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Save Me, Daddy by Jess Bentley (29)

Chapter 31


“Get out.” I slam the shower door, watching him through the opaque glass until he leaves the bathroom. Livid, I get out of the shower, shedding the wet clothes and shoes with some difficulty. Then I return to the stall, soaping with quick efficiency. My heart is racing, and my stomach aches with the effort to keep from screaming. How dare he treat me that way?

I’m clean within minutes, but as time passes, I find myself dawdling. Now that some of the anger has washed away, I no longer want to rush into a confrontation. Why was I so eager to face him again? The first round certainly hadn’t gone in my favor. I’m still fuming at the treatment, but perhaps it would have been wise to give him time to calm down too. He had shown a depth of anger I’ve never seen before. Surely, he’s realized that by now and is trying to regain control?

Clinging to that hope, I force myself from the shower. I hurry and dry off quickly, instead of drawing out the process. It only hastens the realization that I have nothing to put on. My clothes are soaked and dirty. A quick glance at the door shows no robes on the hooks, indicating Irina has already collected them for washing.

The plush bath sheet isn’t exactly adequate armor in which to face Jayson, but the alternative is even less appealing. No way am I going into the bedroom wearing nothing. The towel is long enough to wrap around me twice, and I tuck the end as securely as I can. After running a comb through my damp hair, I can’t find any remaining reason not to leave the bathroom. Taking a deep breath for fortification, I walk from the room, closing the door behind me with a soft click.

It appears Jayson took advantage of my absence to remove his wet shirt. I swallow thickly at the sight of his bare chest, feeling a stir of something other than offense.

He seems to have regained control. “I owe you a huge apology, Harper. I had no right to treat you that way.”

I acknowledge his apology with a nod. “Thank you.” Then I look up. “Why did you react so strongly? You know my major was botany. It shouldn’t have shocked you so much to find me in the garden.”

Jayson runs a hand through his damp hair, further tangling it. “I suppose I could say the sight of my wife on her knees in the dirt made me angry.”

I nod. “I can see why. You’re used to glamorous women, and I try to live up to that as much as possible.” I shrug. “I just couldn’t resist the allure. I’m sure you don’t understand the attraction, but I have missed it so much.”

Jayson’s expression tightens. “I saw what was so attractive about the garden, Harper.”

I blink. “I don’t understand…” I trail off as she realized what he means. “Angelo?”

“Is he your lover?” Jayson delivers the question in a distant tone, but his body radiates tension.

“Of course not.” I walk across the room, heading toward the dressing room. “He’s just a boy.”

Jayson follows. “He isn’t much younger than you. You must find him attractive.”

I face him. “Yes, he’s handsome. He has the body of a Greek god. Is that what you want to hear?”

He flinches. “No.”

“Then stop this. I haven’t slept with him, and I have no plans to do so.” My hand trembles as I reach for a simple sundress. “He’s a nice boy, but no matter how attractive, I don’t want him.”

“Why not?” rasps Jayson.

Unable to look at him, I keep my gaze centered on the line of clothes hanging before my eyes. “He isn’t you,” I whisper.

His ragged exhalation is the only sound for a long moment. The extended silence is unnerving. I busy myself with removing the dress from the hanger and replacing the hanger with exaggerated precision. When he cups my arms in his hands, I sag against him, knowing I’d been waiting for him to touch me.

As he turns me around to face him, I drop the dress and wrap my arms around his neck. Despite the complications, and how it’s going to break my heart, I want to be with him. Long after their marriage ends, I will have this memory.

“Harper mou.” Jayson examines my face intently. “You are sure you want this? I worry I can’t stop if you change your mind, so please be certain.”

I lick my lips. “I’m sure.” Without hesitation, I take the hand he extends and walk with him back to the bedroom. I drop my towel near the bed and watch with silent appreciation as he throws off his remaining clothes. Here is the body of a true Greek god. Every smooth plane and rounded angle represents perfection. When he touches me his hot skin burns under my fingers, but it doesn’t hurt me.

