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Pretty New Doll (Pretty Little Dolls Series Book 3) by Ker Dukey, K. Webster (2)



PUSHING THROUGH THE CLUB DOORS, I nod to the bouncer. They all know me as Tanner’s friend here at The Vault. If you’re a friend of Tanner, nobody gives you any shit. A blonde with a sultry smile bats her lashes at me as I walk past, but I’m not interested. She’s not offering anything I’m buying, and she doesn’t realize how lucky that makes her.

My tastes are unique.


Anomalous, as Tanner always says. Whatever the fuck that means.

Regardless, Blondie, with her big fake tits and whore outfit, is not my type. Maybe if I were in the mood to strangle her ass. But I’m not. I’m in the mood to fuck away the thoughts of my dirty doll holding another life inside her that isn’t mine. To fuck away the anger, sorrow, disgust.

Stalking through the club, I head straight for the VIP room Tanner always seems to have reserved. I’ve never asked him because our relationship isn’t like that, but I think he owns this club among many more. After he found me, he brought me back here. Told me this place was my playground. To ask, and I shall receive.

I’ve been asking, though, and he can’t seem to deliver what I want.

That’s because I want her.

And nothing in this world comes free.

Anger bubbles in my chest once again as thoughts of the pretty little doll I let get away simmer in. Not a day goes by where I don’t obsess over her. Sometimes, I imagine a scenario where she and her baby dolly are mine. A family, if you will. But reality seeps in, ruining my goddamned fantasy.

Being in the outside world has changed me. I’ve been made aware of rules I never cared for or abided by, but keeping my profile low is how I will get what I want in the end. So, for now, I mostly obey. Patience is key to not reacting in the moment and doing something stupid that will get me killed or locked up with Daddy Dearest.

I can’t get her.

Not yet.

I may be psychotic, but I’m not stupid. Detective Shit for Brains has a constant eye on them both. I must plan and prepare.

“Benjamin,” a deep, familiar voice rumbles as I push past the crimson velvet curtain leading to the fancy VIP room he’s no doubt lounging in. The first time Tanner had made the mistake of calling me by my nickname, Benny, he saw the fire in my eyes and before I could even speak, he shut me down, calling me Benjamin from then on. It was unspoken, but at my weakest moment, it was as though he saw inside my mind while I sat in that cold bathtub.

“You’re a new man, Benjamin. Stronger and more powerful, in control. You beat death—torn from the womb you lived in all those years. That house was suffocating you. Keeping you as its prisoner. The man you are is becoming the beast you were meant to be. Freed from his cage and released from his shackles, he’s able to roam and feed as he sees fit. Benny is dead. Benjamin has risen.”

I’d been ready to slit the creepy fucker’s throat, but, of course, he preempted that as well. It’s as if Tanner is always three steps ahead of me. When I stopped thinking of ways to murder him, he began to educate me. No longer hidden away in the safety of my home, I was vulnerable to many unseen threats. He showed me how to live like the monster I am—in plain sight.

Tanner has many friends in high places who all want something only he can deliver, and when the time comes he needs something in return?

Tit for tat, Tanner always says with a wicked grin and glint in his eye.

He doesn’t have many people he spends time with barring me, though.

We are lone wolves who crossed paths under a new moon, and a bond formed I never thought possible.

I have a friend.

“Come, my friend,” he instructs, pushing a pretty naked brunette from his lap. She slips out of the VIP room without another word. He’s wearing a suit—I swear, it’s his goddamn armor—and holds a glass of dark liquid in his lazy grip, his normally fiery golden eyes dimmed by whatever the fuck he’s on tonight.

Walking into the room, I take the plush armchair in front of him, a glass of bourbon waiting for me next to it. Tanner always seems to know when I’m coming.

“How was Amy?” he asks, and sips his liquor, a brow lifted in question.

I cringe at the thought of Amy—another one of Tanner’s gifts. His gifts are never the ones I want. They seem to check off some of my criteria, but never enough. Not once has he brought me a woman who meets everything on my list.

That’s because my pretty little doll is the only one who ever could.

And I think he knows it. She sated the deepest of my cravings.

“By the murderous scowl on your face, I take it she was unsatisfying.” He smirks. “Hmmm? Did she disappoint you?”

I clench my jaw and run my palm across my buzzed scalp. I’m not sure how I feel about this new look, but Tanner says it’s a must, changing my appearance every six months or so. And for some fucking reason, I trust this guy. He hasn’t failed me yet.

