff.”

“Lucky girl.” Charlie shot Dustin a meaningful look. “We’ll talk in the morning.”

Dustin nodded, and when Charlie disappeared down the hallway, Dustin closed and locked the door. He’d considered sleeping in one of the guest rooms, but he didn’t want to be that far away from her.

He got undressed, leaving on his boxers, and crawled under the covers next to her. He pulled her against him and she snuggled close, sighing against his chest.

“I am really sorry I’m so much trouble.”

Dustin kissed her forehead softly. “Didn’t you know? I love trouble.”

“I did hear that somewhere.”

His fingers stroked down her back as he waited for her to fall asleep, his mind racing as he thought about what could have happened if Asher had wanted to do more than scare her. What if he’d broken the window, gone inside, and hurt her? There was no guarantee he would have heard her if she’d screamed, and if anything more had happened to her, he didn’t think he could live with himself. Imagining a world without Rylie in it was impossible. Her smile. Her voice. Her laugh.

It was as though he couldn’t remember what life was like before he really knew her and he never wanted to go back there.

“Talk to me,” she whispered.

He rubbed a hand across his face, banishing his dark thoughts. “What do you want me to talk about?”

“Anything.” Her soft voice was slurring slightly and he wondered how much longer she was going to stay awake.

“I loved the doughnuts.”

“I knew you would.”

He chuckled, then sobered. “The cheesecake was supposed to be a thank-you, but I guess I kind of ruined it, huh?”

“You were a dick.”

“Yes, I was.”


What exactly did he tell her? That he liked her? That he was starting to think she wasn’t just another one of his hookups?

She’d never believe it, even hopped up on painkillers. She’d think he was feeding her a line.

“I guess I was just surprised,” he said, honestly. “I was getting used to having you around.”

“Just because I don’t live here doesn’t mean we won’t still see each other. We still work together.” She yawned against the front of his chest. “We’re friends.”

Dustin knew all that, but there was something different about having Rylie so close. Knowing that he could just walk down the steps to get a glimpse of her. That she’d pop through the door in the morning to say hi to Victoria and he’d sometimes stand on the stairs and listen to them gossip at the table.

Well, Victoria would gossip and Rylie would listen, which was just another thing to like about her. She didn’t spread stuff around like the rest of town.

“I know we’re friends, but it won’t be the same with you living across town.” His arm squeezed her affectionately as he added, “I’ll miss your little noises when something tastes good. The way you roll your eyes when I annoy you. But I think I’m going to miss your zombie walk when you first wake up most of all.”

Her hand half-heartedly smacked his chest. “Be nice.”

“I thought I was being nice.”

“You called me a zombie.”

“I also said I would miss you.”

She grew so quiet he thought she might have fallen asleep. Only a few moments later, she mumbled, “I’ll miss you too.”

Dustin traced his fingers from her temple to her cheek, until the soft rustle of her deep breathing fell from her lips. It was another thing he’d learned about Rylie; she had this funny little snore that almost had a wheeze on the end. On any other woman, he’d have found it annoying, but on Rylie it was…cute.

Yep, it was official. Four weeks of living next door to this woman and he’d lost his damn mind.




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