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Call Girl by Pavan Kaur (7)


My date with the guy from the club was horrible, so I called the girls to go out for the night. Then he was there, watching me like a predator, trying to stake his claim. One dance and he had me. He could have kissed me and I would have kissed him back. He acts like he's better than everyone else, but when he touches me, my body betrays me.

I can’t stop thinking about Ethan and how he has come into my life and turned it upside down. I still haven’t looked at the papers. I needed to be in the right frame of mind to look through what Ethan and Ms. Jackie wanted from me. Now I'm sitting on my sofa with a glass of wine and the papers in front of me. The first set of papers is the original contract between Jackie and Ethan. The same contract every client signs, but this had an addendum to it that was solely for Ethan and me.

Addendum to Original Contract with One Call between Lexi Jackson and Ethan Knight 

Lexi Jackson will not be able to work for any other clients during her agreement with Ethan Knight. She will be readily available on short notice. She must attend events and meetings, even if they're out of state. She will no longer need her personal mode of transportation. She must live with Ethan Knight and they will be mutually exclusive as a couple during the totality of this agreement.


_______ (Ethan Knight) Date _______

_______ (Lexi Jackson) Date _______

Witness: _______(Jackie Collins) Date _______

What the fuck? I don’t think so. I like my other clients, and there's no way I'm giving them up. Mr. Williams will be heartbroken, and I won’t allow that. 

Losing my temper, I throw the papers on the table and grab my phone.

Lexi– How could you agree to this?

I cannot believe that Ms. Jackie was okay with this. Where would my clients go? They would have to get used to one of the other girls.

“What an asshole,” I shout into the empty room. I want to hit something. Throwing the blanket to the side, I run into my bedroom and change into my running clothes. If I sit here for one more minute, I'll drive myself crazy.

Coming back from my run, I can tell how much calmer I am. I really needed that run to get some of the rage out of my system. I walk over to the fridge to get a bottle of water, then check my phone.

Ms. Jackie– He will pay you everything the other clients would have, so you won’t be losing any money.

Again, there's something she isn’t telling me, but is it important enough to push the matter and risk losing my job? I can’t go back to cleaning tables, and I won’t go back to the life I lived before this.

Lexi– It’s not about the money. See you on Thursday x

Ms. Jackie– You had a delivery at the office today. I put it on your coffee table.

Walking over to the sitting area, I look at the bag. Who would have sent me something? Mr. Williams always gives me his gifts when I’m with him. Pulling out the shoe box, I turn the card over.

I can buy you every Jimmy in the world.


Opening the lid, my mouth drops open as I stare at the Romy 100 shoes. With shaking hands, I take them out. They're lined in leather and finished with black lace. If shoes could give a woman an orgasm, then these would do the job.

I’m not able to take my eyes off the them as I walk into my bedroom. Is Ethan trying to buy me? Placing them with the rest of my shoes, I take a quick shower as I think about the reason behind Ethan’s gift.

Can I be bought so quickly? He’s a client, and I’m a professional. I know how to work with people like him. I won’t agree to all his terms, though. He’ll have to meet me halfway. 

Getting my notepad, I start jotting down everything I want to cover on Thursday. I won’t back down on any of my demands. If he wants me bad enough, he’ll just have to agree. It may come down to a battle of wills, because he seems like a man who likes to be in control of everything. The problem with that, is I refuse to be controlled, and I won’t let him bring me down.


I spent every minute of every day re-reading those stupid papers to make sure I have everything written that I want to say. I spoke to Helen about it as well. I needed someone else to tell me I wasn’t going crazy and overthinking this. She told me to stick to my guns, and to not back down with my demands. I still didn’t tell her Ethan was Ms. Jackie’s godson, but I could tell she thought there was more to this whole thing than she was being told. 

I walk into the Italian restaurant Ms. Jackie always uses for meeting with clients. I decided to wear a simple blue dress today, and paired it with some black pumps. I thought about wearing my new shoes, but I didn’t want Ethan to believe he had impressed me with them.

