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The One That Matters by Elle Linder (2)


Chapter 2

Girls Night

There was only one reason Tessa called in the morning…on a Friday morning: to convince Marie to go out with the girls. It was a crapshoot. Answer and deal with Tessa, or let it go to voicemail and deal with her best friend, Ann, later. Marie answered the phone. Tessa was the lesser of the two evils.

“Good morning, Tessa.”

“Morning. How are you on this beautiful SoCal Friday?”

“I’m good. Just dropped Jackson off at school and I was enjoying a quiet drive to work.”

“Did I interrupt your meditation?” she teased.

“Look, let’s cut to the chase…I can’t go out tonight.”

“Oh, come on! You didn’t even let me give you the details,” Tessa whined.

“That’s because I don’t need to hear them. I’m not going.”

“Well, I’m going to tell you, anyway. We’re going out dancing. To a Latin club—your specialty, if you recall. And it’s been forever since you went dancing.”

“Tessa, I can’t leave Jackson tonight. We had a rough morning. Maybe another time.”

“Oh stop! Don’t let that little stinker ruin your weekend. It’s been two years, Marie. The time has come for you to stop herm-ing and hang out with your girlfriends,” Tessa insisted.

“Herm-ing? Stop talking like you’re a high schooler.” Marie laughed. “Seriously though, Jackson’s been a handful…more than usual. I don’t want him to feel abandoned if I go out.”

“What about tomorrow night? Call Lexi to sit with him. They need some brother-sister bonding,” Tessa countered. “Wait! I thought it was Craig’s weekend to have him?”

“Yeah, well Sasha wanted to go to Vegas, so he canceled his weekend with Jackson. Canceled, not even rescheduled.”

“That son-of-a-bitch! He sees his son four fucking days a month and he can’t schedule his sex trip for a weekend he doesn’t have him?”

Marie smirked. She admired how Tessa had no qualms about using profanity. Marie never cursed. Her abuelita would have come unglued, along with her mother. “Nice girls don’t have filthy mouths,” they’d say. She took their words to heart. But something was liberating about profanity, though she could never bring herself to spout off curse words like her friends. However, their melodic use of obscenities strangely energized her.

“I agree with you, Tessa. Craig is awful. And every time he does something like this it hurts Jackson. But if I’m honest, I’m afraid to go out dancing or clubbing or whatever you girls usually do. Why don’t we go to a movie?” A boring suggestion to be sure, but one she was open to entertaining. Except the girls were all single, and looking for love, which she knew they wouldn’t find in a theater.

“A movie? Yeah, that sounds thrilling,” Tessa mocked. “What are you afraid of? You’re a fun, sexy Latina with brains, and nobody can dance like you. Come on… It’ll be fun!”

“I’ll think about it. I’m at work now. You have a good day herm-ing with your homies and hearing about their plans for the weekend.” Marie giggled, herm-ing.

Tessa laughed. “Now there’s the playful Marie I love so much. I’ll talk to you later.”




It was fast approaching noon, and Marie sat focused on the documents spread over her desk. The copyright for a song was the furthest thing from her mind. Tessa’s call occupied her thoughts. She knew her girls would be relentless in getting her to go out with them. Knowing them as she did, they would be pushing harder than ever to break her out of the fortress she had built around herself. The gnawing in the pit of her stomach told her she needed to prepare.

Then a flash of panic hit. “Oh, I’m an idiot! I should know by now how those crazy girls work.” She sighed. “Tessa’s call was on behalf of Ann to test the waters. Crap!” It was true. Tessa was sent in to canvass Marie’s mental state before Ann swooped in with the big guns. And she had fallen for it, giving Tessa the intel Ann sought...and she was afraid. Goosebumps covered Marie’s arms while her palms grew sweaty. There was nothing to be done now but wait for Ann to call.

