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Call Girl by Pavan Kaur (12)


I never thought I would get into an argument with Ms. Jackie. I thought she would always take her girls’ side because we followed the rules. Her rules. Until Ethan. 

Two hours. That’s how long I was in her office fighting my case. I won’t lie to my family about who he is, and why I know him. Don’t get me wrong, Dan knows my job. I’ve never lied to him about it either, and I won’t do it now. I could tell him he's a client and I’m stuck with him for a year, but I don’t want to get into that with Dan. He’s already very protective of me, and telling him about my conversation with Ms. Jackie about him and that he might be around, was already hard enough. He was only supposed to be here for a few days, but Dan and Jon both said they were staying here until they're sure I’m safe. I tried to fight them on it, but it got me nowhere. In the end, I just let it go.

So, back to Ethan and his stupid behavior. Ms. Jackie said I needed to give him some time and he would be fine. I need to give him some time to open up to me. The speech was endless. I love her for what she has done for me, I do, but how much longer do I have to listen to her talk about him? 

Then I think back to the kiss. Oh God, just thinking about it now has me wanting more. He knows how to move around my neck. I tried so hard not to moan. I didn't want him to know he was getting to me. That didn't work. My skin was on fire everywhere he kissed me.

After two hours of Ms. Jackie telling me to give him a chance, I finally said okay. I'll go to the family dinner. I might as well see how he's with his family. 

I sent him a message to tell him that I would meet him downstairs. 

“Hi, Joe.” I walk over to him.

“Well, look at you. Big man taking you out?” Joe walks around, takes my hand and spins me around.

“Family dinner,” I say, laughing.

 “Well, you look beautiful.” Joe leans in to kiss me on the cheek. 

“Are you trying to take my girl from me, Joe?” I look behind Joe and see Ethan walking over to us.

“No, sir.” Joe lets go of my hand and walks back behind the desk.

“Joe, you don’t have to be so scared of him. Plus, I like you. He wouldn’t get you fired, would you, baby?” I look at Ethan with a smile. He looks at Joe then back to me. 

“If it means keeping this smile on your face, Joe won’t be going anywhere.” He turns to face Joe. “Just don’t ever upset her,” he says with a smile, then looks at me. “You look beautiful.” He leans down to give me a quick kiss. Playing the perfect boyfriend, I see. 

“Are we walking or driving?” I ask him. There are a few things I want to ask him before we go.

He looks up and down my body. I wore the shoes that he bought me. I mean, how could I not? They're stunning pink little boots and they look amazing on me with the tan I have.

“If you want to walk, we can walk,” he says. Turning around to walk out of the building, Ethan follows, placing his hand on my lower back. “This dress looks very nice on you.” He pulls me closer to him.

It took me a while to figure out what I should wear. I didn't want to be too casual, but then I didn't want to go too dressed up either. In the end, I picked a nice floral dress.

“Thank you. So, I was reading up on your family. I know everything about your mom, sister, Ms. Jackie and her husband, but Ms. Jackie said a man named Travis is coming. Who the hell is that?” I ask. If we have been dating, then he must have mentioned him before.

“He’s my friend who now works with me.”

Well, it seems that’s all the information I'll be getting from him. I guess we are back to the cold Ethan. 

“How long have we been dating, and what's my job?” I ask. I don’t want to mess this up. I mean, my boss is going to be there too.

“You’re in marketing, and we have been dating since the contract started.” Ethan stops walking and takes my hand so that I stop too. “I don’t say this much, but I’m sorry. I overreacted and it won’t happen again.” I give him a nod. He moves his mouth to my ear. “Have you thought about our kiss?” he whispers, and my body shivers at the thought. He kisses my neck and I close my eyes, letting the images flash through my head.

“Shall we go?” I ask, taking a step away from him. His mom only lives ten minutes away, and it’s a beautiful evening, so I don’t mind walking. 

“Did you bring your car?” he asks. I find it funny that he thinks I trust him enough to not have a way out of my own.

“I did and I also messaged Ms. Jackie,” I say as I start walking again. This might be a long evening.


This isn’t the first time I’ve met parents, but it’s the first time I’m meeting family when I know the client wants more from me. 

Standing at the front door, I move closer to Ethan as the door opens.

