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RESCUED (Elkridge Series Book 6) by Lyz Kelley (25)

Chapter Twenty-Five

Karly tied the malamute’s lead on the railing, next to the bowl of water sitting outside Dreamy Delights bakery. She hadn’t slept at all. The knowledge Sung shared had haunted her dreams, and Thad kept coming to her rescue. She didn’t want to think about Thad, or her captivity, but that’s all she could think about, that and the town.

A virtual tornado had ripped through the town council, courthouse, and local justice system. Only bits and pieces were left, though everywhere she looked, people were moving on with their lives like nothing had happened. Only her life was stuck. She wasn’t moving forward, and was trying really, really hard to avoid thinking about the past.

She pulled open the bakery door. Once inside, she took a deep breath, breathing in the sugary fragrance of heaven.

There were good reasons Jenna named her business Dreamy Delights, the scrumptious smells being just one. Never before had Karly fully appreciated the simple freedom of being able to walk into a store the way she did today. The rich oranges and greens and lively artwork added to the ambiance. The picture of the three sows’ behinds while the animals ate out of a trough was her favorite. The extra-large oil painting splashed bold colors across the blank wall, and was most likely the reason Jenna selected the piece.

“Hey, lady.” Jenna’s smile expanded. “I’m glad you stopped in. Come here. I want a hug.”

Karly shifted the backpack on her shoulder and reached for her friend.

“How are you? How’s Thad?”

The crick in Karly’s neck twisted. “I hear he’s good. Busy. Healing. I haven’t seen him since he got out of the hospital.”

Jenna titled her head back. “Really? I thought you two were an item.”

“You know how this town likes to gossip.”

“What can I help you with?”

“You wouldn’t happen to know a couple of dozen people who want to adopt animals, would you?”

“Sorry. I don’t. Not at the moment, but I could put up some fliers.” Jenna’s eyes softened. “Maybe Thad can help. He’s gotta know a few people.”

“That’s the last thing I need.” Her breath hitched, and she stopped mid-thought. I can’t believe I just said that out loud.

“Men can do that. They just jump into the mix without being invited, then one day you turn around and find they are a mighty tasty ingredient.”

“Thad is a wonderful man. Don’t get me wrong.”


“I made plans for my life, and they don’t include him.”

Jenna’s bangs lifted with a puff of her breath. “I had plans once, but I was wrong. It’s none of my business, and I shouldn’t ask, but why not give Thad a chance?”

Why not? That’s the question she’d been asking herself for days, weeks. It always came down to what she couldn’t give him. She loved him. He wanted kids. She couldn’t have them. She loved him too much to deny him the happiness that went with building a life together. “It’s complicated.”

Jenna's eyes opened wider, and bold laughter rang out through the store. “Those are the exact words I said to Maggie and Gwen when they were pressuring me about Grant.” She sobered. “Little did I know, I’d have to eat my reluctance. It tasted a bit bitter. But I can tell Thad is not why you stopped by.” She grabbed a tray off the back counter. “I was going to stop by to see you today, but since you’re here, you have to try my newest invention.”

Jenna never changed.

But Karly had. She’d changed a lot.

Karly picked up the small square cookie on the plate Jenna thrust her way. Chocolate, vanilla, and caramel melded to create an ooh-la-la sensation. “These are awesome.”

“You like?”

“When can I get more?”

“I’ll box you up the rest of the samples. What do you think of Krane’s Konfections, you know a play on Karly Krane and the KK family?”

“You made a cookie for me? I have my own cookie?” Karly raced around the counter to give Jenna a bigger hug.

A blush rolled up Jenna’s cheek. “You’ve always been special. Now, you’re just super-duper special. I took your favorite tastes and mixed them together. I figure the town’s hero should have a cookie named after her.”

A rush of heat exploded from her chest and burned across her cheeks. “I’m no hero.” Not even close.

“Helping a doctor save the lives of eight women? Okay, whatever you say, but I still think you deserve to have a cookie named after you. You’ve done so much for this town.”

“I need another hug.” Karly held out her arms, and Jenna obliged. “Thank you.” She reveled in the warmth of her friend’s hug and let a long sigh escape. She leaned back. “Does this mean I get free cookies from now on?”

“That’s the deal. It’s your cookie. Whenever Krane’s Konfections are in the case, you get a free one, with a purchase.”

“Well, smart business lady, I think I just might have to stop in more often.”

“I’d like that. Whether or not you buy something.” Jenna’s unspoken words of friendship were like spring perennials, popping up and blooming just when things looked bleak. She’d received the same friendly support from people at the café and gas station and grocery store.

She’d almost disappeared. Just like Caitlyn, Jenna’s younger sister, only worse. At least Caitlyn had escaped and had time to love her son before she died.

“Seems we’ve both come a long way in the past year.”

“It’s mind-boggling to think that a year ago I was pretending to be happy on my own. Now I have a wonderful man and business partner, and a happy kid. Nothing could be better.”

