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Unwrap Me Daddy: A Holiday Romance by Natasha Spencer (4)


She’d hoped he meant something more sinister. Or at least, something more sultry.

Outlining the Christmas Party was not exactly what she’d had in mind. However, half of the time Garrett stood over her, his arms on either side of her as he watched her write. She could practically feel him pressed against her, though he kept his distance. She could smell his cologne, and found it was difficult to concentrate. At one point she’d leaned back, brushing against his chest, and he had stayed where he was, reading what she’d written.

“No, not quite like that. Here, let me show you.” He’d grabbed the pen from her hands, accidentally rubbing his wrist along her breast as he reached across her body. She had to clamp her legs shut the rest of the meeting, afraid she’d leave the chair wet with her own anticipation.

“We can move the budget like this, see? We don’t need to buy the tables and chairs; we can just move the office ones. You’ve got the right idea though. I like where it’s going, Ms. Hemmings.”

“I’m glad, Mr. Skjaervo. Is there anything else you need?” she asked, innocently. She’d meant to ask if he needed anything more concerning the party, but the way his eyes cast over her she worried he knew she’d meant something different.

“Needs and wants are very different things, Ms. Hemmings.” Garrett stood and adjusted his tie, walking around the side of the desk and settling into his chair. He looked at Sarah as if he wanted to devour her, his cool eyes picking her apart.

“I’ll need to make some calls. There is a small office just down the hall that’s been prepared for you, and the receptionists have left some files to work on. There is a training video you’ll need to work on as well, and some forms to sign. If you need any help, please contact me or the girls out front. We all have Skype on our desktops, as do you. Your login and password are next to your keyboard. Is there anything else you need for today?”

“No, I think I’ll be alright, Garr-, err, Mr. Skjaervo. Thank you.” Sarah picked up her purse and headed out the door, wandering down the hall to the tiny office she’d missed. She had expected to work closer to him today, and though she was disappointed, she’d surely find excuse to come see him at least once more that day.


As soon as the door shut, Garrett moved his hand to the bulge in his pants. He’d wanted so desperately to bend her over his desk! He knew he’d get no work done like this, and so he unzipped his fly and pulled his cock from his pants, stroking himself at the thought of Sarah, innocent Sarah, bent over his desk with her tight pussy wrapped around his aching girth. When he finished, he cleaned himself up and got back to work, wondering if he could handle her as his assistant. He’d certainly need to learn to control himself; at this rate he’d be chaffing by Christmas!

His phone had gone off while he’d been busy, and so he checked it, only to see Elizabeth’s name popped up with several other messages. The woman had been escorted out of a shop; paparazzi had been present and she would now be on the news, along with his name, which would be dragged through the mud. Again.

Garrett sighed, and texted his wife the same message he’d sent at least a dozen times since Sarah’s birthday. ‘I want a divorce,’ was all the message read. He thought a moment and decided more. ‘We need to make that happen asap. Meet me at 7pm at home to discuss.’ He’d need to find something else for her to be doing; he was done letting her distract him.


That night, Garrett waited at the dinner table for his errant wife. He’d seen the reports: she’d stolen from the shop, and thus been removed from the property. The story would run in the morning; she’d be all over the front of the papers. Garrett wanted the divorce filed before the papers ran, though he doubted even his connections could have it done that quickly. Money could only do so much.

As Elizabeth entered the room, she gave him a wide smile, sitting down in his lap and running her fingers over his chest. She was dressed in a long robe slit up either hip. She was beautiful; and for a moment her bemused expression reminded him of the reason he’d fallen in love with her in the first place.

“A divorce? Are you serious?” she mused, a smile on her lips, “You’ll lose half your fortune, and if you don’t think women will notice that, you’re wrong.”

Garrett frowned at her, his hand reaching up to hold her delicate jaw in his hand. He’d done so much for her, trying to earn her affections. He’d been desperate for her love in their youth, and now he couldn't remember why.

“I think you’re mistaken. You only get my fortune if you leave, with cause,” he said, offering a small smile, “Unfortunately for you, I’ve filed first. You get nothing save for what I’m willing to give you, and after your recent string of slights, it isn’t much.”

Despite what he’d just said, Elizabeth gave him a wide grin and a laugh, her hand offering an equally small wave.

“Now Garrett, that simply isn’t true. But fine, have it your way. We can pretend. I’ll contact my lawyer tomorrow morning and prove to you that if you go through with this silly nonsense, I’ll own the cars, the house, your yacht, and the clothes on your back.”