“Ethan.” His mom, Lisa, greets him with a hug. Pulling away, she smiles at me. “Lexi, it’s so sweet of you to join us,” she says, kissing me on the cheek. 

“Thank you for inviting me,” I say, following Ethan into the house. He introduces me to everyone sitting around the room. 

“Do you want some wine?” Ethan asks me. I know what he's doing. If I drink, then I can’t drive home and will have to stay at his place. 

“You wouldn’t take advantage of me when I was drunk, would you?” I whisper to him. I see him smiling at me.

“Only if you beg, and trust me, when that happens, you won’t be drunk,” he says, kissing me on the neck.

I'm left alone with his family as Ethan walks into the kitchen. If looks could kill, I would be dead with the daggers coming from his sister’s eyes. Her eyes move over me and stop at my shoes. “Nice shoes,” she says. Yeah, she doesn’t like me.

“Thank you. Ethan got them for me,” I say, taking the wine from him.

“Another gold digger,” she says, looking over at her mom.

My body tenses up a little. I’m far from a gold digger.

“Tanya.” Ethan’s voice comes out hard. “Lexi didn’t ask for them,” he tells her.

“Sorry Lexi, she didn’t mean that,” his mom, Lisa says as she walks over to me. “Just a little over the top.” She smiles at me.

“That’s okay, I have a brother.” I smile at Lisa. “You have a lovely home,” I tell her. 

“Thank you. Dinner will be ready soon,” she says, walking off into the kitchen. I know Ethan's dad isn’t in the picture, but I don’t know why. There was nothing written about him and Ethan’s made it clear the topic is off limits, so I haven’t asked about him.

 Drinking my wine, I watch Ethan and Travis talking. They stop as his phone rings for the ninth time. I shake my head.

“He's married to that phone.” Lisa laughs as she sits down next to me.

“He is,” I say, with a smile. Ms. Jackie sits down on the couch in front of me. “He’s just busy with the London and Washington Malls, and the children’s center. A lot is happening all at once.” I watch him end the call only to have his phone ring again. But, this time his facial expression changes and he declines the call before sitting down next to his mom.

“You work too much,” she tells him. 

“Well, the idiots at work are useless.” Ethan looks up at Travis, who throws a pretzel at him. “It’s true, the only reason you’re still there, is because you’re my friend.” Ethan starts laughing. It’s good to see him being a little more relaxed than the uptight man I get all the time.

“Stop being so mean,” his mom tells him, playfully bumping her shoulder against his.

“Mom, Lexi comes to the shop every morning. We have three jars in the apartment that are always full of something from the shop.” Ethan looks over at me with a smile, and for the first time, I see a man that can be fun to be around. Someone I wouldn’t mind going on a date with.

“And you’re only telling me now?” She turns to me. “Next time you come in, ask for me. I’m usually in the back.”

“I will. I’m in there every day.” I smile at her. Ethan takes my empty wine glass from me, giving me a cocky smile at the same time. The devil comes out of him more and more.

My eyes move over to Travis as he watches Tanya. His eyes move to mine, seeing that he’s been caught. I smile at him and say nothing more. I look over at Ms. Jackie as Ethan hands me my glass of wine, and he puts his hand on my thigh as he sits down next to me.

“So, prove you aren’t a gold digger. Do you even work, or do you expect my brother to keep you in fancy shoes?” Tanya asks, and I feel Ethan’s hand tense up on my leg. His mom and Ms. Jackie look over at her. 

“I work in marketing. It pays well once you make a name for yourself,” I tell her, and she rolls her eyes at me.

“She works more hours than I do,” Ethan tells her.

“I don’t think anyone works more than you do.” Tanya stops as his phone starts to ring. “See, you’re working now. Is she?” Tanya starts laughing, and in my head, I’m thinking, ‘yes, I'm working now.’

“Hello.” Ethan walks away from everyone. “I’ve told you that—” 

I don’t hear anymore as he closes the door behind him. I look around to see everyone’s eyes are on me. Yes, I’ve been to client’s parents’ houses before, but I’ve never been left alone with them. I’m annoyed that Ethan put me in this situation.

“Lexi, do you like your job?” Ms. Jackie asks me.

“I do. There are days I want to kill my clients. Yesterday was a rough day, but then you work through it,” I reply, looking at Ethan as he and Travis walk back into the room. 

