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The Hitchhiker (Opposites Collide) by Kathy Coopmans, HJ Bellus (25)


“Damn it, Katch.” I’m going to knock him upside his head if he doesn’t quit trying to sit up on his own. He’s restless, bored, and bitching about everything from the IV in his arm to the drugs they give him.

I’m tired of staring out the window at a parking lot. Tired of not sleeping in the big, comfortable bed at home. Beyond ready to have my strong man back, bossing my ass around like he owns me. I need to be owned by him.

Even though I’m paying out my ass for this private hospital room that’s more like a fancy hotel suite, I’m still losing my mind, and him thinking he can climb out of bed and walk to the bathroom on his own frays my nerves.

After he woke up three days ago and heard the extent of his injuries, he’s been in a foul mood. He enjoyed a good laugh when I called him by his adorable nickname, Ollie, and grinned like a fool at the announcement of me being his wife. When the doctor left the room, he palmed my ass and told me he was going to Nadine my pussy until I passed out when we got home. That happy moment dissipated rapidly, and now he’s pissed off worse than I’ve ever seen him.

“You going to tell me that you wouldn’t be trying to sit up on your own? Whatever they have running through my veins has me pissing every half hour. These fucks in here tell me I need to rest. How the hell can I with that shit pumping straight into my veins?” He points to one of the bags hanging from his IV stand.

“I can ask them to put the catheter back in?” I smile.

“You do that, and we’re getting a divorce.” He swings his legs off to the side, pushes himself up, and cowers me back in my chair when I go to stand up to help him.

“I’m taking the cars if we get divorced,” I say as I tilt my head to get a better glimpse at his ass and the tattoos that cover his entire back.

He bitched about wearing a hospital gown, so now the stubborn man that he is goes around naked as the day he was born, because the doctors refuse to let him wear anything that might put pressure on his incision.

“Shut up, Hollywood, and quit staring at my ass.” He slams the door, and I giggle, briefly. The thought of truly being his wife has weighed on my mind ever since Zeke came into his office and told me he had to give the hospital a fake name and for me to pretend I was Katch’s wife. It was the only way I was going to be able to stay with him and stay in the know on his condition.

I would love nothing more than to get rid of my last name. Winslow is a poisonous name that holds a curse. It’s tainted with so much evil, blood, and heartache that I cringe every time I think about everything Clarence has done. Drugs, murder, corruption, and the list goes on and on into a vortex of evil.

I was led to believe I was a part of him, that his blood coursed through my veins. That his flesh was my own and I would walk in his footsteps the rest of my life.

“What the hell?”

I was so lost in my thoughts that I never heard him come out of the bathroom.

“I’m fine,” I say, wipe the tears from my face I never knew had fallen, and stand to help him back into bed.

“Bullshit. Talk to me. Is it about your mom? ‘Cause if it is, you know how I feel. You need to talk to her.”

“I know,” I tell him as I pull the covers over his legs, hesitating before tugging it over that beautiful cock that I want so bad my thighs quiver.

“Lock the door?”

“What? No! You are not getting it, Katch. I don’t care how tough you think you are. They removed your spleen and repaired your liver. You almost died on me. No way, big guy.”

“I still have the use of my fingers. Now, lock the damn door, Hollywood.” He grips my arm, his eyes full of mischief.

“Well, then, when you put it that way.” I jerk my arm free. Make my way to the door and twist the lock.

“Strip,” he commands.

Oh, God. Bossy Katch is back. I glance up at the clock, because I know Curtis, Brick, and a few of the other guys are on their way here to chat. I’ve already been warned that I will be kicked out of the room. Club business and all, no women allowed in. I’m pissed about the fact of being kicked out of the room. Besides quick showers, I’ve been by his side every single second of the day.

I make my way back, stopping just out of his reach. My fingers grip the hem of my shirt, pull it up over my stomach and head, slowly. I do the same with the waistband of my leggings, slowly shimmy them down my legs and kick them to the side.