As four o’clock rolled around, Marie’s dread turned to confusion. It wasn’t like Ann not to have called by this time. Ann was the most punctual person she knew, and she always called by three to set up plans for the evening. The girls’ Friday routine never changed. Dinner at seven, and then they’d hit up a club. So why hadn’t Ann called yet? Marie wouldn’t dwell on it or let her thoughts run away with her. Maybe, just maybe, Tessa had convinced Ann to let her off the hook one more time. It was possible. When Tessa turned on her sweet, charming self, she could get even the hard-as-steel Ann to cave.

Marie shifted mental gears. She couldn’t worry about the girls anymore. It was time to send Jackson his daily text, to touch base and make sure he arrived home okay.


Marie: Hi buddy, how’s it going?

Jackson: same as always

Marie: Do you want pizza for dinner?

Jackson: whatev

Marie: Ok, see you soon.


Even his responses were apathetic. At this point, Marie would do just about anything to restore their relationship. But what? What could she possibly do to make him happy? There was no way she’d take Craig back, not that he’d want her back with Sasha Hill in his life. How her forty-year-old ex had snagged her, Marie would never know. He was a lousy lover and an even lousier husband and father. Surely, he pulled the wool over Sasha. For a brief moment—a very brief moment—Marie actually felt sorry for the young twenty-nine-year-old swimsuit model.




After work, Marie stopped at Sonny’s Pizza and then headed home. Sasha had remained on her mind. At thirty-eight, there was no way Marie could compete with the slender, blonde-haired, blue-eyed model with legs for miles…or any woman like her for that matter. Marie was softer in some areas, and her breasts weren’t as perky as they once were, not to mention what pregnancy does to a woman’s body—leaving her with wider hips and faded stretch marks. Marie had done her best to take care of herself, eating right and staying fit. The Latina had aged gracefully, like her mother and abuelita before her. Her tan skin, exotic features, and curvaceous body were envied by many, although Marie didn’t have a clue what others saw.

A couple of years after she had married Craig, he began controlling most of what she did, from the way Marie dressed, to the amount of alcohol she drank, to dancing and music…right down to her very thoughts. The years with him had been unkind; she’d lost herself and her fight. Craig took on the role of “head of the household” with a firm grasp. Her gringo star football player outplayed her and her wits. As a child, she was raised to be obedient, but somewhere along the way, she didn’t get the memo that she had a choice as an adult.

Marie put the car in park just as Lexi’s car pulled in beside her. She quickly got out, excited to see her daughter. The sight of Lexi took Marie’s breath away. It was like looking at herself in a mirror, circa 1998. Lexi looked like a younger version of Marie, with her long dark hair, piercing dark-brown eyes, a golden tan, and full lips. Marie’s Latin attributes ran strong in both her kids, dominating Craig’s Caucasian traits. Craig argued that the kids had dark hair and eyes like him, but they truly favored Marie, both inside and out.

“Hi, Mom,” Lexi said as she exited her car.

“I didn’t think I’d see you this evening.”

Lexi only shrugged, pulling her backpack out of the backseat of her white Jetta. Perplexed, Marie grabbed the pizza and her handbag, closing the car door with her hip. It didn’t matter why Lexi had come home. Marie would have someone other than Jackson to spend the evening with. Her weekend had just improved tenfold.

“Jackson, I’m home,” she called, entering the kitchen. No response. “Jackson, where are you, buddy?”

“Mom, I think I can hear the TV coming from the living room. I’ll go check on him,” Lexi offered.

“Thanks.” She grabbed a paper plate, a few napkins, and a can of root beer. The doorbell chimed.

“I got it,” Lexi called.

Marie slipped her pumps off, flexing her toes up and down after keeping them cramped in heels all day. As much as she liked dressing up for work, there was nothing better than taking off her heels and bra at the end of the day. However, the bra would have to wait a little while longer. She turned to exit the kitchen just as Ann walked in, stopping Marie in her tracks.

“Ann! What are you doing here?” Marie’s incredulous stare must have been priceless the way Ann’s obnoxious smirk radiated off her face.