“You could say that,” I grunt.

He chuckles and sets down his glass. “We can’t have that, now can we? What was wrong this time? Not young enough? Hair not dark enough? Pussy not tight enough?”

All fucking three.

And not my dirty little doll.

Pretty little doll.

I think about how beautiful Amy was when she bled out all over the forest floor. “She just wasn’t…enough,” I admit with a huff.

“What did you do with the body? Make a big fucking mess like last time?”

This time, I’m the one smirking. So, he’s had to help me out of a few binds when I lost my head. “I took care of her. Shallow grave, but she’s not going anywhere.”

I left her as a big fuck you to my dirty doll and her man guard. The site she goes to mourn me is the cemetery of broken dollies.

And they call themselves detectives?

Well, fuck you both.

Leaning back in his chair, he narrows his eyes at me. “You know I love a challenge. Which is why…” his hand goes in the air and he snaps three times, “I have a surprise for you.”

Childlike music begins to play, much like you’d hear from a jewelry box or at a carnival, and the curtain opens. A young woman steps into the room, and my dick immediately hardens in my jeans.

She’s small…just like I like them.

Tiny tits.

Short pink dress.

Fullest fucking lips I’ve ever seen, but goddamn, at least they’re real.

Big blue eyes, but they’re too close together.

I curl my lip in disgust. The eyes are all wrong. My cock shrivels at the sight. Yet, she walks over to me shyly, her fingers tugging at the hem of her short dress.

“Sit on Monster’s lap,” Tanner orders, his voice icy cold. Everyone, including me, yields to him when he takes that tone. This girl, she nods her head in agreement. “Yes, Master.”

Monster and Master.

Tanner says we’re unique. Nobody is like us. We’re a team. It took some time to trust him, but now I believe him.

The girl is hesitant, but straddles my thighs. Her palms skim up the front of my fitted T-shirt to my shoulders.

“Close your eyes,” I snap, my own voice harsher than Tanner’s.

She stiffens but obeys. Good doll. I let my palms roam over her small ass before sliding her dress up to her hips. When my hands slip back down, I find her bare underneath. Irritation blooms inside me. Good dolls wear lacy panties. They aren’t whores like Blondie out front.

“Where are your panties?” I demand, my palm slapping her ass hard enough to make her cry out.

She jerks her head over her shoulder to look at Tanner. He simply shrugs and motions for her to turn back around. “Don’t look at me, little doll. He’s the one pulling your strings here.”

Tanner’s eyes darken as he watches fear blossom in hers.

She must sense the devil inside me, whispering all the ways to slice her, to prolong the bleeding, revel in her tears. Her eyes find mine again, distress dancing in the light blue ocean of them. Her terror has my dick getting hard again. Maybe I can work with this.

“Suck my cock, doll,” I seethe as I shove her onto the floor. The thump as her body falls to a heap at my feet heightens my arousal.

My need to hurt has grown with my rage and sorrow over the years. The man they killed had a fetish, I know that now. But the man they created in the ashes has a need—a dark, deep-rooted urge that can only be sated by feeding its hunger.

The doll snaps into action—the whores always do when money is involved—and eagerly unfastens my jeans while kneeling in front of me. With her head bowed and dark hair curtaining her face, she could almost pass for my pretty little doll. My dick aches for relief. I grip the side of her hair, ignoring her yelp of surprise, and pull her to my cock as it jerks in her hand.

I can feel Tanner’s eyes on us. His eyes are everywhere. Always watching. Always critiquing. Always aiding me when shit gets to be too much. I’m not sure why he’s befriended me, but I can’t say I’m bothered by it. It’s nice to have someone who sort of understands me.

The pretty fake doll starts sucking on my thick cock as if she’s done it a thousand times. Maybe she has. Tanner has whores on tap for the front of the club—the tame shit used as a façade for what he really offers. You have to be on his radar to know how to request the darker side of his world. Once, a man came in and asked for Robert. Tanner greeted him, and later, I asked why the man called him Robert, since that isn’t his name. He said to me, he is Tanner. To that man, he is Robert. To Lucy, his bar manager, he is Cassian. Fuck knows what name is real, if any, and that’s what keeps him safe. Anonymous.

The suckling on my cock brings my attention back to the dick loving doll. Her terror is long gone as she attempts to draw pleasure from me. So fucking eager. It irritates me rather than turns me on, and my cock starts to soften.

When her blue eyes lift, looking up at me in question at my cock growing more flaccid by the second, I fucking lose it.