Jayson lifts me onto the bed, lying down on top of me. As he caresses and kisses me, I drink him in, and my body reaches to his hands. I want to remember everything, to feel everything. The softness of his lips, the heat of his breath. The way his skin tastes. His eyes half-closing with pleasure as he touches me, the knitting together of his eyebrows. The soft reaching of his lips. He kisses down my body, hungrily and expertly. When he finally positions himself between my thighs, poised to enter, I clutch his muscular ass tightly, lifting up to meet him.

I wince at the pain as he enters me. Jayson freezes, looking down at me with an expression of mingled surprise and wonder. “Harper, mou. Are you a virgin?”

“Was,” I manage to say while lifting her hips, and enveloping him completely inside. After a brief pause, Jayson begins to move inside me, softly at first, staring in my eyes. When I get used to the feeling of him inside me, and the pain disappears, it’s replaced by curiosity, then by deep pleasure. He reaches down to stroke my clit as he thrusts, kissing me softly. I match his rhythm and we ride our way to orgasm, and the cries he makes when he comes push me over the edge, until I’m falling, falling into stars.

What could have been minutes or hours later, Jayson rolls to my side, wrapping me in his arms. To my complete embarrassment, tears stream from my eyes. Jayson sits up abruptly. “Are you hurt? Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry, Harper.”

I shake my head. “It’s not that,” I answer in a small voice. A cough clears my throat, and my voice returns to normal when I finally say, “It was wonderful. Amazing. I guess I was just thinking about how this is just a brief interlude. When our marriage ends…” I shrug a shoulder. “I guess I’m just overwhelmed.” That isn’t exactly the truth, but I’m not about to make this mistake even worse by admitting I’m in love with him and have already started mourning losing him, even before we split.

He lays his head on my upper arm. “It doesn’t have to.”

I crane my neck to see his face. “What doesn’t?”

“Our marriage doesn’t have to end.” He trails a finger across my stomach, making me tremble. Jayson changes positions to straddle me. “Let’s forget the agreement we had and make a new one.”

Eyes wide, I stare up at him. “We agreed to three years.”

Jayson shrugs. “Is there some reason why we shouldn’t at least try to have a real marriage?”

I flounder, not even certain how I feel. It’s tempting to agree, but if we did so, I’d fall even deeper in love with Jayson. If he decides it’s not what he wants, could I stand to be devastated even more? “Why do you want to change things, Jayson?”

“We’re good together. We like and respect each other.” He runs his fingertips softly down my body. “I think we’re sexually compatible.”

I frown. “What about more? Don’t you want to marry someone you love?”

He shakes his head. “I don’t think so. We have the foundation laid for a strong marriage. Maybe we’ll even love each other in time.”

I try to reject the thrill of hope his words bring me. It’s one reckless afternoon. One more time wouldn’t make a difference. “Perhaps. I’m willing to renegotiate our deal. Do you want to add six months?”

“I don’t think we need to impose a deadline, agape mou.” Let’s just see how things progress.” Jayson slides slowly down my body, placing kisses as he goes—across my neck, breasts and stomach, progressing lower. When he reaches his destination, I become incapable of any further discussion or thought.

The next several weeks pass in a happy haze. Jayson and I spend most of the days and all of our nights together. Not only are we learning about each other’s bodies,we’re connecting on a deeper level. I’m no longer afraid of how much I’ve started to love him. I’m terrified. If he changes his mind, I don’t know how I would survive walking away.

The only problem is, that fear still can’t keep me from loving him. I watch him with Sophie, patiently listening to her instructions on where to move the furniture to clear the room for her birthday party that night. It’s a task any of the servants could have done, but Jayson volunteered.

I’ve dreaded this day coming for a long time. With Sophie turning eighteen, I’m no longer needed. There’s no reason I have to be here. I haven’t been sure what I would do with myself, beyond finishing the botany degree. Now, I find myself daring to tentatively envision a future with Jayson.

He looks up from sliding a wingchair out of the way and catches me staring at him. Jayson winks before resuming his task.

Which brings me back to my own work: arranging flowers in the vases around the room. I’m nearly finished when Jayson comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my body to draw me against him. He’s hard and ready for me, as he always seems to be, but there’s no time to indulge in anything romantic at the moment.