I see Ms. Jackie talking to Ethan. Crap, he’s early. “Hello,” I say to Ms. Jackie as I lean down to give her a kiss on the cheek. Ethan stands and pulls my chair out for me. “Thank you.” I smile at him, but he ignores me and returns his focus on Ms. Jackie. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

“Are you ready to order, Jackie?” the waiter asks, taking his pen and pad out of his apron. 

“Yes, I would like the Spaghetti Bolognese and a glass of red wine, please.” Ms. Jackie gives him a smile.

“The chicken pasta and red wine too, thank you.” Ethan doesn’t even look at the waiter.

I look up at the waiter, “Can—”

“She will have the same.” Ethan takes the menu from me and hands it to the waiter.

I look at Ms. Jackie, and she gives me a nod. “No, I would like the chicken Caesar salad with a Dr. Pepper, please.” I turn back to Ms. Jackie with a smile.

Who does he think he's ordering my food like that? I take out my notepad and the stack of papers and put them on the table. Ms. Jackie takes out her copy of the papers as well. 

“We'll eat first,” Ethan says, looking away from his phone. I watch Ms. Jackie put her papers back in her bag. “If you could excuse me.” Ethan walks away from the table, answering his phone.

“See?” I whisper-shout at Ms. Jackie. “This is what he was like when I had dinner with him, and this is what he will be like every day.” I look over my shoulder to see if he's coming back.

“He's not always like that. Give him some time. I bet you can open him up and he won’t be—”

“An asshole,” I finish her sentence for her. I look around again and see him walking back over to us. “One month. If he hasn’t changed by then, I’m out,” I say, leaning back in my chair.

Ethan sits down as our order arrives, but I don’t acknowledge him as I start eating my food. I can already tell this is going to be a long lunch.


“Lexi, do you want to go first?” Ms. Jackie asks.

“I won’t live with you, I'll keep my car, I'll keep my clients, and you’ll give me at least a day’s notice when you need me with you.” I look up at Ms. Jackie.

“One client, keep the car, you will live with me, and since you're living with me, I don’t need to give you notice.” He writes something down in his folder.

“I won’t live with you, and one client? You’re joking, right? And what do you mean by exclusive? How long are you planning on keeping me as your call girl?” I bite back.

“You're lucky that I’m agreeing to share you with one client. I won’t share you with any other bastard out there.” I’m a little taken back with his answer. “If I had it my way, you would be mine and no one would be able to touch you.” 

“Yeah, you made that very clear at the bar,” I tell him.

“You’re lucky I didn’t hit him, and I’ve changed my mind—no client.” Ethan looks at the waiter placing his wine on the table.

I look at Ms. Jackie in shock, “You’re joking, right?” I ask waving my hand at him.

Ms. Jackie shakes her head. “Lexi, I love you like a daughter, you know I do, but I have already signed it so you have no choice but to work with him. You’ll just have to find a middle ground.” It’s almost like she’s begging me to do this, but not giving me an explanation.

Looking at her face, I know she needs me to do this, but I wish I knew why? Can I do this? Have no clients but him? No dates? God, I’ve missed sex.

“If I agree to no other clients, then I’m allowed to date.” I look at Ethan.

“I would rather you have neither, but I'll allow you one client. At least I know they won’t have sex with you,” he bites back in a most hateful way.

“I need a timeline,” I say, grabbing my drink. I need to know how long I’ll be living in hell.

“At least a year,” he replies as he continues typing on his phone.

Does he even want me? I mean, he can’t even look at me to answer a simple fucking question.

I start laughing. “A year? You're joking, right? Don’t get me wrong, you’re a good-looking man.” He's so fucking sexy that it’s a real shame he has such an ugly personality. “You must have women dying to date you. Can you go a year without sex?” I ask. I’m not shy about having this conversation with Ms. Jackie here.

He tilts his head, slowly bringing his eyes to me. It’s the first time since I got here that he finally looks at me. “Don’t worry about me,” he tells me with his devilish smile on display.

Shaking my head, I lean back in my chair. I know he wants more from me. Why else would he care if I have sex or not? I know he won’t come right out and say it to me either, and if I asked him he would laugh it off and make me look like an idiot. So, if this is a game he wants to play, we’ll play.

“One client—Mr. Williams. I live in my own home and I want a day’s notice about when I need to be with you. Plus, I get one day to myself. If I’m away with a client on my scheduled day off, then I get a different day free. How will you present me? As a girlfriend, a lover, or what?” This is giving me a headache.