“You’re a worthless doll,” I snap, my hand seizing her throat. I yank her tiny frame up into my lap, my grip becoming deadly as the stupid bitch scratches at my wrist.

Tanner, ever the loyal friend, doesn’t say a word in protest. He watches me, his gaze narrowed and a half smile playing at his lips.

The worthless doll’s face turns pink, then red, until it’s a beautiful dark purple as she frantically gasps for air. She should have asked what I wanted rather than being a money hungry whore. This is the first one who’s had even a sliver of potential.

When I release her neck, tears pool and fall from the sea of her eyes. Holding her throat, she wheezes, trying to take in air.

“Bastard,” she spits out, her tone venomous.

Little wrong doll has balls.

But mine are so much fucking bigger.

Shoving her back to her knees, I grip her head, urging my cock back into her mouth. I push in so deep, she chokes and gags and fights to be free. When her teeth clamp down, I smile. Little bitch.

Forcing her backwards, I straddle her shoulders and wrap one hand around her tiny neck while using the other to support my position on top of her.

Squeezing her neck, I pound my cock down her throat. Her body jerks and trembles beneath me, her mouth trying to open wider to gasp in breath, keeping her from being teeth happy.


I fuck her face with all the power I can muster, thrusting my hips and squeezing her neck until a crunch gives under my hand. Her body goes limp at the crushing of her windpipe, and with it, my release tightens my balls. Heat builds, spreading through my groin up my back as I pull from her mouth and ribbons of cum paint her wide-open dead eyes.

Lifting to a standing position, I grab her under the arms and raise her without effort. Her body sags in my grip, and it’s the first time she’s looked like a real doll. Stupid dead doll, just like all the rest.

Fucking disgusted by her, I throw her away from me, and her head hits the corner of the coffee table with a sick pop. She rolls onto the floor face first, and I stare, fixated on the way blood blooms from a wound on the back of her skull. It doesn’t pump out like it would if she were still breathing. It’s more of a seeping, like a ketchup bottle being knocked over with no lid.

Now, that…

That gets my dick hard.

Straddling her unmoving form, I smear my palm across the back of her head, then stroke my cock using her perfect blood as lubricant.

“That’s it, Benjamin,” Tanner praises. “Release that monster. Feed your urges.”

His words thread themselves into my mind and pluck away at any shards of sanity I had left. This beast rages with need.



Pretty little doll.

I’ll make her mine again.

I just need to take her.

No other doll will do.

My nuts seize up violently as I succumb to a desperate orgasm. It’s been ages since I’ve had a satisfying climax. And now, I’ve had two in a row. I look down in awe as my cum spurts thick ropes across the back of her bloody head. I’m still staring down at her when Tanner kneels in front of me. He runs his finger across a stream of blood pouring down her cheek and holds it up to the light.

“You still want your old doll. No changing that, huh?” he questions, his gaze still on his bloody fingertip.

“Nope,” I admit, irritation clutching at my chest. She’s not my old doll; she’s the only doll who has ever been enough.

“Perhaps you should go get her. She’s what truly satisfies your monster. Correct?” His fiery amber eyes meet mine as he sucks the worthless doll’s blood from his finger.

“She’s the only one.”

And he knows it.

I was good for a while, and knew the risk outweighed the outcome if I’d attempted to retake my dirty doll. Being gone was the best thing for me to start anew.

A fresh start.

The possibilities intrigued me for a while. The women he gifted were a distraction. But now, the need has become overwhelming, and I’ve found myself wanting to know everything my dirty doll has been up to. I know the compulsion to take her will become too strong to deny for much longer, and Tanner clearly knows it too.

He gives me a single nod. “Then go get her, Benjamin. You deserve her. I’ll make arrangements to house you both in a secure location, but you will need to erase Detective Scott. He will be an issue otherwise, and it needs to look like the accident we discussed. Once he’s taken care of, you will allow her to grieve. That way, everyone around her will believe her letter she will eventually write to say she’s left to escape the crushing memories of him.”


I must exercise patience.

As much as it fucking drives me crazy, I know he’s right.

He grins and tilts his head to study me. He has been doing that for the last three years.

“Where will we go?” I ask, curious of where would be far enough away to hide the reality of her being taken, not just up and leaving.

“Oh, you aren’t going anywhere, my friend. Nothing comes for free, and I’m afraid I don’t want to part with you. I’ve become too fond of you to allow you to disappear on me. Wouldn’t you miss me, Benjamin?”