I let out a giggle when he nuzzles my neck. “Stop it. I have to finish this.”

“It looks fine to me,” he says, running his hand over my breast. “Perfect.”


“Is busy,” he says against my skin. “She’s with Irina, going over the menu. Again.” He laughs.

“You don’t turn eighteen every day.” I allow him to turn me around, so I’m facing him. I out down the bunch of hyacinths I was holding to put my arms on his shoulders. “What were you like then? I didn’t really know you.” I’d only been ten and had just started noticing boys. Even then, I found Jayson gorgeous, but he seemed much too old.

“I don’t even remember being eighteen.” He rests his forehead against mine. “I remember never being able to live up to my father’s expectations.” A sad smile drifts across his lips. “He told me multiple times he was thankful for Dmitri, because I would never be fit to run the Satyros Corporation.”

I stroke his neck. “That must have been difficult.”

Jayson shrugs. “It’s the way of many fathers.” His lips firm. “It will not be my way though.”

“You want children?”

He quirks a brow. “Of course.”

I swallow, searching for courage. “With me?”

Jayson frowns at the question. “Of course, agape mou, but not until I have had you to myself for a long time yet.”

I tilt my neck and he nibbles the flesh, feeling content. Jayson wants me to have his children. That must be a good sign that we have a strong future ahead of us. As he lifts me into his arms, I wrap my legs around his waist, silently agreeing with the idea to wait a while to have a child. I could spend years getting my fill of his body before I’m ever ready to share the attention.

He carries me up to our bedroom, closing the door with his foot. I gasp when he pushes up my skirt, bracing me against the wall.

“I love when you wear dresses.” He strokes my hot flesh. “Along with those silky little panties.” Jayson pushes them aside to touch my skin. I’m already wet and eager for him.

“Please, Jayson.” I dig my hands into his shoulders as he shifts positions to take a foil packet from the nightstand. When he has it open, I lend him a free hand with slipping it on. “Now.”

Jayson plunges deep inside me, pushing me against the wall with each thrust. It’s unbearably erotic, to be trapped between the unyielding wall and his almost equally unyielding body. I arch against him, losing myself in the rhythm. I come, once, twice, countless times before he finally lets himself go, crying out in the way I love, and collapsing against me.

Sweaty and exhausted, but energized, I lay my head against his shoulder, kissing his chest gently. I can’t imagine ever being happier than right now. My only regret is that we wasted three years living as roommates.

I help Sophie with her hair later that evening, pinning up the black strands into a sophisticated up-do. The younger girl chose an aquamarine gown that’s slightly sexy, but no so much that Jayson would be trying to send her back to her room to change. I press a kiss to Sophie’s cheek. “You look beautiful, and all grown up.” Tears fill my eyes, and I have to blink several times.

Sophie looks alarmed. “Are you all right, Harper?”

I nod, wiping away the few tears that escaped. It’s a good thing I’m running behind and haven’t put on my own makeup, or I’d have to redo it now. “I’m fine, and just so proud of you. You are a lovely young woman.”

Sophie drags her lower lip between her teeth, looking uncertain. “Do you think so? Really truly?”

I hug her. “Of course I do.”

With a quick glance around, though we’re the only two in Sophie’s room, the girl lowers her voice to say, “Loukas wants to…you know. I want to as well, but I’m scared.” She looks up, eyes full of fear. “Do you think I’m old enough?”

I blink. Only five years separate us, but suddenly I feel a thousand years older. “I think that if you can’t even say have sex, you’re probably not ready to.”

Sophie looks a little disappointed, but nods. “What’s it like?” She quickly holds up a hand. “I don’t want details about Theo Jayson and you, but is it… well, is it what everyone says it is?”

With a sigh, weighing my words, I answer, “It can be. With someone you love, sex can be amazing. It’s so much more than physical.” I want to roll her eyes since I’m sounding so knowledgeable about something which I only just discovered. “When you find the right person, you’ll know. That doesn’t mean you have to be married to him, but you should at least love him.” Putting an arm around Sophie’s waist, I ask, “Does that help?”