“Fuck me,” he growls, reaching out for me.

“I can’t wait to let you fuck me, trust me,” I say, unclasp my bra and let it fall to the floor. I’m naked. My body and soul bared to him.

“Get over here, Caitlin. Now,” he growls. Eyes dark. Tongue darting out to lick his lips.


“Shut up, Hollywood, and spread those legs. Your pussy needs attention, and I’m giving it what it needs.”

I do as I’m told, because well, it’s Katch, and even though there is nothing better than the feeling of his dick deep inside of me, the man can do wonders with his fingers.

“Your pussy is pulsing,” he says.

He drags one digit through my wet heat. My legs start to shake. It’s going to take everything I have not to lose the strength in those limbs and crash to the floor.

“I want you so bad I ache,” I tell him.

“Feeling’s mutual, Hollywood. We ain’t coming out of our room for days once I’m outta here.”

“Sounds like the perfect plan,” I mutter.

“Not another word. Eyes on me and feel me fucking you with my fingers. Tighten that pussy and grind down on me until you fucking break apart. I want a taste of you, baby. A big fucking taste.”

I moan when he slips a finger inside of me. Excitement rushes to where he starts pumping in and out of me.

“Your pussy needed this, didn’t it? It’s soaking up the attention. You want more?” He doesn’t wait for my answer. He slowly shifts his body, lifts his other arm, and begins to play with my clit while another finger joins the first one. My greedy body is taking them both.

“Goddamn, most beautiful sight I’ve seen in my life. You standing here naked in front of me while I do you right. You gonna come for me?”

I nod my head, my body on fire. The need to release shoots through my veins like a rocket. Katch starts thrusting his fingers inside of me harder, faster, and deeper. His thumb is playing my clit like a well-tuned instrument. His eyes are telling me to fall, and no matter if he’s lying in this bed or not, he promises to catch me. I come so hard that my entire body trembles until I’m sated, fulfilled, happy, and blinded with something so pure in my life instead of evil. I feel another layer of shame for who I used to be peel away, revealing the woman I really am.

Katch reluctantly pulls his fingers out of me. I watch him lick each one off and then hum in approval.

“Come sit on my face,” he demands.

I lean over with no intention of caving in to him. “You are torturing me here, baby. I want your tongue to fuck me in the worst way, but I’m not going to ride your face in a hospital bed.”

He quirks an eyebrow with an elusive smile dancing on his face. “You know you like beard bounces.”

He lazily strokes his beard, doing his best to taunt me. I give in just a bit, kissing his lips, soaking up my taste off him. When my core heats and pools, I know it’s time to step back and gather up my clothes. I flip the lock on the main door before going into the bathroom. When I shut the door, I hear Katch grumble.

“This is fucking hell.”

Then the sound of his fist crashing into the table next to his bed echoes around the room. I dress quickly and by the time I’m running my fingers through my hair, I hear Curtis’s voice out in the room. Thank God I’m behind a closed door.

“Looking good, pussy,” Curtis says.

I step out to see the men surrounding Katch’s bed. It makes me smile and warms my heart to know even though Katch isn’t a patched brother, they’ll always take care of him.

“Hey.” I push through Brick and Snake to get to my man. I kiss him quickly and whisper in his ear.

“I love you, big guy.” I pat his chest and turn to go, but he grabs my arms and yanks me down to him.

“You go talk this shit through with your mom. You get me?” I get him. Not happy that he’s springing this on me in front of everyone, though.

“Right, my Dad, too?” I say, my words meaning a whole hell of a lot.

“All of it. You talk to them both, Caitlin. And lose the attitude about the contents of that envelope before you get back here. As smart as you are, you know it wasn’t mine nor Curtis’s place to tell you.” I jerk free, tears stinging my eyes, and exit before the burly assholes threaten to kick me out.

I know their game and can follow the rules, but no way in hell will they boss me around like Katch just did. He knows damn well that I don’t take well to being bossed around. Asshole.