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Sweet Summer Werewolf (Smokey Falls Wolves Book 4) by V. Vaughn, Love Spells (8)


We manage to get through all the auditions, and nobody else comes close to impressing me the way Quinten or even Byron did. But I also realize that my true-mate attraction to Quinten could be clouding my judgment. I turn to Eric. "What do you think?"

"Quinten without question. Byron is your other option. The rest?" He lifts his shoulders with indifference.

"I agree," says Jayden. She glances down at her sheet. "While most of them are attractive enough, Quinten's just got that special something. I'm mated, but when he sings— “ Jayden let's out a sigh. "It's kind of magical."

Eric says, "Best natural talent I've ever heard."

It seems I've found Rita's next star, but I'm hesitant to send the tape to my friend in casting yet because I still need to process how I feel about bringing Quinten back to LA. I tap my pen on the video case the videographer gave me. While I'm not usually on the set when the show is recording, I watch and scrutinize each episode. I imagine studying Quinten would only increase my feelings for him and make it easier for him to suck me into his spell.

"So what happens next?" asks Jayden. "Can we tell Quinten yet?"

I shake my head. "I want my friend in casting to weigh in. He might not come across well on film."

"Dotting your I's and crossing your T's?" asks Eric as he raises an eyebrow.

"Something like that," I say, because we both know I'm buying time to figure out how I'm going to deal with my true mate.

Wait. He’d be coming to my home. One that doesn't involve werewolves and is far away from the Smokey Falls pack. Jayden and Alex were together for a while before she became a werewolf, so I wouldn't have to become one to have a relationship with Quinten. I turn to Jayden with my realization, and my heart flutters at the idea of spending time with Quinten. I have to admit there is something to the true mate thing, because I've never felt this way about a man, even when I was in love. If it's possible I can have true-mate love in a human world, I want it.

I revisit my fantasy of meeting friends for lunch. Only this time Quinten is the one who drives my Jaguar and it’s his hand that reaches out for me to help me out of the car. I stand to walk next to him in his Armani suit with all eyes on us. I smile at Jayden and say, "I'm sure casting is going to love him too, but I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't run the tape by them first."

"That's smart," says Eric as he stands up.

I get up too and hold out my hand to him. "Eric, thank you so much for your help. If you ever come to LA, let me know, and I'll be happy to get you a studio tour and introduce you to a few people."

"It was my pleasure. And my mate and I might take you up on that offer."

"I hope you do."

After Eric leaves, it’s just Jayden and me in the theater, and I sit back down to wait for Alisha to join us. It's time to pick Jayden's brain to see if my idea of being with Quinten as a human can work.

I take a deep breath and blow it out slowly before I say to my friend, "Tell me about what it was like dating Alex. Was the werewolf thing hard to deal with?"

Jayden's mouth opens as her eyes widen with excitement, but she snaps her jaw shut and takes a moment to compose herself. "It's like being with a regular guy. Well— “ she blushes. "They do this little growling thing when you're naked."

"Growling?" I chuckle and imagine that Quinten doing that would be hot. The vision of him stripping out of his jacket as he growls like a wolf flashes in my mind, and my insides warm up. Really hot.

"They definitely growl," says Alisha as she approaches us. "And it's the sexiest thing you've ever heard." She plops down beside me with a sigh, and her feet thud on the chair back in front of her. "I swear my ankles have swollen to the size of my thighs." She narrows her eyes at me. "Are you thinking about giving true-mate love a try?"

I shrug, grateful Alisha is not pushing anything on me either. "I'm not sure. I can't deny I have crazy-intense feelings for Quinten, and I know I'd be a fool not to act on them. But can I do it without becoming a werewolf?"

"I don't see why not," says Alisha. "Heck, for a while there, I thought Jackson wanted me to stay that way forever. I'm the one who pushed him to change me."

"So it wasn't too difficult? Or— weird?"

Alisha laughs, and Jayden says, "If you're talking about sex, no. They don't turn into wolves, and it's not like they lose control and spontaneously shift, either."

I let out a whoosh of air in relief, happy to know it shouldn't be a problem for Quinten to live amongst humans undetected. "So practically speaking, it's not much different than dating a human guy."

"Nope," says Jayden. She bites her lip, trying not to say too much.

Because I think she might explode with her excitement, I roll my eyes. "It's okay, Jay. You can squeal a little."

She lets out a small one, and I laugh as she grabs my arm. "Thank god, because— because— Oh my god, Chelsea! You're not going to believe how amazing true-mate love is."

I laugh and get up to leave.

"She's right," adds Alisha as she holds her hands out to me. "Now help this whale get up."

I tug her, and she lets out a groan. "You are not a whale, but being on your feet all day probably wasn't the best idea."