“I’m here to see you,” Ann said with a sly grin.

“Oh? Would you like some pizza?” Marie deflected as the goosebumps returned.

“Thanks, but no. We’re having dinner out, but then you knew that.” Ann cocked her head.

“You could think of it as an appetizer,” Marie replied as she fought the internal panic taking root inside her. She picked up the plate of pizza and the soda, and carried them to Jackson. “Hey buddy, I have your pizza and root beer. What are you watching?” She stroked his hair, but he jerked away.

“Stop! It’s Pierce,” he protested. Marie sighed at his tone and walked out of the living room.

“Oh, I like this show. That Professor Pierce is pretty hot.” Ann nudged him playfully.

“He’s awesome.” Jackson smiled up at her.

Marie’s stomach twisted into a wicked knot as she selected a bottle of wine from the wine rack. She needed a drink of liquid courage for the battle that was to come with Ann. She searched in the kitchen drawer for the wine opener, but it wasn’t there. Then she dug through another drawer. To her relief, she found it just as Ann returned to the kitchen.

“Don’t open that bottle!” Ann ordered.

“What? Why not?” Marie froze with her hands in the air, bottle in one hand, the opener in the other.

“Cause we’re going out. Let’s go get you ready,” Ann directed.

“I am not going anywhere. I can’t leave Jackson. I told Tessa, and I know she told you.” Marie leaned toward Ann and whispered, “Craig canceled his weekend with Jackson.”

“Yes, I know what the bastard did. That’s why I called Lexi to have her babysit. Now, let’s get you ready.”

Marie’s mouth gaped open as Ann headed upstairs to her bedroom. Marie stormed up after her.

“You called Lexi? Why would you do that? She has her own life, you know. She doesn’t need to be babysitting her eleven-year-old brother!”

Ann walked into Marie’s bedroom and marched straight for the walk-in closet, completely ignoring Marie. She sifted through her wardrobe for a suitable dress. “Good god woman, your wardrobe is pathetic. I could have brought a dress from my closet. Well, not a problem. We have time to run by my house,” she hollered from within the closet.

“No! I’m not going out.” Marie crossed her arms over her chest in protest.

“Don’t be ridiculous. You’re going and that’s final,” Ann said as she exited the closet. Her calm, confident gait elevated Marie’s heart rate. This was happening.

“You can’t make me! Stop trying to bully me.” Marie stiffened like a concrete wall.

Ann tilted her head, connecting her stern gaze with Marie’s. There was nothing worse than Ann’s death stare. She could make a WWF wrestler the likes of John Cena squirm in their seat. Marie closed her eyes to avoid the intimidating stare as she shook her head no.

“You’re coming. I’m not taking no for an answer,” Ann said, matter-of-factly.

In a last-ditch effort to win the battle, Marie grasped the smallest bit of fight in her to regain control of the situation. “So, this was your plan? Your little covert plan to pressure me—force me—manipulate me—KIDNAP me into going out with you? That’s so wrong! Friends don’t do that to friends!” Marie paced the room, her hands flying through the air in indignation. All the while Ann remained stoic. Marie knew she had lost the battle with every word that left her mouth.

“What are you afraid of, Marie, having fun with your girlfriends? Having a good dinner and some yummy cocktails with us? Laughing? Dancing? Living?” She arched her brow at Marie. “Maybe what you’re afraid of is being rejected? Ignored? Passed over for a younger woman?”

“I don’t know,” her voice cracked. “I’m just afraid, of all of it.” Marie collapsed onto the bed in defeat, her gaze dropped to her feet.

“Oh honey, I hate how that bastard screwed you up.” Ann sat beside Marie and wrapped her arm around her back. “You’re too goddamn beautiful and vibrant to waste away in your little home alone. It’s time you re-entered the world of the living.”

Marie stared off into the distance. Everything Ann said was true…so much so, it scared the bejeezus out of her. One thing was for sure—her girlfriends were the very best, but they were bossy as hell, too.