Would I miss him? Not if I had my doll. But I’m out of resources to pull off taking my doll back, and Tanner has been a lifeline for me. If I need anything, he supplies it. Am I ready to go at it alone…again?


“I would miss our time together,” I admit, nodding to the dead doll covered in my cum.

A burst of heavy laughter comes from Tanner’s chest. “Indeed.” Then he jerks his head away. “Wilson,” he bellows to the guy standing guard in front of the red drapes. “Call for a full clean-up of one.”

The dead dolly will soon be disintegrating in a bucket of acid.

It’s been a few days, but Tanner’s words play on repeat in my head. “Then go get her, Benjamin. You deserve her.” I’ve somehow convinced myself to stay away all this time. I had plenty of excuses.

Someone might recognize me.

I might get caught.

Where would I take her?

Worst yet, what if she doesn’t excite me anymore?

Without my pretty little doll as my purpose, I cease to exist. I’m a man who desperately craves something that isn’t real. Something that isn’t tangible. But what if I see her and those feelings wash over me once again? All encompassing. So fully.

“Then go get her, Benjamin. You deserve her.”

There’s no more putting it off. Tanner is making sure I have somewhere for just us two. Safe. Secure.

Which is why I’ve been following her the past few days. It’s almost time. I watch as she takes her toddler to daycare. I watch as she heads to the police station for work. I watch as she works cases in the field. And I watch as she and that dick of a husband come home together each night as a family. They’re all fucking smiles as they cook dinner and feed their family.

Each night, I’ve gone home more and more furious. I have no goddamn plan, but I want Dillon to suffer—suffer in a way that needs to look accidental.

She will mourn him, but only until I’m back inside her and she realizes once more he was never meant to touch her. She belongs with me. To me. It’s always been me.

I’m on autopilot following her, so much so, I almost whiz past when she puts on her blinker to turn into a neighborhood that certainly isn’t hers. A smirk plays on my lips. Her loser husband probably can’t satisfy her. She’s probably sleeping with some dumb motherfucker I will kill the moment she leaves.

Or maybe even seeing a lawyer to get a divorce.

Now, that idea puts a full-blown grin on my face.

But the moment I take in where she’s stopping, my smile falls.

Why is she here?

This is my dad’s old house before he was taken to prison. The house he shared with his new wife. The wife he took after he made my mother go crazy. He never brought me here, but I read about the pretty doctor, wife of the shamed, disgraced chief of police. Tanner was the one who gave me the address. He told me to seek out the woman and kill her if it would give me closure for my mother. Revenge.

But I didn’t need to seek revenge in her honor. She didn’t fucking deserve it. She took my Bethany away from me. Maybe if she hadn’t, my life would be completely different.

I’d be different.

No, fuck the doctor and my mother.

I drive past the house, but don’t take my eyes off my pretty little doll as she pulls her kid from the car. By the time the front door opens, I’m turned around and parked a few houses down. My pretty little doll is still fooling with the car seat when a girl walks down the steps toward them.





Time slows as she bounds toward my pretty little doll.

Her long brown hair kicks up with the wind. She doesn’t smile. The somber look on her face is exactly my sister’s.

But not really my sister—my Bethany.

Did Dad hide her, heal her, fix her, and keep her from me all along?




I saw her dead. I fucking buried her body. This is a trick. With a snarl, I pull the cell Tanner insisted I needed from my pocket and click on the camera, zooming in all the way.

Bethany shields her eyes from the late afternoon sun that’s beginning to set. She’s wearing a floral print dress that’s short and makes her appear younger than I presume she is. It suits her tiny frame. My entire body thrums with excitement and fear. A mix of elation and confusion stir and battle inside me. Her features are small, and a gasp escapes me when visions of seven-year-old me cloud my thoughts.

My sister, Bethany, who was brutally taken by my father when I was so young, and my new Bethany my mother stole the light from. This girl is a beautiful combination of them both.

How is this possible?

After all this time, she’s come back to me. Dad lied to me when he said he was replacing Bethany. She was never gone. He was always a sick, selfish bastard and kept her to himself.

My dirty little doll hands her child off to my Bethany, then she’s back in the car, driving off.

And me?

I’m staring at the past, the present, the miracle.

I watch as she goes inside and attempt to wait patiently, which lasts about forty-five minutes. Before I go fucking crazy with anticipation, I climb out of my car and stride over to the tree line at the side of the house.




I make sure to slip along the edge undetected until I’m at the side of the house, using the newly fallen dusk as my cover.

