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Unwrap Me Daddy: A Holiday Romance by Natasha Spencer (97)

The small church—fitting by comparison, since the bridal party itself was small, and the ceremony too would be small—but beautiful enough, in a modest way, had been decorated with urns of pink and yellow roses and pew bows formed from satin in the same vibrant hues.

No guests had been invited, which seemed to indicate that the ceremony was some sort of hole-and-corner affair, hastily arranged and hastily assembled. As promised, Tom Sinclair had tucked Caroline’s trembling hand into the crook of his black-suited elbow, escorted her forward, and then taken his place beside Ben, as witness; Marilou stood next to the bride, as second witness. Of everyone in attendance, only Sophie, looking like a happy little butterfly in sunny yellow lace, seemed completely at her ease. And excited.

Capable Marilou, with the wheels already set in motion way before this, had needed merely to finish off last-minute details. Thus the flowers, and the chosen colors, and the genial Rev. Paul Lawton to officiate, and her own filmy carnation bridesmaid’s frock.

As for Caroline, she had purchased her wedding gown several months ago, without benefit of Marilou’s advice or interference. This much she wanted—needed!—to do on her own. Given the admiration showing on various expressions when she appeared, Caroline had chosen well.

A simple floor-length design, with straight bodice and softly shirred waist, the silk charmeuse A-line skirt displayed a narrow panel of lace to match its sheer cap sleeves. Flat in front, drawn back into the hint of a bustle in back, the dress fit her slender figure with panache and elegance. No veil; only a small headpiece of pearls, rhinestones, and white silk roses.

The traditional rites began: listen to this, make promises to that; words and movements that flowed by as a blur. One flash, and it was over, even the quick public peck by her groom that gave away nothing.

Somewhat dazed, Caroline stood looking down at the tasteful diamond band he had placed on her finger. For better or for worse, she was married. She was a wife.

Congratulations and hugs and felicitations swirled around her, seeming to lift her up like thistledown and swirl her into the midst, as well. But Tom’s reassuring wink helped bring her back to earth, and reality6.

Afterward, she couldn’t help asking, in the limo designated for the bridal couple’s use, how her new husband had managed to put aside business cares long enough to attend his own wedding.

“Oh ho. I detect a touch of sarcasm there,” he chortled, in perfect good humor. “Listen, Marilou has arranged a reception at the Sherman Club. That okay with you? I like that dress, by the way. Fetching. Although you could’ve gotten one that showed more skin.”

“It’s a bit late to be asking if arrangements are okay, isn’t it? I mean, everything’s already set? Or would you consider changing her plans at the last minute?”

One word description for her new husband: Cocky. Correction. Three word description: Cocky as hell. She sighed, wondering if Ben would continue to assign Marilou every task concerning “arrangements” for her marriage, as he had done for their wedding.

No, by God. She would not allow it. Just let her settle in, take hold of the reins, and continue. Managing this house, this coupling, this child, was her business, and hers alone. Not one iota for some outsider.

At the Sherman Club, an exclusive and opulent place on the outskirts of Austin whose décor ran to silver and mirrors and cold black marble, a few dozen of Ben’s closest friends were gathered. One of whom was Lila Sampson, who lightly but determinedly rapped the circulating bridegroom on his shoulder.

“You sly fox,” she complained. “Never lettin’ on one mention about gettin’ married. Hey, you two have somethin’ goin’ on for years here, or what?”

“Well, now, Lila, not that I would plan on telling you all my secrets, but this took us by surprise, too. Last-minute decision, and all. Here, have some champagne.”

During the peak of the revelry—clearly most of these guests were prepared to celebrate any gala occasion, at any time, especially if liquor were involved—Caroline managed to escape to the sanctuary of a beautiful ladies’ room. There, propped onto a round divan that reminded her of Miss Muffet’s tuffet, she could steal a moment to breathe.

She had arrived at the Ten Buck on Thursday. Today was Saturday, a full week and two days later. In that time she had been honored by Ben’s presence exactly twice: once for half an hour, in a formal little sitting room, while he skimmed through correspondence; once at supper, in between a trip from here to there and back again.

When it came to companionship, Marilou had actually provided more than Caroline’s own husband-to-be. Along with so much necessary information. A tour of the whole house, and an introduction to the household staff, and a quick cool meeting with Mrs. Wyeth that established boundaries (i.e. who was boss; who wasn’t). A notebook listing the names and telephone numbers (land and cell) of neighbors, friends, family members, employees, business associates, medical professionals, repairmen, and the like. Another notebook detailing all the ingredients of Sophie’s brief life, from birth records to her current first grade at Marigold Elementary, and a schedule of all her current activities.