After her divorce was finalized, they had given her a year to regroup and adjust to being a single parent. They loved her and weren’t going to rush her, knowing her emotional struggles after Craig walked out on her and the kids. But then they started inviting her out with them twice a month. Now, the invites were extended every Friday to wear her down…all part of the plan. Their determination to get her out of her sad little home had been ramped up, and they would not let her pity party go on any longer. Yes, they were the very best girlfriends a girl could ever have.

“I appreciate all that you girls are trying to do. But…”

“Stop right there.” Ann raised her hand. “Do you have a dress in that deplorable closet of yours or do we need to swing by my house? I don’t want to hear another word about not going.”

“Wow, do you have to be such a…control-freak?!”

“Yes,” Ann shot back.

“I’m not like you. I don’t bounce back so easily.”

“I know that, but it’s been two years, Marie. Nobody says you have to laugh, dance, or talk. You can just sit on your ass and look like a mannequin if you want. But you’re going out with us.”

Marie sat shell-shocked. On the one hand, she was lonely and bored at home most nights, and too young to not enjoy life. On the other hand, the thought of being hurt again terrified her. The storm that had blown through the loving home she had worked so hard to create had destroyed everyone in its path. The damage left for her to clean up had been taxing, and she was tired. Tired of doing it all on her own—alone.

“How can a man be so selfish and not think of anyone else but himself?” Marie’s eyes welled up. “I don’t understand it.”

“Craig…he’s that man. A selfish prick. But not every man is like him,” Ann comforted. “Go out tonight with us—your girls who love you to pieces. This will be the first step in taking back your life. Fuck Craig! Don’t let him keep you down. Rise above this, start living and find happiness again. And that doesn’t mean with a man. You need to do you first.”

“How can I do me first when I don’t even know who ‘me’ is?”

“Well, you start by saying ‘yes’ when you want something and ‘no’ when you don’t. Except, tonight…you’re going tonight,” Ann said definitively.

“But I still feel like I was just hit by a Mack truck.”

“I have the perfect remedy for that—tequila.” Ann grinned with a mischievous glint in her eye. “Now, I’m gonna text the girls to meet us at the cantina at eight since we’re running a little behind. Go grab your favorite nude sling-backs because I have the perfect dress for you to wear.”

Biting her lower lip, Marie grabbed her shoes and her makeup bag. There was no fighting Ann—only surrender. Abuelita’s words flooded back: “Do not be alone.” She rapidly blinked, pushing back her emotions. Okay, Abuelita.

Marie went downstairs to find Lexi. “Now if there’s anything you need, please call or text me. Don’t be afraid to bother me,” she stressed.

“Mom, we’ll be fine. He’s eleven years old. I’ll make sure he doesn’t drink the bleach or put thumbtacks in his mouth,” Lexi teased. Marie’s expression soured. She didn’t find her funny one bit. “Seriously, Mom, it’ll be okay. Have fun. You deserve it, and if you meet someone, don’t worry about coming home. I can handle everything.” Marie gasped while Ann laughed loudly.

“I love you, Lexi,” Ann said, hugging her tightly. “Thank you for coming when I called.” She handed her a hundred dollar bill. “Go buy yourself something pretty.”

“Great, now you’re bribing my kid with money.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes,” Ann said with resolve.

“Money works just fine.” Lexi giggled.

“You two, geez. Let me go say goodbye to my little angel.” Marie found Jackson still watching Pierce in the living room. “Hey Jackson, how many episodes of that show are you going to watch?”

“I don’t know,” he grumbled.

“I’m going out with Ann and the girls tonight. Lexi is staying with you. I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” He looked up at her, eyes wide with uncertainty. She stroked his hair and leaned down to kiss his forehead. He didn’t pull away. “Call me if you need anything.”

“Okay,” he responded as his eyes went back to the show; there was a battle going on that drew his attention. But for two seconds, Marie had his attention again, and a brief glance reinforced the hope she held onto.





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