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Russian Beast: Underground Fighters #2 by Aislinn Kearns (22)


Alexei returned to the apartment with a spring in his step. He turned the key in the lock and the door swung out of his hands before he could open it.

Evie stood on the threshold, her face beaming. “How’d it go?” she asked excitedly.

Alexei laughed and stepped closer, kissing her deeply before answering. He loved when her eyes grew bright like that, her face flushed with interest and anticipation.

She sunk into the kiss, instantly distracted by his attentions. Alexei grinned against her mouth. He loved coming home to this. It wasn’t something he was used to, or ever thought he’d have. But the sensation of having someone he loved waiting for him when he got home grew on him more each day.

They’d moved in together a few months before, and it was the best decision he’d made in his life so far.

Alexei kicked the door closed and the sound made Evie break the kiss. She squirmed out of his grip and nudged him lightly on the arm.

“Don’t distract me. I want to hear how it went.”

He pressed his lips together in an attempt to stop a smile and draw out her suspense longer, but it was no use. He was so excited by the news.

“I got the job.”

She squealed in happiness and threw her arms around him. “I knew you would! You’re an amazing teacher.” He’d just had an interview with a local gym, who’d been looking for someone to teach their self-defence classes. The demonstration of his skills had gone so well they’d offered him the job on the spot.

He hugged Evie close, revelling in the feel of her. She’d always had more faith in him than he did in himself.

“Thank you for letting me practice on you.” He pulled back from her hug and stared down at her.

“Soon enough I’ll be kicking your ass,” she said playfully. They’d continued her lessons even after Jimmy had been thrown in jail to rot. The attempted murder charge had stuck, helped by all the security camera footage that had been found of him stalking Evie through the streets for months.

Though she was a long way off being able to take Alexei down without him letting her win, they both enjoyed their sparring sessions.

“You sure will,” he said instead.

She laughed, and he watched her carefully.

“I’ll have to tell McCready on Saturday that I won’t be fighting anymore.” He squeezed her hand, nerves creeping over him.

“Will he make trouble?” she asked.

Alexei shrugged. “I hope not, but I don’t know. He’s never quite warmed to me again after the gym incident. And the thing is…most people don’t leave the fights of their own free will. I just don’t how he’d react to me being out in the world, having no need to keep his secrets anymore.”

Evie threaded their fingers together. “You’ll find some way to convince him, if there’s any trouble,” she assured him. Alexei wasn’t so sure.

“I hope so.”

“I believe in you. Besides, you have a great job to look forward to. One that doesn’t involve you getting fists to the face every weekend.” She beamed up at him.

Alexei hesitated. “About that…” There was a slight issue with the job he didn’t want to mention.

Her smile died. “Oh no. What is it?” She always could read him well.

He exhaled. “It’s fine, but I’m worried if they ask me about work permits.”

“Oh.” Her eyes grew worried, then switched to determined.

Alexei frowned in confusion. “What?” If he was to hazard a guess, he’d suspect she had a plan.

“I’ve been thinking about that, and I have a idea.” She gazed up at him with hopeful eyes.

“Is that so?” he responded, not sure what else to say. He didn’t know what her eyes were trying to tell him.

“Don’t think I’m crazy,” she warned.

He laughed. “I won’t. Promise.”

She eyed him for a moment, as if judging his seriousness. “Okay. Well, I know it’s only been a few months. But I love you. So much.”

Alexei swallowed at all the love and affection in her expression. Was she doing what he thought she was doing?

“I love you, too,” he said warily.

“I know. Which is why I think we should get married.”

Alexei choked on air at her words. “What?” he managed.

Evie gazed at him calmly. There was no doubt in her eyes, just love and determination. “We should get married. It’ll make the process for you to get a green card so much easier. I was researching today. Because we’d be applying before our two year anniversary, we’d need a temporary one for a while, first. But after a few years they’ll interview us again, and you’ll get citizenship.”

“Just like that?” he asked.

She shrugged. “Well, there’s a bunch of paperwork and bureaucracy and hoops to jump through. It won’t necessarily be easy. But that’s why I thought we should start early.”

Alexei studied her, but she looked completely serious. “Evie, you’re the one who wanted to take things slow. You didn’t even want to move in together.”

She shrugged. “I love you, and I trust you. There’s no reason to wait anymore.”

“Are you just doing this to get me the green card?” he asked suspiciously.

She shook her head. “Nope. I’m doing this because I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” She hesitated, then continued in a softer voice. “Start a family with you.”

All the breath left him in a rush. The thought of her pregnant with his child, caused a deep swell of emotion in his chest. Having a miniature version of Evie to love and protect would be a dream come true.

A family of his own.

He could rectify the sins of his own father, and bring something precious into this world. Despite it filling him with a deep terror, he wanted that. Wanted to do better, be better.

“What do you say?” she prompted him. “I didn’t think you’d hesitate, I must admit.” Worry had replaced some of the determination in her gaze. Did she really think he’d say no?

“I only hesitate because I want you to be sure. Once I have a ring on your finger, we’ll be bound together for always. And I won’t ever let you go.”

Tears filled her eyes. “That’s what I want.”

Alexei grinned. “Then in that case, I have something to show you.”

He extracted himself from Evie and headed over to his duffle bag. He knelt and unzipped the small pocket on the side, digging out the present he’d bought for Evie months ago, when they’d first moved in together. He’d kept it until he was sure she’d be ready.

Without getting up from his kneeling position, Alexei spun around and held out the box in his hand.

Evie gasped at the sight of it, her hand pressing over her mouth. “Is that what I think it is?” she asked, tears spilling over her cheeks.

He popped the lid. Her eyes went wide.

He knew what she’d see. A square-cut diamond in a simple setting. The saleswoman at the shop had assured him Evie would like it, but he still watched her face carefully for any hints of how she felt.

“It’s beautiful,” she breathed.

“So you’ll marry me?”

She laughed through her tears. “I asked you first!”

Alexei chuckled. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

He dug the ring out and slid it onto her finger. It was a perfect fit.

Just like they were.

With that, Alexei stood and swept Evie into his arms. He carried her to the bedroom, where they had their own, private celebration of the beginning of their new life. Together.