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Deep into the Darkness by Lucy Wild (15)



He returns with food while we sit together on the bed. "The shower is working," he says bluntly as he slides the bowls over to the bars.

I lunge for them, too hungry to care if they are poisoned. It is a watery soup but it is food and my body can cope with nothing richer. I pass the first bowl to her before picking up the second. She goes to drink hers but I grab her arm. "Slowly," I say, knowing the cramps that will follow if she eats too quickly.

All too soon it is gone. I think he may be playing a trick on us but the shower does work like he said. I fill our bowls with cold water and we drink until we can drink no more.

It is some time before we speak. "We are running out of time," she says at last, lifting her night gown off again. "Are you ready?"

I look at her body and I'm instantly ready. I may be weakened but the sight of her combined with finally having eaten and drunk gives me a new found energy.

I point to the floor and she is on her knees in an instant. I do not kiss her this time. I leave her wanting, moving behind her, bending her down until she is on all fours.

I plunge my tongue between her buttocks, finding her hole, dipping into it, making her gasp with the roughness of my motion. I know what she wants and I tease her for minutes on end, almost licking her pussy but then moving away. I am bursting with energy.

I kneel behind her, undoing my shorts and pulling my prick out. I stroke it over her wetness before nudging the head inside. She gasps but before she has time to move I am back out, marching around to stand in front of her. I pull her up, drawing her to me, kissing her, my cock hard against her stomach.

Her tongue slides down my chest. She kisses her way over my stomach, brushing over each scar, making my shaft twitch with impatience. She is on her knees again a moment later, her hands on my shaft, her tongue running over the head of my cock.

She is in charge this time, gliding over the tip as I watch her greedily taste a drop from the very end.

She runs her tongue along the shaft and then back up. Only then does she take me into her mouth.

I glide deep, enjoying the sensation of wet warmth. She grips my shorts, pulling her head towards me, choking on my length.

When she can last no longer, she leans back and gasps for air. "Fuck me," she says, sliding back onto the bed.

She presents her ass to me and I stand behind her, slipping myself into her waiting pussy as she moans loudly.

I know what she wants and I have to resist doing it too soon. I want her to enjoy this as well. Afterwards, everything will come to a head and one way or another, this may be the last time we get chance to enjoy each other's bodies. I want to make the most of it.

I take my time, rocking back and forth, easing her towards a climax.

When she is close, I pick up speed, continuing until she has the orgasm she has so loudly demanded from me.

When she comes, her pussy grips my cock in place and I enjoy the sensation while her body trembles and quivers.

When she is once again still, I lay her on her back, pushing myself into her.

She reaches down, her hand sliding into my pocket. I have kept my shorts on throughout, my cock sticking out through the front. It has worked. She keeps her hand there as I look into her eyes and give her the slightest shake of my head. Not yet.

She nods. "Come in me," she says, her other hand clawing at my back.

I pick up speed. "I'm going to come," I say loudly, almost roaring at her. She spreads herself wider and I ram deep, feeling it getting closer.

"Do it," she says. "Come in me, Rock."

I slam home and then my climax hits me. I grunt loudly as I spurt into her pussy. She sighs, grinning up at me, her eyes lit up.

"Now," I whisper quietly into her ear.

I press my body against hers, shielding her from the cameras as best I can. She is hidden under my body, my cock still inside her as she slides the phone from my pocket. How she got it from him, I have no idea but her talk of chess made me think. Was that her, the advanced player? Was she thinking about his phone from the minute she arrived. It was always in his back pocket but I had no idea she had even seen it, yet alone was planning a way to get hold of it. It was how he arranged the fights, I knew that much.

I hear the call connecting and then she begins to whisper into the handset while I watch the door closely, pretending to be kissing her neck whilst glancing over her shoulder.

All we can do now is wait, I think. The call ends just as the door crashes open.

"Where is it?" he asks, his face a mask of fury.

"Where is what?" I ask, stalling for time as she slides it back into my pocket.

"Don't play games," he says, pulling open the hatch. "I don't know how she did it but that bitch stole it and she'll pay the price right this second."

"If you mean your phone," I reply as she opens her mouth to speak. "I stole it when you dragged me in to fight. I wasn't as out of it as you thought."

"I warned you about crossing me," he replies, looking through the bars at me. "You should have watched the video longer, do you know what you would have seen?"

I get off the bed, shoving my cock away as he climbs through the hatch and stands looking at me.

"Give it here," he says, holding out his hand.

I shake my head. "What would I have seen?"

"The death of your precious mother."

I lunge for him but he is fast, skipping sideways. I crash into the wall where he was moments before. I turn and go for him again but he has a knife in his hand. I must be careful. I glance past him and see what must be done. I take a slow step towards him and then pounce.

He darts backwards but unlike me, he hasn't seen her outstretched foot. He trips backwards, the knife going flying. His head slams into the corner of the bed and he slumps down, not moving.

I am ready in case it is a trick but he remains still. He is breathing though there is a trickle of blood pooling on the concrete under his head.

She wriggles away, jumping into my arms, shivering uncontrollably.

"Let's go," I say, taking her over to the hatch. I push her through before following. I stop for a moment to push it shut and then lock it, leaving him inside.

He may bleed to death. The police may find him in time. How long will it take them after the call to get here? I will let fate decide what happens to him. I want nothing to do with the decision or him ever again.

We make our way through the house. He was too arrogant to consider locking any of the other doors and we soon find ourselves on the porch.

I stop, unable to go any further. She is holding my hand and she looks back at me. "What's wrong?" she asks.

"I am afraid," I reply, looking out at the track, the trees, the expanse of sky, so much sky.

"Of what?"

"Of what's out there."

"There's no need to be afraid," she says, coming back to me. "I'm with you."

I take a step down onto the soil as in the distance I hear sirens growing gradually louder.