"Tell me about it." Alisha grins at me. "But it sure was fun. Thanks for letting us help you with this."

"Are you kidding? I couldn't have done it without you two." I step aside to let my two pregnant friends walk up the aisle in front of me. "I'm the one who should be thanking you."

A metal panic bar thuds against the industrial school door separating the theater from the outdoors as I push it open, and when we get outside, I blink in the bright sunlight. I take a moment to drink in the fresh air and detect the scent of honeysuckle. A breeze blows around us, and I notice the humidity is gone, making the temperature comfortable.

"Air conditioning is nice, but nothing is as sweet smelling as this mountain air."

The parking lot is almost empty, with only two other pickups. One is next to Alisha's truck. As we walk toward it, Jayden says, "I know what you mean." She chuckles. "Even Alisha likes it now."

"Hey! I always liked it," Alisha says. "It was the bugs I hated. You guys would be proud of me, though. I killed a spider all by myself the other day."

"What?" I gasp in mock horror as I recall the way she'd leave the dorm bathroom screaming if any bug was in a shower stall.

"I'm practicing for motherhood."

I take in her round belly and think it's bigger than Jayden’s. "By the looks of it, not too soon. Are you sure you're not due until next month?"

"Nope. Either they're coming early or there's more than two in there."

"Twins? Wait." I turn to look at Jayden. "How many do you have?"

"I've got twins too. Nobody warned us first, but it's common for former human women to have multiples."

"One more reason I won't be changing into a werewolf."

"Wanna make a bet?" asks Quinten as he steps out from behind Alisha's truck. His sexy smirk is back, and he asks, "When do we go to Hollywood?"

"Excuse me?" It takes me a second to realize he's talking about the audition. I cross my arms as I try to hide my amusement. Apparently whatever blow I dealt to his ego earlier is long gone, and I grin at his confidence. "What makes you think you got the part?"

"The fact I was the best one by a long shot. Byron's not bad, but he's not me." Quinten flashes a movie-star smile that nearly makes me swoon.

"I bet if the term cocky werewolf was in the dictionary, I'd find a picture of you."

"Admit it, Chelsea.” Quinten steps into my space and leans in close enough that the intoxicating scent of him accosts my nose. And when he speaks softly, the tone of his voice sends chills down my spine. “You can't stop thinking about me."

"Oh, boy," says Jayden.

"Whew!" Alisha fans herself. "It's really hot out here."

"In the truck, Alisha. Fast," Jayden says. "Pregnant ladies need AC."

My two friends giggle at themselves as they climb into the vehicle, and I let myself step closer to Quinten.

"Maybe I have been thinking about you."

I bite my lower lip as I take stock of the sexy man before me. My entire body is humming with desire, and now that I know I don't have to be a werewolf to have a relationship with one, there's no reason to deny myself. I place my hands on Quinten's chest as I gaze up at him. "Interested in a summer fling?"

He grabs my hips to yank me against his body and shakes his head. "No."

Before I can object, he kisses me. Senseless. The moment our mouths connect, that little zing I felt the first time we touched turns into the buzz of electricity, and it races through my body. We nip at each other for a taste but quickly deepen our kiss to tongues, and I revel in the intensity of my attraction to this man as my mind swirls as if I'm drunk. When he releases me, I gasp for air.

Quinten takes a deep breath too, and a low sound rumbles through his chest as he shoves his nose into my neck to breathe in more. I thought I was hot and bothered before, but I was wrong, because the noise makes my insides quiver with need.

He glances over my shoulder and chuckles. "Those two kind of kill the mood."

I turn to see Alisha and Jayden grinning with their noses pressed to the window of the truck like puppies, and I laugh.

Quinten grabs my hand, and I turn back to him.

"So," I say. "Busy tonight?"

"I am now. I'll come get you at six."

I want to let out a squeal Jayden would be proud of, but I manage to control it. She lowers her window and says, "That sounds great," before she giggles.

"Wear jeans." Quinten glances down and grins as he begins to back away. "And shoes like that."

I like a man who appreciates a good pair of high heels and smile back. "I will." I watch him walk away and appreciate his fine backside for a moment before I move.

The moment I get into Alisha's truck and shut the door, my friends pounce on me. Jayden says, "Holy steaminess! That kiss!"

Alisha's truck clunks into drive as she shifts it. "I think there are scorch marks on the pavement, Chels."

I let out a sigh as I lean back in my seat. "I know. I guess there's something to this true-mate thing after all."

Jayden holds up a hand to smack against mine. "Welcome to the dark side."

I hit my palm against hers, but nothing about being with Quinten feels dark. I think I've finally seen the light. And it’s Quinten’s name on a billboard shining brighter than the Hollywood sign.