A small niggle of indecision crawled up Karly’s spine. Maybe I shouldn’t say anything.

“What?” Jenna scrutinized her face, and reached for her arm. “Did something happen to you?

“No, not me.” Guilt for stopping by made her start counting the number of cupcakes remaining in the case. “Has the sheriff come by to see you?”

Jenna’s fingers tightened on her forearm before releasing. “No. Why? Did my criminal mother-in-law say something about Kyle?”

She should go, let the sheriff handle it, but the heaviness in her gut spoke of responsibility.

Thinking about the woman who’d almost sentenced her to a living hell bubbled up to the anger she’d been trying to keep a lid on.

“No. Vivian hasn’t said a word, but there’s no doubt she’ll go to jail for a good long time. You and your nephew are safe. There’s no cause for alarm.” The potential effect of her careless words made her nauseated, but she forced herself to continue. Jenna had a right to know. She recognized a deep-seated feeling of rightness, and needed to find a way to make things right.

Did that mean Thad had a right to know as well? She ignored the thought.

“I have some more news for you.” Karly slid a chair out from under the nearest table. “Do you mind if we sit?”

Jenna picked up the end of her apron and wiped off her hands. “From the look on your face, this is serious. We might need some coffee and treats.”

“Carbs are always good.” Karly placed her backpack on the floor and forced a smile, but the outer expression was the opposite of her inner turmoil.

Jenna busied herself behind the counter and returned a few minutes later with a tray. The bitter coffee mixed perfectly with the chocolate yumminess.

“Okay, tell me. What’s the news?” Jenna asked while settling on one of her olive green leather-covered chairs.

“Vivian will be charged with several counts of sex trafficking and selling babies on the black market, plus a handful of other charges.”

Jenna's leg started bouncing, and she pushed a hand down her thigh. “Grant told me after he got a call from his mother.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “There are thirty-two counts against her, and I believe you’re right. She’ll be put away for a long time, especially since Grant refused to represent her, and told her to hire someone else. My father-in-law is not speaking to her, and has refused to pay for a seasoned attorney.” Jenna passed Karly the creamer. “There’s a rumor going around town that Vivian was the reason you were kidnapped.”

“It’s only partially true. Vivian was manipulating my mom, pressuring her to get me to take another job. When that didn’t work, Mr. Clairemont sent one of his men to get me out of the way. But, that’s not what I came to talk to you about. I want to talk about your sister.”

“Caitlyn? My sister?” She sat up straighter, her hand going to her throat. “Oh, God. Don’t tell me.”

Karly took a deep breath. You can do this. She deserves the truth.

“It’s not bad news. Well, at least not for Caitlyn.” Karly captured Jenna’s hand in hers and squeezed, letting her churning thoughts settle into resolve. “I met a woman while I was being held. Her name is Sung.”

Jenna’s brows furled. “Caitlyn’s been gone for over five years. How does Sung know my sister?” She hesitated, then her eyes widened. “Please tell me Sung hasn’t been a prisoner all this time.”

“Well…” Karly’s lips folded inward, and she nodded her head in a slow, meaningful way.

“Noooo. How awful.” Jenna placed her hand over her mouth.

Saliva pooled in Karly’s mouth, and she swallowed hard. “She was sold by her parents and transported here. What’s even worse is, she thought being chained and forced to package drugs was paradise. It got her off the streets, but still.” Karly pressed her fingers into her temple to relieve the ache that started to poke the back of her eyes. “That’s not what I wanted to come to tell you. The important part is Sung knew Caitlyn. In fact, Sung helped your sister escape.”

“I knew it. I knew Caitlyn was taken that night.” The startled inhalation of breath and the promise in her friend's eyes gave her courage. “Ashley and I agreed she was too methodical to run away without a plan.”

Tears filled Jenna’s eyes. She fought honorably, biting her lip to hold back the flood, shifting in her chair, looking away, doing anything and everything to hold on.

Karly placed a hand on her thigh and waited. Karly could empathize with the feeling of drowning. Not being able to catch a breath. She’d been barely holding on for years.

“Your instincts were right.” Karly tried to infuse her words with a bit of cheer. “During Sung’s first pregnancy, she met Caitlyn.”

“Was my sister okay? I mean, was she healthy? Had she been abused?”

“Sung didn’t say, only that she hoarded food and coached your sister about how to beg for spare change and hide until she could collect enough for bus fare to leave town. She even taught her how to change her appearance.”

Jenna’s gaze sharpened as her chin quivered. “I take it Sung didn’t leave with her all those years ago, if she was still a captive.”

“She couldn’t.” A deep sorrow made Karly’s voice thin. “She was days away from delivering her first child. She told me to pass along how sorry she is about Caitlyn’s passing. I told her about you and Kyle. She’s grateful Caitlyn got to keep her baby.”

Jenna swiped at her nose and leaking eyes. “Where is Sung now?”