“I’m just going to plate dinner,” Lisa says, walking out of the room.

“I'll help you.” Ethan kisses me on the cheek and follows his mom. Tanya walks out of the room too, and I’m left with Ms. Jackie.

“See? He’s not that bad. Once he lets you in, he will respect you, just like he respects his mom,” she says, walking over to the couch I’m sitting on. She looks over at the kitchen then back to me. “I know you will be good for each other a soon as you let him in, you have to open the door for him too.” She pulls away as Lisa walks back into the room. 

“Dinner is ready,” she tells us. Ms. Jackie and I get up from the couch and follow Lisa to the dining room.


As I put things into the sink, I stop as Ethan stands behind me. I feel his light touch on my hips as he puts his mouth on my neck. It’s his favorite place because it makes me weak in the knees. I lean back into his chest.

“So, how much more wine do I need to get in you for…”

I turn around to face him, his lips still on my neck. “Do you want to have sex with me when I’m drunk?” I ask, moving my head to give him better access to my neck.

“No, not drunk, just a little tipsy. So you know what you’re doing, but weak enough to fall for my charm,” Ethan whispers in my ear as he trails his fingers down my neck very slowly causing me to shiver.

“I think you should stop before your—”

“Too late. Ethan let her go,” his mom says teasing him and making me laugh.

“This isn’t over,” he whispers.

This isn’t over. I don’t think I can stay away from him. Ms. Jackie was right. Ethan with his family is nice, sweet, and kind. I want that Ethan.

Ethan starts walking over to his mom. "I have a meeting early tomorrow, so we are going to head home.” He wraps his arms around her shoulders. “I love you. Thank you for dinner.” He kisses her on the cheek.

She turns around and cups his face. “I love you, too,” she says, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Lexi, thank you for coming today. I hope we'll see more of you.” She pulls me in for a hug as I look at Ethan smiling at me.

“I would love to,” I tell her.

Ethan walks over to me, pulling me in closer to him. “Ready to go?” he asks me. I nod.

We tell everyone goodbye then make our way back to his apartment. He knows I won’t be able to drive, and I know that if I ask him to drive me back to my house, he will just say no. I don’t know how much longer I can run from him. 

“I think someone will be staying the night.” Ethan gives me a smug look. I stop and look in the eyes of the devil who might just get what he wants.

As I admire Ethan, he begins to roll his sleeves up and I start getting all excited. There's nothing I find sexier on a man than rolled up sleeves that shows off his arms. I watch him walking over to the minibar to pour himself a drink. He answers his ringing phone, and I see him shaking his head. Downing his drink, he locks eyes with me as I watch him. 

“Just going to have a shower,” I tell him as he listens to whoever is on the phone. 


Getting out of the shower, I’m glad I thought to bring an overnight bag with me just in case I needed it. Pulling a t-shirt from the bag, I hesitate at the feeling of Ethan’s hand on my arm. He pulls me back against him. I close my eyes and lean my head on his chest as he moves my hair and starts kissing my neck. I tip my head back to enjoy the sensation of his lips.

Spinning me around, Ethan pulls away enough to look me in the eyes. “I need you to say you want this. I’m not going to risk breaking the rules,” he whispers against my lips. 

The butterflies in my stomach are in overdrive with wanting him to touch me.

I start unbuttoning his shirt, and the moment his top button is undone, Ethan pushes me against the wall, crashing his lips to mine. My towel starts to loosen as he pushes against me. His hand travels along my collarbone, his fingers moving further down to my towel. He pauses long enough to give me time to change my mind, but I don't stop him. He snatches it from my body without breaking the kiss. 

After I pull off his shirt, I waste no time unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down along with his boxers. His hard cock bounces free and hits my stomach. Ethan pulls away from me, and I bite my bottom lip as I look down at his very thick and curved cock. 

“You look as sexy as I imagined,” he says before nibbling on my lips. 

I drop to my knees, eager to have him in my mouth. I lick the tip, and Ethan draws in a sharp breath. He wants this as much as I do. Opening my mouth, I take him in a little at a time. He’s big and long, and I hope I can fit him in. 

Moving my head, he hits the back of my throat. He slams his hands on the wall with an ‘Oh fuck,’ falling from his lips. It just makes me more eager. I start massaging his balls as I pick up my rhythm.