After a moment, she nods. “Thank you, Harper.”

“You’re welcome.” I smile, then glance at the clock on the wall. “Now I really have to hurry to finish dressing, or I’ll be wearing my bathrobe to your party.”

“At least you wouldn’t outshine me,” says Sophie, a teasing gleam in her eyes.

“Darling, no one could outshine you, especially tonight.”

Despite the time constraints, I dress with care. I want to be beautiful for Jayson, without any risk of outshining Sophie. With that in mind, I choose an elegant, strapless black sheath. It hugs my curves and flares slightly at the hips, and has a satisfyingly graceful swing to it. High heels that kill my feet and the anniversary earrings complete the ensemble. Mascara, black eyeliner, and pale pink lip gloss are all I need with the color I’ve gotten from gardening.

Jayson likes my hair down, so I leave it flowing to my shoulders, noting in passing that it’s getting time for a trim. I’ve lost all sense of time while on this island, immersed in my husband. Has it really been only three weeks since we first had sex?

I close the drawer on the vanity and get to my feet, wincing at the heels. If they didn’t do such amazing things for my legs and ass, I’d kick them off and throw them away. Jayson waits in the bedroom, looking incredibly handsome in a lightweight black suit with a silver tie. He growls low in his throat as I walk toward him.

“Are you wearing those silky little panties I love?”

With a small smile, I lift my skirt to flash him my lace underwear and garter belt securing black thigh-highs. When he reaches out to touch, I lightly smack his hand away. “There’s no time for that. Yet,” I add.

With a groan, Jayson offers his arm instead. “You are killing me.”

I pat his hand on my arm. “You’ll survive.”

“You’re a temptress.”

I can’t hold back a laugh, unashamed that I’m silently enjoying his so-called misery. He’s teased me often enough that it only serves him right to turn the tables. Not to mention his blatant desire boosts my ego.

We get downstairs shortly before the influx of guests. When the doorbell rings a few minutes later, Jayson whispers in my ear. “We would have had time, agape mou.”

I smile wickedly. “Perhaps ten minutes would be enough for you, but I need more.”

His lips twitch with suppressed amusement. “You are going to pay for that comment. You’ll have so much time, you’ll beg me to stop.”

I shake my head. “Never,” I tell him with complete seriousness.

A group of giggling teenagers interrupt us, and we end up separated as we mingle, acting more as chaperones than party guests…at least until some of the older guests begin to arrive.

I spend the next hour circulating among the guests, making sure everyone has what they need. It’s strange to see some of Sophie’s friends drinking as heavily as some older guests, but alcohol isn’t the taboo in Greece that it is in America. At least Sophie is nursing the same glass of champagne she took at the beginning of the party. Her handsome Greek boyfriend, Loukas, is doing the same. Probably because they know I’ll flip out if they don’t.

Shortly after, a slight disruption draws my attention to another part of the room. My stomach clenches when I recognize Maia Papadas at the center of a small group. A group that includes Jayson. My husband. Maia leans toward Jayson, tossing her hair back as she laughs at something he says. Her hand settles on his forearm, but he makes no move to brush it off.

Resolutely, I turn away from the sight, determined to ignore Maia’s behavior. I’ll have to trust Jayson if we’re going to have a real marriage. He doesn’t seem to be in love with Maia any longer, so really, I have nothing to fear. I’ve almost convinced myself of that fact as I greet more guests and make sure the catering staff is keeping the food in steady supply. It’s a party much like any other, despite Maia’s unwelcome presence.

When the caterer comes up to let me know that the birthday cake is ready, I crane my head, looking for Sophie. I approach the other girl, who is deep in conversation with Loukas, clearing her throat loudly so they know I’m coming. “The cake is ready.”

Sophie smiles. “So am I.” She looks around. “Where is Theo Jayson?”

“I’ll find him,” I answer. Turning from Sophie to scan the room, I don’t see him. My eyes seem to have an unerring ability to zero in on him wherever he is, but I still don’t see him. With a small sigh of impatience, I go in search of Jayson.