Latching onto the side garage door, I twist, testing it out, and to my delight, it opens. Slipping inside the garage is easy. When I reach the door leading inside the house, I am more careful. The door opens a crack, just enough for me to peek in.

Standing in the kitchen, with her back to me, is Bethany, stirring something on the stove. I open the door a little more, and the sounds of Sponge Bob carry through from another room. A little girl is singing the theme song.

Why is my Bethany babysitting my dirty little doll’s child?

Bethany starts to turn, so I quickly pull the door shut and press my ear against the wood, listening to her bustle around the kitchen. Once it’s quiet, I push it open again.

She’s no longer in the kitchen, so I take the moment to slip inside. Peering around the corner, I find her in the dining room, her dark hair still hiding her face as she sets some silverware out on the table. The toddler is sucking on her juice, her body dancing to the cartoon music. I hide back around the corner and use the mirror on the wall cattycorner from her to see her.

“Eat up all your macaroni, MJ, and we’ll go play dress up,” Bethany says. I don’t remember her voice being so soft and childlike. Something about it scratches away inside me. It’s better than I remember. The toddler squeals with excitement and starts eating her food.

Bethany’s head turns as she looks at the clock, giving me an unobstructed view of her face. Same pert nose. A smattering of freckles on her cheeks. Full, perfect lips. Wide hazel eyes, a perfect blend of brown and green. She’s my two favorite Bethanys all wrapped into perfect doll-shaped form.

My cock hardens almost instantly.

I’ve missed all the Bethany girls Dad brought and later took from me. But the one I missed most of all was the one standing as a perfect replica inside this house.

I rub at my dick as I stare at her perfect form reincarnated. She’s beautiful. I’ve loved and ached for her for so long…and now, she’s finally here.

My phone starts buzzing in my pocket, and I freeze. Bethany’s brows furrow as she listens, but I’m already back-stepping into the garage so I don’t get caught. Slipping out the side door, I haul ass back to my car. Once inside, I can’t stop my beating heart.




She’s here.

I’ve missed a call from Tanner and one text.

Tanner: Where are you?

I scrub at my face before responding to my friend.

Me: I found my Bethany.

Three dots move before he replies.

Tanner: As in your sister?

Tanner knows some of my past, but only the bits I chose to share.

Me: Yes.

The Bethany girls who came and went were not really my blood sisters. They were given her name and title of sister, and it made me feel less alone in the empty world. This is the real one.

Tanner: Reaching out seems like a bad idea. I don’t want to lose my friend because he did something irrational. Remember, you’re free now. Don’t let them cage you again. Planning is key in everything you do.

I smile because I’m fucking ecstatic. He’s right, though. I can’t just barge in, tell her I’m her brother and she belongs to me, then take her.

At least…not yet.

I need to make her a home first.

Then, I’m coming back for my sister.

My Bethany.

My perfect new doll.

Me: You’re right. I won’t fuck up.

Tanner: Of course you won’t, Benjamin.

With my gaze on her house, which seems to shine like a beacon in the dark, I unzip my fly. Out comes my aching cock into my eager hand, and I stroke myself furiously as I watch her move in front of the windows.

I’ve found her.

I’ve fucking found her.

Tanner always said there was a reason I survived. A plan was in place for me, I just needed to be patient. He was right. She’s been out here waiting for me to find her. And I did.

I climax hard with Bethany on my mind, and it makes me feel dirty and euphoric all in the same breath. Mama said I couldn’t be with her like that. But we did want that. Bethany wanted that more than anything, and I won’t let her down again. It’s only when I see my dirty little doll’s car return that it hits me.

I didn’t follow her.

I didn’t think about her.

I didn’t fucking obsess over her.

I didn’t want her.

The need and anger evaporated when Bethany came out of that house.

For the first time in all the years since knowing my dirty little doll, taking her, and loving her, my thoughts didn’t dwell on her. The ache that intensified with each passing day ebbed, and I felt free. More free than I ever have.

Bethany is back, and the need to see her overruled the need to follow my dirty little doll.

I smile. How could I not?

My thoughts are clouded with Bethany when Lucy, the bar manager for Tanner’s club, brings me over another drink. Her blonde hair is pulled into a sleek ponytail. Lucy is tall and has nice tits, but she’s not my type. She always lingers around me, poking the blade of her knife into the bar surface, even knowing what and who I am. Any other woman would shrink away, but not her. She’s not your typical woman, though.