“Wait, what do you mean away with a client?” He looks at Ms. Jackie in surprise. What? Did he think all my clients lived here? God, no.

“Mr. Williams is Lexi’s first client and they have a good relationship. He resides in New York, so she would have to go there when he asks for her. He has booked her for a few times in the next few weeks.” She looks through her planner and I can’t help but smile. I can see the cogs in her brain whirring. “So, can we sign the papers?” She looks at us both. 

“If he’s happy with all the changes.” I look at Ethan fighting with himself again about something. He’s hating that he didn’t know I go away with clients, and I’m loving this. 

“Longest she will be away?” Ethan looks at Ms. Jackie.

“Normally, she flies out on the day of the event, then comes back the following day. But, he’s got Lexi for a three day—”

“So, with her silly rule of having one day to herself, I have her for three.”

My smile is getting bigger and bigger the more annoyed he's getting. “Going on a date doesn't seem so bad now, does it?” I ask, smiling at him.

“How much would it cost for her to be with me and me alone?”

“You want to know my price?” I look at him. He's not going to give up until he gets me all to himself, and when that happens, I’m going to make it so hard for him not to touch me, because I'll start teasing. But, if he tries to have sex with me, the deal is off. No questions asked.


“Okay.” I write four million dollars on the paper, and hand it to Ms. Jackie. “But, one thing is clear and without this, it’s a no. You even try to have sex with me, or ask me to do anything of a sexual nature to or with you, I’ll walk out.” Folding my arms across my chest, I look over at him. I’m confident he will never pay that much for a call girl.

“Lexi.” Ms. Jackie looks at me, and I nod my head. I’m not backing down. She hands the paper to Ethan.

He takes one look at it. “Deal.”

“What?” I shoot up out of my seat then lean down on the table to get eye level with him. I watch as he calmly writes down everything we agreed to, then signs it and pushes it back for me to read over. I cannot believe he’s willing to pay four million dollars for some girl. I’m dumbfounded that my plan just backfired on me.

I look at Ms. Jackie and then the paper. “Ethan, can you give us a minute?” she asks him. He walks away while I sit there with my mouth wide open.

“What just happened?” I ask, looking shocked.

“You have made a deal to be exclusive with one client. Lexi, maybe staying in San Francisco for a while will be good. Since you have started, you travel more than any of the other girls.”

“Please, Ms. Jackie, don’t make this sound like it’s okay. We both know he wants to have sex with me, and by the looks of it, he already has a fucking plan.” I look at the paper again, reading over everything that he changed.

“But he has it written here that he won't ask for any sexual favors from you.” She points to the part he has written.

What have I done?

Ethan sits back down. “Sign the papers,” he orders, and I try very hard not to cry.

“Before I sign, I need one more thing.” He nods his head for me to continue. “Can I travel to New York and explain to Mr. Williams why I’m leaving?” I can’t believe I have to ask him this.

“I can call him and ask if he’s free on Saturday evening. You can could get a flight on Saturday morning and be back Sunday evening.” I give Ms. Jackie a nod. “You have a meeting to attend with Ethan tomorrow night,” she says then hands me a card with all the information on it.

“That’s fine.” Ethan puts his phone away. That thing is so annoying, ringing every few seconds. “Be at the house at 2pm to talk about the meeting.” Ethan holds a pen in front of me.

Taking the pen, I sign myself over to the devil.

“Lexi, call and message like you normally would,” Ms. Jackie says, and I give her a nod. “Right, I have to get going. This meeting lasted longer than I thought it would.” She gives Ethan and me a kiss then leaves.

As I'm putting all my stuff into my bag, I stand up and look over at Ethan as he stands, too.

“I’ll get this all typed up, and you’ll get a copy,” he says, nodding. Then he follows me out of the restaurant. “Lexi.” I stop and turn to look at him as he draws closer to speak softly in my ear, “You might not be able to give me any sexual favors, but it says nothing about me giving them to you.” Leaning away from my ear he smiles at me.

I swallow the big lump in my throat as he walks away from me. The devil is going to eat me alive.