His study and our bedroom are both empty, along with the rooms near the party. I pass near a small salon and the sound of Maia’s voice makes me pause. I peek inside cautiously. The salon leads to one of the gardens, and Maia is out on the patio, with the French doors still open. Standing near her is Jayson.

I gasp softly when Maia presses herself closer to Jayson, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Erastís, you must forgive me. I was young and foolish. It scared me how much I loved you, so I ran away.”

“Right into Kyrios Milanou’s arms,” says Jayson sardonically.

Maia clutches his lapels, looking up at him with a pleading expression. It’s clearly contrived, but does Jayson realize that? “I married Stavros to please my father. He wanted it.” Her voice drops down, forcing me to ease closer to hear. “You must know I had no love for him. When he took me in his arms,” she shakes her head no, “I hated to have that old man touching me.” She trails a hand down Jayson’s chest, stopping dangerously close to his belt. “I only got through it by imagining it was your hands on me and you making love to me.”

“Perhaps you imagined it was my fortune when you spent his money?” Jayson shakes his head. “No, it couldn’t be, because you broke off our engagement when my father threatened to disown me if I didn’t follow his plans for my life.”

“That wasn’t the reason—”

“Save it,” says Jayson harshly, finally pushing her away. “I honestly don’t care any longer, Maia. I’m not in love with you and haven’t been for a long time.”

“You could be again, with a little persuasion.” There’s a hint of petulance in her expression, despite her seductive drawl.

“I’m married,” says Jayson coldly. A smile spreads across my face, and I press a hand to my chest to still my racing heart. Perhaps I shouldn’t take such joy in his rejection of his old lover, but I’m not going to feel guilty, either. Maia is skulking about, trying to seduce her husband. No shit, I’m not going to feel badly for her.

Maia’s laugh is icy and stark. “You must be kidding. That girl is completely hopeless. It’s obviously a sham marriage. I know your big heart and your even biggermorals, Jayson. You probably married her to take care of her, after her father died in your brother’s service.”

I flinch at what sounds like a coldly accurate assessment of the situation.

“You know nothing of our relationship.” Jayson looks pointedly at his watch. “It must be nearly time for the cake.”

Taking that as my cue, I stride into the room, deliberately clicking her heels against the marble floor with more force than necessary. Pasting on a fake smile, I approach them. “There you are. The caterer is about to wheel out the cake.” I walk straight to Jayson and put my arm around his waist. “She’ll be heartbroken if you aren’t there. She’d miss you almost as much as I have the last few hours.” With a sexy smile, I lift my head in his direction. Jayson instantly responds to the cue, bending his head to capture my mouth.

It started as a way to demonstrate the marriage wasn’t fake—at least not anymore—but the kiss quickly escalates. Jayson gathers me into his arms and kisses me deeply. Vaguely, I hear Maia say something in Greek. While I don’t understand the words, the tone reveals her rage. When neither of us broke apart, Maia says something else that sounds crude and spins on her heel. Her shoes tap across the marble in as she strides from the room.

Even with her gone, I can’t tear myself from Jayson’s embrace. In the back of my mind, I know time is precious, but I can’t remember why we shouldn’t be doing this now.

Fortunately, Jayson is more clearheaded. He withdraws his mouth, lifting his head with a sigh that sounds regretful. “Cake now, agape mou, and you later.” He struggles to step away. “While I’m sure both will be sweet, I’d rather have your taste in my mouth.”

* * *

Smothering a yawn, I’m finding it difficult to keep my eyes open as the party finally winds down, and most of the remaining guests are Sophie’s friends. Casting a longing glance at the doorway, I’m wishing I could excuse myself and go to bed. I’ve spent so many nights with Jayson, and I have to admit, we’re not getting much sleep.

“Tired?” he asks, coming up behind me to put an arm around my waist.

“Very. I hope the kids leave soon.”

“Why don’t you go on up to bed? I’ll keep an eye on them.” He glances at his watch. “I need to check the markets anyway.” Jayson waves a hand at the small group. “I don’t think they can get into much mischief with me down the hall.”

Another yawn escapes, and I let myself be persuaded. “I’ll be lonely without you.”