Her eyes had turned that gleeful twinkle in their otherwise cold countenance. She didn’t seem to believe him, and instead, she ran her hand down his chest, unbuttoning his shirt as she went with practiced ease.

“Now come to bed with me. I want you to fuck me, Husband,” she purred, leaning close to nip at his lower lip. She moved down his jaw, encouraged when she felt his traitorous body respond. Garrett sucked in a breath and tried to remain focused, unable to quite get a grip on what he’d meant to say. He knew he still wanted her – the fact was a carnal one, and when he found her fingers snaking down lower he sighed, and nodded assent.

“Fine, fine, go. I’ll be up in just a moment,” Garrett admitted defeat, if only to get her off of him.

With one last squeeze to his manhood, Elizabeth was up and gliding out of the room. He watched her go, wondering where he’d gone wrong with loving her. Had he not done enough for her? Had he not loved and cherished her? Now she was only nice when she wanted something.

Garrett finished the scotch he’d poured himself, and headed to the downstairs guest bedroom that he hadn’t used in close to seven years. She’d find him on the second or third floor, but here? She’d never deign to look. He crawled into an empty bed, and fell asleep almost instantly.

Which meant he wasn’t awake to notice Elizabeth furiously looking for him, or the calls to the phone he’d set on silent. Eventually she’d given up, annoyed he had not come to bed as she’d asked. Perhaps he had been right: a divorce would be perfect. After all, any one of her three affairs could turn out to be as profitable as the marriage she now resented.


When she was sure he wasn’t around, she’d gone to the tiny office she’d made him build for her. It was small and bare; boxes still lay to and fro where she’d refused to unpack her own things. She opened the slim laptop that sat at a desk, and found the number for P.J. Pennywise, an aptly named lawyer she’d hired some years ago. Her call had meant to be quiet; but when he confirmed Garrett was right, she’d positively shrieked.

“What do you mean I get nothing!?” She leered into the video call, her face white with rage, teeth clenched.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. McMillin, but if he divorces you, you stand to lose everything; there is another way, however. If…something should befall Mr. Skjaervo, then all of his fortune will go to you, including his substantial life insurance policy, his estates, companies and shares… all of it would be yours.” The weaselly lawyer gave her a small smile. “Of course, that isn’t a viable option; but if it were, that’s the only way you’d get anything from the divorce.”

Elizabeth hung up without another word, shutting the laptop and staring at it on her desk for a moment. She suddenly grabbed the little computer and threw it, her hands shaking with anger. She searched her memory for any sort of paper she might have signed. She was sure she’d signed something that would keep this from happening; after all, she’d never planned to stay with Garrett.

P.J. had been very clear on what she needed to do if she wanted to stay married to his money. She needed to find a way to get rid of him, one way or another. Perhaps if she hired a good enough lawyer she’d be able to at least take home a little bit of the cash, but she doubted he’d let her get away with that, either. He’d restricted her finances in recent months so she couldn’t go through his fortune quite as fast. For a moment she considered perhaps getting in the jet and heading to a different house for a few weeks to give him time to cool off. Maybe she could sleep her way back into his good graces – which meant she’d have to distance herself from Thomas, Dillon and Markus, but they’d forgive her when she bought them each a new car on Garrett’s dime.

Her mind turned the idea of his death over and over again in her mind. For a few moments, she considered that perhaps he’d only meant to scare her. That he didn’t really mean to take her money away. It didn’t occur to her that he’d found someone new until her phone dinged; the app she used to keep track of his emails revealed a new message from Sarah Hemmings.

Mr. Skjaervo, Thank you for my first day. I look forward to working with you

tomorrow. I’ll bring coffee this time, my treat! :-)


Suddenly it all made sense: why Garrett was so hell bent on divorcing her. In fact, as Sarah’s occurrence in her life had become more and more frequent, she realized it had always been about Sarah. Did Matthew, Sarah’s father, know? She doubted it; Matthew had had a hard life, and wasn’t naive. He’d built his fortune, and while it was not as grand as Garrett’s, he had worked hard. He was street smart. He’d known that she hadn’t been interested in Garrett for his love long before her now-husband had figured out.

There was only one thing for it, then. As she sat back, tapping a pencil on her lip, she knew exactly what she’d need to do. Garrett would have to die, and if she could frame Sarah for it? All the better, since the girl had probably been like an obnoxious love-sick puppy the entire time she’d known the girl. Elizabeth wasn’t stupid; she would not be played! She rubbed her hands together a moment and grabbed her phone, already dialing the number.

Garrett wanted an end?

She’d end him.