Ethan's hands move into my hair and he begins to take control of the speed. “Lexi.” I hear him moan, and I feel his cock twitch inside my mouth. “I’m not going to last,” he shouts only making me move faster. I want to taste him. I’ve wanted to taste him for a while now. “Oh shit!” His body tightens and he shoots his load into my mouth. He tastes sweet and I suck down every little bit. Finally letting him loose, I look up at his still glazed over eyes. 

“My turn,” he says lifting me up and kissing me. Lifting my legs so they wrap around him, he places me on the bed and pulls away from my lips. 

He begins to kiss down my chest, his fingers playing with my nipples, pinching them hard, then more gently. Coming back up, he wraps his mouth over my other breast sucking hard on it, making me moan out loud. His hand moves down my stomach, and I feel him moving inside my folds, and I gasp as he teases me.

“Would you like something from me, Lexi?” Ethan asks licking my nipple. I bite my lip wanting so bad for him to touch me. I want to know how he's going to make me cum. “I'll stop right here unless you tell me what you want.”

“You,” I whisper as he moves back down my body, kissing my waistline. “Please, Ethan”. He’s so close to where I want him to be. 

He’s teasing me. Looking up at me, he licks his lips. “You smell amazing.” Using his tongue, he flicks my clit and I moan. He changes between licking and sucking, and oh fuck, it feels good. He nudges his tongue around my entrance, then moves back to my clit.

“Oh, shit,” I moan arching my back. My moans get louder again as his finger moves inside me. The pleasure running through my body is so intense. Ethan knows which buttons to press and he’s pressing all the right ones. His finger moves faster inside me as he sucks my clit. "Ethan," I scream his name. I feel the pleasure and heat welling up inside me. I have no idea what he's doing, but I’m in fucking heaven.

My back arches and my legs start trembling as his mouth and fingers work in sync. "Oh God," I scream as I cum, and I cum hard, but he’s not finished with me yet.

He shifts his fingers a little and finds another spot to tickle. My hands are tugging at his hair, not wanting him to stop. I want more. My body finally starts to come down as Ethan pulls away from me. He gets between my legs and kisses up my body. 

I can’t move. That was incredible. As the waves of pleasure are still running around my body, Ethan looks at me, smiles, and then kisses me again. I taste myself on his lips.

“Ready for round two?” he asks me.

I can feel him hard again. “I think you are.” I smile at him. 

“I’m always ready when I’m around you.” Looking at me, he gives me a wink then reaches down for something on the floor. Coming back up he shows me three condoms. “I plan on fucking you…a lot.” Before I can say anything to him, he kisses me hard.

One hand in my hair and the other pulling at my nipple, I moan against his lips. I already knew it was going to be good, but this is so much better than good. This is what heaven feels like.

Sitting up, he rips one of the packets open and rolls the condom on. I find myself hoping I’ll be able to fit all of him inside me. Leaning back down on his elbow with one hand on my stomach, I feel him at my entrance.

“You were made for me,” he whispers in my ear as he pushes inside. I gasp as he inches in a little at a time.

I dig my fingertips into his shoulders and revel in the wonderful pleasure he brings with each roll of his hips. “Yes,” I moan out loud as he slides himself in and out of me. He’s big, but God, he’s fucking perfect. Ethan brings his lips to my neck which only makes me moan more. He's the fucking king in the neck area. He knows where to kiss, where to lick and where to put pressure. “Ethan,” I hiss, arching my back while dragging my nails down his back as he pushes harder and faster into me. 

I'm not going to last long. He's in total control of my body. My nails dig deeper as I feel my body explode with the best orgasm of my life. I moan as my body trembles beneath him. He brings his lips to mine and kisses me hard as I thread my fingers through his hair.

Ethan starts moving faster, chasing his own release until I can feel him thicken inside me. “Lexi,” he says against my lips as he cums. Pulling in and out of me a few more times, he rests on top of me.

As I try to catch my breath, Ethan pulls out of me and rolls onto his back. Taking the condom off, he looks over at me. “Hope you’re ready for round three,” he says, sliding back on top of me.

I’m not. I’m still recovering from what just finished ten-seconds ago, but that’s not stopping him from working his magic on me.