He chuckles. “Liar. You’ll be sleeping.”

“You can wake me up,” I whisper.

With a shake of his head, he pats my rear and scoots me in the direction of the door. “I’m going to allow you to sleep tonight.” His expression turns wicked. “For a while. I’ll let you build up your energy again.”

I fall into a deep sleep almost the instant my head hits the pillow. Upon awakening, I’m disoriented, uncertain what roused me so abruptly. A second later, I hear raised voices and realize it’s the sound of an argument. Listening for a moment, I recognize Sophie and Jayson’s voices. It isn’t like them to argue, and I slide from bed and wrap myself in a robe before leaving the bedroom.

They stand down the hall, near Sophie’s bedroom. Jayson is yelling and waving his hands, occasionally pointing at Sophie. Loukas, who is standing beside her, looks frightened but determined not to show fear.

“What’s going on?” I ask as I approach them.

“I caught this boy sneaking out of Sophie’s room. They had…” He switches to Greek, unleashing a new wave of anger on the young couple.

“He was not sneaking, Theo Jayson. I am an adult, and I can do as I please.”

“An adult?” His cold laugh makes me flinch almost as much as Sophie. “You are a stupid girl, led by a stupid boy.”

“She’s not stupid,” I interject. “Sophie is a young woman, Jayson. This sort of thing is natural.”

“Not for good Greek girls,” he snarls. “You wait for marriage,” he says to Sophie.

She rolls her eyes. “Your attitude is archaic, Theo. In New York, no one would think anything of me going to bed with my boyfriend.”

Jayson winces, even more upset to hear the words coming from her. “We are not in New York. I see you haven’t spent nearly enough time in your homeland, learning proper behavior.” He curses. “You should be ashamed, both of you.”

Loukas bows his head, but Sophie straightens her shoulders. Stepping closer, I sense the situation will continue to escalate unless I can convince them to stop arguing. “It’s late—”

They both ignore me. “I feel no shame. I love Loukas, and it’s as Harper says.”

Jayson turns his glower on me. “What did Harper say?”

“She told me sex can be beautiful with someone you love. You don’t have to be married to be in love.”

I gulp, not liking the way Jayson’s eyes darken. “It’s late,” I say again. “Why don’t we go to bed and talk about this in the morning?”

He regards me with an unreadable expression for a long second, before transferring his attention to Loukas. “I will escort the boy home.”

Seeing Loukas tremble, I put a hand on Jayson’s arm. “I’m sure he can find his way home just fine, Jayson.”

“Yes, Kyria Satyros,” says the boy eagerly. He pauses long enough to squeeze Sophie’s hand before practically running down the stairs. His escape might be amusing if not for the heavy tension remaining between my husband and his niece.

“I’m going to bed,” says Sophie haughtily as she spins on her heel and marches back into her room. The slam of the door echoes through the hallway.

I stand awkwardly beside Jayson. His silence is a worry, and I find myself trying to fill it. “It isn’t the end of the world, you know.”

Looking at me coldly, he says in a low voice, “I don’t expect you to understand our ways. I also wouldn’t have expected you to deliberately steer her down the wrong path.”

My mouth drops open. “I didn’t steer her anywhere, Jayson. She asked me a question, and I gave her the best answer I could.”

“No. You gave her a trite, Western answer that excuses promiscuity.”

I throw up my hands. “I can’t reason with you when you’re like this. I’m going to bed too.”

My anger is making my heart thump in my ears, louder than the stomping of my feet against the wooden floor. Sure I have a tinge of guilt, wondering if his words are correct. Did I give Sophie an answer based on the values of my society instead of hers? With a shake of my head, I close the bedroom door. Whether he likes it or not, Sophie is a part of both cultures. She’s also an adult, and Jayson will have to accept that.

Body still vibrating with anger, I go back to bed. The adrenaline is flowing, but the exhaustion sweeps over me, returning me to a deep sleep within minutes.

I awaken later in the morning to someone shaking me. Feeling heavy-headed, I blink open my eyes, staring at Sophie with a touch of confusion.

“He’s gone mad, Harper.”