She’s a sadist. Obsessed with her fucking knives.

The bitch kind of reminds me of that blonde little psycho from the Kill Bill movies Tanner made me watch. Uma Thurman, maybe? Slender and slight but mean as fuck.

“I have something else for you.” She smirks before sliding my drink on the table and handing me a notepad.

“What’s this?”

“Some websites that may be to your liking. I have a new contact who offers something I think you’d like.” She winks, then saunters off to help a customer.

Why she would go out of her way to think about my fucking needs has paranoia rearing its ugly head.

Everyone has a price, and if she thinks I’m going to let her open me up with her knife play and be her plaything, she has another thing coming.

She had been obsessed with my scars and pain threshold, and offered everything and anything for me to be her sub for a day. Bitch is crazy if she thinks she could ever get me to bow to her.

I flick through the notes, and curiosity beckons me to my computer.

“I’ll keep looking for information on your sister,” Tanner promises as he walks into my small office and picks up a notebook on my desk. “There was no mention of her in the papers when your father was arrested.” I’ve been given a new ID, an office, and a job title for all intents and purposes.

Thanks to Tanner.

Always thanks to Tanner.

“What’s this?” He starts flipping through the notebook.

I jerk it from his grip and scowl. “It’s nothing.”

His eyes are liquid fire as his nostrils flare. “Are we not friends?”

I clench my jaw and crack my neck. “We are.”

Plucking the notebook from my grip, he flips through it again before staring at some websites that have been recently written down.

“These are all terrible,” he grunts.

“I know,” I agree. “I’m still looking for good ones.”

Grabbing a pen, he scribbles out a site. “This one is new. It’s not easily found because they offer some kinky shit most of the world can’t handle. Use that log in and have at it.”

Until I get my Bethany, I need to satisfy the urges clawing at me from the inside out. I’m conflicted and confused. My pretty little doll has been my focus for so long, but now…

“Let’s have a look,” Tanner says. “There’s one in particular I think you’ll like. I found her last night and have made a few inquiries.” He licks his lips, tapping his finger on the side of the laptop in front of me.

I pull up the website, then scoot away so he can type in what he’s searching for: Pretty New Doll.

My dick is hard again. And when a site pulls up, lust simmers throughout my nerve endings.

PrettyNewDoll is her screen name. My stomach lurches.

Pretty New Doll just like my pretty little doll…

Wavy red hair sits on top of her head, accentuating her fair features. Her dresses are perfect and appear to be hand sewn, making pride thump in my chest. And as I scroll down, I’m elated to discover pictures of her bending over, revealing white lacy panties.

A perfect doll.

Aside from the ugly ass hair, everything about her is perfect.

She wears long eyelashes that hide the color of her eyes, but it works for me too. I can get off by looking at this doll. She’s petite, smooth, perfect.

“Apparently she does live feeds sometimes, but not sexual, just teasing. The entire fet community is into this girl. I was handed the link to the site last night. No matter what kind of fetish they prefer, and even though she doesn’t do the sexual stuff—yet—everyone is obsessed with her.” He grins wickedly. “I was going to get a price and save her for you. Pull some strings to see if I can get her for you. Everyone has a price. But since you’re impatient, this will have to do for now,” Tanner tells me. “What do you think?”

“I want her.”

He chuckles. “Of course you do, friend. And you shall have her. Let me see what I can find out about her. As far as we know, she could be in fucking China.”

Cracking my neck again, I lean forward to admire her porcelain skin. “Then we track her down. Wherever she is, I want her.”

He clutches my shoulder. “We’ll find her. In the meantime, I need you to do me a favor.”

I nod while flipping through her pictures. Tanner asks for favors from time to time, and they’re never anything I can’t handle. If I’m honest, I enjoy the fuck out of doing him favors.

Pulling a picture from his pocket, he slaps it on the desk. “Address is on the back. Make it happen. Tonight.”

Pretty New Doll will have to wait.

But not for long. Soon, I will have her and my sister. Life will be perfect again. Flipping to a clean section of my notebook, I start scribbling down everything I’ll need to build a cell to house my objects of affection—one much better than the one I had before. When I finish, Tanner rips it from the notebook and stuffs it in his pocket.

“You scratch my back and I scratch yours. Tit for tat,” he says before walking away without another word.

In Tanner-speak, he’ll get me my shit if I get him what he wants.

I stand and grab my hoodie. On the way out, I swipe my knife.

I’m amped and ready to shed some blood.

Tanner’s favors are fun.




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