In fact, Marilou had generously put herself and her office, a much smaller and simpler room adjoining Ben’s lair, at Caroline’s complete disposal.

In this way, the new mistress of the Ten Buck learned a few more facts about Ben’s personal life that hadn’t shown up in his dossier: both his parents were gone, killed in a plane crash about ten years ago; his only brother, the family black sheep, had disappeared some time before that, and no one had seen or heard of him since.

Of Ben’s first, deceased wife, no mention had been made—not even to identify her by name— and Caroline had felt it neither the time nor the place to ask. Amongst a rank of photographs scattered about the family room, on the mantel and side tables and a shining grand piano, not one showed her face. Had he been too overcome by grief to allow such evidence of her existence?

Ben had no hobbies of which anyone was aware, other than the very lucrative one of making money. Likes? Dislikes? Mainly, that honor and integrity must rule, in every aspect of life. Laudable.

What on earth had she gotten herself into? She had silently asked that very question a few dozen times since her arrival, and, no doubt, she would continue asking it from now into forever. So many uncertainties left dangling in mid-air, without resolution; so many details up for grabs. All because she had been unable, so far, to pin her elusive groom down to discuss and determine those important issues.

That must change. She was not about to sit on the sidelines. She would take on her own share of responsibilities in this marriage, and run with them.

“There she is,” hallooed several voices, when Caroline at last emerged once more into the glare of the public eye. “C’mon, Miz Taggart, we’re waitin’ to drink some toasts in your honor.”

She managed a feeble smile. All these last-minute guests were trying to make this a true celebration, without knowing any background details; and she appreciated their effort.

Meanwhile, Ben, who had deliberately parked himself beside her, was putting on quite a show. Which didn’t fool her for an instant. Strange, how the mere feel of his arm around her waist seemed not so much support as entrapment. Oh, yes, he beamed his sunny grin all around the room, and occasionally even let a ray or two overflow upon her. As if he were the happiest man on earth, and this his happiest day.

For the future, Caroline would make sure she remembered how casually and how easily he managed to pull the wool over so many pairs of eyes.

A world-class photographer, who had already gotten his formal shots, was now wandering around, snapping candids. Guests willingly posed for the wedding album everyone realized could only be superlative.

After an elaborate dinner, which Caroline felt almost too keyed-up to sample, and a variety of wines, mixed drinks, and the requisite champagne, the party began breaking up. With polite farewells —or, with a more boisterous leavetaking from those happily in their cups—the room slowly emptied.

The easy Texas twilight was giving way to full dark, pinpricked by low-set landscaping lights, garish neon lights, sodium street lights, and the colored lights of restaurants or store fronts. Seen at a distance, from the Sherman Club’s third-story dining room, it was a magical fairyland sight, and Sophie was entranced.

Or would have been, if she and little Becca Sampson weren’t yawning in tandem.

By eight o’clock, Lila approached the bridal couple with both girls in tow.

“Time to be off,” she informed her hosts. “Billy and I will settle these two in bed once we get home. Although they’re both tired enough they’ll prob’ly fall asleep on the way.” At Caroline’s look of surprise, Lila’s brows raised. “Oh, you didn’t know? Good ole Ben here asked if Sophie could spend the weekend with us. Some honeymoon privacy for the newlyweds, wink wink.”

Caroline’s hands, with the spiffy new diamond band that attached her to the Ten Buck as surely as any of its branded livestock, clenched into fists behind the skirt of her charmeuse dress. “Thank you, Lila,” she managed a fast recovery. “That’s very kind of you and—Billy?”

“Yeah, as in husband. Here he comes now.” Introductions flowed back and forth: a pale, too-slender bride, and a tall, lanky redhead whose whipcord frame probably gave the lie to any perception of laziness.

Bending down, Caroline enveloped Sophie in a good-night hug and thanked her for being such a vital part of this special day. Even half-asleep, the little girl beamed. It took so little to make her happy—merely love, attention, and approval. Just like a tropical plant, waiting to bloom.

The room was nearly empty when Ben finally turned to look at his bride, full-on, straight and square, with a little quirk to his mouth.

“Well, now,” he said softly.

At the almost insulting purr of his voice, the hair actually began to rise on Caroline’s arms.

“I hope you’re not too tired. Thought I’d treat you to a real nice hotel, over in downtown Austin. Come on, the limo is waiting for us. And I’m anxious to see what exactly you’ve got under that dress.”