I blink again, forcing my eyes to focus on Sophie as I sit up in the bed. “Who?”

Theo Jayson is insane. He’s insisting I marry Loukas.” The younger girl’s lip trembles. “He’s gone to discuss the particulars with Loukas’s father.”

“What?” I shake my head to clear it, and rub the sleep out of my eyes. “That’s crazy.”

Sophie nods. “He insists it’s the only way to fix this.” She wrings her hands. “I don’t want to marry him, Harper. I love Loukas, but it isn’t the kind of love a person is looking for, for a marriage.” I blush. “I’m not exactly in love with him, if you understand what I mean? He’s handsome and kind…and I was curious.” Her blush deepens as she trails off. “I wanted him to be my first lover, but…not my only lover.”

I hug Sophie. “I understand. It probably wasn’t a wise decision in some ways, but it’s an understandable one.” I shake my head. “He can’t really mean to force you to marry that boy.”

Sophie nods. “He reserved the church for three days from now and sent for a seamstress to make me a dress! All that’s left is to negotiate the deal with Loukas’s father.”

Biting on my lower lip, I’m torn. Jayson sounds determined to force the marriage. I know how stubborn he can be, and getting him to change his mind will be difficult. It’ll be impossible with Sophie’s presence. Making a decision I pray I won’t regret, I say, “Pack a bag while I make arrangements for you to travel back to New York. Once Jayson calms down, I’m sure I can persuade him that trying to force you to marry Loukas isn’t the right answer.” I sound much more confident than I feel.

It’s something.

Sophie throws herself against me, hugging me hard. “Thank you, Harper.”

“It’ll all be okay,” I tell her, patting her back while hoping I’m not lying to her. The thought of facing Jayson’s anger induces a wave of nausea as I slide from the bed, forcing me to swallow hard. Please let him be reasonable!

“You did what?” Jayson’s roar fills the salon, making me wince. “You had no right to interfere, Harper.”

Squaring my shoulders, I face him straight on. “I did the right thing, Jayson. When you’ve calmed down, you’ll realize that. It’s foolish to try to make her marry Loukas. She’s only eighteen, for crying out loud.”

“You undermine my authority and then call me foolish?” His voice is arctic, cutting through me to the bone. “You’re the foolish one for interfering with my family.”

I glare at him. “We got married so I could help take care of Sophie. I’ve done my best to watch out for her and protect her. Right now, she needs protecting from your crazy Greek pride.”

Jayson says something in Greek before leaning in close, his face against mine. “It’s not crazy pride that is motivating my decision. Sophie made a mistake, and I’m fixing it.”

“It wasn’t a mistake.” I run a hand through my hair. “She’s a teenager. Teenagers have sex. It’s not a big deal.”

“You didn’t,” he says quietly.

I falter. “Everyone is different.”

“If you, an American, can wait until marriage, why can’t my niece?” He exhales harshly. “I do not understand how she could do something like this.”

His confusion cuts through my annoyance, and I put a hand on his shoulder. “Sophie loved him. She acknowledges it isn’t the kind of love she should have for her husband, but she does care for him. Sophie chose him for her first. It was her choice, not yours or mine. You have to let this go, Jayson. She’s too young to get married, especially to someone she doesn’t love.”

He compresses his lips. “You don’t need love to make a marriage work. Look at us.”

I barely keep myself from reacting as though he struck me physically. In a cool voice, I say, “We have love for Sophie in common. We’re also older and more mature. Marriages of convenience aren’t the norm, especially for eighteen-year-old girls.”

His gaze settles on me with disconcerting intensity. “You told her she would enjoy making love when she was in love.”

I shift uneasily. “Yeah. I was trying to give her a good answer.”

“Do you believe what you told her?”

Sensing dangerous territory ahead, I clear my throat. “Yes,” I finally say reluctantly.

“Yet how would you know, Harper mou? I’ve been your only one.”

Wishing he would return to his state of anger from minutes before, I search for an answer. “I believe a young woman should feel love for the boy she takes as a lover.” I shrug. “Adult women don’t have the same requirements.”