Karly reached in her backpack for a tissue. “I don’t know. She’s in protective custody, but what I can say is she’s now in a much safer place. Somewhere she can build a good life.”

“Wow.” Jenna blew her nose. “That’s just…wow.”

Uncertainty pressed down and made it hard for Karly to take a complete breath. “Was I right to tell you? Does the knowing help?”

Jenna’s shaky hand began to lift her mug to her lips, but she set her cup back on the table. “Yes. I needed to know. If not for me, for Grant.” Her voice strengthened and assumed an edge. “He’s always blamed himself for his sister’s disappearance. They had a fight the day she disappeared, and he thinks her disappearance is his fault.” Jenna touched Karly’s hand. “Thank you for telling me.” She pulled a napkin out of her apron pocket and bunched it in her hand. “What about you? Will you tell someone your story?”

Anxiety rattled her core. Could she describe the kidnapping? Being chained to a wall? The not knowing if she was going to die? Should she? Her experience didn’t compare to what Sung endured. Her stomach churned just thinking about what Sung and the other women had lived through.

“I’ve given my statement to the FBI, and I might have to testify in court, but I hope it doesn’t come down to that.” A memory stirred, and she studied Jenna while she took another deep breath for courage.

“One more thing.” Karly hesitated to continue, but the need to know on Jenna’s face left her no options. “Sung told me Vivian knew Caitlyn was pregnant with Jason’s child. She was going to adopt her grandchild through one of her agencies after it was born, to make it look legitimate. Vivian liked the idea that her son and Caitlyn had a child together.” Karly felt sick. “Sung said Vivian wanted to keep everything in the family.”

“That fruity-frosted-fudgey bitch!” Jenna stood and started pacing, her jaw muscles pulsing. “Good thing she’s in jail, or I might be tempted to do something stupid.” Jenna walked around in circles a few more times, until she settled enough to sit.

“Thank you.” She reached for Karly’s hand. “Thank you for telling me. Wait until I tell Grant. You think I’m mad. Wait until he hears this.” Jenna picked up her fork like she wanted to jab it into the sweet bars, or something more practical, like Vivian, but she put the piece of silverware back on the table, and let out a long, slow breath. “Is there anything I can do to repay Sung for her help?”

“I don’t think so.” Karly wished she could do the same. “Sung will have a new name and new life soon.”

The slight smile on Jenna’s face was about how she felt inside—small, and aware of how many things were not in her control.

“Which leads me to the second reason I stopped by.”

“There’s more?”

Karly found a way to reflect back Jenna’s smiling courage. “Yep. I need to place an order for three dozen cupcakes, and a pan of those Krane Konfections. They’re amazing. I’m throwing a thank-you party for my volunteers tomorrow, and I would like to invite you and Grant to come, since I know you both helped get my animals back to the shelter safely, and feed them while I was gone. I want to help this community heal. I would like it if you’d stop by and help me celebrate.”

“Will Thad be there?”

“I invited him, but I’m not sure he’ll show. I’m expecting about thirty people, so I’m thinking we can make it a party.”

“Heck, yeah.” Jenna moved to the counter to grab the order pad. “Sounds like an excellent idea.” Jenna patted the rest of her tears away. “I had this idea for a joint community fundraiser for the shelter as well.”

“Helper Shelter? My place?” Karly shoved the sweet bar in her mouth and let the gooey richness pump some sweetness into her soul. “Oh, this is so tasty.” She rolled her eyes, letting the ecstasy fill her pores. “I’d love to hear any ideas. Did I tell you I’m thinking of consolidating, and just focusing on service dog training and boarding? There’s an adoption center over in Eagle where I can take most of the remaining animals. Besides, I’m not sure how long Brad Clairemont is going to want to stay in town. He’s the only vet, and I would have to have one on record if I stayed with animal adoption.”

“No you didn’t tell me. You’re right. I don’t think Brad will stick around long. I think that’s smart to think about that now. Running an adoption place and boarding dogs seems like a lot of work.”

“It has been.” Karly picked up the box of her treat samples just when the bakery door opened and Peggy Sue rushed in. “Did you hear Vivian Newhall and Richard Clairemont were having an affair?”

Karly looked at Jenna, and they both started laughing.

The town gossip spread rumors faster than mayonnaise on bread, but one thing was for sure, Buck Newhall’s office assistant was as loyal as a cocker spaniel. She’d worked with Buck for years, and she wasn’t about to let Vivian’s antics tarnish her employer’s reputation.

“See you later, Jenna.” Karly settled her backpack on her shoulder and lifted her hand to wave goodbye.

Thrilled to be escaping that conversation, Karly opened the door just as Jenna said, “Hi, Peggy Sue. Did you stop in just for gossip, or for more of your grandson’s favorites? How is he today?”

Karly let the door ease shut.

Another chapter closed.

Now if only she could find some closure for herself.

She needed to find a way to tell Thad the truth.




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