“Hmmm.” He seems to weigh my words. “That’s good. It means you require no lies, no false ideas to come to my bed, being an adult,” he says with a hint of mockery.

Feeling trapped, I tip up my chin. “Of course not. We both know how amazing sex can be. Who needs anything else?”

“Indeed.” Jayson startles me by sweeping me into his arms. “I find I’m in the mood for some pleasure after the day I’ve had. What do you think?”

How can I maintain this façade? The last thing I want to do is admit I’ve fallen in love with him just to face rejection. Or even worse, pity. A shudder runs through me. “Why not?”

Jayson is gone by the time I awaken the next morning. Nausea creeps up my throat, making me regret the marathon sex session that had left us without dinner. A quick breakfast of a boiled egg and oatmeal has me feeling better, and my thoughts inevitably turn to Jayson.

To my relief, he’s mentioned nothing else about marrying Sophie and Loukas. Perhaps he’s realized his overreaction to the situation.

Now that Sophie is back in New York, I fully expect Jayson to cut short our vacation and return to the city. In preparation, I go to the master bedroom and pull down my suitcases, intending to pack everything except a couple of outfits, in case we stay through tomorrow. My suitcase is half-filled when a knock sounds. “Come in!”

Irina enters, clicking her tongue when she sees the luggage. “I will do that, Kyria.”

I wave a hand. “It’s fine, Irina. It keeps me occupied.”

The older woman scowls. “You have a visitor to keep you occupied, if you want to receive her.”

I arch a brow. “Who?”

Irina appears to be choking when she says, “Maia Papadas.”

Grimacing, I say, “Tell her Jayson will be back sometime later in the morning.” That may or may not be true, but it should get rid of her, at least for a little while.

“She asked specifically for you, Kyria Harper.”

Ugh. “I wonder what she wants.”

“I can send her away,” suggests Irina with an unaccustomed hardness in her gaze.

Shrugging, I figure I should deal with it. “Thank you, but no. I’ll see what she wants. I might as well get it over with.” After the display Jayson and I gave her at Sophie’s party, I half-expected a confrontation with Maia.

I take a moment to comb my fingers through my hair and gather my wits. My stomach clenches with nervousness as I leave the bedroom and walk downstairs to the salon. With each step, I try to remind myself that Maia can’t hurt me, no matter how catty she might become. After all, I have the man Maia wants, so I’m the ultimate winner in any battle.

Maia has draped herself artfully on a sofa, the white fabric highlighting her golden-brown skin and turquoise sundress that looks deceptively casual—meaning it probably costs a fortune. She swings one foot, encased in silver sandals with dangerously high heels, as though she hasn’t a care in the world.

Hovering in the doorway for a second, I force myself to enter the room and take a seat across from the other woman. “Hello,” I say with as much coolness as I can muster. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

Maia’s eyes narrow, but then her mouth curves into a satisfied smile. She leans forward slightly, as though preparing to attack. “I knew there had to be a reason.”

“That’s what I’m trying to discern. What is the reason for your visit?”

Maia wrinkles her nose. “I meant there had to be a reason for your marriage. Specifically, for Jayson playing the doting husband.” She taps her long nails, painted silver, against the glass of the coffee table. “I could think of several scenarios for why he would marry you, but not why he would pretend to be happy about it.”

“Perhaps you should consider that he’s not pretending.” I’m proud of myself for not betraying any reaction, though my stomach tightens again. Maia is much too pleased to have news that would be good for me.

Maia’s cold laugh holds more scorn than amusement. “You poor, deluded fool. Do you think Jayson’s fallen in love with you?” She rakes a contemptuous glance over me, clad in khaki shorts and a pale pink tank top. “Did you sway him with your impeccable sense of fashion?” Her lids lower slightly. “Or maybe it was your prowess in the bedroom?”

I shift slightly. “I’m sure there’s a point to your visit, so can you please get to it?”

Maia’s expression is so malicious that it contorts her face into something not even remotely beautiful. “Here is the reason for your marriage.” She lifts a manila envelope from the table and tosses it at me. “I can assure you it has nothing to do with love, you little fool.”




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